Steal the sky

Chapter 604 Blood Sacrifice to Immortals

Chapter 601 Blood Sacrifice to Immortals (Second Update)

More than two months have passed since the destruction of Ningbo City, and the aftermath is still rolling in Zhongzhou.

On that day, Ningbo City was destroyed, and the number of deaths in Ningbo City and surrounding towns exceeded one million. Li Min's loss is just that. Looking at the 300 major states under the rule of Zhongzhou, it is nothing more than a drop of water in the sea, which is nothing. What is fatal is the 100,000 troops hidden outside Ningbo - the 100,000 troops personally led by Bo Yunting, the beloved son of Zhongfu, the new governor of Zhongzhou.

In addition to Bo Yunting and the twelve generals under his command of the one-yuan Pangutian realm, 100,000 troops were beaten to ashes by the sudden attack of stars. These 100,000 troops are not the local army of Zhongzhou. The local army of Zhongzhou has been ordered to disband on the spot after the Fengling case, and all the soldiers have returned to their hometowns for retirement. These 100,000 elite soldiers are the private army brought by Bo Zhongfu from the fief of his Bo clan, and the private army sent by the Bo clan to escort his Bo Zhongfu to sit firmly in the position of Zhongzhou!

100,000 private soldiers are all gold casters, and everyone spends the astronomical money of the Bo family. As a result, outside Ningbo, 100,000 troops turned into a wisp of smoke, and only a dozen generals were spared. Bo Zhongfu was very angry and extremely angry!

Before he became the pastor of Zhongzhou, Bo Zhongfu was the confidant and close minister of the current emperor, and had a very strong network of contacts in Liangzhu, the capital of Dayu. His 100,000 private troops were destroyed, and Bo Zhongfu turned into Liangzhu, and suddenly the king and ministers of the great Yu were shocked.

A large number of master secret agents swarmed out of the bear field, searched the world, and hunted the immortals in the Wanxian League. In just more than two months, the immortals of the two halls of the Wanxian League Shengxian Hall and the Yinxian Hall and the masters sent by the Dayu Dynasty exchanged fire everywhere in the Pangu mainland Talk about the smell of the heavy disaster.

I don't know what kind of nerve Wanxian League has. After they made such a desperate plan in Ningbo City, Haizhou, they set fire everywhere on the Pangu mainland in more than two months, and more than 200 state cities in Pinzhou were attacked by the same stars in Haizhou. Only 13 of them were guarded by masters, and they were lucky to be spared from the attack of the stars, and all the other 200 states were completely razed.

The Dayu Dynasty became more and more angry, and sent more masters to kill the immortals of the Wanxian League. It is even said that some royal worships in the Forbidden Palace, who have not appeared for many years, have secretly come out of Xiongyuan. Their goal is to the core of the elders of the Wanxian League, which is very popular on the Pangu mainland, destroying many places.

The situation was a little out of control. The immortals of the Wanxian League ascended to Xiantang and Yinxiantang didn't know what crazy they were. Under the all-round blow of the Dayu Dynasty, they actually attacked the town of Dayu in droves. And the master sent by Dayu also began an indiscriminate attack in the case of continuous deflies.

The imperial edict was issued to the whole territory of the Pangu mainland, and the big states of the world swarmed, and the armies of the states began to kill all the scattered forces in an orderly manner. For a moment, the Pangu mainland was full of beacon smoke and blood flowed into rivers. Countless scattered cultivation and monsters were slaughtered. Some Sanxiu forces immediately suffered an extremely heavy blow.

But these have nothing to do with begging, and they have nothing to do with Haizhou.

In this storm, Haizhou is just an introduction. After the destruction of Ningbo City, no one pays attention to the situation in Haizhou. Yuqi scolded and took a huge sum of money from Yuyu to start rebuilding Ningbo City, and the new city pool was on the original site of Ningbo City.

Pangu Continent is like a living creature, with a strong power of self-healing and self-healing. Ningbo City was bombarded into a large pit with a diameter of 50,000 miles, thousands of miles deep underground, and the huge trauma was fully recovered in just one month. Although the terrain is very different from before, it is at least a flat and fertile land, but there are some scar-like mountain hills in some areas.

The new Ningbo City was built on the original Ningbo City. With the support of Yujiong, Yuhu secretly brought five million Li people from Zhongzhou to the new Ningbo City. The newly built state city is bound to be prosperous than the previous Ningbo city.

Don't beg not to care about these things in civil affairs. After selecting 30,000 young and middle-aged young people from the newly transported immigrants to reorganize the army of Ningbo City Division, Don't beg to pack 30,000 people and take them to Donghai County, and the elites of the wind patrol led by Yan Bugui trained them.

When the battle between the Dayu court and the Wanxian League on the Pangu mainland was booming, the day of not begging has finally come.

On the third day of the ninth month of the Dayu Dynasty, the heavens and the earth are full of evil spirit, which is the day of evil spirit over the sun. On such a fierce day, everything is unlucky and only sacrifices. Every year on the third day of September, the royal family of Dayu will go to the ancestral temple for the royal sacrifice ceremony, and many rich families and various forces in Dayu will also hold their own blood sacrifice ceremony.

The evil spirit will override the sun, and the space around Pangu Continent will become fragile and unstable. Those ghosts and gods from the alien world can more easily project stronger power to Pangu Continent. Blood sacrifices to ghosts and gods on this day can also get more benefits. Of course, the sacrifice must be properly selected, and the spiritual and bloodiest sacrifice must be used to win the joy of ghosts and gods.

And the most spiritual and bloody sacrifices in heaven and earth, what else is there besides people? On the third day of September every year, even if the emperor repeatedly reiterates that it is strictly forbidden for human beings to perform blood sacrifices, there are still countless civilians who will be secretly killed as sacrifices. At this time of year, the prisoners and exiled prisoners in the major states and counties of Dayu will be swept away, and there will even be underground transactions to buy these prisoners or exiled for felony with huge money, just like buying pigs and dogs on the vegetable market.

Don't beg and also bought a huge amount of sacrifices. He spent half of the money and money obtained from the destruction of Wangyue Mountain. He bought 120,000 white horses, 120,000 black horses, 90,000 white cows, 90,000 black cows, 60,000 white sheep and 60,000 black sheep. It took him a full month and a half to buy these sacrifices. Fortunately, Zhongzhou has fertile land, countless pastures, and a large number of livestock for sale. Don't beg for Yuhu's relationship. I bought so many animals before the third day of September and delivered them outside the East China Sea in time.

A huge altar stands outside the city of the East China Sea, and the dense stone piles are full of animals that are about to be sacrificed. On the altar, thousands of monks were lying stiffly on the ground. The whole body was controlled by prisoners, and even his eyes could not move. His open eyes were full of panic and despair. His lips squirmed rapidly, but there was no sound.

Princess Po Le appeared in front of the real person inviting the moon with the Holy Spirit King and the cat cattails. Princess Po Le, who inherited the way of the ancient gods, will be today's main sacrifice. Invite Yue Zhenren to see the true face of Princess Kuanle and his party, especially when he saw the two flying ice fire dragon pythons with golden horns and silver horns coiled around the waist, his expression became very wonderful. It was indescribable. It was indescribable. It was a mixture of panic, despair, anger and resent

Don't beg to walk slowly to the real person, lowered his voice and said with a smile, "This is the truth of the destruction of your mountain. You shouldn't have provoked my wife, you shouldn't have provoked my brothers and friends. Don't worry, you will be the last to die!"

After a slight pause, don't beg and nod with a smile and said, "Whether you believe it or not, anyway, the Wanxian League is fighting for you. Well, the war on the Pangu continent is all for you now. I know and you know that the so-called want us to hand over you and your people is just an excuse. At least the Wanxian League is willing to use you as an excuse. You should feel very comforted and gratified, right?

shook his head mockingly, don't beg and sighed in a low voice: "Organized people are really arrogant and domineering, different from us!"

Invite Yue Zhenren to look at Don't beg, and suddenly there was a trace of expectation in his eyes. The complex expression on his face disappeared without a trace, but only a trace of pleading in despair. He tried his best to turn his eyes around and win the eyes of Don't beg.

Don't beg to look at the young children lying next to the inviting moon. These children should be the youngest blood descendants of the inviting moon. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he took a deep breath. He looked at the gray sun in the sky and said in a low voice, "Sorry, the grass is not eradicated, and the spring breeze blows again. I won't give your child hope of revenge on me in the future!"

With a deep smile, Don't beg shook his head and said, "I've heard too many such stories. Cut the grass without rooting, and maybe I will die in the hands of your descendants. Therefore, it is certain that you are cut off all over the door. Maybe these children around you are qualified to become Taiyi Jinxian? How can I take such a risk?"

Invite Yue Zhenren's eyes suddenly turned gray and white like dead fish's eyes. All the anger on his body suddenly disappeared. He was still alive, but he had lost all his vitality.

There is a khaki evil spirit between heaven and earth, and everyone can feel the shock from the void. The void around Pangu Continent gradually began to shake, and the space organization became fragile. When the blood sacrifice summoned ghosts and gods, the strength required for ghosts and gods to come to Pangu Continent was greatly reduced.

When the sun rises to the middle of the climax, the evil spirit between heaven and earth reaches its peak. The earth-yellow evil spirit filled the void, and the sun was completely absorbed by the evil spirit.

On the third day of September this year, it happens to be the day of a once-in-one evil spirit, and the evil spirit between heaven and earth is ten thousand times more than usual. On such a fierce day, the people of Li on the Pangu mainland will hide in their homes and will never go out to work. However, many rich families regard this day as a gift from heaven, and will sacrifice ghosts and gods a hundred times richer than usual today.

Don't beg and show the Holy Spirit and his party retreated to the altar, leaving Princess Kuanle alone in a priest's robe and standing upright on the top of the altar.

When the sun completely disappeared, Princess Le raised the bone knife in her hand and gently stabbed into the void.

Wailing came from all over the ground, and hundreds of thousands of animals densely spread around the altar were cut off their throats by invisible forces at the same time.

Blood sprayed out, and the blood rushed straight into the sky. RO