Steal the sky

Chapter 533 The road is uneven

The area of Pangu Continent is too large. After rushing out of the bottomless abyss of Bei Ming, he was afraid that the owner of the Miaoying Palace would detect his clues, so he casually chose a direction to fly around, and turned several times on the road. As a result, he couldn't figure out where he was now.

When you are in Liushui City, don't beg to find out that Liushui City belongs to the rule of Juzhou, which is a Jiupinxia Prefecture that has been newly opened for a short time. As for the places near Jizhou, the people in Liushui City can't explain it clearly. There are millions of miles wide in the county below the state alone. Those ordinary people may not be able to get out of a county in their lifetime. Why do they have to deal with the situation of those big states?

"Where the hell am I?"

With a wry smile, he looked up at the sky and looked at the sun. Don't beg that you can't even find yourself in the southeast and northwest of Zhongzhou.

Close his eyes and meditate, and carefully communicate with the situation of several demon god puppets. The spiritual connection of those demon god puppets is still very clear, but don't beg only to know that he can connect with the demon god puppets, but he can't sense where these demon god puppets are in. This is also the relationship between his weak cultivation. If he can have the cultivation of Jinxian now, the huge divine consciousness is enough to determine the position relationship between him and the split.

There was nothing to do. Don't beg to touch an empty waist bag, and suddenly wanted to go back to Liushui City to rob Zhang Yi and Bai Qi.

But think about it, I just forced them to agree to my request to help three times in the future. If I go back to rob them, it seems a little unreasonable. After thinking for a long time, don't beg for a stamp, gritted his teeth and said, "Just leave him three or seven or twenty-one, find a state city to find out the news first. There is always a moving array between the cities of Yuzhou. At that time, you can make up a travel fee, and you can naturally go back to Zhong

With a cold snort, he restrained the chaotic breath in the body, and intentionally or unintentionally released a trace of breath that has cultivated the true secrets of heaven and earth. Don't pretend to be an ordinary human who has practiced some basic human skills, and run wildly in the wilderness.

After practicing the true body formula of heaven and earth, when you don't beg to run wildly, the speed is enough to compare with the ordinary sword light. He deliberately urges a little magnetic force to push his body forward, which is more than a hundred times faster than the ordinary sword light. On the boundless wilderness, a long dragon of sand and dust continues to stretch forward. Don't wave your hands and run wildly in the wilderness, just like crazy.

After running for a whole month, Don't beg to leave the territory of Jizhou and enter the scope of a eight-pin Xiazhou tear state next door. The people in this state are slightly thicker than the state. As soon as they entered the territory of state, they encountered several small cities where people lived.

God's consciousness swept through these small cities. Except for dozens of powerful human warriors, the rest of the city are ordinary mortals. They are all farming and run their homes. These small cities have no oil and water, and there are no passing monks. Don't beg too lazy to get close to these cities and run straight past them.

So day by day, don't beg to keep running in the wilderness. As he ran, he stepped on the ground, and each foot fell heavily into the ground. The purple gas around his body attracted each other and echoed with the rising purple gas from the Pangu mainland. Gradually, there was an illusion that he had been integrated with the Pangu mainland, and his heartbeat and blood flow were mixed with the Pangu mainland.

On the seventh day after entering Mizhou, when Buqi was continuing to run, his feet suddenly lifted up and stepped heavily on the top of an underground spiritual vein when he fell. The spiritual vein suddenly trembled. Don't beg and felt numb all over. The frequency of his heartbeat and muscle shock coincided with the beating of the spiritual pulse there. His body suddenly blurred, and the scenery in front of him suddenly changed, and countless lights and shadows flew by.

The body is heavy, and then light. Don't beg and suddenly found that he had come to a big mountain. His consciousness tried his best to extend and look back. After a period of calculation and comparison, he actually took nearly a billion miles in this step! This distance even exceeds the space that he can break with the strongest mana teleportation now.

"This is..." Don't be stunned. What is the origin of this wonderful situation?

In the sea of knowledge, there are suddenly all kinds of magic methods of the true body secrets of heaven and earth. Don't beg to read some of the secrets of the vast sea of magic in a sea of smoke, and find that this is similar to the magic power of immortals' teleportation in the true body of heaven and earth. With the help of Step by step!

With the help of the aura of the veins of the Pangu Continent and the interconnection between the veins and the veins, those strongest people of the human race can cross the territory of tens of thousands of states in one step, and instantly come from this end of the Dayu Dynasty to the other end. The immortal teleportation also needs to consume its own immortal energy, but the magic power of Kuafu chasing the sun is completely carried out with the help of the veins of Pangu Continent, and there is no loss at all.

As long as you are familiar with the direction of the underground spiritual veins of the Pangu Continent and know the situation of the spiritual veins under the major states, you can accurately go from one big state to another at will by using Kuafu to chase the sun. This is also one of the reasons why those really powerful immortals are extremely afraid of the strong of the human race - as long as they are located on the Pangu continent, no matter how powerful the immortals are, it is difficult to escape the pursuit of the strong of the human race!

I hurriedly looked through the essence of Kuafu's pursuit of Ribu, and I couldn't help grinning.

The butterfly fairy and the real person of Diyang are really lucky. They can escape from the pursuit of the king of Baishan and the king of Zhangqiu. I'm afraid it has something to do with the wonderful 'the magic power of the dragonfly fairy'. Otherwise, how could the two of them escape the endless pursuit of the strong of the human race?

"Wonderful, as long as I can find the full picture of the Pangu Continent, can't I travel through the Pangu Continent at will?" Don't grinned a few times. He couldn't hold back the pleasure in his heart and suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed. According to Kuafu's pursuit of the sun, only one or two of the human warriors can understand and master this kind of magic power, but don't beg got this secret method because of his long-distance running.

He laughed a few times and carefully stepped forward. His figure flashed again, and his body moved forward more than three million miles along a small spiritual vein under the ground, from the big mountain just now to a mountain in the distance.

This mountain is a good cave and a blessed land. The chaotic god looked to the ground. Dozens of spiritual veins like dragons were entangled at the bottom of the mountain, and the surging aura gathered together and turned into lavender fairy spirits rising up. There is no need for any processing. This is an excellent fairy cave. But the divine consciousness of don't begging spread around. Just outside this mountain, there is actually a big city of the big Yu people standing, and there are more than 100,000 soldiers in the city. This is a first-class city.

I'm afraid that no immortal dares to open up a cave here. Unless he is confident to swallow the big city outside the mountain, who dares to open a mountain gate under the nose of the human government? Don't beg to take a look at the flowers and plants all over the mountains, and can't help shaking your head. It's a pity that it's such a blessed place.

The chaotic god's eyes were open, and Don't beg to follow the direction of the spiritual vein. Soon, he came to a hill no more than three miles high. He looked around, waved his hands, made a little magic, and his body also turned into three miles high. He grabbed the hill and pulled it up.

With a muffled sound, the hill was uprooted by him. Don't beg to close your hands. The huge magnetic force of the geocentric element erupted and crushed the stones of the hill into pieces.

With a wave of his hand, all the fairy stones in a good spirit stone vein contained in this hill three miles high and more than ten miles away were sprayed out, and they were shot into the sleeves of the begging one after another. In those ordinary spirit stone veins, it is often possible to condense a fairy stone in hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones, and there is no trace of ordinary spiritual stones in the vein of this hill. The veins are all fist-sized fairy stones. Don't beg to count them. There are a full 1,200 good fairy stones flying into his sleeve. With these fairy stones, as long as he finds the state city of a human race, he can return to Zhongzhou by moving the array.

Collect all the fairy stones, and all the stone dust in the smashed hill will be sucked into the body.

The chaotic gas rolls these stones into sand and dust, and turns them all into chaotic gas and spreads all over the body.

"These seven Xuansheng spiritual tips have this advantage. Everything in heaven and earth can be absorbed and refined. How many spiritual stones and fairy stones have been saved?" Don't beg couldn't help laughing: "If I go to open a sect now, I don't have to rob spiritual stones and fairy stones with my disciples!"

I was so compladen here that there was a sudden thunder behind a mountain not far away. In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen sword lights flew out from behind the peak. The one who fled to the front was the three purple sword lights from one vein, and the one chasing behind were the thirteen colorful sword lights belonging to different sects.

Among the three fleeing sword lights in front of him, two sword lights were dim and dim, and the light flashed uncertainly. Obviously, he was seriously injured.

The sword light was fast. The mountain was originally more than a hundred miles away from Begging, but it was only a few breaths, and the sword light flew to a place less than three or five miles away from Begging with the sound of breaking the air. In the three purple sword lights running ahead, a woman's cry suddenly came from the intact sword light: "Taoist friend in front of you, please leave quickly. What is chased behind is the demon cultivation of the Wanyao Cave."

The demon cultivation of the Ten Thousand Demon Cave? Is it awesome?

The divine consciousness swept over the thirteen swords that came, and the strongest one was just the peak cultivation of Yuan Ying. The three sword lights escaping in front of him are the initial level of Yishui'er Yuanying.

Suddenly, there was a hoarse and unpleasant voice behind: "Three little women, I can't take care of myself, and I still want to save people? Hey, the king's birthday is approaching. I must capture you as a birthday gift! Don't run away, you can't escape! Hahaha!"

The demon cultivation in the thirteen sword lights laughed at the same time, and they suddenly accelerated their speed and forced them this way.

Don't beg's face darkened. With a finger, a black metamagnetic force enveloped the thirteen sword lights, and only a miserable howl was heard. The thirteen sword lights were dragged by huge gravity, and the one that was completely uncontrolled by those demons plunged into a mountain in the distance.

A series of bone and flesh-breaking sounds sounded, and thirteen demons who had just laughed wildly hit and broke their bones, and even Yuan Ying was broken.

The three fleeing purple sword lights stopped hesitantly. After a while, the sword light restrained, and the three women in purple skirts fell in front of Begging and bowed deeply to Begging: "The younger generation of Luoshui, Luoyu and Luling, thank you for saving your life."

Don't begled to glance at the three women and couldn't help praising them in their hearts. What a beautiful twin three sisters.
