Steal the sky

Chapter 497 Not the only one

Don't jump up in sweat and look around in panic.

He is the only one in the quiet room. Whether it is Zhou Tianmu or God's consciousness, he can't find the existence of others. Don't beg, push away the heavy stone door and rush into the mine. In the dark mine, thousands of monks are still working hard. The Yasha squatted on the bamboo shoots around, some were gambling, some were drinking, and some were simply doing those things in the shadow corner.

There are no distractions, etc., no.

At the entrance of the mine, a group of wolf-like Yasha pushed more than a dozen pale-faced Sanxiu in. The Sanxiu's noses were blue and swollen, and they suffered a lot. The Yaks punched and kicked them and drove them into the mine. Obviously, this is a group of new unlucky people, who were captured alive by the Yasha and sent to do Kuili.

If you can pass these skills into the sea of knowledge without begging, how can such an existence be captured by Yasha?

Don't beg looked around in horror for a while, gritted his teeth and turned into the mine where he lived, and then closed the stone door heavily.

Sitting in the position just now, all the mind is condensed in the sea of knowledge. Don't beg to do your best to ask with divine knowledge again and again, "Who are you?" In his vast divine consciousness space, the huge sound wave began to reverberate, "Who are you, who are you, who are you nm?"

After a full hour, an old voice suddenly sounded in the sea of begging: "I'm a poor cicada.


The mind changed rapidly. Don't beg in the sea of knowledge and said loudly, "The grandfather of the green cicada? The father of the cicada?"

The old voice laughed: "Yes, this child, you still remember the old man, very good!"

Don't be silent for a long time. After a long time, Don't beg to ask, "What is the true secret of heaven and earth?"

The poor cicada old man laughed and said with a smile, "One of the main skills of the Dayu people, which can be regarded as a very good set of methods. Legend has it that if you are lucky enough and your qualifications are high enough, you can condense the real body of Pangu and achieve the strength of Pangu saints.

"There is no free lunch in the world. Tell me, why did you find me?" The question of not begging is very direct. Being able to practice the legendary realm of Pangu saints, when you think of this, don't beg for a burst of scalp numbness. Who will teach this kind of skill to others for no reason?

"Um!" After meditating for a moment, the poor cicada laughed and laughed: "Don't be afraid." Don't panic. These skills of the human race, except for the one specially practiced by the Dayu royal family, are not top-secret things, such as the Miaoying Palace where you are in. The little woman, she also knows all the methods of the If you know how to practice, just leave.

Gently press a fist on the ground" and leave a fist mark as deep as a foot on the ground. Don't beg to ask, "Why don't you practice such a delicate skill?" It can go straight to the realm of Pangu, which is the realm of ancient saints who have opened up heaven and earth. Who will give up such skills and not practice?

After another period of silence, the voice of the poor old man sounded in the sea of knowledge: "It's not strange. After practicing the skills of the human race, it will gradually change their physique, and immortals will gradually recover as human beings. And people will always die of life, old age, illness and death.

Don't be dumb. After a long time, he asked with a wry smile, "Will the saint of Pangu also die?"

The old man of the poor cicada responded naturally, "If the Pangu saint will not die, where did this Pangu mainland come from? The Pangu continent is transformed by the body of the Pangu sage. This heaven and earth was opened up with all the divine power before the death of the Pangu sage. We and other races inherited part of the blood of the Pangu saints, so we followed the heavenly way of heaven and earth and became the master of this world.

Don't beg. He suddenly understood where the harsh punishment of the world for immortals came from. Pangu saints are the ancestors of human beings, and the cultivation of immortals is a process of gradually separating from human beings. Generally speaking, the behavior of the immortals completely violates the rules of heaven and earth formulated by the Pangu saints who opened up this world. Therefore, the immortals' practice rises by one, and the heavenly punishment decreases once. The higher the immortal's cultivation, the more severe the heavenly punishment will be.

Immortals are the cancer cells of this world" and the law of heaven is today's immune system.

After being silent for a long time, don't beg for something else to ask." But the poor cicada no longer gave him a chance to ask questions.

The old voice sounded in the sea of knowledge of Begging, so shocked that Begging was as sour and soft as lightning.

"You don't need to know too much" According to your current cultivation, you can't know more friends. Xizhi, the old man is the first to fall in love with you, the second one in the barge is staring at you, and I am the third old man. Your character is not bad, and it is also a usable person. Therefore, after the three of them negotiate, they will teach you the true secrets of heaven and earth. The rest of the road depends on how you choose.

"Continue to cultivate immortals, the true secret of heaven and earth is useless to you! Although he can get an immortal, he may be killed at any time.

"Cultivation of the true body of heaven and earth, in just a few decades, maybe you can fight against the golden fairy. If you can integrate a good beast soul, you can also have a long life. And it's not that human monks don't have a glimmer of life, hahaha!"

laughed a few times and said with a smile, "There is no need to tell you too much about these things now. Relax. I won't stare at you all the time. Just do it with your heart. You are not the first or the last person to inherit the true secrets of heaven and earth. You are just one of the several candidates we have selected. Your future, life and death are all in your choice!"

Don't beg and shake his head repeatedly. He shouted, "You have to give me an explanation. Why did you choose me? Why did you choose me!"

The voice of the poor cicada gradually dissipated, and his laughter came from afar: "With your current strength, do you need so many explanations? In a word, you have been chosen, you have been selected, what do you like, that's your business! To a certain extent, you will never see us again!"

In the end, only a line of extremely fine aftertaste floated in the sea of begging: "Remember, this matter should not be known to others. If those immortals know that you have been passed on the true secret of heaven and earth, even if you are still a person who cultivates immortals, you will be erased in an instant. Remember, haha!"

Don't beg to open your mouth. A swear word has reached your mouth, but you can't scold it.

The owner of Miaoying Palace sacrificed magic weapons under the bottomless abyss of Beimin. For the existence of Taiyi gold fairy, the mine where Don't beg is next to her nose, and any move will be known by her. However, the old man of the poor cicada inherited the secret of not begging for heaven and earth by strange means. After muttering with Don't beg for so long, the owner of the Miaoying Palace did not have any reaction, which proves that the cultivation of the old man of the poor cicada is far beyond the master of the palace.

It's very pleasant to swear, but if the old man is still nearby and hears that he scolds him, it will not be very pleasant.

With a wry smile, don't beg to look up to the sky and sigh. Once again, he felt a deep powerlessness. In the eyes of poor cicadas, they may be smaller than ants, right? With my current strength, I really don't have the right to know anything!

But I won't let them master it. No matter what they want to do, don't beg to jump out of their control.

Get that innate two yang qi and condense the innate chaotic spirit body, you can jump out of the mastery of the rules of heaven and earth, making it difficult for these great masters to grasp their every move.

Don't grit your teeth and make up your mind.

Be sure to speed up, and be sure to speed up.

The true secret of heaven and earth, good things! Don't beg faintly see the hope of lifting the ban on Xuanyin.

"Thank you for this generous gift. Ordinary people who cultivate immortals will gradually become mortals when they practice the true body of heaven and earth, because their skills are wrong. But I, hehe!" Don't beg for light in his eyes. He gritted his teeth and said, "As long as the chaotic spirit is condensed, the chaotic body can tolerate everything, and all the skills in the world can be practiced. I practice the seven mysterious spiritual secrets and all kinds of magic spells internally, and practice the real body of heaven and earth externally. This is

Inheriting the virtual shadow of the scriptures, you can't get the physical practice of the human race in those years, because at that time, human beings were fragile and small, and there was no such skill at all. And today, the poor cicada personally gave this real secret of heaven and earth to Don't beg. It's really painstaking to step through the iron shoes and find nothing!

With a few sneer, don't beg to sit on the ground.

I don't care about the north wind, but I just don't move. No matter what tricks you have, I just do what I want. Even if you have the magic power to open the world, what can you do to me?

With a trace of sneer, the begging heart was immersed in the [body], and the rolling magic spirit surrounded him. He put on a painstaking look of cultivation, but his mind had been connected with the demon puppet far away in the main house of Ancheng.

Sitting in the lobby of the city lord's mansion, the demon god puppet who ate a few pieces of rare metals in the morning suddenly condensed his eyes, and a ray of divine light swayed out. He shouted in a low voice, "Come on, go to the backyard and ask the palace owner to discuss... Ha ha ha, no matter what the palace owner is doing, tell him that there is a great good thing to introduce to him.

Several monks who stood in front of the hall and were attached to the Great Lotte Palace answered respectfully. A middle-aged man hurriedly stepped up in the clouds and went straight to the backyard. Before long, the pink Buddha light in the backyard gradually dissipated. ** Liao Du, who only wore a pair of thin trousers, came out of the back hall with a big thing.

"Well, what's the matter? Someone is exchanging joys with Sanhuo Taoist friends. Don't delay my good deeds!"

A Buddha's light spilled out casually, sealing the void around the lobby, and did not let the monks who were serving outside eavesdrop on his conversation. Liao Du pointed to the demon god puppet and sneered, "You metal pimple, what do you want me for me? You..."!

The divine light in the eyes of the demon puppet's split is a foot far and near. Don't beg's voice came from him [body]: "King Changxin, it's me!"

Liao Du was shocked. He hurriedly smiled and said, "It's you. What's the matter?"

The demon god puppet smiled faintly and said in a low voice, "There is a great good thing to introduce to you." Liao Du's eyes suddenly lit up. ..................

There are guests at home, so the update has been postponed until now. I'm sorry!

The old time and place on Saturday, how about changing the pig's head to Sunday night?

On Sunday night this week, the pig's head and everyone fooled to their heart's content. Let's find the place and arrive in time!