Steal the sky

Chapter 662 Consequences involved

Chapter 662 The Consequences (Second Update)

When the news of Gou Chen Guang's death came, Begging and others were on a long journey.

Wearing the most common linen clothes of the people of Dayu, Don't beg and others used the escape method all the way to Zhongzhou. Along with them, it was Yan Dan and other big Yan emperors and ministers. Ying Zheng and other emperors and ministers of the five countries have rushed to several other places for development in accordance with the provisions of the pre-concluded covenant. According to the covenant, the future strategies of the six countries will be different, so that there will be no conflict of interests.

In just half a month, when they were still two and a half months away from Zhongzhou, the news of Gou Chenguang's death had spread all over the world. Even the mysterious studies they occasionally encountered in the wilderness began to discuss the impact of the death that constitutes light on Dayu Chaotang. There are also some immortals and Sanxiu of the Wanxian League, cursing the thing that killed Gou Chenguang in hysteria!

The Gou Chen family, the blood descendant of the ancient heavenly court Gou Chen Emperor.

Emperor Gou Chen, who joined the heavenly court with his body and ruled the demons in the world, was the most powerful figure among the five imperial emperors in the heavenly court at that time. After several great disasters in heaven and earth, it was not until a tragic heavy disaster destroyed more than half of the heavenly court that Emperor Gou Chen used forbidden techniques to solve a heavy disaster in order to protect the inheritance of the heavenly court at that time, but he himself became flying ash.

Because of the relationship of Emperor Gou Chen, the Gou Chen family has excellent connections in the heavenly court. Those immortals who were rescued by Emperor Gou Chen in those years have now occupied a high position in the heavenly court. In the Dayu Dynasty, the Gouchen clan, who inherited the bloodline of the Gouchen Emperor, all had the ability to be born with ghosts and gods and can control the blood of many demons in the world. In the Dayu Sitian Hall, the Gouchen family is a pivotal force, and even the power of the Liangzhu yù family in the Si

Gou Chenguang is not only Zuo Sitian in today's Dayu Sitian Hall, but also the teacher when the Dayu emperor was the crown prince, and also the teacher of the most powerful princes in Dayu today. He has a deep cultivation and a wide range of ji. He is a well-known important and powerful minister in the Dayu Dynasty. Gou Chenguang's nv, after marrying today's Dayu emperor, now the prince of Dayu is Gou Chenguang's own grandson.

This time, the Wanxian League made Dayu uneasy. As a heavy minister of Dayu, Gou Chenguang secretly left Liangzhu. In the most serious place of the war, he traveled from time to time to cut off the powerful horns of the Wanxian League in just over a year. There were nearly 100 golden immortals of the Wanxian League killed by It is difficult to calculate.

But with Gou Chenguang's identity and status, he dealt with these juniors, and it would be extremely humiliating if it was spread out. Therefore, Gou Chenguang's behavior is mysterious. Every time he takes action, he will leave with one blow. Once he gets it, he will escape hundreds of millions of miles away. Even the Great Yu Liangzhu Sitian Hall does not know his Lord Zuo Sitian, the father-in-law of the current emperor, and the current head of the Gou Chen family secretly left

The most terrible thing is that in order to hide his deeds, Gou Chenguang did not use the Tongtian Tower, which he had been sacrificing with his heart and blood, but secretly proposed a spare Tongtian Tower from the warehouse of the Sitian Hall.

Tongtian Tower, this kind of strange object tailored for the great priest of Dayu Tongtian, is equivalent to the Taiyi Immortal of Taiyi Jinxian, which is a powerful battle tool. Every stone brick on the Tongtian Tower is sacrificed by the Grand Priest of Tongtian with his own life. Each rune is engraved with their own heart and blood, so they can match their hearts and minds. Dozens of times enhance the combat ability of the Grand Priest of Tongtian, which is a kind of giant combat tool with both attack and defense.

And this kind of backup Tongtian Tower has not been sacrificed by Gou Chenguang. Except for the most basic use of breaking the void as a tool, other attack, defense and other functions are almost zero! However, with Chen Guang's own strong strength, he did not confront the elders of the Wanxian League, but secretly killed the peripheral members of the Wanxian League, and he did not need to use other functions of the Tongtian Tower.

No one could think that Gou Chenguang would meet such a freak - he broke through the realm and did not spend the thunder disaster. Instead, he eagerly hid the breath when he broke through the realm in his body. When he met a strong enemy, he suddenly released the breath and attracted the disaster to attack the enemy!

Who dares to do such a thing as a normal fairy? When breaking through the realm, they will release the breath as soon as possible and strive to attract the disaster as soon as possible to survive the thunderstorm. If you hide this breath in your body, in case your heart's breath leaks out when you practice in the future, and the disaster suddenly comes when you can't move, isn't it looking for death? This is equivalent to living with a time bomb, and normal immortals dare not do so at all!

However, Gou Chenguang just met the best ones such as Buqi and Ao Buzun. The Tianjie was a series of plants, which attracted the innate two instruments to divide the divine thunder. A thunderstorm was cut down and he beat Gou Chenguang, who was unprepared. The dying Gou Chenguang fled back to Liangzhu with his shabby body. He didn't even have time to leave his last words. Before he could see his clan for the last time, he stared to death in the wilderness outside Liangzhu City.

Don't beg for a group of people to rush to Zhongzhou. Along the way, they met those scattered practitioners and immortals to discuss this matter. The background of Gou Chen Guang, as well as the where Gou Chen Guang died and all the winds caused by his death, were heard in their ears one by one. Don't beg and others can't help curling their lips. Is this because you are too unlucky, or is Gou Chen Guang too unlucky?

Such an important minister, such a luxurious figure, if you don't enjoy the happiness in Liangzhu, you have to walk around and knock on people's bricks behind your back. Well, as soon as Gou Chenguang died, the emperor was furious, and the whole country of Dayumobilized. Countless soldiers who had been untied and returned to the field were put on armor and joined the war. Although the Wanxian League encountered great trouble, it was bound to become much more difficult for the people of the six countries to develop their own power.

Originally, Dayu retained a lot of power and did not take action, but with the death of Gou Chenguang, I'm afraid that Dayu would be desperate to kill the monks and immortals on the Pangu continent. I just hope that Ying Zheng and others will not be too unlucky, and they will not be discovered by the angry Dayu army, but they will not be wiped out by Dayu's army as a vassal of the Wanxian League as soon as they came to the Pangu mainland.

Because of the war between Dayu and the Wanxian League, monks and immortals can't use Dayu's official moving array to walk. Yan Dan is bound to not let Princess Yule into the mustard world, which is too disrespectful for Yan Dan and others. Therefore, don't beg. They can only rely on their own escape method to rush to Zhongzhou. Qixianguan is a long way from Zhongzhou, and it will take three months to arrive at the speed of Don't begging. Yandan's escape is not as fast as Don't begging and Princess Pangle. I'm afraid it will take longer on the road.

Everyone trudged along the way and saw dozens of battles of the Dayu army to encircle and suppress immortals and scattered cultivation. Every time, don't beg to protect everyone and let everyone observe the war skills of the Dayu army at close range. Le Yi, Fan Yuqi and other generals disdained the command and mobilization of the Dayu army. They only felt that the big Yu army was really rigid to the extreme when marching. There is no plan to fight between the two sides. It is completely a face-to-face fight.

After watching the battle of Dayu's army and learning about the local management methods of Dayu's administrative agency along the way, Yan Dan was full of confidence in Dayan's foothold in the Pangu mainland. In their opinion, Dayu's administrative structure is completely a sieve, and there are countless omissions that can be used by them.

A country without a household registration management system and a strict monitoring system, with Yandan's bright and sophisticated, don't they play as much as they want? Especially now that Dayu and Wanxian League are in a fight, it is really normal for a large state to have more people and fewer people.

In addition to a little worry about the death of Gou Chenguang, Yan Dan and others have become ambitious. They are only waiting to rush to Zhongzhou, quickly use Anle County and Anyi County as the basis, supplemented by Donghai County, which is not beggar, to quickly open up the situation and invade the Pangu mainland.

But along the way, when it was only half a month away from Zhongzhou, even Jing Ke, the most forthright and boldest, found that something was wrong. The frequency of Dayu's army is getting higher and higher. Originally, it was only two or three days to meet a Dayu's army, but now they can meet three or five Dayu's troops flying far away in a flying boat every day.

Originally, the strategic forces of the Great Yu Dynasty such as the High Priest of Tongtian rarely appeared in front of people, but now there is often a tower of Tongtian to crush the void and appear in the sky. After a careful sweep of the surroundings, the strong divine consciousness will suddenly smash the void and go to other places.

At the most frequent time, Buqi and others saw seven different sky towers appear in the distance in one day!

With the power of the Tongtian Tower to smash the void, the high priests of Tongtian almost do not need any rest and go wherever they want. Three or five high priests of Tongtian can make the sky of dozens of Yipin Dazhou densely covered with the shadow of Tongtian Tower.

This is not good news. These high priests are too strong, and it is difficult to deceive their eyes wherever they have passed. Don't beg to shake your head. It seems that it is not easy for the six countries to gain a foothold in the Pangu mainland.

What makes Don't be more nervous is that he and Princess Kuan Le are aware of the evil power that constantly sweeps the Pangu continent in the void.

Every bō force sweeps over their bodies, which will trigger a violent ōu tacup of the heart. Even Ao Bu-respect is worried in the face of the invasion of this power, and there is no longer the usual laziness and arrogantness.

This is the power of the Sitian Hall who performed a spell, looking for the suspect who directly killed Chen Guang. If it hadn't been for that day, don't beg to erase the residual breath of the people of the six countries with the breath of chaos, and erase some causal involvement in the underworld and Gou Chen Guang, I'm afraid they have now been found by the people of the Sitian Hall.

Don't beg. You can only hope that the kings and ministers of the other five countries can keep a low profile, low-key, and then low-key. In the face of the angry Yu Dynasty, don't beg that their strength still lacks too much. In the face of this kind of dripping three-dimensional search, a heart is a disaster.

Don't beg, you can't help but feel a little embarrassed and angry. Isn't it just a hook Chen Guang? As for being so nervous?

What's more, the annoying thing happened. Just as they were about to enter Haizhou, the puppet who stayed in Donghai City sent an early warning message. Someone sneaked into the East China Sea City and poisoned the 'don't beg' who was 'savily injured'.

Don't beg for the evil fire that broke out in an instant. RA