Steal the sky

Chapter 589 Climbing to the Moon

The three strips are light red, shaped like a wing-shaped flying boat on both sides of a wolf galloping in the air.

The flying boat is 30 feet long and can accommodate up to 500 armored soldiers. These three flying boats are the only large-scale combat equipment in the Haizhou Military Hall.

Don't beg to stand on the bow deck of the first flying boat with the soft Huang Li, overlooking the great mountains and rivers below. Haizhou is close to the sea, Ningbo City and five other counties are built near the sea. There are many fishing villages by the sea. At this time, the flying boat flies along the coastline, and you can just see the white sails on the sea moving with the wind, and you can faintly hear the high and simple singing of fishermen.

On the left is the sea, and on the right is the endless plain. Far away is a vast mountain range. Occasionally, several hills extend straight from the big mountain to the sea, like a flying dragon taking water, dividing the plain into basins. The spiritual veins of the sea and the mountains are connected through these small mountains, and these mountains stretching for tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of miles have become the most aura-rich place on the land of Haizhou.

According to Huang Yu's confession, since the establishment of Haizhou, the scattered cultivation forces in Haizhou have been countless, and the strongest of these scattered cultivations is Wangyue Mountain to invite Yuezhen. Haizhou officials even know that inviting Yue Zhenren is a member of the Wanxian League, and the Wanxian League is the Sanxiu group of Dayu's official Mingwen.

However, due to the terrible strength of inviting Yue Zhenren and the idea of self-insurance, Haizhou officials have never done any large-scale targeted action against San Xiu, led by Yinyue Zhenren.

Since the last Da Sijun was invited to kill Yue Zhenzhen a few years ago, no one in Haizhou dares to attack Sanxiu. Haizhou has become a paradise for scattered cultivation, and countless genius treasures have become a tonic for scattered practitioners to improve their cultivation.

Slap the statue of the wolf's head on the bow of the flying boat with your strength. Don't scold him harshly and say, "The great rivers and mountains are the land of our great Yu people. How can we tolerate those scattered cultivation raging! On this trip, we must flatten Wangyue Mountain in one fell swoop, so that those scattered practitioners can understand that Haizhou is my human territory, not the paradise of their immortals!"

Don't beg to tell yourself in your heart that this Haizhou is the place he like. Only the strength of immortal cultivation he allows, such as stealing the sky and changing the sun gate, can enter here. As for other scattered cultivation, hurry up the house and get out of the house. If you are ignorant, give your life and all your wealth to Don'

These scattered property can be used to train a new army that is loyal to not begging. The lives of these scattered cultivations are part of the military achievements! Don't beg to go to Xiongyuan Liangzhu to see what the weather is like in Dayudu City. It takes a large amount of military merit to accumulate enough titles in order to make Don't beg for a chance to make a trip!

The capital of Dayu, the best place of the ancient land, has countless rare treasures. Don't beg to think of the records of some secret places on the bear plain, and you can't help but rush with pains of effort!

Thinking of pride, don't beg to slap the wolf's head of the flying boat again. As a result, he used a little force on this slap, and he heard a "k" sound. The wolf's head cracked a gap, and a large flying boat emitted faint black smoke everywhere. Suddenly, it sank down and roared down from the sky.

Fortunately, the priests of the Sitian Temple who accompanied them reacted quickly. Several priests threw out a leaf of bone runes and turned into a large sky to hold the flying boat, which stopped the momentum of the flying boat falling. Don't beg begical and scolded Huang Yu, "What's going on? I'm just a gentle slap!" Huang Yu's face was indescribable embarrassment. He nodded and bowed to begging and said with a wry smile, "Your Excellency, since the establishment of Haizhou, there have been only these three flying boats. They have been used for a long time. Moreover, for so many years, they have never been fully maintained. I'm It's rotten. It's not easy to fly normally. If you are slapped by an adult, it will naturally be broken!" Don't beg for silence. He meditated for a long time and recruited a follower from the West Island. Now Zuo Sitian of the Sitian Hall in Haizhou: "The kind of snake-shaped flying boat we took when we came to Haizhou. If a flying boat is bought from the official, what is the value?"

Zuo Sitian respectfully saluted Beg and said a number in a low voice. Don't beg for a long silence, nodded and said, "Well, let the brothers squeeze in and go to the two ships. This flying boat will be destroyed on the spot. I don't think it has the value of maintenance!" The number just said by Zuo Sitian is the total output of Haizhou, a nine-pin Dazhou with less than 10 million people in 50 years! It's not Haizhou's tax revenue, but Haizhou's tens of millions of people who have worked hard for 50 years, and the total value of all the materials that can be produced can buy a long snake-shaped flying boat. As for the giant flying boat that is a hundred miles long in the Zhongzhou Sijun Hall, with the current strength of Haizhou, it's better not to dream about it.

Moved the armored soldiers on the damaged flying boat to the other two flying boats. Don't beg for a smile at Huang Li, who was standing beside him, "It doesn't matter. It's just money. Haizhou may not have enough money to waste like this, but if you invite the real people, you must have enough money!"

Rub your palm with your strength. Don't beg to look at the front of you and look forward to it secretly. I hope that if you invite Yue Zhenren has been operating in Haizhou for so many years, you must have more fortune. Otherwise, I'm sorry that he deliberately came to find trouble for him. Unfortunately, Princess Pule and others are He invited the real person of the moon to avenge the revenge of the day.

Several priests waved their hands and hit dozens of hot fireballs, smashing the damaged flying boat into the air. With the dull explosion, the remaining two flying boats continued to fly forward. Don't beg to stand in the bow of the boat and look coldly at the shivering Huang Wei beside him.

Originally, Huang Yu was not used for this expedition. But Buqi and others don't know the direction of Wangyue Mountain. On the land of Panyu, countless mountains, rivers and mountains have no names. Wangyue Mountain is just the name that Yue Zhenren himself named. No one knows where it is located, even the locals in Haizhou. In addition to Huang Li, a general who has at least patrolled the whole territory of Haizhou, there is no way to find the exact location of Wangyue Mountain.

It mezipped along the coastline for seven days and seven nights. The speed of the two flying boats is really intolerable. Don't beg for the hundredth time to ask Huang Yu why he hasn't arrived at Wangyue Mountain. On the shore of the sea in front of him, at the junction of the mountains and the sea, a Qingdai mountain rises from the ground, and there is a faint momentum of clouds, standing between the mountains and the sea. Huang Li, who was about to go crazy by Beggar, pointed to the mountain happily and shouted, "That's Wangyue Mountain. I have been there several times in the past few years, and I will never admit my mistake!" Don't beg to stare at Huang Li. How many times have you been here? What are you doing here?

Huang Yu's face turned white and he lowered his head timidly. He muttered in a low voice, "Your subordinate, subordinate..." Gritting his teeth, Huang Li said ruthlessly, "I once found a few elixirs when I was on patrol and sent them here in exchange for some gold and silver."

He took a deep look at Huang Yu. Don't beg and say indifferently, "Remember, the elixir is an official in Dayu. If you sell it privately, it is already a death penalty." After a pause, Don't beg to pat Huang Yu, who has a sallow face, and whispered, "Remember, the one I represent is the official of Dayu!"

Huang Li's eyes lit up, and his face suddenly had a layer of blood. He said deeply, "I see!"

Don't beg for "um". He narrowed his eyes slightly, and the chaotic god looked at Wangyue Mountain a hundred miles away.

A huge mountain with peaks and mountains around it, it is like a large lotus flower clustered with a piece of strange jade. The mountain is a hundred miles high and thousands of miles in circumference. Among them, the purple air is faint, and the sun and moon are bright in the sky. It is clearly an excellent fairy land. According to the different directions of the surrounding peaks, there are all kinds of glows looming. The real moon is also arranged a lot of defensive formations near the mountain, and there are pavilions on the mountain, and there are obviously monks on duty.

Huang Yu whispered, "At the foot of Wangyue Mountain, there is a market on the beach. It is the place where all the scattered repair parties in Haizhou are traded. There are always a lot of scattered repair in and out on weekdays. According to the information from my subordinates, this market is still the only stronghold of Wanxian League in Haizhou!" Don't beg to meditate on the pieces. He whispered a few words with the leading general sent by Yuhu and the head priest of the Sitian Temple, and made a strategy.

The two flying boats flew one left and one right and scattered, looking at the moon mountain in the distance. Gradually, clouds spread over the flying boat, covering the figure of the flying boat. The priests and immortals of the Sitian Hall have been entangled for countless years, and have naturally developed a set of extremely effective means for the immortals. This layer of smoke is the unique obsessive smoke of the Sitian Hall, which is best at isoling the exploration of immortals' divine knowledge.

Unless any unlucky man bumped into the maze smoke and collided with the flying boat, no one can know that there are two Feidans hidden in the maze smoke, a thousand armored soldiers and hundreds of priests! As long as it is led by several generals, this military strength is enough to uproot a scattered force or hit it hard.

Seeing the two flying boats go away, don't beg for a cloudy wind under your feet, and pulled Huang Li to the beach at the foot of Wangyue Mountain and on the shore of the sea.

Since Huang Yu has come here to give an elixir, it proves that he has an acquaintance here. It's easy to get to Wangyue Mountain and shout and kill without saying a word. Isn't it a big disaster? Let's take a look at the treasures on the market of Wangyue Mountain first, how much oil and water can be, and determine the targeted goal before killing. Isn't it better than rushing in rashly?

With all kinds of bad thoughts, don't beg Huang Yu, who looked a little pale again, flew to the edge of Wangyue Mountain.

In the sky, a full moon is hanging high, and the snow-white waves of the sea and earth are constantly surging towards the beach.

On the magnificent blue-purple beach under the moonlight, a market with a radius of about ten miles is brightly lit. Many immortals and Sanxiu ignore the change of day and night, and are gathering in the city to have fun.

Don't beg to land on the edge of the market with Huang Li, and then strode into the market. There is not even a guard in such a large market, and no one pays attention to the arrival of Don't Beg and Huang Li. Don't beg to take Huang Li to walk the rest of the clock in the street of the market, and then a shout of excitement suddenly came from a shop on the roadside: "Hahaha, Lord Sitian, what good goods have you brought? Do you want to be a maze to urge love this time, or do you want to control the puppet charm of the people? With the laughter, a fat-headed, big-eared middle-aged man who could not do well as Jindan's strength strode out of the store.