Steal the sky

Chapter 616 Angel Assassination

Those immortals. Didn't you really die?

Don't beg for the corners of his eyes twitching and looking at the blood madman. He faintly sensed that there seemed to be a bloody curtain in front of him. There are some extremely terrible things hidden behind the curtain. The words of the blood madman are the big hand that pulls the curtain. Don't beg, he seems to have seen through something.

Miaoying Palace mainly sacrifices Taiyi immortals under the bottomless abyss of Beiming!

The King of Baishan, the King of Zhangqiu and Miaoying Palace are inextricably linked!

The star of the heavenly court and the Buddha of Buddhism suddenly visited the Miaoying Palace!

The leader of the Wanxian League is the nephew of a big man in the heavenly court. The Wanxian League has been working hard to search for idle immortals and monks on the Pangu Continent, and gradually squeezing them into a group with powerful potential forces by various means!

The owner of the Wanxian League was suddenly injured by a clan prince of the Dayu Dynasty. It was logical that the Wanxian League wanted to take revenge on the Dayu Dynasty. However, the attack on Sanxiu by the states of Dayu has given the Wanxian League the best excuse for revenge, not only the owner of the Wanxian League, but also related to the life and death of countless immortals and Sanxiu on the Pangu mainland!

Even begging is funny. Do the courtiers of the Dayu Dynasty never feel strange? Those mountain spirits and water monsters have got the essence of heaven and earth. It's okay to naturally become a monster with spiritual cultivation. This is what the law of heaven and earth allows. Where did the scattered cultivation of so many immortals on the Pangu mainland come from? Where did they get the secret of skills? Isn't there someone behind this?

Like the Three Fire Venerable, a good friend who does not beg, he is a butcher who sells meat. He can actually find a secret book that goes directly to the fairy road in the barren mountains and fields. Is this too lucky for him? Or is there smoke from his ancestral grave? Moreover, this secret book is just in line with the spiritual root of the Three Fire Venerable, which allows him to practice fire attribute skills directly to the immortals.

And it happens that there is such an organization as the Wanxian League. They gradually gathered the idle immortals and scattered practitioners on the Pangu continent. They are firmly organized together. Even Don't begging, who once pseuded as a greedy wolf, had just created a name in He'ancheng, immediately the messengers of the Wanxian League came to the door to collect Don't begging under the Wanxian League.

This is a set of plans, ah, a set of meticulous plans to the extreme! Taking a deep breath, Don't beg and shout in a low voice, "How do you know that the immortals who died fighting with the Dayu army are not dead?"

The blood madman tilted his mouth and looked at Don't beg for a smile and said, "This time, the boy and the master worshipped the Buddha's door together. Only then did he know that this Buddha's sect is vast, and it is really a boundless magic power.

One of them, nine yellow springs and six reincarnations. Half of them have been controlled by Buddhism. Second, in the hands of the Buddha's Buddha, there is an innate treasure at the beginning of heaven and earth, the eight-treasure lotus platform. This eight-treasure lotus platform can be turned into a pool of meritorious virtue, as long as there is a trace of true spirit. It can be immortal!"

The extremely envious bar clicked his mouth, and the blood madman said mysteriously, "As long as you put a wisp of true spirit in the Babao lotus platform in advance, even if the dead soul is beaten and the soul is scattered, and a wisp of true spirit is immortal, the Babao lotus platform only needs to spend a huge amount Or become a arhat, or a bodhisattva. If you have a great contribution to the Buddha, it is not impossible to directly become a Buddha! Don't beg to stare at the blood madman. He gritted his teeth and said, "These days, the immortals who are crazy to fight with us, scattered cultivation, they all have true spirits

The blood madman looked at Begging strangely. He smiled bitterly and said, "You said, if it weren't for a trace of true spirit in the Babaolian platform, they wouldn't be afraid of death at all. And there are great benefits in the future. Who will foolishly fight with the army of the Dayu Dynasty? The Wanxian League is just a loose alliance of immortals, and they are not the sons of the master of the Wanxian League. Why are you working so hard?

According to the story of the blood madman, almost all the immortals and scattered practitioners in the Wanxian League, as long as they participated in the battle against the Dayu army, they put a wisp of true spirit in the Babaolus platform in advance. And those idle immortals and scattered practitioners who later participated in the war. The reason why they behaved more crazy and fanatical than the immortals of the Wanxian League. It's because Buddhism gave them extra promises.

If all the immortals who have cultivated the fruits of immortals fall. They will condense the arhat's golden body directly in the pool of meritorious reincarnation, and the power they get will definitely be higher than the strength they originally had. If they have established certain achievements, such as destroying Jianfeng City and causing a large number of casualties for the Dayu army, they may directly get the Bodhisattva fruit and have the strength equivalent to the golden fairy.

Buddhist monks do not value the improvement of the realm. Instead, the accumulation of the power of faith focuses on some sudden epiphany. Therefore, there is a saying that Buddhism can become a Buddha, even if it is a mortal. As long as you realize a certain unique power in the wonderful words of the Buddhist scriptures. Maybe a mortal can become a Buddha in an instant! With the strength of the Buddhas, as long as they do not hesitate to spend a lot of faith, they can definitely fulfill their promises to these immortals and scattered cultivation.

I am just a fairy cultivation, and maybe there is no hope for a lifetime. But as long as you participate in the attack of the Wanxian League against Dayu, you will risk your life to destroy some villages and cities. Kill a few soldiers of Dayu. Maybe when you gather the golden body in the reincarnation pool of merit, you can have the power of the Bodhisattva!

Be a powerless little fairy for a lifetime, or achieve the fruit of Bodhisattva in Buddhism. At least you can take charge of a small heaven. Compared with the two, don't beg and use your buttocks to know the choices of those immortals and scattered cultivation.

And the Buddha's promise to those scattered cultivation is that their qualifications are not good in this life, and it may be difficult to become immortals, but Buddhism controls half of the power of the reincarnation of Jiuyou Huangquan and reincarnation, which can affect the reincarnation of these scattered cultivation. After the death of these scattered practitioners, the Buddha will use the power of the reincarnation pool to help these scattered to repair the whole soul, and then send them to reincarnated, so that they can enjoy the glory and wealth, and enjoy the glory and wealth while also have excellent cultivation qualifications.

Buddhism promises that after enjoying everything in these reincarnations, Buddhism will send Dharma disciples to pass them into Buddhism and cultivate them as much as possible. At least let them achieve the arhat fruit position. Arhat of Buddhism. At least it is better to control a smoky planet in a small heaven than to do a scattered cultivation with the lowest status in Pangu Continent.

With the promise of Buddhism, there are such rich conditions. The Wanxian League and those idle immortals and scattered practitioners have caused such heavy damage to Dayu. When these monks don't even care about their lives at all, how many lives will Dayu's soldiers take to fight with them?

Don't beg for a breath. Who made this plan? Why are you so vicious and decisive? What exactly does this plan need to calculate?

Overall, the Wanxian League is a complete loser in this plan. The leader of the Wanxian League has been seriously injured and worried about his life. More than a dozen elders have been severely damaged, and he doesn't know if he can recover. Most of the immortals and scattered practitioners of the Wanxian League have accepted the conditions of Buddhism. Once they fall, they will become disciples of Buddhism. All this is of no benefit to the Immortal League. What the hell are they going to do?

The blood maniac can't answer the question of not begging. He and Pandu are just disciples of the Buddha's throne of Ruyi, and they are just beginners. Although he has received the decree to bring many Buddhist monks to the Pangu mainland to make waves, what is the reason for all this? He has not been able to get close to I still can't figure out the intention of all this.

In general, it was only in the end that Buddhism received the biggest discount.

How many allies does the Wanxian League have in the Pangu mainland? Each big state may have only thousands or even more than 10,000 immortals, and Sanxiu is the people of the Wanxian League, but under the rule of Dayu, there are tens of thousands of Yipin Dazhou, and each Yipin Dazhou has 300 major states under the rule. In this way, the total number of immortals owned by the Wanxian League is really a very terrible number. If so many immortals and scattered practitioners join the Buddha, the strength of the Buddha will definitely be greatly improved.

And in the process, Buddhism can continue to recruit those displaced people. For Buddhist monks, genius treasures, elixir stones, etc. are important, but the root of Buddhist monks' cultivation lies in the number of believers. The more believers there are, for those high-level monks such as Bodhisattva and Buddha, their foundation will be more stable and their strength will be.

is equivalent to the Wanxian League fighting for life and death as cannon fodder, and all the benefits have been taken away by Buddhism.

But Gouqi absolutely does not believe that the Wanxian League is such a self-sacrifice existence. Looking at the fierce style of the son of the owner of the Wanxian League, you can see that the Wanxian League is not a charity. So what exactly does the Wanxian League want to do? Why did they involve the master of the palace and even the high officials and ministers of the heavenly court? Even Liu Bang, an angel appointed by the emperor today, seems to have intervened in it?

What exactly do they want to do?

pat the bald head of the blood crazy taro, don't beg and say in a low voice, "Go back and talk to your master about this...

The blood madman grinned. He said with his head, "The master said, let's follow behind to pick up a bargain!" With a contemptuous look, the blood maniac said in a low voice, "We know that these thieves are bald and have plots, but it doesn't matter to us? If you don't take advantage of it, it will be a loss of longevity!

Don't beg to clap his hands happily. He laughed and said, "Isn't that the reason?"

After mediting for a moment, don't whisper a few words to the blood maniac, and then the two looked at each other and nodded at the same time. Don't beg to punch the blood madman on the shoulder and smash the blood madman's shoulder blades. The blood maniac also pulled out a bead gifted by the Buddha when he was about to go, so that the door collapsed, and his face was almost not disfigured.

Both of them flew up with injuries, scolded and chased and fled back in the direction of the flying boat.

This time, don't beg to escape in front of you. The blood madman sacrificed the Buddha's reward of Nizhu. Don't beg is a mess. Don't beg beg. Don't beg. Don't beg all over your bones are clicked, and your arms and legs

Don't beg to escape back to the flying boat and immediately ordered the whole army to retreat. Seeing that they would not be defeated, Huang Liang and others hurriedly turned the bow of the ship and fled every day. The blood maniac laughed and ordered the monk Yizhu not to catch up, but only to continue to collect refugee development believers.

Don't beg. This escape is hundreds of miles. I'm about to find a place to rest. Emergency communication came from the sound transmission array on the fierce flying boat!

Angel Liu Bang was assassinated in Huangsha Prefecture and was seriously injured.

The assassin of Huangshazhou Zuo Sijun Jingyi!