Steal the sky

Chapter 609 R hooligan king

Chapter 659 The R hooligan fairy king (first update!)

A clean and neat sword, without any tricks, or even the sword wind did not swing at all. Everyone just saw the long sword split, bringing a sad sound of breaking the air, and then Li Yang Zhenren suddenly retreated back, and the void behind him suddenly collapsed, sucking Li Yang Zhenren's body like a black hole. Even Liyang retreated quickly, and the long sword still scratched his body, cutting a very thin blood mark from the corner of his left eye to his chin.

A blood mist spewed out from the back of Liyang Zhenren's head. The sword with this sword pierced Liyang Zhenren's head, tore open his brain, and caused extremely heavy trauma to his head. Such an injury is nothing to a golden fairy, and it can be repaired with a little fairy power. However, Jianyi smashed Liyang Zhenren's brain, damaged his fairy soul, and destroyed some of his memories. That is to say, Liyang Zhenren's sense of heaven was slightly damaged.

A hundred feet away, Li Yang Zhenren's body suddenly appeared, and there was purple-gold blood in his seven orifices. His breath suddenly dropped a lot, and his realm suddenly dropped from seven-grade golden immortals to eight-grade immortals. Bo Yunting did not kill Liyang Zhenren with one sword, but it caused him a great loss, which made him lose a grade of cultivation in vain.

If low-level immortals want to improve the realm of the first grade, ordinary immortals often take 100,000 years to get income. If ordinary golden immortals want to improve the realm of the first grade, they will completely rely on themselves to understand the wonderful principles of heaven, and there will be no achievement in a few disasters.

Liyang Zhenren is backed by Qingcheng. His ancestor is his own grandfather. He has taken countless elixirs since he was a child. Since he was a child, some people have stuffed all kinds of great ideas into his mind like cramming ducks. When he achieved Jin Xian, many elders in Qingcheng always raised their hands and taught all the wonderful principles that Jin Xian had mastered to know to Liyang Zhenren.

Therefore, Liyang Zhenren easily broke through to the level of seven golden fairies, and the speed of the progress was only a little slower than that of the Xuanjin jellyfish in those years, which was also a rare talent of Junyan. However, from the cultivation of the Eight-grade Tianxian to the Seven-grade Golden Immortal, it also took him a long time of almost 100 yuan, how much elixirs did not know in Qingcheng, and many elders in Qingcheng did not know how much effort. Bo Yunting's sword ruined not only the first-class cultivation of Liyang Zhenren, but also indirectly destroyed the countless elixirs and countless painstaking energy spent in Qingcheng.

Liyang Zhenren raised his hand, stroked the very thin blood mark on his cheek, and suddenly shouted hysterically: "How bold, so big... Cowardly. How dare you attack the angel's master book! How dare you hurt me with your boldness?"

The angel followed the main book. Don't beg for a sneer. Liyang's real man seems to have climbed to the high branch? This master book is to help the angel make all kinds of documents, sort out correspondence and official correspondence and other affairs, which can be regarded as a close confidant of the angel. This angel is the immortal king of the heavenly court, so the identity of Liyang Zhenren is at least a close minister of the immortal king, and the official title in the heavenly court is enough to compare with the ordinary heavenly king.

But the official title of the heavenly court is not easy to use in Pangu Continent! Don't beg to gloat at Liyang's real person. You can't wait for Bo Yunting to give him a few more swords. It's better to beat his realm to the realm of immortals. Don't beg and don't mind falling into the well, and immediately try to kill this guy!

Bo Yunting didn't look at the roaring Liyang Zhenren at all. He waved his long sword coldly and waved away a trace of blood on the tip of the sword. He returned the sword to the scabbard and sneered and said, "Angel, take care of the dog around you. If you Kill it!"

"Bold!" A loud shout came from the sky. Don't beg to look up. I saw a tall man who was as square as an an anvil for beating iron, wearing a set of blue-gold armor, holding two nine-foot-long Panhu halberd, and jumped down in the air.

Don't raise your eyebrows. Just now, his consciousness did not find this strong man. He looked at the chariot dragged by the three pterosaurs in front of him suspiciously. There was a faint cloud and smoke around the chariot. Obviously, there was an indescribable mystery of the chariot blocking the exploration of Don't beg for God's knowledge. This strong man just rushed out of the cloud smoke.

God's consciousness swept the strong man's body, and don't frown. The blue-gold armor on the strong man is very extraordinary. In the knowledge of Don't Beg, there are a total of nine fairy lights wrapped around the strong man. Each of the immortal light is composed of infinite bright light. No matter how hard the god of Don't beg, it can't penetrate the obstacles of the fairy light to explore the strength of this big

With a bang, it was like a meteor falling from a high altitude, and the big man hit it heavily with two heavy halberds. Bo Yunting roared 'good'. He had a half-moon-shaped shield on his left hand, pulled out his sword in his right hand, raised the sword with his backhand, and bravely greeted the halberd hit by the big man.

With a loud noise, Bo Yunting staggered back dozens of steps, and his legs were soft and his buttocks sat on the ground, which made a large area of clouds on the cloud platform spew up. The big man roared angrily, and his body was bounced dozens of miles high like a ball. Don't beg for good eyesight. Seeing that a deep sword mark had been printed on the two long halberd of the big man, he almost cut off his two long halberd.

However, the halberd of the big man is obviously a high-quality fairy weapon. Although it was seriously damaged, it did not damage the vitality. The halberd is slowly healing, but with the gradual healing of the sword mark, the glow on the surface of the halberd gradually faded, and the two rock tigers on the hal Generally, it becomes lifeless.

Bo Yunting stood up with a bounce, and he raised his sword with his right arm tremble. The sword, which was as bright as a pool of clear water, became dim. There were obviously two gaps in the sword, and there were dense spider web-like cracks on the sword body. It was seen that the sword had been completely abolished.

The weapons forged by the Dayu army are not as mysterious as the fairy weapons of immortals, but the infinite pursuit of the hardness, flexibility and weight of weapons. Few weapons will add some ancillary damage such as wind, rain, thunder and lightning. Bo Yunting's sword was shattered. As long as the fragments were collected and forged again, it was another good weapon. On the contrary, the two long halberd of the big man were cut out of deep sword marks. The two long halberd suffered a lot of damage, and it took a long time to restore their original appearance.

Bo Yunting dropped his long sword and patted the shield on his left arm hard. He praised, "What a man, a good man, much stronger than that mad dog! There is such a good man under the angel's command, which can make me take a high look!"

Four cars slowly landed in the sky, and many heavenly soldiers and beautiful girls surrounded the car and landed. The bead curtain in front of the first car slowly separated, and more than a dozen flowers and branches were all fragrant and national colors, with the appearance of the country, and the clothes were extremely thin. Almost the fairy wrapped in a light veil was surrounded by a fairy king dressed in emperor decoration, but the expression always made people feel that something was wrong. Walk out slowly.

With a loud noise, the man who had just been shaken off fell on the cloud platform. He put away the two long halberd, strode to the fairy king, and carefully waited aside. The fairy king smiled, patted the big man on the shoulder, held his head high and said, "Zhongzhou Mubo Zhongfu's third son Bo Yunting, you are also a famous young hero in Dayu, but I... No, I have such a tiger general as Fan, and I'm not afraid of you!"

Bo Yunting put away his shield and stared at Fan Yu. He nod and said, " Fan Yu, I remember you!"

He was born with a rough face, and his face was full of beating muscles. He smiled like a devil. He pointed to Bo Yunting, gritted his teeth and said, "Kid, I'm going to cut it down sooner or later..."

The fairy king Liu Bang snorted softly and interrupted Fan Yu's fierce words. He squinted and smiled at Bo Yunting and said, "Fan Yu likes dog meat the most. He said he was going to cut off a black dog's head and invite General Bo to eat soup pot!" Tut, Da Yu, Da Yu, hahaha, Yu Xia, Shang and Zhou, the reason of this Da Yu is actually on this Pangu continent! It's wonderful, it's wonderful!"

With his chest up, Liu Bang waved his hand behind him as if no one was around him: "Three Qing families, let's take a look at the army of the human race on this ancient continent, which is better than the army in those years? Hey, what a strong army! Wouldn't it be good if I were the king? I can lead them and destroy the old waste of the two families next door!"

Don't squint your eyes, Liu Bang, the king of immortals, Liu Bang, the king of Han, this guy speaks without a covert mouth. Is he intentional, or is his nature like this? If so, wouldn't it be too shallow? However, is this really an expression of his nature? This rogue-like emperor!

In the three cars behind, there were two middle-aged people dressed as scribes and a young man in black armor. The three of them walked to Liu Bang, and their breath suddenly became one with Liu Bang. The vastness actually made Bo Yunting appalled and then retreated several steps.

Don't beg looked at the three people deeply. The two scribes ignored Don't beg's look, but the young man in black armor suddenly turned around and stared at Don't beg. The young man's eyes were like a blade, which made the begging eyes sour.

frowned, don't beg for your eyesight, a cold light shot out of the chaotic god's eyes, and he fought back at the black armored young man without fear. The young man with black armor widened his eyes and touched Begging fiercely. I heard a loud 'pop' in the void. Buqi and the black armored young man squatted on the ground with his eyes in his arms at the same time. Both of them were red, swollen and tears, and they looked very embarrassed.

Liu Bang looked at Begging in surprise. He shook his head, suddenly turned around and waved to Qingfengyan.

"Fengxian Hua Qingfeng, right? I see that you have a good figure, and I think your appearance is also very good. Well, I am the king of Han in the heavenly court. My status is more than enough for you. Now you are my concubine. Let's have a bridal chamber tonight!"

Liu Bang said a word, and everyone present was horrified. Bo Yunting and Beqi and others looked at each other and couldn't say anything, while the people around Liu Bang were used to it, and their expressions did not change at all.

The phoenix fairy Hua Qingfeng, who stood over Qingfengyan, was stunned and said in amazement, "Why did the fairy king humiliate the immortals so much?"

Liu Bang's strange eyes turned over and suddenly changed his face. RO