Steal the sky

Chapter 635 Plundering Spiritual Veins

On the ocean, the water vapor is hazy. A bright moon is hanging high, the sea is shining, and the silver light is beating in front of the water. Some fish dragons floated on the sea, quietly swallowing the moonlight and starlight, dreaming of becoming a demon fairy one day.

On that day, Don't beg and Princess Pole opened up the cave island, which is already occupied by several junior elite disciples of Yuanhuamen. The prohibition in the cave has been broken, and the fairy vein that Don't beg to hide is also completely exposed. At this moment, this island has become a first-class cave in Yuanhua Gate, The disciples with the best qualifications are not qualified to get close to the cave at all.

It's just that the alarm bell is roaring on Qingya Mountain now, and the disciples of Yuanhuamen, who practiced in the cave, have long rushed to Qingya Mountain to reinforce, so there are only a few miscellaneous Taoist children on the island, and the island protection array has also been opened, but the formation is not as good as the one arranged

Looking at the island below, Don't beg and Princess Danle smiled at each other. Don't beg to point to the sea and say with a leisurely smile, "Zi Xuan, you can do it. Your magic is just doing this kind of thing, but it is not convenient for her husband's chaotic aura!" Princess Beile nodded happily. She rolled up her long sleeves, and there was a faint colorful light flowing on her ten fingers. With her roar, there were dozens of colorful halo [exciting] at her fingertips. Suddenly, a large area of cyan cloud smoke gushed out of the mountain crevices on the screen-like island, turning into a thick cloud to protect the whole island. The colorful halo shot into the clouds and smoke, and a dense explosion suddenly sounded in the blue cloud.

Suddenly, there was no wind and waves on the sea, and the waves of dozens of feet roared and rolled around. The blue clouds were blown to pieces, the screen-like peaks were shaken and broken, the earth and stones flew several miles high, and the boulders, large and small, were blown dozens of miles away, which shocked that the floating fish and dragons on the sea made a sharp and unpleasant cry and fled to the distance in confusion.

Several handymen left behind on the island screamed in horror. They danced out of the cave and rushed to the beach along a newly opened ladder on the mountain, shiveringly looking for a seemingly safe reef to hide.

Don't beg's eyes just glanced at these miscellaneous Taoist boys." He didn't bother to care about them. He casually drew a small circle to the sea below. The surging sea surface was suddenly as quiet as before, and the sea around thousands of miles became flat as a mirror, and a bright moon was clearly embedded in the crystal-like

Princess Bule smiled a few times, and ten thin colorful lights shot out from her fingertips, which flashed into the sea around the island like lightning. I only heard a roar from the depths of the sea, and the colorful divine light had pierced the thick rock layers and bound several large spiritual veins with the island as the core.

In the ordinary immortals, she can't extract spiritual veins from the ground at all." However, Princess Po Le has now cultivated a few golden immortals, and she is practicing the ancient heavenly road that is mysterious and infinitely in line with the natural laws of heaven and earth. She has the great power of heaven and earth with her every move. The colorful divine light Without Princess Bule's strength, she twisted like a clever and obedient dog.

The diameter of the spiritual vein under this ocean is often about a hundred miles, and the length is often tens of thousands of miles. In particular, the largest main spiritual vein of Huatiao extends from Qingya Mountain to the ocean, with a length of hundreds of thousands of miles, which is really a huge spiritual vein. As soon as these spiritual veins moved, the earth's gas rushed in. The crustal rock layers trembled crazily, and half of the green cliff stars had a strong earthquake. Countless peaks and hills collapsed flat, while those deep valley plains arched into new mountains.

In a short moment, half of the green cliff stars, the sea and mulberry fields, and the terrain has completely changed.

The faint dragon's voice came from under the ocean, and the terrible aura fluctuated and roared. "Don't beg and Princess Bule's breath was stagnant, almost choked by the strong aura coming to her face. There is a very dazzling strong light under the ocean. If you hadn't begged to use the forbidden law to imprison the sea water, I'm afraid that this ocean has rolled up a tsunami of up to a hundred miles.

The undersea rock strata of tens of thousands of miles were smashed, and more than a dozen spiritual veins flying from the ground with a terrible roar.

Thick up to a hundred miles" The spiritual veins that are tens of thousands of miles to hundreds of thousands of miles are like more than a dozen dragons flying up. These spiritual veins are shining with strong light, hazy and unsubsities, and the huge spiritual veins are all composed of highly compressed aura and fairy spirit. In the core of the spiritual vein, you can faintly see dozens of dragon-shaped shadows flashing, which are the core of the underground spiritual veins. That is, the core of these dragon veins swallows the energy between heaven and earth, absorbs the power of the sun, moon and stars, etc., and transforms them into spiritual veins hidden underground.

Princess Bule's colorful divine light rushed around her body. "She has a point in the palm of her jade palm and shouted softly, "Half of one person, swallowed it quickly." Don't laugh. He patted the back of his head with his right hand, and a big black palm flew out quickly. The huge palm of thousands of He spewed out a chaotic spiritual light and swallowed these spiritual veins in one bite. Don't beg for a trace of light on the surface of his body, and the world of mustard seeds in his [body] has undergone earth-shaking changes. Several spiritual veins entered the body, were sucked into by the mustard world, and quickly absorbed and transformed by the chaotic aura. The world of mustard seeds that don't beg has suddenly expanded more than a hundred times, and the total amount of energy in the chaotic world has also soared ten thousand times. The diffused energy is tosed in the don't beg [body], and the escape speed is transformed into a mixed lacquer spirit and filling tells the meridians around the body

The mustard world of Jinxian, like the monk's Jindan and Yuanying, is the most important treasure of Jinxian. The golden immortals in the world of mustard seeds and the golden immortals in the world without mustard seeds are just like emperors and beggars, which are incomparable. Having the world of mustard seeds, one of which can help the golden fairy absorb the aura of heaven and earth to enhance his own cultivation, and a world of mustard seeds can at least increase the cultivation speed of a golden fairy by more than 10,000 times.

Second, the mustard world is a complete world. When Jin Xian understands the road of heaven and earth, he can completely simulate all kinds of celestial phenomena in the real world in his own mustard world, from which he can understand infinite magic. With the golden immortals in the world of mustard seeds, their speed of understanding the way of heaven is more than ten thousand times that of ordinary golden immortals.

But if the mustard world wants to develop and grow, it must plunder a huge amount of heaven and earth aura to supplement itself. Relying on his own cultivation, he has worked hard for ten thousand years, and he may not be able to expand the world of mustard seeds in the [body]. General golden immortals do this. Once they have evolved the world of mustard seeds, they will immediately choose some secluded and desolate planets to plunder the spiritual veins on the planet and replenish them into their own mustard space. A good spiritual vein is enough to save tens of thousands of years of hard work and cultivation of a golden fairy.

Don't beg to do what you do today is exactly the same as those golden fairies. But no matter how hard the backstage and the backing is, no matter how big the backing is, they will not plunder the spiritual veins of a planet with immortals like Buqi, which is a very forbidden thing. If he hadn't begged Yuanhua's ancestors and wanted to completely cut off the foundation of Yuanhuamen, he would not have done such a violent thing.

The world of mustard seeds that don't be begging is full of chaotic aura, which contains everything, but nothing else exists.

After Princess Bile incorporated the other half of her spiritual veins into her mustard seed world, her size mustard seed world suddenly expanded to Li Xu Fangyuan, green mountains, green water, lakes and rivers, and all kinds of natural scenery. The abundant aura is rolling in the mustard world of Princess Bule, and the celestial phenomena such as wind, rain, thunder and lightning are gradually generated. In this small world, the interpretation of the four seasons has begun.

In the small world air, the largest spiritual vein, under the control of Princess Bule, is compressing and condensing in the sky, gradually forming a ball of light the size of sesame seeds. This small mass of light emits a lot of light and heat, hanging in the air like the sun, bringing vitality to this small world.

Princess Bu Le smiled happily. She narrowed her eyes and thought about it for a while. Her fingers moved slightly, [body] The inner ring world suddenly sprayed with thunder, and countless electric lights were densely covered the void. Then the thunder and lightning in the world of mustard seeds suddenly disappeared, and a thunder light of ten feet long and a hundred miles was shot from the fingertips of Princess Le, roaring out with a terrible loud noise that almost shattered the heavens and the earth, and chopped heavily on a large island in the distance.

With a loud noise, the island around thousands of miles turned into disappear in the electric light. The terrible thunder evaporated the sea water within thousands of miles in an instant, and a hole with a diameter of thousands of miles appeared in the vast sea.

With the world of mustard seeds and enough aura, Princess Bile can form all kinds of destructive energy storms in her own world of mustard seeds at any time, and then release it from the outside world to attack the enemy. Release spells with the world of mustard seeds as an intermediary, which is several times faster than ordinary fairy magic, and the control is more flexible and more arbitrary.

Seeing Princess Pi Le's shocking blow, Don't beg, you can't help but be happy.

The spiritual veins on the ocean they extracted are of extremely high quality, especially there is a fairy vein in it, which has brought great benefits to the mustard world of the two. The dragon-shaped core in these spiritual veins is integrated into their mustard world. The aura of heaven and earth is extracted and absorbed by the ring world at any time. There is no need for them to practice deliberately. Their mustard world has begun to expand and enrich automatically.

The mustard world operates by itself, which is no different from the outside world. All kinds of mysterious breaths are faintly transmitted into the souls of the two people. They only feel that the souls are transparent, as if the world in front of them is much clearer.

The two smiled happily at each other. Don't beg to hug Princess Zhang's waist, and pouted and imprinted her red lips.

The two were in love, and when they were about to make out, hundreds of sword lights roared in the distance, and a female voice came from afar.

"Bold evil, how dare you be presumptuous in my green cliff star? You, you bastards!"

At this moment, the spiritual vein of half of the planet is plundered by Princess Begging and Bile. This half of the planet has lost its spiritual vein, all the aura will gradually dissipate, and all the land will gradually lose its vitality, and the dissipation of this aura is bound to affect the situation of the other half of A good planet has actually entered the state of the curtain year.

Qingya Star is the fundamental place of Yuanhuamen. How can the immortals of Yuanhuamen not be angry?

The woman scolded, and hundreds of swords fell like raindrops.