Steal the sky

Chapter 561 Erase all

The magic cloud disappeared without a single flash in the sky. Don't beg for an instant across the million miles of void between Anyi County and Anle County, and flew to the sky above Anle County and Ancheng County. At the junction of the two counties, on a patrolling small flying boat, several generals of Anyi County saw the magic cloud of Don't beg, but the uneasy generals of Anyi County did not pay attention to the action of Don't beg, and they just didn't find him.

Dodge to the city of He'an, don't beg to use the escape method and came to the Si Xing Hall. A mass of black smoke flashed, and he directly revealed his real body in front of Yan Bugui.

Yan Bugui, who was laughing and talking with Su Qin, trembled in a shocked way and almost jumped up to punch Don't beg. Fortunately, his reaction speed was also extremely fast. He saw Begging's appearance at a glance," he asked hurriedly, "What's the matter with such a hurry?"

Just finished the inspection of several elites of the wind patrol department, Su Qin, who returned to Anchengjing, said eloquently, "What's the urgent matter? Feng Ling Ling's whole family has disappeared, and Zhongzhou is in chaos. It's a good time for us to expand our power. What's the emergency?

Don't begned at Su Qin, grabbed Yan Bugui and shouted, "When you come out, do you have a special contact letter?"

Yan is stunned." Su Qin has taken out a jade charm carved from his sleeve. He frowned and said, "Here is a messenger made by Mr. Mo Zhai himself. As long as it is a member of our Dayan, he can contact all his companions nearby within the scope of today's territory. Well, what do you want this for?"

After grabbing the black jade charm, don't beg and shout: "Tell me the formula and spell as soon as possible... Bule is in trouble!"

Su Qin, Yan Bujiu and several nearby elites of the wind patrol department burst out. They shouted angrily in unison: "Who is so bold?"

Don't beg for an anxious shout: "Don't talk nonsense, Bu Le took people to the Pangu Continent and met the young master of the Wanxian League, and now he is being chased and killed by the Wanxian League! The "All Immortals League" is an alliance of almost all scattered immortals in Pangu Continent, and its potential power is extremely strong. Tell me the formulas and spells quickly, and I'll look for them. Facing the Wanxian League, "We are definitely not opponents" can only hide and adapt to the changes first.

Su Qin's face was extremely ugly. He hurriedly taught the magic formula and spells to control the transmission of the spiritual charm to Don't beg. Don't beg and turn around and leave. Su Qin pondered for a moment and grabbed Don't beg: "Can you want me to go with you?" Can you be sure to hide the traces of those great masters of the Wanxian League with the art of divination? The "Qiyao Qimen Staring" practiced by me has the magic power to cover up the fate of outsiders with the help of the power of stars.

After meditating for a moment, don't beg to make a beg to Su Qin Changchang: "You don't have to go with me. I'm offended. Mr. Su Qin's cultivation "can't be able to help. If you trust the boy," please ask Mr. Su Qin to teach me the seven Yaoqimen

Looking up, don't look at Su Qin. He said in a low voice without blinking an eye, "If you feel at a loss, you can exchange this Qiyao strange gate astrology with your husband with the practice treasure book that goes directly to the Golden Wonderland!"

Su Qin opened his mouth and spat at Don't beg. He scolded, "Is I the kind of person who is greedy for the younger generation? Qiyao Qimen stelect is not a great thing. I will teach it to you! Well, it will be good in the future. Take more care of my children and younger generation!"

A little casually, there is a silver starlight condensation at Su Qin's fingertips" turned into a fluorescent flashing jade slip in the blink of an eye. Ning Shen copied the Qiyao Qimen astrology in the jade slip. Su Qin threw the jade to Don't beg, and said cautiously, "The power of the stars is subtle and unpredictable. The trajectory of the stars can determine the life and death of a person, among which the mystery is endless. You, don't do it indiscriminately.

A handful of Yu Jian was crushed in the palm of his hand. "The huge divine consciousness instantly imprinted all the secrets of Qiyaoqimen astrology in the chaotic soul." Don't beg, haha, with a smile, bowed to Su Qin, and then his body suddenly disintegrated into countless silver starlight, floating invisible with a graceful fairy

Su Qin's old face suddenly twitched into a ball. He was shocked and said, "This boy" can actually perform the star escape? What a bastard, I have been penance for three hundred years to turn my body into the starlight in broad daylight. How can he have such an outrageous understanding?

After stamping his feet fiercely, Su Qin gritted his teeth and said, "No, we can't let this boy be underestimated!" Hey, "I actually said that my cultivation is not enough" and I was not allowed to go to rescue Princess Bule. Well, he's going to save people." We're calculating here, how to encroach more territory! Feng Ling Ling fell to the stage. Zhongzhou was in chaos. If you don't take the opportunity to take more benefits, "Are we stupid?"

Yan Nogui laughed a few times, and a group of elites of the wind patrol department came together and discussed with Su Qin, an old and cunning man.

Don't beg to become a starlight and fly rapidly at an altitude thousands of miles above the ground. All his mind has been integrated into the countless mysteries of the Seven Yaoqi Gate stelect. With the abnormal ability of his innate chaotic soul, he grasped the essence of the seven Yaoqimen horoscope almost in an instant. He incarnated the starlight and felt the huge gravity of those stars that existed in ancient times in the sky.

The body travels through the boundless power of stars like a swimming fish, and gradually Beg to find an extremely powerful power of stars in the same direction as him. He immediately integrated into the power of the stars. A dazzling silver light flashed in the sky. With the help of the power of the stars in the sky, he moved forward billions of miles in an instant, almost across the territory of two major states in an instant.

"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!" Don't beg and nodded secretly. This Qiyao Qimen astrology is used to catch the road, which is much faster than the magnetic power of the geocentric element he robbed from Zhang Yi. However, the mana consumed was also much greater. In just a moment, he consumed half of the mana in the [body]! No wonder Su Qin ran around and never used this kind of escape technique that integrates the teleportation of high-altitude star power. "It's not that Su Qin doesn't know this kind of escape, but that this escape method consumes too much power." At this moment, Su Qin is unable to use it at all.

Don't beg in a hurry. With the help of the power of the stars, he instantly escaped from more than a dozen big states to the direction, and far avoided the possible impact of Zhongzhou, which was in chaos into a pot of porridge, and then entered the state city of a large state. With the help of moving the array, he rushed to the place

The place where Princess Yule landed on the Pangu Continent is the junction of the three nearby big states of "Xuangu Xianguan" and an independent Xianguan town. Xuangu Xianguan is a gathering place for hundreds of scattered practitioners in Dazhou nearby. Its status is comparable to that of Qingxu Xianguan near Zhongzhou. It is a fairy workshop where scattered practitioners trade all kinds of elixir minerals. It is also one of the channels for scattered practitioners to obtain the official ultimatum of Dayu and travel to and from the outer realm of the

Don't beg to go directly to the Xuangu Fairy Pass by moving the array." Then he immediately gambled a Tianting fairy official who guarded the Xuangu Fairy Pass with a lot of money, and asked him which direction he escaped from. After asking about the general direction, "Don't beg" immediately chased in the direction of Princess Bule's escape.

Run away" Don't beg and greet some people's ancestors angrily.

Because he has to digest the huge power of the wooden barrel, in just a few days, he has no time to sacrifice a few handy weapons for himself. He is still clean and slippery all over, and he has nothing to grow except an ordinary storage ring that was robbed. At this moment, if you meet the powerful immortals of the Wanxian League who chase and kill Princess Bile, you can only respond to the enemy empty-handed. How much loss will it be?

If you scold all the way, don't beg to take out the magic charm of the message. He kept chanting the spell and released his information nearby.

Since Princess Yule came to Pangu Continent, there is no reason for her not to say hello to Yan Dan, and it is even more unreasonable not to get such a piece of messenger specially used by the people of the Great Yan Dynasty. Don't beg to believe that with the jade charm, he will definitely find the trace of Princess Bule.

Walking all the way in the direction of Princess Bule's escape, Don't Beg gradually find that more and more strangely dressed immortals are gathering this way. In the wanted document of the Wanxian League, the cause and effect of the conflict between Li Yuhua and Princess Bile and the location of the conflict are described in detail. The scattered immortals of the Wanxian League are not stupid." They also rushed to the vicinity of Xuangu Xianguan and followed the route of Princess Bule's escape that day.

Don't beg to see that there are many immortals who are proficient in divination and arithmetic on the cloud, holding divination tools such as turtles, and the deeds of Princess Le and others in the divination department. It's just that Princess Bile, as the body of the innate god, her breath coincides with heaven and earth. It's not so simple to calculate her deeds. But don't beg, it's even clear that except for Princess Bule, everyone else around her is easy to be measured.

Seeing that there was a cloud in front of him, "a fairy erected a large altar" was measuring the position of Princess Le with a large-scale divination with more than a dozen peers. Don't begging for a poisonous fire in his heart. He looked up to the sky and roared. "Suddenly incarnated In the past.

The wind, the mythical beast that orders all the storms between heaven and earth. Don't beg these days, I have swallowed up the seven wind gods's law of the storm to understand that "he drove the storm" suddenly the black wind rolled thousands of miles away." As soon as the ordinary immortals were involved in the storm, they were immediately torn to pieces.

Don't beg for red eyes, with an infinite black storm to stir up the altar. More than a dozen immortals with a cultivation of about twenty-seven or eight grades failed to make a miserable howling, and was torn into countless pieces by him with a wind knife. The chaotic breath gushed out, and the huge fairy blood in these immortals [body] were swallowed up and absorbed by the chaotic breath, and turned into not begging for everything.

The black storm swept thousands of miles, turned into a shadow of death, and rolled all the way forward.

Wherever they passed, all the immortals along the way, whether they were immortals, frontmen, or innocent passers-by of the Wanxian League, more than 10,000 monks and immortals were killed by the storm. All the immortals were torn into pieces, except for part of the fairy blood being absorbed by Begging. 80% of the other immortals were happily swallowed into their stomachs.

After following the trail for a month and a half, the black jade charm in your hand suddenly burst into a glow.

Near, some people from the Dayan Dynasty received the message from Don't Beg.