Steal the sky

Chapter 631 The World of Mustard

Under the rule of Zhongzhou, Tan Lang, the chief army of the Haizhou Military Hall, led the army to eliminate the chaos party of immortals. Unfortunately, he was injured by the magic fairy spells, and his soul was trapped by evil spirits. The medicine stone was useless, and the spell was unsoled. He could only receive a false name and received some

Don't beg for the injury, which is so strange that the Japanese high priests around Bo Yunting can't help it.

His soul and evil spirit have been messed up, and the soul of ordinary people is the size of a water tank. The soul of Don't Beggar is as bleak as a fist. The fire of the soul has been suppressed by evil spirits, and there is a danger that the soul will die at any time.

Sitian Hall has all kinds of secret methods in terms of souls, but in the face of don't begging, this kind of soul and evil spirits are mixed together. You have me, and I have your strange situation. Those daily high priests can only shake their heads helplessly. None of them dares to do their best to treat you. Don't beg, lest you accidentally smash the soul that has been hit hard. That's really hopeless.

And those Tongtian practitioners are much stronger than the Japanese high priests. They absolutely have the strength to save the high priests who don't be beg now... First, Bo Yunting has no face to ask the high priest Tongtian to take action; second, you are a small three-grade gold seal general, a nine-grade Xiazhou general, and you also have the face to let the high priest of Tongtian take action?

So Don't beg can only return to Donghai City with this strange injury and the huge amount of gold, silver and jewelry rewarded by Bo Yunting.

Leaving a demon puppet to pretend to be dead in Donghai City. Don't beg, who became energetic in an instant, together with Princess Bule. After the two changed their faces, they directly took advantage of the ultra-long-distance void of a three-pin Dazhou under the rule of Zhongzhou to go directly to the outer heaven, and went straight to the Protian Realm.

The more than 100 million evil spirits who rushed into the sea of beggaring have been firmly imprisoned by the forbidden law, and they are slowly refining and absorbing them. These evil spirits are transformed from the souls of mortals. Each evil spirit has more than ten times the soul power of ordinary mortals. If all these evil spirits are transformed and absorbed, the soul of the beggars will grow to an incredible state.

The huge soul represents a strong divine consciousness and the ability to better understand and understand the way of heaven. The law of heaven is like a complex mathematical problem, and the monk's soul is a computer. The code practiced by monks is like an operation procedure. Don't beg already has extremely clever operation procedures, such as the wind song, the Xuanyin water sutra, the purgatory magic sutra, etc. are all good methods that directly point to the way of heaven. If he absorbs all the hundreds of millions of evil spirits, his soul will also greatly grow, and his understanding of the way of heaven will certainly increase countless

In the void, the corridor composed of colorful light leads directly to the infinite distance ahead. Don't beg and Princess Bule sat on the silver lotus huā. The two of them held each other's four palms. The chaotic aura in Don't beg [body] is connected with the innate power of Princess Bule's [body], constantly communicating and transforming with each other. The colorful divine light covers the bodies of the two Every time the colorful light is in full bloom, the two of them took the silver lotus platform forward and moved a great distance in an instant. Ordinary immortals have to walk for several days with the help of the void. It passed lightly in a teleportation.

Don't beg for the chaotic aura is injected into Princess Bule [body], and integrated with Princess Bule's innate power. Gradually transformed into a colorful divine light. The power in the [body] gradually brought a layer of chaotic atmosphere. Her power became more and more condensed, more and more mysterious and unfathomable, which was extremely long-lasting. It is like the ancient atmosphere from the beginning of heaven and earth gradually spread from the Princess Bule [body]. Princess Bule's beautiful and exquisite appearance is also a little sacred and majestic.

The colorful divine light is also injected into the body, and is gradually fused by the chaotic aura of not begging. Every wisp of colorful divine light contains the ancient god's understanding of the road of heaven and earth. When heaven and earth first opened, the road of heaven and earth was primitive, pure and nakedly exposed to those innate spirits, so the innate spirit was born with great power. Princess Bule, who inherited the inheritance of the ancient gods, although she has not yet understood these laws, these mysterious laws are directly hidden in her colorful divine light.

Princess Bule must painstakingly understand these principles of the road through the colorful divine light, just like watching the moon in the mirror, and must try her best to guess all the mysteries in it. And don't beg to swallow these colorful lights directly with chaotic aura. Just like mortals eating and drinking water, all nutrients are directly absorbed by the body. Don't beg to understand the law of the road in the colorful light. But it's much easier than Princess Bile.

The colorful divine light records the way of nature, including wind, thunder, rain and snow, pool, water, fire and wind, four seasons change, earthquake and volcano, all kinds of wonderful principles. Don't beg to gradually digest the colorful divine light crossed by Princess Le, and he is faintly connected with the void around him. Don't beg if you are already unpredictable. His breath has become more blurred, and it seems that it will be completely blurred in the void at any time, and the real integration with the universe.

A hazy breath gradually appeared in the colorful divine light behind Princess Bile. This breath does not seem to have any color. But it seems to tolerate all the colors of heaven and earth." There seems to be no form to speak of, but it seems to tolerate all the forms between heaven and earth, as if everything is pregnant in it, but it seems to be able to devour and destroy everything in the world.

The mystery of chaotic aura can be seen in the colorful divine light of Princess Bule. The colorful divine light, which originally has a vast magical power, has added a little magic.

Don't be angry all over your body is covered with chaotic aura that is several inches thick. In the chaotic aura, you can faintly see countless wonderful brilliances. There are volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, strong winds, and blizzards. All the natural phenomena in heaven and earth have emerged in it, and his body seems to have become a specific and subtle heaven and earth, with infinite mystery in it.

The silver lotus platform absorbed the wonderful power from Princess Begging and Bule. The silver lotus platform gradually became colorful, and then brought a subtle weather machine. The root of this silver lotus platform is already extremely powerful, and it is contaminated by the original breath of Don't Beg and Princess Bule. It is gradually transforming into a real innate spiritual treasure.

Don't beg and Princess Bule tell the truth from time to time, telling her feelings about the way of heaven and earth. The silver lotus platform under their seat waved the petals happily, cheering like living things. The so-called truth of Buddhism can make the stubborn stone nod. Don't beg and Princess Bule to explain the road in the void. But it has brought infinite benefits to this silver lotus platform. At the core of the silver lotus platform, a wisp of innate spiritual knowledge has gradually taken shape. It is gradually transforming into the human body.

Because of the infiltration of the breath of Princess Bule day and night. This wisp of innate spiritual instinct made a template with the appearance of Princess Bule and adjusted her appearance.

As time went by, the clothes of Princess Begging and Princess Beile, who had been cultivated to the benefits, suddenly flashed into disappear, and the two had been tightly united. Don't beg to lie on the silver lotus platform. Put your hands in a seal on your chest. Princess Yule sat cross-legged on the body, her face was not sad or happy, and her hands were made into a seal and placed in her Dantian.

Chaotic aura and innate divine power are condensed and exchanged at the combination of the two bodies, so 49 days later. The bodies of the two suddenly shook, and a strong light suddenly came out of their bodies. The essence of the two were sprayed into one. After integrating the chaotic aura and the power of the innate gods, they turned into two small enough to weigh their volume, but they weighed hundreds of millions of tons, and the terrible high-temperature things were sent back to the two people

Don't beg for blessings to the soul. He suddenly realized that this is the real foundation of him and Princess Bule, and all the future achievements of him and Princess Yule are in it. The seal in his hand was reprinted in the heart of Princess Bule, and the seal formed by Princess Bule was also firmly pressed on the eyebrows of Don't Beg.

For a moment, the spirit and flesh of the two bodies were combined, and the air machine turned into a group of golden light and purple air rising and round, like a golden elixir. The halo surrounded the two people, and the infinite sky machine flowed down from the heavenly spirit. The two people's [body] had no volume, but the extremely heavy A small world.

All monks practice to the realm of immortals. You can open up your own mustard void. All the immortals who have deeply understood the road of heaven and earth will open up a mustard void, or turn it into a hidden cave. Or it simply becomes a dojo for recruiting disciples. All the immortals who have a big backer and a wise cultivation code have opened up their own mustard void.

It's just to open up the mustard void, which is mysterious and mysterious, and ordinary immortals can't be inherited. Even if you practice to the peak of the immortals, you may not be able to understand the wonderful reason. There are 10,000 immortals today in the outer world. It's good for only one immortal to open up his own mustard void.

The emptiness of the immortal mustard taro must rely on the natural vein between heaven and earth to be stable. Unless there is a strange treasure [Zhen] pressure, it is difficult to carry the mustard of the immortals with you.

When you reach the realm of golden immortals, you can open up the mustard void in the [body] and evolve into a world. The Buddha Kingdom in the palm of Buddhism and the heavens opened up by Taoism are the concrete world derived from the void of mustard seeds.

At this moment, don't beg to practice together with Princess Bule. They inadvertently opened up their own mustard void directly in their bodies and evolved into a small world. Although they do not have the strength of Jinxian, because of the relationship between chaotic aura and the innate power, they directly have the same realm as Jinxian.

Don't beg [body] The world of mustard seeds in the body is a void. It seems to be extremely small, but also extremely large. With his heart, all kinds of wind, rain, thunder and lightning, pool water, fire and wind appeared in the void. All kinds of wonders are endless and full of endless changes.

The world of mustard seeds in Princess Bule [body] is a real green mountain and beautiful water, about one foot in diameter, but it is specific and small, a small mountain. A piece of water, a few clouds flew lightly, the breeze rose, and there was already a faint atmosphere of heaven and earth.

Don't beg and Princess Bule opened their eyes at the same time. The two looked at each other and smiled. The inner small world suddenly burst into a terrible attraction, quickly absorbing the endless aura in the surrounding void. Don't beg and Princess Bile is ecstatic. They immediately used the power of this small world to transform the aura into their own mana. Yinliantai was instantly wrapped in a huge aura, and suddenly disappeared without a flash.

Two months later, Juqi and Princess Bule returned to Yuhua Heaven. ..................