Steal the sky

Chapter 530 Picture Poor Dagger

Under the careful service of Don't begging and Zhang Yi, Liyang Zhenren and Yi Die Fairy lived a very carefree life in Liushui City.

In the respectful smile, a piece of spiritual fruit, a plate of carefully prepared delicacies, and a pot of fragrant wine are constantly sent into the belly of Liyang Zhenren and the butterfly fairy. Although it is a golden fairy cultivation, immortals also have a desire to eat. They have no resistance to the spirit fruit and all kinds of delicacies processed from the spirit fruit, and to the wine brewed with all kinds of spirit fruit.

Together with these wines and delicacies, they are mountain-like spiritual stones and fairy stones.

More than 100,000 young people were used in Liushui City to carry out devastating mining of several mineral veins near Liushui City. Among them, the peak monk of Yuanying, two immortal monks Zhang Yi and Bai Qi, and nearly 10,000 powerful soldiers who practiced human skills took action together. In just two months, the spiritual stones were sent to the hands of the two people The fairy stone has reached hundreds of thousands of yuan.

The smile of the butterfly fairy is getting softer and more and more beautiful. Finally, on this day, the winter of Pangu mainland is about to pass, and the time of the intersection of spring is coming. The butterfly fairy gathered Buqi and others, and ordered Zhang Yi and Bai Qi to gather all the people of Liushui City around Liushui City to wait for her The order.

Liyang Zhenren and Yidie Fairy put on a brand-new gorgeous robe and stood at the door of the lobby of the city's mansion, smiling and standing under the hall with a smile, Zhang Yi and Bai Qi.

Gently clapped her hands, and the butterfly fairy gave a graceful bow to the three beggars. She smiled softly and said, "The little girl, thank you for your help, otherwise the little woman and her husband don't know how long it will take to escape from this difficulty."

Liyang Zhenren also laughed. He said gently, "In retrospect a few months ago, it was really embarrassing, poor and Yidie's Taoist friends..."

The butterfly fairy stared at Liyang Zhenren fiercely. Li Yangzhen quickly changed his words and said, "Poor Tao and Naizi, it was really embarrassing at that time. Being chased and killed is that there is no way to enter the earth, and there is no way to enter the city without rushing through large and small towns, just for fear of venting the wind.

The butterfly fairy softly hugged Liyang Zhenren's left hand. She said gently, "It's a pity that the little woman and his wife met the black dragon Taoist friend. In order to let the Black Dragon Taoist friends come to Liushui City to investigate the news, if the documents that wanted us have come here, we will naturally escape every day. But fortunately, fortunately, this place has been occupied by two Taoist friends, Zhang Yi and Bai Qi!"

Don't beg, sighed, put his hands in his sleeves, and he looked at Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi took a step forward and said indifferently, "If there is the rest, I will help you two finish it. The two found that this Liushui City had been occupied by our Daqin army and was already the territory of immortals, so they rest assured and boldly stayed here to collect fairy stones and spiritual stones. Those things are not used to heal wounds, but to escape from the Pangu mainland, right?

The butterfly fairy looked at Zhang Yi in surprise. She nodded as cute as the girl next door and praised, "Zhang Yidao is friendly and intelligent. How do you know that we collect spiritual stones and fairy stones to escape from the Pangu mainland? Hee hee, how do you know that we can escape from here without moving through the star domain?

Bai Qi snorted coldly, and he said angrily, "Don't underestimate us. What do you think it is in our opinion? I don't know what kind of magic secret method you have, but this kind of skill that can cross the void with the help of spiritual stones and fairy stones, is it only you who know?

Don't beg's ears suddenly picked up, alas? In the Qin Dynasty, someone knew that there was no need to move the array, and could cross the void with the help of spiritual stones and fairy stones? Isn't this more powerful than any kind of escape? This secret method is not mentioned in the stolen scriptures. Is it also a spell invented by the immortals after the predecessors?

Yidie Fairy looked at Bai Qi in surprise. Her beautiful face, which had been smiling, gradually became gloomy and cold. She shouted coldly, "How do you know the existence of this kind of 'the magic power of the soul gathering yuan'? It seems that your roots are not simple! That's really no wonder Yidie. Originally, I killed you and took your blood to help me recover my vitality, and there was a trace of apology, but now I want to kill people. No wonder I'm cruel!"

Don't beg, Zhang Yi and Bai Qi sneered repeatedly. Even more than a dozen deputy generals behind Bai Qi and more than a dozen subordinate officials behind Zhang Yi sneered in unison. Fairy Yidie has long saved the mind of killing people and stealing people's blood to restore her vitality. Now when she says this, isn't she covering her ears and stealing the bell and putting powder on her face? The behavior of the butterfly fairy is just full of hypocrisy.

Seeing her pretentious performance, how can you not let them laugh?

When the butterfly fairy heard the sneer of everyone, she was so angry that her face turned white. She narrowed her eyes slightly and shouted softly, "Don't laugh, okay? They are all dying people, but if they die, they will die quickly and feel uncomfortable. Isn't it better for you to let Yi Die to kill you quickly?

Don't beg and sighed. He shook his head and sighed, "Two seniors... No, two Taoist friends in distress, do you still have the strength to kill people?

Yi Die 'kik' with a giggling smile, her little waist twisted and said with a sneerical smile, "The strength to kill? It's still useful..."

With a sudden inhalation, Yi Die's face suddenly changed.

In the past few months, because of her serious injury, she has never used the fairy power in her body at all. On the side, Liyang Zhenren has replenished hundreds of girls and barely recovered a trace of strength. Usually, she is guarding everyone through Liyang Zhenren's magic power. Just as Yi Die was about to use her fairy power, a cold air rushed out of her lower abdomen and spread to every corner of her body in an instant.

The terrible cold was like a nine-headed python, which quickly froze her body. The only trace of fairy power left in her body was broken by the cold, and even her fairy soul was shaky like a candle in the wind, as if it would be extinguished at any time.

"What the hell is this?" Not only the butterfly fairy, but also Liyang Zhenren screamed with fear. Liyang Zhenren is more unbearable than the butterfly fairy at this moment. A large area of white frost froze on the surface of his skin. As soon as he roared, most of his body was sealed into thin ice. A trace of cold air kept spewing out of his head, and some ice crystals slowly floated down from his head.

Zhang Yi and Bai Qi pointed to Don't beg at the same time. They smiled bitterly and said, "This is a good thing that Don't beg did. We don't know how he did it."

Liyang Zhenren and Yidie Fairy stared at each other and didn't beg at the same time. They shouted in unison, "Don't you call Black Dragon Zhenren?"

Don't turn your eyes and scold the two with a sneer: "Your parents didn't tell you that if you meet a stranger on the street, don't believe what they say? Why are you so naive? I carry a black dragon with me, and I call myself a black dragon real person. Do you really believe it? If I had brought your own father with me and called myself my own father Taoist, wouldn't you also call me my own father and Taoist friend?

Liyang Zhenren and Yidie Fairy were so angry that they trembled all over. They glared and did not beg, and their eyes almost jumped out of their eyes.

Don't beg for a sigh. He shook his head and sighed, "Do you know how you fell to where you are today?"

As he said, Don't beg back with a smile. Zhang Yi and Bai Qi also smiled and retreated with Don't beg. Soon, the group withdrew far away and kept withdrawing from Liushui City. The people of the 26,000 water city outside the city had long retreated around under the leadership of many soldiers. They used all kinds of mounts, carriages and horses, and soon retreated far away.

Standing on a hill a hundred miles away from the city gate, don't beg to open your chaotic eyes and look at Liyang Zhenren and Yidie Fairy in Liushui City. He laughed loudly and said, "You don't think that since I was personally responsible for the daily diet of the two of you, you have rarely taken the spiritual fruit directly. What Is it a mixed Lingguo soup?

The voice of the butterfly fairy also came from afar. She shouted softly, "Although it is a mixed Lingguo soup and various dishes, Yidie is also proficient in Dandao. These soups and dishes are not toxic!"

Don't beg strangely and say, "However, those soups and dishes are not toxic, but today's soup dishes are combined with the soup dishes seven days later, and there is a slight amount of toxicity. The combination of soup and dishes on the second day and the ninth day will also produce trace toxicity. The combination of the third day and the 18th day will also produce trace toxicity.

"Unless you can refine the medicinal properties of all spiritual fruits as soon as possible every time, the medicinal properties will accumulate in the body, and sooner or later it will turn into a lingering compound highly toxic."

"But you are seriously injured, and you have not practiced at all. You have never refined these soups and dishes at all. Therefore, the delicious food you eat every day has turned into the poison of rotten bones and intestines in your stomachs."

"Actually, it only took 24 days, and I have planted 'Xuanyin Disperse' in your body. Are you familiar with the name?"

Don't beg and laugh proudly. With the prescription of Xuanyin leading the soul in the memory of the Xuanjin jellyfish, he cooperated with the poisoning technique inherited by Princess Le, plus the elixirs of many ice attributes produced under the conditions of ice and snow around Liushui City. After his skillful deployment, it was adjusted into Xuanyin leading soul powder and planted in the two people's bodies.

This kind of exquisite calculation and ingenious arrangement actually make the two golden fairies suffer. Can he not be proud?

Xuanyin's soul is scattered, just like Xuanyin's soul's, which makes many golden immortals and immortals afraid of the wind! The butterfly fairy once made friends with Xuanjin jellyfish, and Liyang Zhenren once traveled with Xuanjin jellyfish. How could they not know this poisonous name? This kind of highly toxic is also one of the two most frightening killer steels in Xuanyin Tianshui Palace!

"Xuanyin is scattered!" Liyang Zhenren and Yidie Fairy stayed for a full quarter of an hour, and then they screamed like a ghost.

The butterfly fairy shouted harshly, "Xuanyin Tianshui Palace? Are you from Xuanyin Tianshui Palace? How did you meet us so coincidentally? Huh? Is it the Lady of Shenshui who dealt with us in person? Is she calculating us behind our backs? But only the two of us know about our killing of Xuanjin jellyfish. Who will know that we killed her?

The butterfly fairy hissed, and her spirit has tended to collapse.

Don't beg shook his head, and he said faintly, "Now, you can die!"

With the palm of his hand turned over, Don't beg to take out the three golden fairy charms given to him by Liyang Zhenren.