Steal the sky

Chapter 664 Uninvited Guest

Chapter 634 Uninvited Guest

Don't beg for any chance to ask. As soon as they saw Don't beg, the captured assassins immediately blew themselves up. Their souls turned into countless blue and black tobacco that were visible to the naked eye, and the thin tobacco turned into a huge net under the hood of Begging and others under the hood. There was a faint sound of sharp and unpleasant ghost roar from the net. I don't know how many ghosts of ghosts were hurt by this blow.

The 100-acre-sized dungeon collapsed. Don't beg your hands to point out the ancient rune like running water, which turned into a dark copper bell-shaped prohibition, which firmly protected everyone in the terrible explosion. When the shock wave of the explosion gradually subsided, it took everyone out of the ground.

The dungeon that was originally deep in the ground has become a large pit with a radius of about 100 mu and dozens of feet deep into the ground. The bodies of these assassins exploded, and their flesh and blood turned into a sticky venom. The rock soil under the ground was corroded by the venom into smoke. The melting sound of countless silkworms devouring leaves made people feel goose bumps all over their ears.

"Hey, dead man?" Don't beg to fly back to the ground with everyone, gritted his teeth and looked at the completely destroyed dungeon. He waved his hand and ordered Huang Yu to immediately call the civilian service to fill the big pit back, and sprinkle some detoxification drugs from the Sitian Hall before backfilling. I didn't say anything. I have this deep hatred with Don't beg. Send this kind of dead assassin to use this vicious method to calculate Don't beg. Who else is there besides the old guy Yu Jue?

Don't beg has been involved in the power struggle between the Zhongzhou Yu family and the Liangzhu Yu family. Although he is only an inconspicuous small role here, how can Yu Jue, who has lost face and been messed up, let go of Don't beg? This assassination may be just the pioneers of countless assassinations that followed.

With all kinds of magic spells, I don't know what evil things are in the venom of these assassins' bodies. I'm afraid this land can't be used in the future. Don't beg for intuition that these venoms will turn the land into a dead place in the future. It's hard to say an inch Beauty and the luxuriant livestock.

"Dead man?" Lu Chengfeng smiled gloomily: "Is there anyone in Pangu Continent to raise dead men? Hey, let's see who is better than my Yan's 'thorn'!"

Don't beg for his eyes to light up. He remembered that he and Lu Chengfeng had met. Dayan, who were fearless of life and death, did not take his own life and other people's lives seriously. It was cruel, evil, cunning and fierce. Don't beg to assign this task to Lu Chengfeng, ask him to contact Princess Po Le as soon as possible, ask Princess Po Le to provide some feasible methods of vicious methods, and ask Lu Chengfeng to immediately select a batch of 'thorns' out.

Do you play assassination? Don't beg can't help but sneer. How many of your sons and grandchildren can stand the assassination of stabbed by Don't beg? If you want to play, then play with you. Don't beg to grit your teeth and be cruel.

Just when Donghai City was dealing with the trouble caused by these desperate assassins, several guards of the county guard rushed over in a hurry. Haizhou Mu Yuhu had come to the Donghai County guard with a group of attendants, and named him not to beg. The one who brought these bodyguards to look for begging was a little civil servant Yan Feiyu brought by Lu Chengfeng. These civil servants who came out of Lu Chengfeng** had a lot of eyes. Yan Feiyu respectfully told him not to be beg. Yuhu's face was ugly. It seemed that there were still a few middle-aged people around him who were very unfacided about Yuhu. Yuhu seemed to be suppressed by them.

Yan Feiyu is now the general manager of the county guard's office. He is responsible for sending, delivering tea and water, porter access control, guarding arrangements and other matters. He just took the opportunity to let the maid serve tea and observed the relationship between Yuhu and those middle-aged men. When Yu Hao asked Don't beg for the current situation, he was still very concerned, and he looked a little worried. And the tone of those middle-aged men is very unpleasant. Listening to their gloating tone, it seems that they are eager not to die quickly to their will.

A wave of uneven waves rise again!

Don't beg sneered. He nodded to Lu Chengfeng. Lu Chengfeng took people to deal with all kinds of affairs in the East China Sea City. Don't beg himself took hundreds of guards who had practiced the true secrets of heaven and earth, rode a tall horse, and rushed to the county guard all the way.

maintains the consistent style of Dayu. Over the county guard built of black boulder, a snake-shaped flying boat and a scorpion-shaped flying boat are suspended side by side in the air about three miles from the ground. The snake-shaped flying boat is the car of Yuhu, and it is naturally familiar. But the flying boat, which looks like a scorpion and has four wings on its back, looks so evil.

The whole dark scorpion-shaped flying boat is covered with an unknown layer of scale armor, which should be removed from some kind of python. The head of the flying boat is round, and there is a faint green light in the scorpion-shaped mouth, which should be some kind of powerful fighter jet. The tail of the flying boat picks up a barb shaped like a scorpion's tail. The thick barb shines with a faint green light, and dozens of strange runes are faintly visible on the sharp spikes. At such a long distance, you can smell the fishy smell from the spikes.

God quietly swept over the flying boat. Don't be shocked to find that this flying boat, shaped like a flying scorpion, was really processed from the shell of a giant scorpion about three miles long. This kind of giant scorpion, only the 'green-tailed red-hearted scorpion', is a kind of vicious thing that venom can make the golden fairy's soul fly away. In other words, this kind of scorpion can compete with the golden fairy and make it into a flying boat. You don't have to think about how

Compared with this flying boat, the snake-shaped flying boat of Yuhu is like a tattered three-wheel next to a luxury RV, which is completely incomparable.

He quietly diseed his horse in front of the county guard's house. Don't beg and walked into the county guard with the guard of the county guard.

In the main hall of the county guard's mansion, the gloomy-faced jade was holding a tea cup in his hand and was in a daze. The tea has cooled down, but he doesn't move at all. Several other middle-aged men in black linen robes sat on the stone-carved chairs in the main hall and slowly tasted the tea soup that had been brewed into boiled water. There are six monthly priests standing beside Yuhu, and the middle-aged men are embroidered with at least seven curved moon patterns on their cuffs, and most of the more than four curved moon patterns are on the cuffs of more than a dozen priests standing behind them.

Among them, he is obviously the first person. He wears three dark blue jade rings on his fingers and has a Chinese face that is not angry and arrogant. The skin color is as white as the beautiful jade of a middle-aged man. There are nine curved moon patterns on the cuffs, and the nine curved moon patterns are embroidered with golden silk thread. Obviously, Break through the daily level and be promoted to the powerful figures in the fairyland world at any time.

The pace sounded, and he walked slowly into the lobby. He left all the guards outside the lobby and came in calmly.

He saluted Yuhu with a smile. Don't beg and said slowly, "Brother Yuhu, now I'm in the battle with the Wanxian League. How can you have time to come here? Alas, Tan Lang is useless. Last time he was injured by several magic fairies. After resting for so long, he just recovered from his injury!"

When Yuhu saw that he didn't beg to come in, he hurriedly threw down the tea cup and asked not to beg for a gift. Hearing that his injury had healed, Yu Hao couldn't hide the joy that gushed out of his heart. Before he could speak, he laughed 'haha'. He greeted Begging happily and took Begging's hand: "Wonder, are you really healed from your injury? I've been really busy these months and dizzy. I don't have time to visit you in Donghai County. Is your injury really well?

Don't beg for a sneer. He squinted at the middle-aged men and said lightly, "Of course it's great, otherwise how can an assassin come to me for trouble? A while ago, I just devoured hundreds of millions of evil spirits that rushed into my mind. I just made my strength greatly improved, and an assassin touched the door. Unfortunately, they were all captured alive by me, and it was said that Elder Yuji sent them to kill me!"

As soon as he said this sentence, Yuhu's face suddenly stiffened. The majestic middle-aged man raised his eyebrows, slowly stood up and sneered, "Tan Lang, don't talk nonsense. This kind of trapping can't involve my father."

Don't beg and pull the corners of your mouth, pick your chin at the man, and ask lightly, "Who is this?"

Yuxiao smiled gloomily, looked at the man with his hands behind his back and said, "The son of the elder Yuyue, my uncle Yuduo. This time when I came over, someone complained to Lord Bozhou, saying that our Yu family used a waste man who was seriously injured and could not afford to be devoured as the lord of a county, and this county also occupied more than 30% of the land in Haizhou. Hey, hey, hey, Elder Yujue sent Uncle Yuduo here..."

Don't beg for a sudden realization, nod and smiled, "If I still can't afford to be seriously injured, or I have been assassinated by an assassin, then Lord Yuyan will become the new Donghai County guard, right? Ah, ah, but it's a pity that I was able to get out of bed two months ago, and these days are even better. Those assassins also confessed that Elder Yu Jue sent them to assassinate me. What should I do?

Yuhu faked and scolded, "Oh~~~Tan Lang, the elder of Yuyu sent someone to assassinate you. You need evidence!"

Don't beg for a smile and don't say anything with your hands behind your back.

Yu puppet's face changed slightly. He looked at the don't beggar who was lively and didn't have any injury, and shook his head thoughtfully. After begging for a long time, the jade puppet smiled and said, "Well, since General Tan Lang is safe and sound, it's easy for Zhoumu to reply. General Tan Lang is so healthy that he can take good care of Donghai County!"

As he spoke, the jade puppet's right hand suddenly stretched out one, like a poisonous tail of a scorpion.

A shrill sounded, and a green light stabbed straight. Don't beg for your eyebrows.

Don't beg for a cold snort. The black fog spewed out all over his body. There was a large piece of lightning flashing faintly in the black fog. Don't beg did not hesitate to pinch a seal. In the black fog, thirteen thick and thin thunder roared out of the black fog, smashing the

The jade puppet laughed, and a large piece of smelly green fog gushed out of his body, dissipated the thunder, and then turned around with a large group of attendants around him without saying a word, and walked out of the lobby in the blink of an eye. They flew up and escape into the scorpion-shaped flying boat, and soon the flying boat disappeared.

After a full quarter of an hour, a cold hum came from the sky.

"Double practice of body method, hey hey, it really lives up to its reputation! Tan Lang? I remember you!" " RO