Steal the sky

Chapter 522 Jiuyin Snake

In the land of Jiuyin and Jueyang, the Jiuyin snake is born from yin to evil.

Since the birth of Pangu Continent and the emergence of the bottomless abyss of Bei Ming, this Jiuyin snake has begun to breed and grow. From the beginning to a snake egg bred by yin evil spirit, to the gradual hatching, this nine yin snake has been growing continuously. Every time you swallow 360 Yuanhui's Zhiyin evil qi, the Jiuyin snake will extract the most quintessential innate evil elements from the yin evil qi and refine it into the body. Every 360 yuan, the body of the Jiuyin snake will grow half a centimeter long. From this, we can see how long it has been that this big snake can grow to the current ten miles.

Rely on the yin evil qi to breed, absorb and digest the yin evil qi, refine the innate evil element to nourish the body, to the useless part of the yin evil qi, naturally need to be excreted from the body. This Jiuyin snake, like a real snake, has a mouth, internal organs, nerve muscles, and naturally has a fecal door specially used for excretion. The dung door of all living creatures in heaven and earth is the most filthy place in the whole body, and the Jiuyin snake, which is absorbed to the place where the yin evil qi is absorbed and digested and discharged. You can imagine how dirty it is.

A mentally normal immortal will not approach the Jiuyin snake at all. Unless it is the master of the Miaoying Palace, he has no choice but to use the innate yin evil qi to sacrifice the great power of Taiyi immortal weapon. Other immortals slightly close to the Jiuyin snake will be invaded by the yin evil qi and invaded the body.

And even the immortal with mental problems will never wander around near his dung door after approaching the Jiuyin snake, just as human beings will not jump into the evolutionary septic tank to take a bath. Even the mentally disturbed immortal will not do such a perverted thing.

Don't beg, just carefully use the escape method. While the owner of the Miaoying Palace can't check himself at all, he slipped step by step to the tail of the Jiuyin snake and came to its dung door.

It is still a little far away from the dung door of the Jiuyin snake, and the stench that is tens of millions of times worse than the old manger rushed over. The stench has almost condensed into substance." It turned into a dark mass of water vapor covering the void.

Don't beg that your pores are tight all over your body, and your eyes suddenly dark. "I was almost smoked to death by the stench.

At that moment, Don't beg to deeply admire the old man who inherited his stolen experience. What kind of spirit of exploration will make the old man slip to the vicinity of the dung gate of the Jiuyin snake, and find the way to enter the real place of Jiuyin Jueyang?

In the sky and the earth, which magician will be so bored? Run here and get into such a filthy place?

The Great Heavenly Emperor sitting high above the heavenly court will never do this. "Dongfang Qingdi and others will not do this." Even if it is recognized by everyone, the most cramped head, and the most stupid ghost kings in the ghost world will never do so. The elder who inherited and stole the scriptures, he is indeed a unique figure since the beginning of the world. He can run here and find such a top-secret thing.

There is a faint purple gas gushing out of his body. Don't beg to silently move the real body skills of heaven and earth. The strong purple gas wrapped the whole body. He protected him step by step closer to the body of the Jiuyin snake. Fortunately, there is a real body secret of heaven and earth. This skill only uses purple gas to quench the body, which has a strong repellent effect on all other auras, evil qi and so on. Otherwise, don't beg and you really worry about protecting yourself with innate qi. I'm afraid it's difficult to resist this stench

In the endless filth, don't beg the Venus flash in front of you. A stream of sour water was blocked in your throat and almost spit it out. Countless filthy pictures flashed in his mind. He seemed to be crawling around in all the filthy places of that time. Such a disgusting and dirty feeling made Bu Begging had the impulse to cut his body into pieces and then burn it into smoke with fire.

It's so fucking dirty! This damn Jiuyin snake!

Don't beg angrily stare at the Jiuyin snake close at hand. Fortunately, this guy's climate is not enough to transform into a metamorphosis. According to the records in the stolen scriptures, "this big snake must grow at least thirty-six miles long" to breed wisdom, conceive vitality, and turn into a living creature to leave the bottomless abyss of Beiming.

Growing from ten miles to thirty-six miles, this big snake will take many years to really take shape. Don't help but feel sad for those human beings and immortals on the Pangu continent many years later. If this big guy breaks through the bottomless abyss of Beimin, he really wants to congratulate the mortals and immortals at "Don't say anything else, if this big snake, which is composed of innate evil, accidentally excrete it once, is powerful enough to kill the golden fairy in seconds?

, wow, don't beg finally can't hold back the natural reaction of the body, and a mouthful of sour water spit out far away. He shivered all over and vomited and spit out all the bile. Spit until the end" Don't beg spit out blood. His body ** and muscles were about to break.

Around the purple air attracted by the true body formula of heaven and earth to protect the body. Near the dung door of the Jiuyin snake, it is really dirty and smelly!

"You are so awesome. You can find such a place!" Don't beg. Once again, I deeply admire the unknown senior who inherited the stolen scriptures.

Severe the discomfort of the body, don't beg to use the escape method" rushed into the dung door of the Jiuyin snake at the fastest speed. Suddenly, he rushed straight over with countless filths, which was thousands of times more stench than just now. Don't beg's body suddenly cracked with countless gaps. His body was washed away by this filth, and he almost disintegrated into invisible.

Life and death are in an instant. Don't beg for blood in both eyes. The phoenix fire bag spewed out a large area of forbidden law and turned into a purple-blue flame and wrapped the whole body, barely resisting the invasion of the stench. His figure flashed forward, and a momentary movement moved out about a mile. Suddenly, a little white light appeared in front of his eyes. He immediately stretched out his hand and turned a little white light to one of them. A forbidden law came out, detained the white light and squeezed it firmly in his hand.

This is the size of a thumb" shaped like a wine cup, with five small thin white huā petals, emitting a faint white light. Huāduo is pure and white, emitting a faint fragrance. Don't beg to bring Huāduo to his nose. He took a deep breath, and the fragrance flowed all over his body. He could no longer feel the filth around him.

The so-called endless road, any natural desperate situation has a glimmer of life. This kind of white little huā is the only vitality of this dangerous place in the Jiuyin snake dung door. This kind of hu has never appeared in the world, so no one has named it." But it grows in the most filthy and dirty place at this time, but it can restrain the filthy atmosphere in the Jiuyin snake.

Not only that, this kind of huāduo is still the only antidote that can relieve its bad tooth poisoning after it becomes a living after the Jiuyin snake becomes a living in the future. In this boundless filth, this kind of white little huā dotted like stars in the night sky, which can be more than 10,000 at a glance.

Don't beg to put the little huā in your hand in your mouth, and then keep typing the forbidden laws one after another, and collect all the white little huā" and put them into the black dragon ring. He smiled proudly, "The effect of this white little huā is not only to relieve the toxicity of the Jiuyin snake. Since it can even resist such a powerful filthy gas, it can resist other miasma and poison gas." There is no doubt about it.

Don't beg in the future, you can't help but go in and out of some dangerous places. There are countless natural poisons in it. With these white little huā, he has another way to save his life.

Spit out a little huā from your mouth and look at this beautiful huādu. Don't beg and smile, "Give you a name, nine yin and five petals of lotus. You were born in the land of Jiuyin and Jueyang, and then you walked out of the mud without staining. The name is the most suitable for you.

Xiaohuā shook slightly, seemed to have spirituality, and sensed the goodwill of not begging.

From now on, this strange little huā, which can resolve the terrible toxicity of the Jiuyin snake, finally has a name, Jiuyin five-petal lotus, which is the best appreciation for it, which was born in the dirty land of Jiuyin, but does not stain a trace of dirt, but can resolve the poison.

With the protection of Jiuyin and five-petal lotus, don't beg for leisure to walk in the intestines of the Jiuyin snake.

After walking for several miles, a black fog suddenly appeared, and a trace of frightening and fierce yin air came out of the fog. Don't beg to look around, and pinch a seal" into a khaki innate gas and escape into the black fog.

The black fog fluctuated, and a twisted vortic-like portal suddenly appeared, inhaling the yellow earth gas that was turned into begging.

After a whirlwind, there was endless filth, relying on the protection of nine yin and five lotus. Don't beg to stop this wave of filth. I don't know how long it took to turn over. Don't beg's body suddenly light, and he came to a place that emitted a strong pure yang atmosphere.

This is a round grotto. There are countless small holes with thumbs as thick as beehives on the smooth stone wall. The silk is colorless and invisible, but under the induction of divine consciousness, the pure yang smell that emits a strong light is constantly spewing out of the small hole, converging a white stone lotus hu Āshang.

There are three layers of stone lotus huā in diameter, with a total of 108 lotus huā petals. In the middle of the lotus hu hu, it is held a few miles high and more than ten feet thick. It is like a big dragon twisting the innate two yang qi.

On each flap of the substantial lotus huā, there is an eye-catching rune. It is this rune that imprisons this innate yang qi, so that it has grown to such a degree that it has not yet become a trace of spirituality. With the intensity of this innate two yang qi, if he could be pregnant with spirituality, I'm afraid that he has long been cultivated into a congenital immortal with strong magical powers. How can he be the true face of such an airflow?

Looking at the innate Yangqi in front of him, Don't beg for a gentle sigh.

This is the real place of Jiuyin and Jueyang. Jueyang, Juezhen, cut off all acquired yang qi, but forced a trace of innate Yuanyang to breed here. Finally, such an innate two yang qi "real pregnant heaven and earth, the five elements" constitute hundreds of millions of species Innate breath.

After working hard for so many years and arranging so many means, the congenital two yang qi finally came to hand.

Don't beg for a sigh. Without any hesitation, he released ten innate babies and flew into the innate yang qi.