Steal the sky

Chapter 599 Prepare for War

Chapter 299 Armament Preparedness (Third Update)

I don't know why I'm so sleepy today... I really want to sleep!

Servants clean up the mess of flesh and blood in the hall. Don't beg, I just fell hard and broke the whole body of the immortal into pieces, and the bones were broken into powder. It was flat and spread on the ground. Those servants had to use sharp shovels to sweep away the plasma meat stuck to the floor.

Don't beg and Yuhu sat opposite each other in the hall, with a few small cases in the middle. A beautiful girl in a long red dress with a goose egg face carefully served the two and made tea for them. This girl is the personal maid that Yuhu has searched all over Haizhou in the past three months and bought at a high price.

With a teacup, don't beg to learn the origin of the three people in black from Yuhu's mouth.

It was in the early morning today. Yuhu had just dealt with all the affairs of Haizhou in the hall, and the three Taoist men in black fell from the sky arrogantly, and a thunderbolt was a mess, knocking down a large area of the private guards of the state pastoral government. Later, a thousand priests of the Sitian Temple came to support when they heard the news and arranged a large array under the leadership of dozens of monthly priests, which barely blocked the attack of three Taoist men in black.

Even so, Yuhu's shoulder was also passed by the sword light of a Taoist in black, and he almost cut off one of his arms. Fortunately, Yuhu got a few protective treasures from Yuyu before leaving. As soon as he found that something was wrong, he immediately put on his bone armor, which saved his life under the hands of three Taoist in black. Subsequently, the chief officials, adjutants, and officials of the Haizhou Halls attacked in groups one after another, and united with a few powerful bone charms in Yuhu's hand, which forced them to fight against the three Taoists in black.

Then the three black-clothed Taoist talents explained their intention. They were the messengers of the Wanxian League's Shengxian Hall. They were ordered to inform the Haizhou official. If they don't want Haizhou's life to be ruined, they will obediently hand over the Yue Zhenren family, and they will have to pay a large amount of , to invite Yue Zhenren and his people.

Yuhu was alert. Seeing that the three Taoists in black had profound cultivation, it was difficult for officials in Haizhou to fight against the enemy. They hurriedly sent people to don't beg for a message. When Don't beg came, the three Taoists in black were expelled.

After listening to the cause and effect of the matter, don't beg and frown. Take a cup of fragrant tea and drink it all at once. Don't beg and look at the jade. The Wanxian League is just a loose fairy alliance. Inviting Yue Zhenren is just an ordinary ally of the Wanxian League. How could the Wanxian League come to Haizhou to vent their anger at the invitation Yue Zhenren? Every year, there are many Wanxian allies who have been killed because of the official attack of Dayu, and there are not so many Wanxian League coming forward to ask for an explanation?

Yuhu also looked at Don't Beg. As the direct descendant of the Zhongzhou Yu family, Yuhu's understanding of Wanxian League far exceeded that of Don't Beg. The relationship between the Wanxian League and the official of Dayu is very bad, and it is even extremely bad. The emperor personally edicted the high-level officials of the Wanxian League, and the two sides are almost incompatible. But after all, Pangu Continent is the territory of Dayu, and even Taiyi Jinxian dare not do anything recklessly in Pangu Continent. The potential power of the Wanxian League is huge. Many immortals and Sanxiu on the Pangu Continent have inextricably linked to the Wanxian League, but I have never heard that the Wanxian League really dares to take action against the Dayu official!

whispered the information he knew about the Wanxian League to Don't beg, and Yuhu also said the doubts in his mind. According to Yuhu's judgment, unless the high-level officials of the Wanxian League are dizzy, they should never do such a thing!

If they really want to invite Yue Zhenren to let the Wanxian League attack Haizhou wantonly, and if they really slaughter Haizhou, Dayu will definitely use all means to retaliate against Wanxian League. The relationship between people and immortals in Pangu Continent is already extremely delicate. Tianting and Dayu have easily maintained a balance on Pangu Continent. The Wanxian League is so reckless that it is likely to completely break this balance!

Once there is a conflict between Dayu and the heavenly court, and the people and immortals launch a war, neither side is sure of winning. At that time, the war will be continuous. Once the number of human deaths and injuries on the Pangu mainland exceeds a certain limit, the terrible consequences are that neither the Dayu Emperor and the Heavenly Emperor can't explain

Don't beg to sit on the side of a few cases. Yuhu said eerantly, "In the past, all the ancient saints followed the heavenly path to create people, took the Pangu sage and the blood of many mythical beasts to create the human body. Nuwa saint derived the soul with the spirit tripod, injected inspiration into The spirit, the lord of heaven and earth, is the race of heaven. If the Immortals Alliance starts the war and let Dayu and the heavenly court attack each other, if the human race loses too much, won't they be afraid that the ancient saints who have long disappeared will come forward?

Don't beg's heart twitched fiercely a few times. The ancient saints united to create people, and the Nuwa saint injected the soul into the human race to open the wisdom? This legend is similar to the myths and legends that Le Xiaobai sees in some ancient books on the earth, but what are the saints who created people and what they are doing now? This is not what Yuhu can know. It's just that Don't begging quickly left these fragmentary thoughts behind. How can he have time to think about these illusory things?

With your fingers on the table, don't beg and say in a low voice, "These ancient saints and other things are too far away from us. The first thing we need to do now is to find out why the Wanxian League will take the lead for inviting Yue Zhenren! Later, I went to torture and invited Yue Zhenren to see if he had any strong backing in the Wanxian League. Lord Zhoumu, be prepared to conflict with the Wanxian League!"

Yuhu's face suddenly became extremely serious. He pondered for a long time and frowned and said, "Are you calculating that there will be a war?"

Don't beg to look up at the sky. He frowned and thought for a quarter of an hour. He folded his hands, learned the appearance of Princess Pangle, and gradually combined the fluctuation of the soul with the void around him. He recited the mantra silently in his mouth, trying to find a trace of truth in the boundless fog with divination. But after working hard for a long time, it is obvious that he has no outstanding talent in this magical power of speculatives. He can only give up his efforts and said with a wry smile, "The Wanxian League is so arrogant that one of the three messengers has been destroyed by me. It's no wonder they don't revenge!"

After meditating for a long time, don't beg to nod and say, "They will definitely retaliate, but we can't be sure of the intensity of their retaliation. Will they really tear up their faces to attack Haizhou in order to invite Yue Zhenren, or will they restrain this disturbance to a very small range? We can only bear it passively and can't take the initiative to respond.

With a long sigh, don't beg at Yuhu with an ugly face and said, "Xingwen to Zhongzhou, tell the state Mubo Zhongfu directly about everything here, and ask Zhongzhou's 'secret' to send troops to help! In the face of such a big enemy as the Wanxian League, it is not a shame to apply for reinforcements. It's better to tell Da Sitian to ask Da Sitian to mobilize manpower to reinforce Haizhou.

Yuhu nodded, and he gritted his teeth and said, "It depends on what they want to do!" Invite the real person? Hey, Tan Lang, if you want to sacrifice his blood, then you must treat him as a sacrifice. You must not give them to the people of the Wanxian League. We can't afford to lose this person!"

Don't beg and be very satisfied with Yuyu's attitude. The Wanxian League is aggressive and aggressive, and Haizhou can only use the most toughest means to hit them head-on. Otherwise, if you make concessions step by step, you will make concessions step by step. If the Wanxian League gets benefits in Haizhou, it may send more people to Haizhou. Is it possible that in the future, like the former Haizhou herdsmen, let the immortals of the Wanxian League do whatever they want in Haizhou?

Haizhou is a private territory, and he will not tolerate anyone invading his interests in Haizhou.

After the secret negotiation between Don't beg and Yuhu, several official documents were sent to Zhongning City, Zhongzhou as quickly as possible. Buqi and Yuhu mobilized their subordinates, including officials from Haizhou, and personally joined the expansion project of the Haizhou city wall.

The class division of Dayu is extremely strict, and it is impossible for noble people with such status as Don't Beg and Yuhu to participate in all kinds of work. Even if you have the power to move mountains, many things can be done as long as they wave their hands, but because of their identity, they will not do many things.

Just like the construction of the city wall in Haizhou, it took tens of thousands of years for thousands of people to build the wall, and any Haizhou official can use his magic power to build the wall with a length of tens of miles in just one day, but there is a difference between nobleness and cheapness. How can you expect officials to carry out this kind of

Now under the pressure of the Wanxian League, Yuhu and others personally built the city wall. A new city wall 30 feet high and 50 miles long and wide was immediately completed. Many priests in the Sitian Temple have drawn a large number of rare materials from the warehouse, carved various formations and runes on the wall composed entirely of black rocks, and constructed a strong forbidden defense on the wall. All kinds of vicious traps and murderous ambushes are endless.

Yuhu has just made a fortune. For the safety of Haizhou, he is very willing to spend a lot of money. Through the channels of the Yu family, he has bought a large number of powerful bone charms, countless crossbows and arrows, countless armored s, and countless powerful weapons. The 3,000 private guards around him were armed to his teeth, and the 10,000 newly summoned soldiers were expanded to 30,000, and all of them received their own armor, bows and crossbows and other weapons.

Human soldiers, even if they don't have the slightest cultivation, as long as they can open bows and shoot arrows, they can pose a great threat to the monks - the powerful rune arrows forged by the Sitian Hall and the Sijun Hall can cause fatal damage to the immortals. Under the leadership of Buqi, the expanded 30,000 soldiers are constantly shooting arrows at the arrow target day and night. The powerful weapons made by the human race cooperate with a huge number. Even if the Golden Immortals of the Wanxian League attack, they will be dizzy.

Seven days after the fierce soldiers and horses, the secret reinforcements of Zhongning City finally arrived.

The new Zhongzhou Mubo Zhongfu heard that the Wanxian League provoked the majesty of Haizhou officials, and simply sent his third son, Bo Yunting, to lead 100,000 troops to help. Among the 100,000 soldiers, there are twelve generals from one yuan Pangu Tianyixing Tianjing to Sanxing Tianjing, who are twelve golden fairy-level generals. And Bo Yunting himself is a strong man of the one-yuan Pangu Tianliutian Realm.

The reinforcements sent by Yuzhen to his only grandson were led by Yuhuai. Except for Yuhuai, there were only a few nine supporters, but all nine of them came from the Liangzhu Yu family. They were daily priests secretly trained by the Liangzhu Yu family. The strongest priest brazenly embroidered seven golden suns on his cuffs.

The reinforcements are hidden in the suburbs of Ningbo, and Haizhou has become a huge death trap. RO