Steal the sky

Chapter 614 Buddhism

Chapter 614 Buddha's virtue (third update, please recommend!)

The pig's head, which was bitten all over by mosquitoes, cried and asked for a recommendation ticket!

Buddhist monk!

Don't beg to look at these monks dressed in cass and holding tin sticks from afar, and their precious monks frowned deeply. He has had contact with a group of monks such as Baosheng Luohan. These monks are all unprofitable and premature figures. Their Taoist fields are in the extraterritorial realm. Like those immortals, Buddhist monks were also strongly suppressed by the Dayu Dynasty in the Pangu Continent.

Now there are other immortals in the Wanxian League, Sanxiu and the Dayu Dynasty. The soldiers and fires are not easy to make a living, and the Buddhist monks actually come out. Don't beg to think that there must be a ghost here. Chaos God opened his eyes and looked at the rising power of faith in the air. Don't sneer.

Those big monks walked in the team of the people who were kneeling to the ground. They kept reciting the Buddha's name, and there was a faint golden Buddha light all over their bodies. Where the Buddha's light passed, the wounds on Li Min's bodies healed quickly, and the originally exhausted physical strength was quickly filled up. The sad, sad, confused and numb moods gradually calmed down. There was only warmth and peace in their hearts, as if they had come to the paradise of bliss, and there would be no reincarnation

For a moment, hundreds of thousands of people fell to their knees to the ground, and with those Buddhist monks chanting Buddhas. A large amount of pure power of faith gushed out of them and was constantly injected into the bodies of these Buddhist monks. The Buddha light behind the Buddha's brain gradually condensed. After the transformation of their Dharma, the power of these beliefs was transformed into extremely pure Buddha's power. About 70% of the Buddha's power remained in the body of these Buddhist monks, and the other 30% of the Buddha's power turned into a golden auspicious light that could not be seen by the naked

Don't beg to feel that there is a grand mystery, and the terrible power that makes him faintly frightened covers the sky of the whole Pangu Continent. His chaotic eyes swept around, and the faint auspicious light swept in all directions. He instantly saw the changes of all the breath within a radius of 10 billion miles. Not only around Jianfeng City, but also in other places far away, there are similar golden auspicious lights rising to the sky. Looking at the number of auspicious lights, at least hundreds of thousands of Buddhist monks are attracting believers on the battlefield of people and immortals.

Take a deep breath, don't beg to faintly notice something.

The Wanxian League launched an almost desperate attack on the Dayu Dynasty, and the Dayu official immediately made the strongest rebound. The war between the two implicated those hidden immortals and Sanxiu, so the original dispute between the Wanxian League and the Dayu Dynasty immediately evolved into a full-scale war between the immortal forces on the whole Pangu mainland and the Day When the war displaced countless people of Li, Buddhist monks took advantage of it and used their three-inch tongues to deceive the people of Li to become Buddhist believers.

Buddhist monks have a very high demand for the power of faith. Whether it is condensing relics or condensing the golden body of Buddhism, the power of faith is an extremely important resource. Where can Buddhist monks preach in Pangu mainland with great fanfare? However, when the full-scale war broke out, the attention of the Dayu Dynasty was attracted by the Immortal League and those immortals and scattered practitioners. Naturally, no one paid attention to what the Buddhist monks did.

Even Liu Bang traveled around in various big states to mediate disputes, not so much to eliminate the war as to fool people. He put on a posture of mediating disputes wholeheartedly, and even anesthetized many people within the Dayu Dynasty, attracting all his attention to him and the heavenly court he represented.

"Wonderful calculation!" Don't beg and sneer. It's really a good calculation and a good scheming. The officials of the Dayu Dynasty were a little dull, and in the face of this clever calculation, the reaction was also a little dull. Dayu is in the situation, but don't beg has always been an outsider, so he sees things more clearly than those officials.

"Damn it!" After mediting for a moment, Don't beg suddenly stretched out his hands and made a bow and archery posture. The green gas condensed into a curved bow and a long arrow in his palm. He recited a few mantras in a low voice, and a trace of blood oozed from the corners of his eyes, flowing into the long arrow like a living thing, outlining a strange rune like a big eye on the arrow.

'Blood Soul Shock Immortal Bow', which is also one of the secret methods of Dayu Sitian Hall. With its own essence and blood, it evolves into a vicious prohibition. It specializes in attacking the yuan spirit of the monk's soul. It has the powerful effect of staining the yuan god and corroding Don't beg to fight outside for more than a year. In your spare time, you have learned a lot of all the secrets in the Sitian Hall. This kind of vicious spell is extremely powerful.

With a long roar, the right hand was sent, and the long arrow silently brought a green smoke of more than thirty feet long and shot out. A laughing hundreds of miles away was touching the top of an old man who was seriously injured and pouring the Buddha's magic power. The monk who healed him was hit by arrows in the chest. He heard a few strange roars. The solemn monk's face changed tragically, and the green arrows exploded in his chest and turned into countless fine green smoke wrapped around him. The body wrapped him in green smoke.

The sad howl sound came, and the great monk's magic body quickly turned into a miserable green piece. His magic body was dry and shriveled. The skin and flesh in many places were eroded, and a large amount of pus oozed out of his body. A good-looking monk rotted and skin and skin all over his Green skeleton shelf.'s shelf. A spiritual light rose from the green smoke to the sky. The great monk's relic wanted to escape, but it was entangled in the relic by a few strands of green smoke. A sad howl came, and the relic suddenly turned into a miserable green. As soon as the wind blew, the fist-sized relic suddenly turned into a piece of dust

Don't beg for a smile, and lead more than a dozen flying boats under your command to fly quickly to the field.

Those Buddhas saw that they were killed by an arrow in the same door, and they chanted the Buddha's name one after another and soared up to this side angrily. The two sides bumped into each other in the void. A white, fat, pearl and round monk angrily pointed to Don't beggar and shouted, "Dear, why did you hurt my brother with such a vicious spell?"

Huang Yu took several generals behind Begging. They squeezed the bone charm tightly in their hands and were ready to take action at any time. They also looked at these big monks puzzledly, and they didn't understand why they suddenly took action against these monks. At least in Huang Yu's opinion, these monks help to appease the people of Li. If they can save a few more people, can they save a few more people?

Don't beg to look at the huge Buddha cultivation indifferently. He said coldly, "Leave the jurisdiction of Zhongzhou, no matter what strange plans your Buddhism have in other places, in Zhongzhou, no! If you want to develop believers in Zhongzhou, you dream!"

The position of not begging is very firm. He is well aware of the coergating power of religion on the people of Li. He didn't want Buddhism to take root in Zhongzhou, let alone take the opportunity to enter Haizhou and enter his territory. When the people in the territory have become followers of Buddhism, who will listen to whom at that time? In case all the soldiers in his army in Haizhou are followers of Buddhism, then does the army listen to him or Buddhist monks?

In particular, Don't beg is operating the plan to usher Yan Dan and others in the Pangu mainland. In the future, there will be too many ugly things in his territory. If the Buddhist forces have laid their roots in Zhongzhou, it would be as if he suddenly had countless peeping eyes around him, and it is rare for him to keep any secrets

So, just pinch it when the bud has just appeared, so that these Buddhist monks can't help but grow the strength of the believers!

The fat monk frowned and looked at Don't beg, and the expression on his face was very strange. After a while of silence, the fat monk chanted the Buddha's name and said in a low and powerful way: "The poor monk is a little happy in the sky. The Buddha sits down and preaches the disciple Yizhu. The general killed the poor monk today, and my little Ruyi Xiaoyao Tianjing has formed a cause and effect. If the general is willing to God's curse!"

Don't beg and shake your head, cause and effect? Conversion? Otherwise, will it be God's punishment? These words can only fool those ordinary people. How can you be scared by him? He smiled mockingly and shouted in a low voice, "God's punishment? Can you represent the sky? How dare you!"

He took a heavy step forward, and a forceful momentum went straight out. He was shocked that the monk and the Buddhist monks behind him drifted back dozens of feet one after another. Don't beg fiercely and scolded: "Don't say these false words, greet the bald donkeys with you, get out of Zhongzhou, otherwise the A lesson!"

His right hand waved forward heavily, and an invisible fist roared out. A handsome monk with beautiful eyebrows beside a bead snorted, and a huge hole suddenly exploded in his chest, and the golden flesh and blood spewed out dozens of feet away. The monk's relic was smashed by the punch of Don't Beg, and his eyes quickly became disgraceful and fell heavily from the air.

A bead monk trembled with anger all over his body. He pointed to Begging and roared angrily. Then he suddenly raised his hand to the sky. A golden light rose to the sky and rushed straight into the sky, blowing up into a golden rain with a diameter of a hundred miles, forming a huge ten-thousand-character Buddha seal. Yizhu monk laughed in a ferocious voice, "What a ferocious evil person. It happens that there is a senior in my family, Dade, sitting here, so let him go over you and wait for stupidity!"

Don't beg for a cold snort and shouted in a low voice, "Huang Yu, all flying boats turn on the protective prohibition and get ready to fight!"

Is there a great virtue of Buddhism sitting here? Don't beg for vigilance.

A faint fragrance came, accompanied by a faint Sanskrit singing, a clear spring swung from the side of a bead monk, a few lotus leaves were born in the clear spring, three pink lotus flowers quietly bloomed, and a figure shrouded in a light pink mysterious light quietly appeared on the lotus.

"Yi Zhu, why are you in such a hurry to summon me?" A very pretentious voice sounded.

Don't beg's face suddenly wrinkled. Is this the so-called Buddha's great virtue?

Who is that ugly face, full of pimple scars, not the baby apprentice blood madman? RO