Steal the sky

Chapter 638 Swinding the White Cloud

Chapter 638 Swinding the White Clouds (Third Update)

In the past, the main hall of the ancient Thai imperial palace was brightly lit, all the windows of the main hall were open, and the snowy strong light shone out several miles away. Li Yifeng and Zi Qianyan sat on the throne in the middle. There were hundreds of people standing neatly in the hall. These people were either ragged like beggars, or the hats in blue were similar to civilians, and none of them were dressed in gorgeous clothes at all.

These people were the ministers of the ancient Thai imperial dynasty. Three years ago, the Yuanhua Dynasty swept the White Cloud Star, and many imperial dynasties were completely destroyed in just half a month, just like Mount Tai, which caught everyone off guard. Li Yifeng and Zi Qianyan fled with a pair of children of dragon and phoenix twins, with hundreds of loyal guards. Other civil and military ministers of the ancient Thai imperial dynasty died, surrendered, and fled. Now Li Yifeng and Zi Qianyan can be gathered, and they dare to come to the Forbidden City of the ancient Thai Empire in the middle of the night A loyal official. He is a big official.

It can be seen that in the past three years, these former courtiers of the ancient Thai dynasty have had a hard time. Their property has been embezzled and robbed, and some people's houses have been occupied, and they can only be displaced with their families. Except for a few lucky people who can find a little way to maintain their livelihood, others are really miserable.

Don't beg to stand by Li Yifeng's throne, snuggle up to Li Yifeng and Zi Qianyan's children on the left and right. The two iǎ dolls are not very old. Just after their fifth birthday, they are pink and pink like a pair of silver dolls made of silver, which are really pleasing. Don't beg to pinch the faces of the two children, look at the hundreds of officials in the hall with a smile, and feel happy.

50% of the senior officials and nobles of the ancient Thai Dynasty surrendered, and 50% of them died. The remaining hundreds of loyal ministers were all middle and lower-level officials in the court, and they were all officers in charge of the specific affairs of each department. To put it bluntly, they are all talents who do practical things!

Nowadays, what your subordinates lack is talents. It is such a large Donghai county, and the land is several times the land area of the whole Baiyun Star. There are things that need to be taken care of! If you take these people to the Pangu mainland, there will be a group of capable and practical administrative talents, and you can also bring Li Yifeng and Zi Qianyan, the two major administrative administrators, by the way. Is there anything more cost-effective than this?

Don't beg and even have some bad thoughts - or he will simply recruit a few more emperors as apprentices in the outer world, and then secretly support these apprentices' enemies to destroy his country in a few years, and then help the disciples avenge, infinitely improve their loyalty, and then take these emperor's disciples and their subordinate ministers. Pack it and take it to the Pangu mainland?

It seems that this thing can really be done, but it must be heartfelt and heartfelt, don't lù it's ugly!

Put away this ridiculous idea for the time being. Don't beg to take a look at Li Yifeng.

Li Yifeng was still immersed in the mood of not begging for a few hours ago, like a divine soldier falling from the sky, saving his husband and his child and the last bit of loyal escort. Seeing that Don't beg, Li Yifeng took a deep breath and shouted in a low voice, "Did you, are there any old ministers of Gu Tai who haven't come?"

Many courtiers in the hall looked at each other and knelt down to worship Li Yifeng and Ziqian at the same time. The official rank present was the highest. The Qingliu civil servant who was in charge of the sacrificial ceremony of the ancient Thai dynasty said slowly, "Your Majesty, in those national disasters in those years, except for those ministers and thieves who defected to the Yuanhua pseudo-dynasties, we can still come, it's all here!"

Li Yifeng sighed deeply, and he looked at the complicated and didn't beg.

Don't beg and nodded slowly. He said gently, "You are all loyal ministers of Yifeng. You didn't betray Yifeng this time. I will definitely give you benefits. Give you a day's time to gather your own people and loyal and reliable subordinates, and I will take you to a good place afterwards!"

After a moment of meditation, don't beg and say, "In that place, you are all of great use. The benefits you can get are far beyond your imagination."

Suddenly, there was a dull sound of footsteps in the distance, and a large number of fire dragons of lanterns and torches came in the direction of the main hall, followed by the hoarse shouts of the generals and the promise of many soldiers corresponding to the orders of the generals. Listening to those movements, at least 100,000 troops are surrounding the palace from all directions, and tens of thousands of soldiers have rushed into the palace and are coming in the direction of the main hall.

Don't look at Li Yifeng with a smile: "These armies are all your armies in those years, right?"

Li Yifeng stood up and respectfully said to Don't beg: "It's up to the master to do everything." Li Yifeng gritted his teeth and said in a ferocious voice, "The generals and soldiers who are loyal to the disciples have long been dead. Now those who stay here safe and sound are either the army of the Yuanhua Dynasty or the rebels who betrayed the disciples and defected to the enemy. The master can do whatever he want!"

Don't beg for a smile. He nod and said, "That's just right. There's a shortage of people!"

Laughing loudly, don't beg to open your mouth. A large amount of chaotic spiritual light spewed out of his mouth, instantly covering the whole territory of the ancient Thai Dynasty. Countless big officials and military officers in cities, villages and towns, etc., as long as they are now officials who serve the Yuanhua Dynasty, all of them can't help flying up, shouting that they have flown thousands of miles away and don't beg.

Everyone was imprisoned in the world of mustard seeds and suppressed by the ancient divine text. Don't beg that you can't do the matter of plundering mortals for blood sacrifice. He is not the kind of fierce, violent and unscrupulous demon immortal. But for these people who betray their disciples and serve their disciples' enemies, don't beg for absolute reasons to attack them, and there will never be any burden of conscience.

In the inspiration, I saw countless figures howling and flying into the mouth of Begging. In just a few breaths, the officials, sergeants and even their families in the territory of the ancient Thai Empire were all imprisoned in the world of mustard seeds. I'm afraid the total number did not exceed one million. The army gathering outside the hall was also the same, and the sound of the rumbling pace suddenly disappeared, and the sudden silence made many courtiers in the hall unable to shiver, as if they were in a nightmare.

Li Yifeng shouted happily: "Master's magic power!"

Zi Qianyan led a group of ministers to worship Don't beg. With such magical power, how have they ever seen it? Even if some of the royal families of the ancient Thai imperial family are disciples of Bai Yunxian, the highest cultivation is only the realm of Yuanying. How can there be such a great power to turn the world around?

For twelve hours a day and one night, don't beg Ao Buzun to stay with Li Yifeng and gather the clan members of the civil ministers and generals who protected the ancient Thai imperial dynasty. Within twelve hours, hundreds of civil and military ministers gathered tens of thousands of people, and some of the ministers who died also heard the news and rushed to join Li Yifeng. For these loyal subordinates, Li Yifeng naturally did not refuse to come and put them all under his own hands.

Don't beg to make it clear. Now his subordinates are short of people. As long as he can do things, he wants those who can write and calculate. In any case, the families of these ministers have been reading and literate since childhood. They have some of the most basic administrative skills, which are much better than those Li Min, who are still in a chaotic and simple state on the Pangu mainland. Even if they are the servants of these ministers' families, they are familiar with all kinds of affairs, and they can lead a few civil servants to do a lot of things.

In twelve hours, Don't Beg and Princess Po Le stripped nine to nine of the spiritual veins on the white cloud star according to the practice on the green cliff star, leaving a spiritual vein of thousands of miles to support the ordinary people of the white cloud star. All other mines have also been washed away, and some famous landscapes have been moved into the ring world of Princess Le.

Not only natural resources and mountains and rivers, as long as those palaces and pavilions are particularly gorgeously built, don't beg and Princess Huanle will never let go. The former imperial cities have been uprooted, and the magnificent manor of the powerful has disappeared without a trace. After a little transformation of these imperial cities and manors, they can be arranged into an absolutely magnificent mountain dojo, which saves a lot of effort?

In addition to these things, there are also some isolated villages in the deep mountains and forests of Baiyunxing. The villagers in the village are also honest and simple. Don't beg and rudely sweep away the villagers in these closed villages, with a total of about one million people.

These millions of people are just used to supplement the population of Donghai County. These villagers are simple and simple, but easy to control. If you change those cunning citizens in the city, how dare you let these people go to the Pangu mainland? If you don't have a heart, you are likely to miss his words about not begging!

After a day and a night of searching, the White Cloud Star was almost emptied by the Don't-begging and Princess Pangle. When the White Cloud Star could no longer find anything good things on the mainland, the Don-begging and the Princess of the Pangle rushed to Baiyun Peak angrily, swept away the tens of thousands There are also thousands of monks who have not escaped from Xianfang.

Don't beg and Princess Huanle wantonly searched in the White Cloud Star, which has attracted countless natural disasters such as extreme earthquakes in the aura of heaven and earth. Those immortals and monks who have nothing to do with Yuanhua have left the White Cloud Star wisely for a long time. Now they are still in the fairy square. Naturally, they Tell me, don't beg for the plunder of Xianfang with people.

Just as Beqi and Princess Pule were about to go to the capital of the Yuanhua Dynasty and take away the whole capital and all the people in it, they stepped on the green clouds, and the face è the complex green staff fairy led a group of Yuanhua immortals to block Buqi.

Don't beg and Princess Le held hands and looked at the green staff fairy with a sneer.

The green stick fairy clenched his teeth and stared at Don't begging up and down. After a full quarter of an hour, he opened his mouth to speak.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, Don't beg to sprinkle a spiritual light and take away the green staff fairy and everyone behind him.

"I'm not here to reason with you." Don't beg to look at the capital of the Yuanhua Dynasty and say in a ferocious voice, "I'm here to seek revenge!"

"Green staff fairy, you owe me, I don't beg, I have never been sorry for you, Yuanhua

With a finger, the whole city of the capital of the Yuanhua Dynasty rose up from the ground, with a rock layer hundreds of miles away, and was imprisoned in the world of mustard seeds.

Next, it should be Wanxianxing's turn! RA