Steal the sky

Chapter 596 The Fall of the Moon

Three priests of the Sitian Temple, surrounded by black smoke, flew over. They took out 360 long black needles as thin as cow hair, which was three feet and six inches long, and fiercely inserted them into the 360 heavy acupuncture points all over the body. The long needle is a poisonous magic weapon refined by the Sitian Hall. It is called the prisoner immortal thorn. If your top golden fairy is pierced by this long [needle], it is formed in the [body]. The prisoner immortals can only obediently be the captive of the Sitian Hall, and there is no chance to turn the tables.

The long [needle] pierced into the unconscious inviting moon real person [body], and a fierce long needle extends along his meridians and blood vessels. Once the long needles in the acupuncture points everywhere touch each other, they immediately merge into one like mercury. The three priests of the Sitian Temple took action like electricity, but in a few breaths, they stabbed all the long needles into the inviting moon real person [body]. Don't beg for the chaotic god's eyes, you can see that there is already a dense black net in the inviting moon real person [body].

Invite Yue Zhenren's heavy acupuncture point was broken, and the immortal power inside the body continued to penetrate out of the body with the big net. Before long, there was not a drop of the remaining immortal power left in the body. The big net has isolated the communication between the real person of the moon and the aura of heaven and earth. Even if he wakes up, it is impossible to extract a little aura from heaven and earth, and he can't restore any mana.

Such a thin long needle is hollow, which is filled with the medicine powder secretly prepared by Sitian Hall. The black medicine is scattered in the [body] of inviting Yue Zhenren, paralyzed his muscles and bones, and the body of the immortals has become soft and weak. At this time, the real person invited Yue is similar to a strong man of mortals With strength, there was no chance to resist in front of the priests and those armored soldiers in the Sitian Hall.

The medicine spread in the [body], and the soreness caused by the corrosion of muscles and bones by the medicine made the invitation Yue Zhenren wake up from a coma. He opened his eyes with difficulty and looked at the half-inch-long needles exposed by the heavy acupuncture points everywhere on his body, and the light golden fairy power that kept spreading along Hey hey, I've heard about the immortal stabbing the name for a long time. "I didn't expect that I still had the opportunity to learn it in person!"

Taking a deep breath, he invited Yue Zhenren to look at Don't beg and shout, "Tan Lang, do you know that I am the Immortal League..."

Don't beg for a foot on Invite Yue Zhenren's mouth, stamped half of his big teeth to pieces, and the blood mixed with broken teeth filled Invite Yue Zhenren's mouth, forcing him to swallow the blood and broken teeth into his stomach. The sharp tooth fragments randomly scratched the voice of inviting Yue Zhenren, and almost killed him to death. Invite Yue Zhenren is a high-quality immortal. How can he ever suffer like this? He was so painful and angry that he almost died of anger.

"The Immortal League?" Don't pull the corners of your mouth with a smile." He said deliberately, "I haven't heard of it. The people of the Wanxian League are great?"

kicked a few times all over the body. Don't beg to point to the exposed pavilion and shouted harshly, "Come on, catch all your life alive and tie them up. Hey, Huang very? Huang is very? What are you doing, you bastard? Hurry up and count how many treasures there are in the warehouse of Wangyue Mountain. "Register all the treasures, and I have to share the harvest here with the state herdsman!"

Huang Yu got out of nowhere. With a smile on his face, he was lifting his trousers in a panic and tightening his belt. Don't beg looked back." Huang opened the door of the pavilion that Huang had just come out. Through the door, Don't beg saw a young girl lying on the ground. The girl's clothes were torn clean, and the roots of her two snow-white thighs were full of messy blood.

Huang Yu nodded and bowed to Don't beg, "Your Excellency, I'm here. I'm going to count all the treasures in the treasury [room]!"

Don't beg and nodded slowly. He pointed to the pavilion just now and shouted in a low voice, "That woman is your private property." You can take it back to Ningbo City to enjoy!" After a slight pause, don't beg and scold, "Next time I dare to have this kind of thing, I will cut off the scourge under you!"

Huang Yu suddenly covered his lower body. He said with a dry smile, "I know the crime, and I understand." Next time, I will never make this mistake again!" While saying good words, Huang nodded and bowed back, interpreting the face of a dog's leg vividly.

Inviting Yue Zhenren turned his head with difficulty. He also looked at the pavilion and suddenly roared, "That's my youngest granddaughter!"

Don't beg and stamped on the head of inviting Yue Zhenren, and forced all the curses of inviting Yue Zhenren back to his stomach. Don't beg and scolded, "Why haven't you ever done such a thing? Today, you have suffered this great disaster in the vein of the moon mountain. But when you forced others in the past, did you ever think of today's retribution?"

Invite Yue Zhenren to open his eyes wide, stare at Don't beg, and squeeze out a few words from the cracks of his mouth: "Zizi, I'm bound to kill you!"

Don't beg frowned." He shook his head and invited several priests of the Sitian Temple to whisper a few times. Several priest-hearted leaders nodded. They took out a special seal that was several feet wide and entangled dozens of times around the inviting moon.

These seals are entangled in the body of inviting Yue Zhenren, and he doesn't even have the power to break the heavenly spirit to escape from the fairy soul. These priests were afraid that the real man and the secret method could do anything. They also penetrated the important joints of the real man with a special chain and tied him up like a zongzi.

Inviting the children of the real person of the moon, there are only five people with the cultivation of the lower grade of immortals, and the other strongest is the realm of the yuanshen. In the face of the wolf-like priests and heavy armored men of the Sitian Temple, the children and grandchildren of Yue Zhenren simply lost the courage to resist. Including the five immortals today, they were all restrained and captured one by the priests of the Sitian Hall.

Don't beg to shake your head and invite Yue Zhenren to be extremely fierce to outsiders. From the fact that he chased and killed Princess Po Le and his party, it can be seen that he is not a kind-hearted person. But he is indeed a good parent for his son. He has almost handled everything in Wangyue Mountain, and all the people live carefree under his wings. This is the biggest tragedy in the vein of Wangyue Mountain. They have been free for too long, and they don't even know how to fight. When they lost the backbone of inviting Yue Zhenren, they were captured by the people brought by Begging.

There were a total of 3,947 people, and the total number of prisoners was soon carried up. These people are invited to the real wife and children, and they are all his Zhisang people. Wangyue Mountain originally had a large number of civilians for them to drive, and there were tens of thousands of servants and maids up and down. However, at the beginning of the attack on the mountain, the clansmen who invited Yue Zhenren abandoned the surrounding mountain protection and retreated to the top of the mountain. Those maids were involved by the aftershocks of both sides, and tens of thousands of servants and maids survived by less than 2,000.

More than a thousand servants and maids were ordered to be degraded to slaves and ready to take them back to Ningbo City for sale! In fact, there is no need to beg for orders. The Dayu Dynasty has never been polite to these ordinary people who used to be "thieves". Any civilian who once worked for free cultivation is often the end of being killed by the clan. Don't beg. It's just an order to sell these people as slaves, which is already a special method of mercy.

The excited Huang shouted loudly and commanded hundreds of armored soldiers and the strong men selected from more than a thousand servants, and swept away the palaces, pavilions and secret rooms of the warehouses on Wangyue Mountain. Now there are more than 3,000 people who invite Yue Zhenren. Huang very just threatened them a little. The clan who invited Yue Zhenren told them about the warehouse secret room on Wangyue Mountain.

A bag of spiritual stones, a bag of fairy stones, a large number of elixirs, ores, all kinds of beautiful jade crystals, all kinds of genius treasures, a huge number of treasures were removed from all over the Wangyue Mountain, and gradually piled up into a small mountain in front of the pavilion on the top of the mountain.

Inviting Yue Zhenren is a high-quality immortal. He has obtained the meeting of hundreds of yuan. He has opened up the mountain gate in Wangyue Mountain and has also established a foundation. He has invited Yuexianfang for hundreds of thousands of years. Therefore, he is extremely rich, so he can rent the golden fairy weapon of the golden fairy at a great price Tattooed shark.

Hundreds of thousands of years of savings, even if he only mines a fairy stone in the spiritual vein every day, it is an extremely terrible number. What's more, the resources obtained by inviting Yue Zhenren from all parts of Haizhou are far more than this income through commerce?

Huang Li counts Yue Zhenren's assets, and in the end, Huang couldn't help dripping a large cold sweat on his forehead. The real person invited Yue is extremely amazing. His total assets are roughly equivalent to the total income of a big state like Zhongzhou in two years! For a large state like Zhongzhou, the total population of a state is calculated in trillions, which is not as beautiful as a nine-grade state with a population of less than tens of millions.

By Huang's very good means, it took him a full day and a night to count all the assets of inviting Yue Zhenren. He carefully came to Begging and whispered the huge number to Begging.

Don't beg slightly stunned. He didn't expect that inviting Yue Zhenren could have such a big fortune. The property and resources he helped were enough for the smooth development of a school of thousands of people. After mediting for a moment, Don't beg to look at the priests and armored soldiers standing around and waved casually, "You brothers have worked hard on this attack on Wangyue Mountain! Each person will be given a piece of fairy stone, one hundred top-grade spirit stones and ten thousand gold beads. Let's take it as a hard work!"

The priests and soldiers were immediately overjoyed and bowed to Don't beg. Ten thousand gold beads are enough for these priests and armored to live a very luxurious life for ten years. The top-grade spirit stone is one hundred, which is a fairy stone of great value. Even the priests and armors of the human race have a way to take advantage of the fairy spirit in the fairy stone. After all, it is the purest heaven and earth aura con

And as long as the structure of the fairy stone is not damaged, even if the fairy spirit in the fairy stone is exhausted, it can actively absorb the aura of heaven and earth to recover slowly, and there will be no day of exhaustion at all. A piece of fairy stone is enough to pass on as a treasure. Don't beg for the reward, it's extremely generous!

So many priests and priests who besieged the Moon Mountain were full of joy, and they also became respectful and close to begging.

Don't beg for an order. The two flying boats were piled up and escorted all the prisoners into the flying boat. The overloaded flying boats slowly flew back to Ningbo City at a speed several times slower than when they came. On the way, Don't beg also found an opportunity to loot many of the property of the Moon Pavilion that swept over the moon shopkeeper who obediently ran into the wilderness and waited.

In a word, don't beg for this trip to gain a lot. Not only did he have the wealth to develop his territory, but also the resources needed to steal the sky for the cultivation of the disciples, which are enough to cope with the hundreds of years of hard work of thousands of disciples.

Don't beg to stand in the bow of the flying boat and look around at the beautiful scenery. Suddenly, he received a message from the demon puppet!

A large number of people led by Princess Bile have sneaked into Haizhou!