Steal the sky

Chapter 555 Easy Kill


The terrible wind roar came from the top of his head. Don't beg for a shaking of his body, and a large area of blue light suddenly gushed out of his side. He was like a light feather, flying out lightly with the wind between heaven and earth, without being harmed by the wind at all.

A black column of wind with a diameter roared straight down from the sky, almost wiping the begging body. The wind column bombarded straight into the ground, and the solid ground was easily penetrated by the wind column like a tofu brain. Before long, the roar of the wind came from the ground, and the area with a diameter of thousands of miles trembled violently, and the ground cracked countless thick and thin cracks.

The black wind rose from these cracks, like countless sharp knives, tearing everything on the ground. Cities, villages, woods, mountains, hills, lakes, all tangible things are turned into ashes in the black wind. The land with a diameter of thousands of miles collapsed. Everything was torn apart by the wind and completely destroyed by the wind.

All the destroyed things are left with only gray dust, losing all the aura, vitality, and rotten dust. A rotten smell began to spread in the void. The black wind covered the land, as if it had experienced a dungeon that had not been opened for trillions of years. The smell of decay and decay was disgusting.

Don't beg to travel lightly in the strong wind. "The wind can't touch his body, and he himself turns into a wind." It also turns into a wisp of gas, like a wisp of smoke floating around lightly in the wind. He silently lucked the royal wind magic power in the wind song [body] The chaotic aura rolled and strangled crazily, recording and absorbing all the power of the six young people who were swallowed by him layer by him.

In the sea of knowledge, the innate chaotic soul emits a dazzling golden light. The laws of the wind and atmosphere contained in the six young true spirits are constantly pouring into the innate chaotic soul of no begging, turning into a part of the soul of no begging. In the sea of knowledge of Don't begging, there is a new wind. "The long wind roared and rolled in his sea of knowledge, and countless wind columns rolled and twisted in the sea of his knowledge. When the wind columns rubbed and collided with each other, "Don't beg, there was a faint sound of wind and thunder outside the body.

The black wind gradually dissipated, and an old man with a white beard in a black robe gritted his teeth and appeared in front of Don't begging.

The ground with a diameter of a thousand miles has turned into a large circular pit with a diameter of up to a hundred miles. In the distance, several big rivers are injecting water into the big pit, and the surging river is roaring into the big pit" has turned into several giant waterfalls as high as a hundred miles. It won't be long before this big hole will turn into a big lake, and the residents who once lived on this land will never think of it again.

Zhongzhou has changed a lot. The whereabouts of the state is unknown. Now Fusangye and others are busy handing over the power of Zhongzhou, so no one has noticed the movement here. Or someone has noticed it." But now no one will have a relationship, and no one will deal with the things here. The power of Zhongzhou is the most important thing. As for the death and injury of some people, what is the big deal of destroying some cities and so on?

Don't beg to float slowly in the breeze. He squinted at the old man with white beard." He asked indifferently, "Why did you attack me?"

The old man with a white beard died until he bit his teeth." He glared at the beggars and roared, "Spit it out, spit out the six children of our clan! You son of a bitch! How dare you devour the gods? Even the fairy king of heaven dares not do this. How dare you devouring the gods?

Don't beg and shake his head. He burped and said with a wry smile, "It's all digested. Er, there is no residue left."

With the sound of don't begging, "There is a large atmosphere gushing out all over his body." His bones are crisp, click, crisp, crisp, and his breath is getting stronger and stronger. The strange chaotic vortex flashed in his eyes, the long dark hair behind his head flew, and his figure became hazy as if inlaid into the void around him.

Slowly raise your hands, don't beg for silent luck, [body] The internal mana is constantly climbing. Countless spiritual stones and fairy stones in his sleeves have been integrated into his body, and the huge aura is constantly transformed into chaos. Don't beg, there is a crisp impact sound from his sleeve, and the huge aura spreads from his sleeve. This is Don't beg for a moment to transform the leaked aura.

In just a few breaths, don't beg to consume all the spiritual stones and fairy stones he stole from the wind and lingku [house]!

Twenty-six products, twenty-five products, twenty-four products, twenty-three products, twenty-two products, twenty-one products! Don't beg, the body is blurred in waves. Every time the body turns from vague to clear, the cultivation of "Don't beg" has improved the realm. The devouring six gods are all the gods of the wind system. Don't beg with the help of the huge aura, the terrible devouring ability of the Qixuan Holy Spirit Army, coupled with the mysterious spell of the wind song and the law imprint in the true spirit of the six gods, you can forcibly push your own cultivation to the twenty-first grade.

"Digested cleanly! There is nothing left!" Don't look at the old man with white whiskers frankly and said with an indifferent smile, "Thank you very much for them. If it weren't for their supplement." How can this strength rise so fast?" The old man Baixu looked at Don't be begging in horror. He roared angrily, "You swallow Eat them? What kind of magic skills do you practice? How can it be, how can it be so fast? How can your cultivation break through the realm so quickly? What about your catastrophe? Why didn't you come when you broke through the realm?

Don't beg for a smile, shake your head and say, "Don't talk nonsense." Why did you sneak up on me? Because of the relationship between those two blind and newly born gods?

The white-bearded old man's face stagnated. He gritted his teeth and looked at Don't beg for gloomy and said, "The person who killed the wind wolf and the fire tiger is indeed you! The emperor is right. As long as you come to Zhongzhou, you can find your whereabouts! Come on, sign up. You have killed eight gods under the command of the emperor before and after. You are doomed to be beaten to death, and doomed to enjoy the cruelest punishment in the world!"

Ao Bu-respect's dragon's head carefully drilled out from under the skirt of Begging's clothes. He looked at the old man with white beard and muttered in a low voice, "Old man, which emperor are you talking about? Wind God, Fire God, should you be from the Eastern Qing Emperor?

Oriental Qingdi. This terrible figure, who has existed since ancient times, represents ancient gods such as natural celestial phenomena such as wind, rain, thunder and lightning of the ancient Protoss. Naturally, the newly pregnant gods of the wind, the god of fire, etc. are all his subordinates.

The old man with white beard glanced at Ao Buzun." The board tightly clenched in his hand suddenly flashed a dazzling red light. The old man with white beard roared, "You evil, the fire tiger was swallowed by you? The fire tiger has not completely died. You, spit it out, spit out the fire tiger! Hurry up!"

Ao Buzun shook his head lazily. He sneered and said, "If you get into my mouth, can you spit it out? It's like a woman in my bed, and it's not the original goods. What else do you want him to do? After a hiccup, Ao B-Zun brushed his claws and said with a dry smile, "Master" Xiaolong has not been able to fight recently. This old man depends on you!" Don't beg nodded slowly. He stuffed Ao Buji's head back into his skirt. He gently clapped his hands: "Old man, since You just came to attack me." There's nothing to say. "Kill you" I have to go back to ** doorman."

With a sneer, he shook his head disdainfully and said, "Dongfang Qing Emperor, is it very big? Sooner or later, I will trouble him.

Looking back on the feud between Dafeng Zhenren and the Oriental Qing Emperor, don't beg for a sneer. "He [body] suddenly spewed out a dazzling cyan light. Suddenly, I was replenished by the power of six gods, and devoured all the fairy stones and spiritual stones in Fengling Library [Room]. Don't beg to forcibly raise the mana to the realm of 21 immortals, and the strength is several times stronger than before. In addition, a trace of original breath in the wind god [body] was swallowed up by the wind bloodline in his [body]. His wind bloodline has also grown a lot.

In the frightened eyes of the old man with white beard, "Don't beg" suddenly changed into a long blue wind mythical beast.

"Impossible!" The old man with white beard shouted harshly, "How can you be a strong wind? You can't be a strong wind!" With a sharp exclamation, the old man with white beard suddenly turned into a black wind and fled into the distance.

The wind mythical beast is born to control the wind and can control the wind. In other words, the wind is the master of the wind generated by heaven and earth, and the natural enemy nemesis of all wind gods. An adult wind has the strength to challenge the wind god, and this white-bearded old man, although he is a top-level immortal, he also lost the courage to resist in the face of the strong wind of not begging for change.

Just like an adult antelope, in the face of a newborn lion, you will still feel instinctive fear. The relationship between the wind and the wind gods is like a lion and an antelope, which is an absolute suppression. There will be no exception.

The old man with a white beard is the strength of the nine-pin Youxian, but he feels that the body is pure and there is no impurities. He was really scared. He simply forgot the huge power gap between himself and Begging. He was scared out of the sky and fled with all his mind.

Don't beg for a smile. He suddenly urged the blood of the wind, and silently moved the wind song to the wind. He opened his mouth and swallowed and sucked the old man with a white beard.

"Forgive me!" The old man with a white beard did not have any sense of resistance at all, and he was obediently swallowed into his stomach. Chaos Aura twisted the old man with white beard, and smoothly separated the true spirit of the old man with white beard from his huge mana. Don't beg for a happy smile, and the chaotic aura stirred up a mess." It stirred up the true spirit of the old man with white beard into a mess.

Then don't beg for a word, and quickly turn into a spiritual light and escape into the distance.

Don't beg. Just after he left, a large fire suddenly flashed out of the spot, and an old man with red beard appeared out of thin air with six young men wrapped in flames.

The old man with red beard sucked his nose and exclaimed, "How can it be? Did you miss the barrel? Ah, "The cultivation of the barrel is comparable to mine. He has been killed. If I chase the murderer wholeheartedly, isn't it dangerous?" Shaking his head, the red-bearded old man turned around and left with six young people.

"Children, go back quickly and send a master to chase the murderer."

"So fierce, we can't afford to provoke the murderer who treat our gods as tonic!"

The sound of wind and rain thunder is loud, and there is always an old god with six small configurations rushing here. But after they felt the smell of the remaining barrels in the air being completely swallowed up, all the gods turned around and left with ugly faces. The cultivation of the barrel is similar to theirs. "Don't beg to swallow the barrel." These gods were scared out of their courage and dared not stay here anymore.

About the pursuit of the murderer, let the Qing Emperor send masters." These immortal-level gods have no guts to continue.

Bigger trouble, still waiting ahead, don't beg!