Steal the sky

Chapter 480 Goodbye Su Qin

The small village is really small. There are pastures and farmland near the village. On both sides of a dirt road less than half a mile long, some casually built wooden houses are the only buildings in the village. Looking into the distance from the spacious open space between the house and the house, near some pastures and farmland, there are some sparse houses and barns, but the core of the village is less than 200 houses on both sides of the dirt road.

Don't beg to follow Yan Bugui on the muddy path.

When he was walking slowly along the road alone, he did not notice the wind and rain outside. Whether it was a cesspit or mud in front of him, cow dung or dog shit, he stepped on it. On the contrary, now, Buqi noticed the mud on the dirt road and felt that it was not very uncomfortable to walk barefoot on the mud.

A group of hens, led by a rooster, came slowly from the other end of the road.

The big rooster with a crown of flowers held its head proudly, as if the king of mankind was patrolling his territory. Its eyes swept over the beggar with disdain, and did not even stay on the beggar for even a second.

Don't beg and this arrogant big rooster staggered by. The two hens "clucked" and ran past him with their wings clapping. The wings brushed the calves of Don't begging **, making him feel a breath of life.

Zhenyuan, who has been silent in his body for more than two months, flows again. The powerful and angry Aoki aura and Guishui aura continue to pour into his whole body. The trauma of Don't beg still looks so ferocious and terrible, but the internal injury of his body is healing rapidly.

The heavily damaged lung is itchy and crisp. This is a new lung leaf tissue that is being reborn. The itching makes Don't beg to cough, but he forcibly stopped his impulse. The ribs are still full of cracks. At this time, sneezing or coughing a few times is a terrible thing. Why torture yourself if you have nothing to do?

Yan didn't return and said hello to the people in the village. The people here are as simple as the pimples in the ground. Their gentle and quiet bodies contain astringent heat, including a few old people sitting in the yard in front of the house rubbing hemp ropes. Don't beg to feel the weak vitality in their bodies, but as powerful as the vitality in his body.

"This village is good!" Don't beg to speak and admire.

Yan didn't return and tilted his mouth. He laughed and scolded in a low voice, "Some people don't think so!"

The two walked to a jujube tree at the end of the street. A thatched hut, which had obviously just been built, also emitting a strong natural aroma of soil and straw, stood close to the trunk of the jujube tree. There is a circle of stones under the jujube tree, which is filled with soil to make a flower bed-like soil circle. Su Qin, whose hair was messy like a chicken coop, was squatting on a stone, holding a gap clay bowl in his hand, and drinking porridge made from corn dregs with a sad face.

Su Qin's clothes are tattered, which is the most common linen clothes for mortals on the Pangu mainland. I don't know whether his cloth was bitten by a dog or something else. There are torn holes everywhere in his trouser legs, and two big openings on his shoulders are also cracked. There are ventilated and exposed everywhere A muscular body.

Don't beg, just laugh, point to Su Qin and laugh.

Su Qin suddenly looked up and stared carefully at Don't be embarrassed for a long time before he recognized who the embarrassed guy who lacked an arm in front of him was. He screamed strangely, threw away the clay bowl, covered his face and got into the hut, and closed the door.

Yan Bugui laughed and pulled Don't beg to the door of the room. He kicked open the door. He pointed to the wooden stool sitting in the lobby, rolled his eyes and kept complaining. Su Qin smiled and said, "Old man, what are you hiding? Is there anything else you can't see?" Don't beg to come to Su Qin and bow deeply to Su Qin:

"Old sir, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Su Qin tilted his mouth, sighed a long sigh, stretched out his finger and pointed to Begging's broken arm and asked, "I thought this look was ugly enough. Why did you lose one of your arm? Well, Zixuan's girl saw it, so she had to die of grief?

Indifferently waved his intact arm, don't beg and said, "It doesn't matter, you can continue it at any time. I just want to keep this broken arm and help me figure something out.

Now that I have figured it out for a long time, and I will be in a good mood in the future, let it be reborn. It's not difficult!" He sat on the wooden stool beside Su Qin with his body tilted. Don't beg to tell Su Qin about what he had encountered during this period of time. Including Yuanhuamen's calculations about himself, the peeping at Princess Pangle, and the foundation he got now in He'ancheng, Don't beg told all this to Su Qin and Su Qin frowned. After thinking for a long time, he gently patted his left hand. A whirlwind came out of the flat ground, and a short young man rushed out of the whirlwind and knelt down on one knee to Su Qin respectfully: "I have seen the Prime Minister." Su Qin waved his hand, and he said lightly, "Go back and inform your majesty of the changes in Yuanhuamen. If Princess Le has nothing to do, take her away from Qingyaxing. If Princess Le has been harmed by them, let the old guys who stayed there consider how to destroy Yuanhuamen for revenge. The short young man answered the promise, and his body turned into a whirlwind and ran away again.

Su Qin patted his tattered trousers and said to Bu Begging with a dry smile, "It's done. It's just as you think. It doesn't make sense to send the news back. It takes more than three years to go back once, and everything has been settled. But at the very least, this move has to be taken. Don't beg and say, "There are several old gentlemen sitting over there. I'm sure I can rest assured." The words are pleasant to say. Don't beg for a pair of thieves' eyes just staring at Su Qin, looking up and down at the tattered holes in Su Qin's clothes. Su Qin was so angry that his face turned blue. He tilted his mouth and turned his head to ignore the don't beg. Don't beg to let Su Qin go. He intentionally or unintentionally asked Su Qin how he could make it look like this. Su Qin just gritted his teeth and didn't say anything. How could he explain to Don't begging?

Yan didn't return to the side and saw it funny, and hurriedly told Su Qin's annoy.

This time, Su Qin is the general dispatch of a thousand elites of Dayan's infiltration of Pangu Continent. When Don't beg and Princess Wanle left Wanxianxing to rush to Qingyaxing to reinforce Yuanhuamen, Su Qin had already set out for Pangu mainland with Yan Bugui and others. This was the first step in the Yan Dynasty's foreign war. They were the vanguards of the Yan Dynasty's invasion of the Bapangu mainland.

In order to cooperate with this action, Yan Bujiu and other elites of the wind department took the initiative to disperse the beast souls they had fused with since childhood, and abolished the internal strength skills they had practiced since childhood. They only relied on secret medicine to retain their good muscles and bones and a good strength.

Su Qin has gone through the disaster and achieved the cultivation of immortals. After he came to the Pangu mainland with a thousand elites, he immediately inquired for the news, looked for all kinds of excuses that could be used, and scattered Yan no return and others in various cities and villages in Zhongzhou.

Like Yan, he borrowed the identity of a refugee from a small village completely destroyed by the flood and took root in this peaceful village.

And Su Qin is more moldy. He suppressed all his strength with the secret method, and now he is the same as an ordinary old man.

Originally, Su Qin learned with the full stomach in his chest. Isn't it easy to make a living in the Pangu Continent? Just in time, you can travel around, guiding Yan Bui and others to spy on the work, while inexploring about all kinds of winds. Mixing around the market is the best way to find all kinds of intelligence sources, so Su Qin dressed up according to his more than 2,000 years of life experience and his past experience.

For the first time, Su Qin disguised himself as a teacher and was ready to teach in a city in Zhongzhou. Who knows that Dayu did not have the profession of teaching a teacher at all. The children of rich families and noble families have enough high priests to teach all kinds of knowledge in the Sitian Hall, and how can ordinary people have time to learn those winding insects and seals?

Su Qin, who suffered a heavy blow, turned into You Fang Langzhong for the second time. Su Qin is an unrivaled talent and has great achievements in medicine. He can also play things such as abdominal caesarean section. However, the people in Pangu mainland never know what Youfang Langzhong does. If he is sick, naturally the priests of the Sitian Temple give alms to soup, and they don't need him, an unlicensed traveling doctor.

As a result, Su Qin gritted his teeth and picked up the bamboo pole, hung on the guise of iron mouth magic calculation, and was ready to rely on a three-inch tongue to fool ordinary people to make a fortune tell the money. However, the business of fortune-telling is also broken by the Mo of Sitian Hall. Su Qin was almost caught by the high priest of Sitian Hall in Zhongning City. Fortunately, he slipped out of Zhongning City smoothly.

"Is there another fourth time?" Don't beg to listen to Su Qin's e poignant, laughed to a stomachache, and hurriedly asked Su Qin about what happened these days.

Su Qin sighed. He turned around with a sad face and said with a wry smile to Bu Beg, "The fourth time, it was the day before yesterday. I dressed as a wanderer and found a few rich children near Zhongning City. If I wanted to take them as apprentices, I settled down in their home by the way. As a result..." Su Qin gritted his teeth and said, "The people on the ancient continent, who heard that I was an immortal, immediately secretly told the government of Dayu. In order to catch a possible immortal, the nearby government dispatched 8,000 troops to besiege the old man! Eight thousand troops! Don't they spend money on eating and drinking? Don't beg for mercy enough to look at Su Qin. Everyone can see the smile in his eyes.

With a long sigh, don't beg to Su Qin and said, "I have no choice. The Pangu mainland is completely different from the outer world. People who cultivate immortals rarely enter the city, otherwise they will be besieged and killed by the soldiers of the Yu Dynasty at will.

It's not so easy to take root in Pangu Continent!" Turning over his hand, Don't beg took out more than a dozen drops of Zhixianling liquid, wrapped it in Xuanbing and handed it to Su Qin:

"Old gentleman, this is the essence of the spiritual liquid left by Zhixian after the failure of the disaster. A drop can save people's lives." After meditating for a moment, Buqi suddenly patted his thigh and smiled, "If you want to sneak into the Pangu mainland, the boy has a good plan here, and Ancheng, it's really useful!" Su Qin raised his eyebrows and immediately smiled, "Are you ready to use Ancheng as a way to make progress?" Don't beg was about to tell Su Qin the plan he had just thought of. Suddenly, there was a rapid sound at the entrance of the village. RA