Steal the sky

Chapter 693 Assassination

The rebellion of the Immortals League came because of the Yangshan King, the father of the King of Yangqiu.

The king of Yangshan was a military counselor in the Dayu Dynasty, which was roughly equivalent to the position of Minister of Defense or Minister of Military Aircraft. The King of Yangshan is a firm and extreme anti-immortalist. All his energy and pursuit are focused on the great cause of conquering the immortals and destroying the immortal forces on the Pangu mainland.

Exterminate immortals and conquer the outer starry sky. "Occupy the heavenly court" will beat the emperors of the heavenly court to the throne and set foot on 10,000 feet so that these high immortals will never turn over. This is the purpose that the Yangshan King has used to educate his children since he was a child.

Therefore, a few years ago, the king of Yangshan led his fierce generals under his command to join hands with several high priests of Tongtian, set up an ambush to seriously injure the master of the Wanxian League, and injured the fairy soul of the immortals of the Wanxian League, so that the immortals of Dingjun were in danger of At the same time, he was seriously injured by ambush, and more than 60% of the elders in the Daluo Hall of the Wanxian League were seriously injured, and several elders were already on the verge of falling.

The Wanxian League has been hit hard by this, so it is natural to report it.

Just like the king of Yangshan's extreme hatred of immortals, there are also extremists among immortals, especially the Wanxian League. Their purpose is to conquer the Pangu Continent and make the extremely fertile Pangu Continent a paradise for immortals! Everything on the Pangu continent should be controlled by cactus, one huā, one grass, one insect and one fish. Even a fairy stone, or the most inconspicuous metal ore, should be the help of immortals to improve their cultivation.

In the view of those immortals, mortals who now have the dominance of the Pangu continent should become slaves of immortals and be driven by immortals forever.

Therefore, taking advantage of the reason that the Dingjun Immortal was severely damaged, the radical immortals in the Wanxian League reported and destroyed hundreds of loosely-defensive state cities in Dayu with the art of star attack, and then triggered a continuous fire. There were wars on the Pangu mainland, and the people of Li were involved in a fierce How much!

This is what Liu Bang described about the cause and effect of the war between Dayu and the Wanxian League!

According to Liu Bang's analysis, Dingjun Immortal is the spiritual leader of the Wanxian League, which is also the driving force for the rapid development and growth of the Wanxian League! Without talent, Dingjun Immortals, the immortals of the League have no heads. The combat effectiveness will suddenly decline by several times! At the same time, without the Dingjun Immortals, the immortals of the Wanxian League will not have the astronomical secret elixirs of the heavenly court provided by him, and the ability of the Wanxian League to continue to fight will also be reduced in a straight line.

What's more important is. If you don't have the talent, Dingjun immortals are in control. His three disciples who hold power in the heavenly court will be centrifuged and will no longer provide any protection for the Wanxian League, and the attitude of the heavenly court towards the Wanxian League will also change subtly.

Of course. The most important factor is still with Liu Bang. As long as the king of Yangqiu can gather his hands to assassinate the Dingjun immortal, Liu Bang can let his confidants take over the power of the Dingjun immortal. At that time, Liu Bang can use his resources and rights to influence the resolution of the heavenly court. When the heavenly court is lost, isn't it easy for Dayu to destroy the Immortal League?

, "Even, it's the big array in front of the prince. If there is no Dingjun fairy to dredge the joints behind his back, wouldn't it be easy for the prince to crack this big array?" He talked about the above words, and Liu Bang finally directly pointed out the biggest trouble faced by the king of Yangqiu.

The king of Qiu glanced at Don't beg quickly, and nodded slightly.

With the soles of your feet, you can understand that without some people in the heavenly court who have opened the joints, will the true shape of Xingjun condense in the large array laid by the master of Youxiantang? Will you have the original divine power of Xingjun? Obviously, someone in the heavenly court deliberately took care of the owner of the Youxian Hall, so he laid such a large array that made people feel tricky. If, as Liu Bang said, he can replace the Dingjun Immortal in the heavenly court and eliminate the intentional or unintentional care of the Wanxian League in the heavenly court, then the Wanxian League is just an annihilable.

The king of the hill pondered for a moment. Suddenly, he clapped his hands and smiled and said, "Okay" OK. Liu Bang, the king of Han, really had a good tongue and a sharp mouth. Come on, send these women to the chariot of the Han Dynasty. Hey!" Staring at Liu Bang, the king of Yangqiu shouted in a low voice, "The king of Han must remember his promise!

Liu Bang arched his hand to the king of Yangqiu with a smile, and then handed a lilac jade pendant to the king of Yangqiu.

He grabbed the jade pendant and leaned in with his divine consciousness. The king of Yangqiu pinched the jade pendant into pieces and waved his hand and shouted, "Open the main door and see off the guests!" The atmosphere in the hall that had just been tense suddenly eased. The subordinates of King Yanqiu slowly retreated, and the encirclement that had suppressed Han Xin and others was disintegrated in an instant. Don't beg for a smile. He gently smashed the five puppet legal persons on the case, stood up with a smile and followed the king of Yangqiu to send Liu Bang and others away.

A banquet was over hastily, but the king of Yangqiu was obviously very interested." And Liu Bang was also very happy, and he could not see any dissatisfaction. Hundreds of beautiful female nuns were escorted into Liu Bang's chariot by a large group of soldiers. Liu Bang was perfunctory with the king of Yangqiu while constantly peeping at the nuns' twisted buttocks and swaying thighs. These beautiful and touching female nuns really made Liu Bang overjoyed. Now his mind is not on King Yangqiu.

The drums were loud and the flags were flying, and the group sent Liu Bang's five people to board the chariot.

The price of the car has not moved, and Liu Bang and others looked at Don't beg at almost the same time. In particular, Zhang Lianghan, who was hit by Don't beg for a spell, said to Don't beg's head with a face, "If you have a chance, please ask the general to give me one or two...

Don't beg for an indifferent smile and arched to Zhang Liang without saying a word.

He squinted at Zhang Liang and suddenly remembered Zhang Liang's origin. Is his master called the old man Huangshi? His master came from a fairy way. No wonder they are all subordinates of the heavenly court now. Don't beg to vaguely touch some of the ins and outs of what happened in those years, just want to have a chance to get evidence from the king of Siqiu.

Perhaps, follow the line of the King of Youqiu. Don't beg to go back to the earth!

Even if his current foundation is in Pangu Continent, and his lover and friends are in Pangu Continent, he wants to go back to the earth. Qingcheng, Qingcheng, will not flatten the mountains of Qingcheng. How can he be worthy of the master and brother who died tragically?

Those female nuns walked into the chariot, and the women who could cultivate into immortals were not stupid. Liu Bang is the king of Han in the heavenly court. It's better to go with him than to be a prisoner under the king of Yangqiu. The king of Yuqiu regarded them as toys, and many captured nuns or fairies were either killed by **. Either he was sold to other dignitaries in Dayu by the king of Yangqiu. Which one will have a good end?

Follow Liu Bang, even if he is his concubine, it's better than being abused alive and killed by King Yangqiu.

Look at these women walking into the carriage. Liu Bang couldn't help laughing. He proudly said a few unnutritious words to the king of Yangqiu. Then he waved his hand: "Diyang, let's go. Well, it's a long way back to Liangzhu. You have to cheer up!

Sitting on Liu Bang's chariot for him, he is the real person of Diyang in Qingcheng. I heard Liu Bang's order. Xieyang Zhenren bowed his waist and saluted respectfully, which was simply more respectful than a servant. Don't begg glanced at him faintly, and I didn't understand what was going on with the real person in Diyang. What are the benefits of being a driver for Liu Bang?

Liu Bang's chariot slowly flew up in a faint cloud package, and the king of Yangqiu held his hand behind his back and shouted to wish him a safe journey. The generals and priests beside King Yangqiu smiled relaxedly, and Liu Bang's group of villains had left. Everyone relaxed in an instant.

Don't beg's heart suddenly beat violently, his skin suddenly tightened, and his face turned white.

Almost subconsciously, Don't beg's body took a step towards the slanting thorn.

In the clouds at the far end of the sky. A trace of golden light flashed, and an arrow with a six-foot-long thumb thick and cast with golden alloy silently came with a hundred feet of golden light, and flew over with a begging shoulder. The stem of the strange arrow is like the shape of a water wave. Countless fine water lines are also carved on the arrow shaft. The filaments pulled by the unknown light red crystal are used to outline complex runes on the arrow shaft. When the arrow flew by Don't beg, he faintly smelled a warm sweet fragrance.

The arrow is poisonous, and it is an extremely negative chronic poison.

The sound of howling came, and the arrow brushed the body of the begging and hit a disciple of the Yumen School behind him. Blood splashed out. The tall, straight and handsome young man was pierced in his heart by an arrow, and his body just shook. It's like a man piled up of sand, he fell to the ground. The plasma and minced meat were scattered all over the place.

The arrow was not quiet. After piercing the man's body, he continued to shoot backwards. Another disciple of the Jade and the School Palace and two priests under the command of the King of Yuqiu were shot through the body by arrows. They were all broken into the ground like the first person.

Finally, the arrow flew in front of a general in heavy armor, who exclaimed. He firmly clamped the arrow with his hands together. A sharp sound of friction came, and the general was unstable. He was pushed backwards by the huge force carried on the arrow, and finally hit a dragon man. The dragon man stretched out his hands and pressed on the shoulder of the leader, only a muffled sound. The Long Bo Guo was also brought back three steps by the huge force. Only then did the two work together to completely deconcide the strength of the arrow.

, gurg, in the sound, the general who clamped the arrow separated his hands. The arrow fell to the cloud platform. The general raised his stiff palm and said in a low voice to the ugly-looking King of Yuqiu, "Your Majesty, the metacarpal bones of the last general have been shattered!" This is the secret of the heavenly court, kill the bear arrow,!,, kill the bear arrow. The master craftsman of the heavenly court is a sharp weapon specially forging forging skills such as the real body of Dayu's high-level generals heaven and earth.

Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, one of the ancestors of the human race, was born in the bear family. So far, Liangzhu, the capital of Dayu, is still located on the bear field. There are bears, there are bears, so the secret weapon of the heavenly court is called "killing bears and arrows." The implication is unknown.

Wang Tieqing looked in the direction of the arrow with a blue face. That's the direction in which Don't beg just peep at the array. He gritted his teeth and roared in a low voice, "Master Youxiantang, they actually have bear-killing arrows in their hands!" What Liu Bang said is also a little true!

Don't frown and say anything. The king of Yuqiu calculated the account on the owner of Youxiantang. Don't beg. This should be done by the people of the Wanxian League, but their purpose... Their goal is not the king of Yuqiu, but not to beg yourself!

This is an assassination against yourself!
