Steal the sky

Chapter 536 A Nail

A slap in the face. I don't know where I am in the dark. Don't beg to carry his neck and put him heavy on the big chair just now. Looking at Fu Tianming's face full of blood, don't frown, and suddenly flew up and kicked Fu Qianxi, who was standing aside like wood, out.

Don't beg a little strength with this foot. His toes tore open Fu Qianxi's belly, and the air burst, blowing up Fu Qianxi's intestines and belly into dozens of pieces. Fu Qianxi flew more than ten feet away with a miserable howl, smashed the wooden wall of the lobby and flew out. He struggled and rolled on the grass outside the lobby, and blood kept gushing out of his stomach.

If ordinary people had suffered such a serious injury, they would have died longer, but Fu Qianxi is a Yuanying monk, and his vitality is much more tenacious than ordinary people. He covered his exploded belly with his hands and squirmed on the ground, constantly making a sad howl.

The people in the lobby were all dumbfounded, especially the Lu family, who were stiff and unable to move in place. Don't beg too fast, too fierce, that's all. Fu Tianming, one of the top ten masters in Mizhou, has no resistance in his hand. What kind of concept is this? Don't beg, at least it's the cultivation of immortals, otherwise it is impossible to beat the monks in the realm of Yuanshen so easily.

"I just hate these self-righteous white faces, and this kind of immortality that does not distinguish between right and wrong to support their descendants." Don't beg to fall Fu Tianming to the ground with a backhand slap in the face. He said angrily, "I didn't provoke you. It's already a great blessing for your family. You have to provoke me!" Aren't you looking for death? The monk of the Yuanshen, do you really regard yourself as a dish?

Fu Tianming finally came to his senses. He struggled to stand up and looked at Don't beg and said, "Please report your name, today's humiliation..."

Don't beg for a cold face, and your left hand suddenly grabbed Fu Tianming's neck. A large area of magic gas spewed out of his palm and instantly enveloped Fu Tianming's whole body. The terrible 'squeak' sound of silkworms eating mulberry leaves came from the black gas, and a few dead bones soon fell to the ground, which was all that was left of Fu Tianming. His jingqi and yuanshen all over his body were swallowed up by begging, turning into an insignificant part of the chaotic qi in his body.

"If you don't have enough strength, don't provoke people with higher strength than you, otherwise it will definitely bring the disaster of killing! This is the iron law of immortal cultivation. You don't even know this kind of unspoken rule. Do you dare to cultivate immortals? Don't beg me to break a few dead bones and sneer, "Do you think I will give you a chance to revenge in the future? As I said, I'm going to destroy your family!"

If someone offends himself, he must kill the danger in the bud in advance. Unconsciously, Don't beg has begun to transform into a real immortal - integrating Wu Wang's memory and experience, Don't beg has become more terrible than ordinary immortals!

Seeing the tragic death of his ancestors, Fu Qianxi couldn't help howling with exhaustion: "Grandpa!"

Don't beg to turn your hand over. The air around Fu Qianxi suddenly shook, and there was a crisp sound. Fu Qianxi's whole body was broken, and his body and Yuan Ying were blown up into fine blood mist. The monk of Yuanying realm, don't beg or even disdain to plunder his insignificant jingqi. He intended to kill people, so he killed Fu Qianxi with such a powerful visual impact.

Lu Le was stunned. He looked at Don't beg shiveringly and bent down in fear: "Senior Greedy Wolf, please take a seat!"

Don't begled to sit carelessly on the main chair where Lule was just now. He put his hands flat on the armrest of the chair and said lightly, "That's all, don't be afraid, don't worry. I'm not the kind of innocent murderer. If Fu Tianming and Fu Qianxi hadn't provoked me for no reason, I wouldn't have killed them. I just have a few questions. After asking, I will leave.

Lu Le, Lu Hao and Lu Shui San nv, along with the Lu Lu family, and other servants nv, none of whom dares to vent their anger loudly. The core senior officials of the Luo family, such as Lule and Luhao, respectfully stood in the lobby, obediently looking at Don't beg. Several attendants came up to clean up the lobby, then served fragrant tea, and served a few plates of e fruit for begging.

nodded, don't beg and don't talk too much nonsense, and asked a few questions directly.

First, where is the state capital of Mizhou; how strong is the state herdsman of Mizhou; how strong is the military power of Mizhou?

Secondly, how many scattered cultivations there are there in Mizhou; in addition to the Wanyao Grottoes, what kind of powerful scattered cultivation forces are there; if there are scattered cultivations in Mizhou, if there are, where are there, can there be some strange genius treasures in it?

Third, do you know the situation around Mizhou; do you know where you can get to the atlas around Mizhou; can there be scattered repair in the states and counties near Mizhou; is there enough scattered repair, which has opened up mountainmen and established a foundation in the nearby big state.

There are some other bits and pieces of problems, but they are not as important as the above.

Don't beg to ask these questions. There are some that Lule knows, and some Lule doesn't know. But Lule also answered more than 90% of all the questions. From Lule's answer, it can be seen that Mizhou and the surrounding states are all low-strength Xiazhou, with many scattered repairs, but few have become climates.

Although it is Xiazhou and there is no military force, there are really not many scattered cultivations here. Several states around Mizhou are not the hotmen areas valued by those immortals who invade the outer world. For example, in Zhongzhou, the conflict between the immortals and the official of Dayu has reached the point of fighting, and in several nearby states and counties, no scattered forces dare to fight against the official of Dayu.

In Mizhou, there are really several fairy squares secretly operated by scattered cultivation, the largest of which is only tens of thousands of miles away from the current residence of the Luo family. That fairy square is also the most orderly lun, but it is the most likely place to have the best goods. Because those who go to the fairy square are more sidelines such as evil cultivation, ghost cultivation, magic cultivation and so on. They have the courage to violate the official ban of Dayu and search for minerals and spirits everywhere. Therefore, the best materials that can appear in the fairy square are more and more frequent than other fairy squares.

In the story of Lule, Don't beg was also surprised to find that Dayu's official control of the whole Pangu Continent was really so plisticated!

He once learned from the old population of He'ancheng that there is a strange treasure of Pangu Mountain and River Shejitu in the Dayu Forbidden Palace, which can provide real-time feedback on the topographic map of Pangu Continent. But only this time did he know that in the state capital of each state of Dayu, there is a sub-volume of Pangu Mountain and River Society Jitu - through the sub-book, the state herdsmen of Dayu states can clearly know the change of the aura of each spiritual vein in his territory, and know the change of the total amount of aura on each

That is to say, any monk who mines a vein and collects some spirits will cause the aura fluctuation of the Pangu Mountains and Rivers, so that the state herdsmen in this state knows that there are immortals who are carrying out certain activities somewhere, and they can immediately mobilize the army to carry out Suppress or hunt!

Therefore, it is not easy for people to cultivate immortals on the Pangu mainland, unless they are strong enough to occupy a mountainmen as a foundation. The scattered cultivation like the Lu family can only survive under the strong suppression of the Dayu official.

Take a breath of cold air, don't look up at the ceiling with flickering eyes. The sub-book of the picture of Pangu Mountain and River! This baby fell into the hands of those state herdsmen, which is really a violent thing! With these sub-books, can't you clearly know where a certain state has the most abundant aura, which mountain is most suitable to act as a mountainmen, and even where it is possible to breed any rare treasures at a glance in this book?

"Well, when you are free, you must collect more copies of Pangu Mountain and River Sheji Map!"

Shenyin for a moment, don't beg to look up and smile at Lule and say, "Xiaole!"

Lu Le was shocked. He hurriedly bent down and answered respectfully, "Senior!"

Lule's heart is uneasy, just like fifteen buckets of water - seven up and eight down. He didn't know what to do with him. Lule had been worried about this terrible figure who could easily kill Fu Tianming, lest the foundation of the Lu family would be destroyed because he didn't say a word.

Don't beg's fingers gently tapped on the armrest of the chair. He said in a low voice, "There is no powerful immortal cultivation force in Mizhou!"

Lule bowed and said, "That's right. Our strength is so low that we really can't resist the attack of Dayu's official."

Don't beg and say, "It's fate that I can save Lushui, Luyu and Lunling. Let's take them as famous disciples for the time being... Well, your family, let's become a nail in Mizhou. I will teach you the skills of skills, array maps, elixirs and runes, and send a few immortals to sit in the Lu family and be the elders of your family.

With a faint smile, Don't beg said, "According to what you just said, there are a few immortals in the military strength of the Mizhou official, coupled with the array protection I personally arranged, the Lu family will no longer have to run around in the future. When the strength of the Lu family is strong, it will occupy a few hills to stand up. Isn't it a beautiful thing?

Lole was stunned. He looked at Begging. First, he was shocked, and then knelt down in ecstasy: "Senior's kindness, the younger generation is crushed to pieces, and it's hard to repay." Lule knew that their Luo family had encountered a developed opportunity. Although it was a little dangerous, they could find a strong backer, which was better than anything else.

Lushui, Luyu and Luling obediently knelt down: "Disciples see the master!"

Don't beg and smile. He touched his sleeve and suddenly found that he was now poor and white. He had no choice but to take out 300 fairy stones from the stolen storage ring and put them on the table: "Well, 300 fairy stones, just take it as a teacher's meeting gift."

With a helpless wry smile, don't beg to shake your head and say, "Good students practice, otherwise you won't be able to stand this fairy stone!"

Three hundred fairy stones glittered on the table, and the eyes of the old family were straight. This time, they really climbed to the top.

Lu Le boldly asked, "Dare to ask the senior, what is the name of this man?"

Don't beg for a moment, with a smile aftertaste, he said in a low voice, "Men, steal the sky for a day!"

The man from the earth laid the first nail in the Pangu Continent. RA