Steal the sky

Chapter 587 Haizhou Military Affairs

Slowly take back the blood-stained fist, don't beg for a cold look at the officials of Haizhou who could not afford to kneel on the court. He asked indifferently, "The local chickens and dogs are vulnerable and dare to do treason. The princes of Haizhou, can they still be effectively imitated?" The officials of Haizhou threw themselves to the ground, and their foreheads clung to the ground. They shouted in unison, "Your subordinates, I dare not! Such a traitor can be killed by everyone!" Killing people to establish power, Yu Ge easily achieved the purpose of detering local officials in Haizhou.

As a Haizhou herdsman, he has the power to kill his subordinate county officials. Coupled with the tragic scene of thousands of people in the Muhai's family rolling all over the ground, even if Haizhou officials have some other ideas, they can only hide these ideas firmly in their hearts, and then slowly crush them and drift away with the wind.

Mu Hai's body, as well as his whole family's body, told these Haizhou officials that the Zhongzhou Yu family has come, and Haizhou has changed today. A new owner has been changed. There are only a few days left for the good days for the indigenous officials of Haizhou.

Standing on the [Guangzhou] field, stepping on the thick plasma, Yuge looked up at the sky and announced the appointment of many subordinates behind him.

Haizhou Military Hall, don't beg.

Navy Department of Criminal Hall, Yu'er.

Haizhou Sitian Hall Da Sitian, Yuhu.

Haizhou Sinong Hall, Da Sinong, Yu Yu.

Other officials in charge of civil affairs and people's livelihood, such as Simin and Si Mu, are also held by the Yu family brought by Yu Ge. In such a large Haizhou, there are no more than 10 million people. Outside Ningbo, only five counties have been divided into five counties. The county guards of these five counties have also been seized of power by Yugelu, allowing them to serve as adjutants in the halls, and all five county guards have also been replaced with the followers brought by Yuge.

In addition, the adjutants and subordinates of the halls of Ningbo City, the adjutants and subordinates of the counties have also been replaced with the people brought by Yuge. The rights of local officials in Haizhou have been completely robbed. Unless they want to wrestle with Yuge, they have no choice but to accept all this.

Yuge's second order is to allocate two hundred people from the five counties in Haizhou to form a new county to divide a large area of land in the southeast of Haizhou, which will be reclaimed and developed by millions of people. Yuge did not explain this order, but don't beg to know that the land in the southeast is Yuge's reward to him, and millions of people are also the original capital of Yuge's development.

What the boundless wilderness in the southeast of Haizhou will develop in the future depends on the ability not to beg. Yu Ge did not name the newly established county, nor did he assign any officials to the county to do everything by himself, making it clear that he would not interfere with any move.

Don't beg silently arched his hand to Yuge. He knew that this was Yuge's goodwill to him. He was a little worried. Yuge is still a trustworthy and honest person, but Princess Bule wants to plan the foundation of his whole Haizhou. Don't beg, I feel a little sorry for Yuge.

Soon, this trace of unbearance will be crushed by begging. If the world of immortal cultivation does not advance, it will retreat. If you don't devour others, you will wait for others to devour you. Don't beg has learned this cruel law of the jungle. At worst, he will protect Yuge's glory and wealth to make his mellow and beautiful woman live a happy life. Other than that, Don't beg can't care so much.

The land of a large state is the best place for development. For the Great Yan Dynasty, it was not the foundation of the start-up in the Pangu continent. Begging has become a de facto couple with Princess Bule, and he has to control Haizhou in public and private.

Yuge stepped on the plasma all over the ground and initially established his authority in Haizhou. He looked down on nearly a thousand Haizhou officials kneeling on the ground with satisfaction and gently waved his hand: "According to the appointment just now, each belongs to his own duties. Throw the bodies of the Muhai rebel family out of the city to feed the beasts and don't allow anyone to collect the corpses for them. Humph, let everyone in Haizhou see it. This is the end of colluding with immortals to betray Dayu!"

Don't beg and wait to follow Yuge to Haizhou. Originally, many officials in Haizhou answered one after another, and then many Haizhou officials got up and began to look for the chief official they wanted to serve in the future to hand over the power in their hands. Don't beg to say hello to Yuge, took a few hundred generals from the Haizhou Military Hall and rushed to the Haizhou Military Hall.

Haizhou is just a nine-grade state. Although it has a wide area, it can't charge a few annual tax. Therefore, the scale of Ningbo City is not large. The Haizhou Military Hall is simply three front and rear halls standing surrounded by green trees, and the magnificent atmosphere of thousands of mu in the Zhongning City Military Hall is completely untenable. Compared with the law.

Haizhou Military Hall, like other big states, is located in the west of Ningbo City. In the west, it is the direction of the white tiger, and the main soldiers fight against it, so the hall is located here. The three halls are lined up from east to west, and the door of the hall opens to the west, swallowing the spirit of the West to make up for its own meaning. The hall is simple to build, and there is no huāen decoration on the surface, which looks very rustic.

Unlike those gorgeous and tall halls in Zhongzhou, there are only two stone pillars in front of the Sijun Hall in Haizhou, and the brazier above is the size of a basin. The fire pillar inside is only more than two feet high. Not to mention the green flame that shines on the whole city, even the hall itself cannot be covered. The fire pillars in front of the halls of many official institutions in Dayu are all expensive sesame oil mixed with Jiaoren oil and long saliva. Haizhou has very little tax revenue, and it is impossible to burn a large amount of sesame oil day and night like other big states.

Three halls, from the west, the first hall is the place where the Haizhou army usually issues military orders and deals with military affairs: the second hall is the place where the division army convenes meetings of generals under his command and entertains guests on weekdays: the third hall has one side hall on the left and right, which is the bedroom for the daily life of Dozens of rooms are enough for hundreds of people to live in, and the side halls on both sides are for servants, maids and close guards.

In a word, although the Sitian Hall in Haizhou is extremely small, although the sparrow is small and has all the internal organs, it has all the facilities.

Under the three halls, through a secret gate of the second hall, there is also a small arsenal, in which some ordnance appliances allocated from the superior military hall are stored, including a large number of bone charms, armors, arrows, bows, crossbows, swords, etc., and even a large number of them are specially used for the The spirit stones used by the three small flying boats under the jurisdiction of the hall.

Don't beg to sit in the lobby of the main hall of the Sijun Hall, and quickly look through some of the accounts and file books sent by the original Sijun Huang and the five hundred lieutenants.

The main hall is narrow and dim. Haizhou seems to be poor, and there are more lights in the main hall of the Sijun Hall, which makes Don't be very helpless.

Haizhou's military strength is not strong. There are only five hundred lieutenants in Ningbo, with five hundred soldiers under its jurisdiction, and their cultivation is extremely poor. The five hundred lieutenants are just comparable to the cultivation of the thirty-six grades of the immortals. Huang of the army is slightly higher, that is, the level of the In the five counties outside Ningbo, each county has a military hall, with a hundred lieutenants, and the soldiers under its jurisdiction range from 30 to 50.

Add up to the size, there is one big division and ten captains in the Haizhou Military Hall, with a total strength of seven hundred and eight soldiers. The military strength of a nine-pin Dazhou can't even make up a team of thousands of people. Huang Liang, a big division, didn't even get into a thousand lieutenant in the army of Dayu.

shook his head with dissatisfaction. Don't beg to knock on the case with boulders in front of you and sneered: "Hangtang Haizhou, 700 military forces, how to defend the territory and how to protect the people? If there were Sanxiu to set up a mountain gate in Haizhou, how to deal with their devouring whales?" Huang Li's face turned red. He lowered his head and muttered, "Haizhou's finance is so good that he really can't afford too many soldiers!"

Dayu's soldiers are extremely high. If there are war deaths, injuries and so on, the pension is also extremely high. Haizhou has less than 10 million people, and the support of 700 soldiers has reached the limit. These soldiers have to be equipped with a large number of armor, bone charms and other ordnances, and are also responsible for the maintenance of three small flying boats. They also have to bear the cost of all kinds of elixirs soup for 700 soldiers to practice. Haizhou really can't afford to support more soldiers.

The finger gently clicked on the roster of the soldiers, and don't frown and look at the Tianhuā board of the hall.

The Hu brought by Yuge was close to the leader, and Yuhuai also gave Yuge 3,000 private guards. These 3,000 private army guards must be the old foundation accumulated by Yuxiu, pulled out to support the facade of Yuge. Now these 3,000 private guards have been integrated into the bodyguards of the state pastoral government. As the highest commander-in-chief of a state's military strength, the Haizhou Sijun Hall has only 700 troops, which is intolerable.

"Start tomorrow, recruit new recruits. Within three days, the number of soldiers in Haizhou must collect 10,000 for me!" Don't beg for a finger. Don't look at Huang Yi and shout without refutation: "10,000 soldiers, just recruit me. All their expenses are up to me!" Born tall and burly, Zhou The black-haired Huang, like a gorilla, was shocked. He took a step back in horror and exclaimed, "A large army of ten thousand people? Is it just a shabby place in Haizhou? Is Da Sijun kidding?" Don't beg and stared at Huang fiercely. He scolded, "Your grandson is joking with you! Isn't it just 10,000 people? What can't you afford? Recruit quickly, and I will solve the rest!" After meditating for a moment, he nodded slowly and smiled, "The new official has three fires, and it is the most effective to kill people. Hey, the state pastor kills people. How can I do if I don't kill people? Huang was very, went to the Sitian Hall and asked the Dasitian jade dove to send a hundred priests to listen to the army!" Huang Yu looked at Don't beg in astonishment. He stammered and asked, "Your Excellency, you, do you want to kill someone?" Huang thought of the heads of the thousands of people rolling all over the ground on the court, and he felt that his neck was a little cold.

He glanced at Huang, who was frightened. Don't beg and sneered, "I'm not killing you, I'm going to kill you... Well, do you know that there is a scattered immortal called Invite Yue Zhenren in Haizhou?

"Invite the real person of the moon?"

Huang Yu and five hundred lieutenants let out a scream, took a few steps back at the same time, and sat on the ground!

Huang Li's face was as pale as paper, and his cold sweat kept dripping.