Steal the sky

Chapter 641 Blood Oath

Chapter 641 Blood Oath (Third Update)

The corpses are like mountains, and the blood flows into a sea. The decomposed corpses were piled up on the ground and inflated. White and miserable bones, colorful viscera, silver tendons, and messy hair, even in hell, there will be no such a scene.

Countless large blood bubbles in the huge blood pool keep coming out, as if a stove below is warming the blood pool. The strong smell of blood piled up around, even the wind could not blow away. The bloody gas condensed into a pale red è in the air, and countless twisted figures twisted and struggling in the air, and some pale faces could be seen flashing inside from time to time. The souls of these tragic dead were screaming and roaring crazily, but there was no sound at all.

Tens of thousands of dragons stood stiffly in place, and their bodies could not move at all. Yuanhua's ancestor pressed the white fog fairy on the blood cloud with hilariously, and tore her clothes slowly with both hands. The white fog fairy's face è her pale eyes turned red. She suddenly opened her mouth and spit out a fragrant tongue to chew her tongue to kill herself, but Yuanhua Laozu suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed her jaw joint.

"What an ignorant nv doll!" Yuanhua's ancestor smiled strangely: "You are the body of an immortal. Can you compare with mortals? If a mortal breaks his tongue, he will die, and if you break his tongue, he will only become ugly! How can you become ugly before I enjoy you?

The finger was wiped on the white fog fairy's cheek, and a blood light penetrated into the white fog fairy's cheek. The white fog fairy's facial muscles lost all strength, and he could only lie stiffly on the blood cloud and let Yuanhua's ancestor do it. Jiang Yun's ancestor beside him roared. When he opened his mouth and roared, the corners of his mouth were torn open, and a large amount of blood kept gushing out of the wound.

Yuanhua's ancestor was waiting to invade the White Mist Fairy. Suddenly, he turned around and saw the blood oozing from Jiang Yun's ancestor's face. Yuanhua's ancestor suddenly laughed and said, "Oh, why did you forget this? Beauty, beautiful scenery, beautiful things, you have to have a warm-blooded atmosphere!"

With a little finger, a hundred tall and strong men of Long Boguo slowly walked to the blood cloud and stood in a circle to surround the blood cloud of Xu Fangyuan. These strong men bent down stiffly and pointed their heads at Yuanhua's ancestor. With the sound of a sharp sword, the black flying sword roared down in the sky, cutting off a hundred huge heads like a sharp knife cutting tofu.

A hundred blood columns spewed out, Yuanhua ancestor, Jiang Yun ancestor, Baiwu, Qingxia and even Qingshen, Qingxin, Qingyi and other old ways, all of them were sprayed with hot blood. In particular, most of the clothes of the white fog fairy have been torn off, and the white skin is wrapped in blood, and the whole body is bloody, with a bloody, ferocious and strange beauty.

Yuanhua's ancestor was excited. He laughed crazily, hurriedly untied his belt, and took off his Taoist robe one by one.

The old priest of the Long Bo Kingdom, who danced and cried loudly beside him, suddenly raised his hands and looked up to the sky and hissed: "The ghosts and gods of heaven and earth testify, the ancestors and spirits testify, and all the spiritual things in heaven and earth testify. Today, our clan issued a blood oath, but anyone can kill and expel this demon, save our clan from death, and retain our Miao people. Our clan has been slaves for generations, and is loyal to making cattle and horses for them!"

The fierce and cruel means of Yuanhua's ancestors made all the people present completely desperate. At this critical moment of extermination, the old priest couldn't care much. He made the most sacred blood oath and swore with the future of his future descendants. As long as someone can rescue his clan and not let his blood be cut off, he is willing to pay the heaviest price. Even for a servant, in the face of the inheritance of blood, everything is nothing.

Tens of thousands of dragons howled in unison. Although their bodies could not move, their facial muscles were not controlled by them, but this did not prevent them from wailing like the north wind from their hearts. The long howling spread around with the cold air, and the condensed blood everywhere it passed was shattered by the desperate howling.

At the moment when the old priest made a blood vow, and tens of thousands of dragons were wailing in unison, don't beg to show your father's pursuit of the sun step by step and dodged to the edge of the blood pool. He glared at the blood pool in front of him, and then looked at the remains of the corpses piled up like mountains and stretched for millions of miles. The hairband of the hair was broken inch by inch, and the long hair was automatically straightened up one without wind. Powerful power is poured into the long hair, dancing for a long time, making a crisp cry like the collision of a knife and a gun.

"Old ghost, damn it!" Don't beg for a low shout, your body is horizontal, and you bump into Yuanhua's ancestor. He used all his strength in this blow, and his figure was like a crazy dragon across the void, trying his best to push his shoulders to the heart of Yuanhua's ancestor. There is a faint rise of purple gas all over the body, and large areas of dragon scales under the skin continue to emerge. Don't beg to run the two skills of heaven and earth's true body formula and dragon transformation to the extreme.

Where can Yuanhua Laozu guard against someone plotted himself on Wanxianxing? The demons and monsters in Wanxianxing are all killed by him. Even if there are scattered survivors, they are not his opponents. They have long been hiding in extremely secret places and dare not come out. All the creatures on the Immortals, even those mayflies and shrimps, have been killed by him. How can anyone sneak up on him?

All his attention was attracted by the beautiful body of the white fog fairy. Yuanhua's ancestor was about to taste the beauty. Suddenly, don't beg like a thunder, and his shoulder was fiercely against the heart of Yuanhua's ancestor. With a crisp sound, Yuanhua's ancestor's body exploded, but there was no bone in his body. As soon as it exploded, it was a blood fog flying all over the sky, dripping and shrilling into a blood rainbow thorning high in the sky.

The vicious curses gushed out of the flying blood rainbow. Yuanhua's ancestors cursed the sky and the earth. When he caught one, he cursed one. All kinds of vicious words were difficult to describe for a moment. As long as the name he could think of now, whether it was his grandson nv or his disciple, he caught one and sc I was spared.

A large area of blood and ghost fire roared in the dark clouds, and a bucket of thick blood in the blood pool below rushed straight into the sky. The blood rainbow transformed by Yuanhua's ancestors melted with the blood, blood light and ghost fire, and soon turned into a cocoon of blood about ten feet in diameter. Don't beg for a cold snort, raise your hand with a gray è The cold air splits the face, and the cold air condensed into a knife in the void, turning into a black ice knife that is as thin as a cicada's wings less than three inches wide.

This is the attack enemy's magic power 'Xuanyīn magic knife' in the Xuanyīn water scripture, which condenses the shape with the qi of heaven and earth to yīn, and condenses its own pure fairy power into a knife. It is the best way to restrain some evil and poisonous spells Great lethality. After the long knife passed, the cocoon squeaked into two pieces. Yuanhua Laozu, who had just recovered his human form in the cocoon, snorted. The long knife passed through his iōng mouth. His bloody iōng mouth suddenly froze a large area, and a large piece of white and miserable ice froze his The blood was frozen into snow and slowly falling..

Jiang Yun's ancestors and his people who were tied up, as well as Yuanhua's ancestors, all stared at them like ghosts. Yuanhua's ancestors roared, "Don't beg!"

Jiang Yun's ancestor and the white fog fairy were lifted from the ban, but they could speak, and they also exclaimed the name of not begging at the same time. They never dreamed that when they left, they had shallow cultivation, how they had such strength in just a few years, and they actually smashed the magic body of Yuanhua's ancestors with one blow. If it hadn't been for the strange magic skills practiced by Yuanhua's ancestor, his magic body would have been very different from the ordinary immortal body, and this blow alone could have killed him to death.

Don't beg, the magic gas rolled around the body, and the dark magic gas steamed up. After the blood gas around it was touched by the purgatory magic gas ejected from the body, the blood gas fell into the magic gas one after another, and was digested and absorbed by the magic gas and became a part of the magic gas. The huge divine consciousness spread out everywhere, covering the huge blood sea of the corpse mountain. Don't beg an inch to check some things in the depths of the blood sea of the corpse mountain, those hidden runes and charms.

The blood pool in front of him was a little strange. Yuanhua's ancestor separated a wisp of divine thoughts and placed it in the blood pool, and he was arranging some evil and strange prohibitions at all. The god of begging did not hesitate to get into the blood pool and competed with Yuanhua's ancestor for the control of the blood pool.

No matter what Yuanhua's ancestor wants to do, in a word, to destroy him completely is that you can't let him succeed! With so much blood, the blood pool formed by the blood of countless creatures on the Immortals, don't beg and don't want to waste it in vain. If it is used to sacrifice, it is also a great benefit!

Look silently at Yuanhua's ancestor behind his back. Don't beg for a word, just fight in the blood pool with the distraction of Yuanhua's ancestor with his consciousness. There were already all kinds of prohibitions arranged by Yuanhua's ancestors in the blood pool. The god of not begging rushed in, and the blood suddenly rolled up the huge

Yuanhua's ancestor was also suspended in the air and motionless. He clearly sensed that a terrible divine thought that was thousands of times stronger than his distraction was taking control of the blood pool inch by inch in the blood pool. Yuanhua's ancestor's face was unpredictable. He gritted his teeth and put all his consciousness into the blood. Pool. He has no time to kill the remaining tens of thousands of dragons, and he wants to urge the blood pool of all spirits immediately!

The old priest who danced looked at the begging hanging in mid-air. He suddenly knelt down and shouted harshly, "That immortal, we have made a blood vow. If you can save us from the disaster of our people, we will be loyal to your slaves for generations!"

Blood Oath? The blood oath of the Long Bo Guo people?

Don't beg for ecstasy when he is worried about his sparse and insufficient potential in Donghai County. He hurriedly turned his head to the old priest and said happily, "It's so good. You are loyal to me. I will definitely let your family reproduce and grow!" Haha, what is the puppet spell? "What is it?"

With one finger, a large piece of chaotic spiritual light came out of the fingertips and turned into countless ancient gods and bombarded those Longbo people. I heard countless dense explosions, and a large area of broken black è smoke spewed out of these Longbo people, and they suddenly regained their mobility!

Don't laugh and say, "I saved you today. Let's see who can kill you?"

With a mouth, a chaotic light spewed out, and tens of thousands of dragons were light, and at the same time, they were involved in the world of mustard seeds!

The ancestor of Yuanhua roared angrily. The blood soul of a dragon uncle is comparable to the total amount of blood in the bodies of tens of thousands of ordinary people. Don't beg to save tens of thousands of dragon uncles, which is equivalent to taking away the blood souls of hundreds of millions of mortals from his hands. Yuanhua's ancestor couldn't care much. His body turned into a blood light and he empted into the blood pool of all spirits, and then a huge blood statue stood up from the blood pool.

This statue is hundreds of miles high, and his whole body is bloody. As soon as he appeared, he casually punched Don't beg. RA