Steal the sky

Chapter 724 Congenital star core

Chapter 724 Congenital Star Core

Yuchen did give Don't beg for an extra great benefit!

As mentioned before, there are the aura of Xiongyuan, the aura of Liangzhu, and the heaven and earth spirits produced by Xiongyuan, all of which are beyond the imagination of ordinary people. To put it rudely, a day of cultivation in Xiongyuan is comparable to a year of cultivation in other parts of the Pangu mainland, which is comparable to the income of a hundred years or even a thousand years of practice in the outer world.

The prohibition of the Dayu Dynasty stipulates that except for the people of Dayu Yuan and Liangzhu who have lived in Xiongyuan and Liangzhu for generations, local officials from all over Xiongyuan, and the courtiers of Liangzhu, other foreign ministers are not allowed to enter Xiongyuan unless they are ordered by the imperial edict.

A state marquis like Don't beg, except for the opportunity to visit Xiongyuan when he accepts the canonization, and live in Xiongyuan for no more than half a month, unless he establishes a great meritorious service and is promoted again in his life, he will never have a chance to enter Xiongyuan in his life.

Even in a big Yu clan like Ji Ao, he had no right to enter Xiongyuan at will before the special order of Hao Zun Emperor to let Ji Ao Counselor Military Affairs. When he was the king of Qiuqiu, Ji Ao could only squat in his own fief, and he wandered around the rest of Pangu Continent at will. Only Xiongyuan could not enter easily. If he dared to violate the ban, he might be stripped of the prince and even imprisoned.

And this time, Emperor Hao Zun issued a special order to let Ji Ao be the counselor of military affairs. Just like his father, King Yangshan, he has a specific position in the court. He has a pass to go in and out of Xiongyuan at will, and he can live in Xiongyuan all year round. Therefore, during the canonization, Ji Ao was generally excited about the promotion of the title, but after getting the special order of Hao Zunhuang, he was so excited that he couldn't control himself.

But Yuchen told Don't beg, as long as he can understand some novel array experience, he can come to the Yantian Hall to communicate with the high priests!

This is equivalent to Yuchen giving you the right not to go in and out of Xiongyuan at will and enter Liangzhu at will! If you don't beg to get some strange formations from time to time, and deliberately communicate with these high priests for months and years, his benefits will be great!

In this kind of place where one day of practice is comparable to one year of practice in other places in Pangu mainland, with the chaotic physique of not begging, if he can practice to his heart's content for three or five years, to what extent can his cultivation be improved? Just by looking at the so many Japanese priests in their early twenties here in Yantian Hall, you will know that the benefits of practicing in Liangzhu are too great.

"If the boy has any experience, he will definitely come to Liangzhu to communicate with your predecessors!" Don't beg and look at Yuchen with bright eyes: "But what can the boy do..."

Before he finished his words, Yuchen took out a palm-sized silver jade card from his sleeve and handed it to him. This jade plate is the size of a palm, half an inch thick. There is a faint starlight in the silver jade, and countless fine pictures of the stars are carved on it, emitting palpitating spiritual fluctuations. Yuchen said disapprovingly, "This is the token of the first master of the Yantian Hall. If you take it, you can naturally go in and out at will. Let's see who dares to embarrass you?"

After a few proud smiles, Yuchen shook his head and said, "If you get something in the future, take the token and go straight to the palace. Naturally, someone will bring you to Yantian Hall." Speaking of this, Yuchen frowned and said, "No, this token can only be used by you, but it can't be robbed by others."

Grab the hand of Don't beg, Yuchen's nails scratched on Don't beg's wrist, and a large amount of blood spewed out. A forceful starlight flashed in Yuchen's eyes. The blood of Don't beg condensed into a small star map of 17,000 As one. The silver jade card was suddenly covered with a faint layer of blood, and the spiritual fluctuation emitted also brought a vigorous vitality. The blood fluctuated, as if echoing the heartbeat of the begging.

Yuchen smiled and said, "I have added a blood spell to the token, and the token can no longer leave you for three feet. If someone wants to rob you of your token, his cultivation is not as good as my husband's, and he will definitely die from the blood curse. Is your cultivation better than that of the old man..."

glanced at the six dark Tongtian Tower patterns on Yuchen's sleeve, and shook his head. Do people who are better than Yuchen need to grab the tokens in their hands? If a person with this kind of cultivation is the Taiyi Golden Immortal of the heavenly court, he will still be killed by Dayu when he enters the bear field with a token. If he is a priest of the Sitian Hall, the person who is better than Yuchen's cultivation is naturally the elder of the Sitian Hall or the secret hall. Why do they

But he heard Yuchen's strange smile and said, "If the person who is stronger than the old man wants to rob this token, hey, this token goes straight to the core of the guard array of the Yantian Hall. Don't blame the old man for uniting the other eight hall owners and the elders of the Yantian Hall to give him a good

Don't beg, the corners of your mouth twitched, the owner of the Eight Halls of Yantian Hall? There is not much difference between cultivation and Yuchen, right? The elders of Yantian Hall are not as good as Yuchen, but the difference is also limited, right? Coupled with the guard array of Yantian Hall, they have to join hands to make it look good to others, which is too shameless! The Taiyi Jinxian in the heavenly court can never do such a shameless thing, but these scientific lunatics in Yantian Hall can really be so shameless.

After a few proud smiles, Yu Chen stuffed his identity token into the beg's hand, and then told him not to wait outside the door of the hall and strode into the hall.

This hall collects all the classics of the Yantian Hall. In addition to the various mysterties of the arrays enlightened by many priests in the Yantian Hall, there are countless other strange collections. Before the death of the successive masters and elders of Yantian Hall, they will leave some of their belongings in this hall. Among them, there are many elders who have no descendants to inherit their own portable magic weapons, so they have left their powerful magic weapons that they have worked hard to sacrifice for countless years in this hall.

Therefore, only nine masters and elders of the Presbyterian have the right to enter the hall in the Yantian Hall, and no one except them is allowed to enter the hall for half a step. Even Yuchen, the first owner of the temple, can give Don't beg the privilege of entering and leaving Liangzhu at will, but he can't violate the ban of Yantian Hall to let Don't beg to step into this hall.

After waiting outside the hall for a quarter of an hour, Don't beg to see Yuchen walking out carefully holding a silver crystal ball the size of a head. Looking at the trembling appearance of Yuchen when walking, this silver crystal ball is obviously very heavy, and it is emitting waves of spiritual fluctuations that are sometimes flexible and sometimes thick and sluggish.

Don't beg. There is still a distance from the boss. Don't beg will feel that the spiritual power fluctuations emitted from this silver crystal ball are very strange. It seems that the stars in the sky have been compressed into this crystal ball. What it releases is the unique star power fluctuations of the stars. The spiritual power fluctuations of countless stars are different, so Such an unpredictable and ever-changing atmosphere.

And not only this strange spiritual fluctuation, but also the silver crystal ball itself made Don't beg slowly open his mouth in horror. Finally, his mouth was opened to the limit, and he almost dislocated his chin. With the description of all kinds of strange treasures in heaven and earth, Don't beg to recognize the origin of this silver crystal ball - the sky is above, Don't beg really have the intention to rob the whole secret hall of Dayu! The silver crystal ball carefully held out by Yuchen is actually the star core of an innate star!

Before the Great Sage of Pangu opened up this world, there was not nothing in chaos. The breath of chaos impregnates everything, and there are also all kinds of spirits in it. The legendary chaotic treasure is this kind of treasure that has been generated in chaos and then sacrificed. Every chaotic treasure contains infinite reason. If there is a chaotic treasure with you, for immortals and Buddhist cultivation, there is a foundation for sett down and even the establishment of a sect.

There are also innate stars in chaos. The so-called innate stars are nothing more than a spiritual mass formed by the extreme condensation of the spirit of chaos, which pregnant countless stars, so it is called the innate stars. It is said that the countless stars in the outer realm of Pangu Continent are the Great Sage of Pangu who smashed a large number of innate stars, and those innate stars exploded and evolved into fragments.

Now the so-called Zhou Tianxing array, in fact, no large array can really use all the power of Zhou Tianxing. Even if they are Taiyi immortals, they will set up a so-called Zhoutian Star Array, and at most they will only use the star power of the million stars sealed by the heavenly court. The reason why the heavenly court can canonize these star kings is that these star kings have mastered the magic of heaven corresponding to the stars, so they can integrate their own breath into the stars and evolve the real body of the stars to achieve the title of Xingjun.

Only these stars that have been mastered by people can be used to use their star power.

But don't beg for the star core of the innate star in front of you. It is complete and complete. There must be a lot of origin in this star core. If the core of this innate star is shattered, if enough aura can be gathered, perhaps this core can evolve tens of thousands of today's stars.

The original road of the pregnant star inside each innate star is very different, that is to say, the wonderful principle of the road in the core of this star is also strange to those tall Taiyi immortals in the heavenly court.

This means that if Don't beg to master the core of the star and use it to lay a large array as the core, maybe those powerful immortals can forcibly break through the array with strong power, but no one in the world can solve it!

Yuchen carefully came out with the star core. He looked down at the silver core, so he didn't notice the shocked expression on Begging's face. Don't beg, he quickly closed his mouth, adjusted the expression on his face, and greeted Yuchen and grabbed the star kernel in his hand.

"Yu Lao, what is this? Well, are all the classics of Yantian Hall recorded here? Don't beg to ask Yuchen as if nothing had happened. The core of this congenital star is extremely heavy, but the core the size of a human head weighs nearly 100 million catties. No wonder Yuchen was so careful that he brought it out. Yuchen is a pure priest, but he did not have such a strong physical power. He brought out this core with the help of the power of magic.

"Well, it's just an ordinary star core, which is a treasure that my grandfather Taizu inadvertently got when he traveled to the starry sky in foreign countries. Originally, it was thought to be the nucleus of an ancient star, but after the research of countless elders and masters, this is an ordinary star nucleus. Although there is no magic of the ancient star core, its internal storage position is extremely large. Only it can transcribe all the secret scriptures of the whole Yantian Hall at once!"

Yuchen shook his head and said with a wry smile, "If you use ordinary jade slips, I'm afraid it's impossible to copy all the secret books of Yantian Hall without 10 million pieces. Now that you have agreed to give you a copy of all the secrets, you can only use this star core!"

Don't beg for ecstasy in your heart, and hurriedly bowed deeply to thank Yuchen!

The sky is above, and the masters of the Yantian Hall and countless elders have not been able to stimulate the core of the mysterious innate stars...

Is it the kind of thing recorded in the scriptures?

Don't beg for the happiness of a hungry mouse who suddenly fell into the rice barn! RO