Steal the sky

Chapter 731 Joy and Treasure


Don't beg to carefully hold your breath and walk between these towers.

He felt the passage of time, a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times or even faster than normal time.

Among them, there are several Tongtian Tower. He just stayed here quietly for a while. He felt that in the space near the Tongtian Tower, dozens of yuan meetings had passed in an instant. Ten thousand years in an instant, 100,000 reincarnations in a flash, thanking countless generations.

The flow of time is so fast that these towers themselves can't afford the crazy passage of time. Their towers begin to slowly disintegrate and collapse, and part of the materials that make up their towers turn into dust and pile up thickly on these towers.

This is why the Tongtian Tower here is so shabby and dirty. Time passed rapidly. Just as you were observing them, the foundation of a tower suddenly cracked a small gap. With a crack and a crisp sound, the dust on the tower was much thicker.

The two old men in black looked at each other helplessly. This is the inner library of the Sitian Hall. The best-quality Tongtian pagoda has been stored here since ancient times. Only when the cultivation of a certain Tongtian high priest reaches above the six pagoda can he be qualified to come here to choose a Tongtian pagoda with the power to control the speed of time. Or like Don't beg, I came here because of the emperor's grace.

Of course. If no one points out, those lucky people who get the favor may not appear in tens of thousands of years. Anyway. No one points out that these lucky people will never enter the inner library in this inner library. Unless, like Yu Chen, he shamelessly taught the way to enter this inner library, it is impossible for outsiders to know the existence of this inner library, let alone break in.

The use of space by the priests of Dayu has reached its limit. In a small hall, there is a vast space of thousands of miles away, and a tower that is not as high as Li Xu. Its internal space may be tens of thousands of miles to easily accommodate a huge army. But time. This is the power of the law that is more mysterious and more difficult to control than space.

The ordinary Sky Tower can distort the space at will, but it only consumes extremely precious materials. Only by more than a hundred strong people in the Sitian Hall join hands to forge the Tongtian Tower with the blood of their own life to promote the real fire can they have the power to control the speed of time flow. Manpower is fine. Sitian Hall has a lot of strong people. Manpower is not the bottleneck of making such a top-level tower.

The biggest difficulty is the material. Materials that can control time and keep intact in the rapid passage of time are extremely rare. Only in the top chaotic spirits can this rare material be found. And this chaotic spirit is collected by a team of strong people specially sent by Dayu at the risk of their lives in the chaotic universe outside the outer starry sky.

Generally speaking. The big friends do their best. If they are lucky enough to squat, about ten yuan will be able to forge a tower that can control time! Any Tongtian Tower with the power of time is a heavy weapon of the country, where can it be easily obtained? But this time, Don't beg got Yu Chen's guidance, "Don't beg to hold the emperor's grace." The so-called golden words have been sacrificed. It is difficult to chase Hao Zunhuang's permission not to come to the Sitian Hall, and choose a Tongtian Tower at will. So even if Don't beg to take away a tower that can control time, it will also be his blessing!

Don't be so excited that your eyes shine straight, a tower that can control time! It's wonderful, absolutely wonderful!

Let's not talk about how good this baby has for his cultivation, let's just talk about the top towers here. The time near the tower has passed dozens of yuan in an instant. If you don't beg to plant a batch of top herbs in this sky tower, and then wait outside for a day... No. You can't wait for a day. If you wait for a day, I'm afraid that all kinds of elixir-shaped demons are all over the ground in the Tongtian Tower. As long as he waits for a tenth of a finger, he can get countless elixirs with powerful effects of tens of thousands of years of climate!

Or he throws a group of monks who have been controlled by himself into the Tongtian Tower. When they reappeare, what kind of existence will they become? Tianxian, don't come out and lose face. Jinxian is ordinary. Is Taiyi capable? It's not impossible! Of course, there must be a relatively huge consumption to control the passage of time. There may also be extremely high requirements for the cultivation of Don't begging, but with this kind of tower, there is infinite possibilities!

Smiling at the leaders of the two old men in black, don't beg for a low voice, "The most dilapidated one, I'll take it!" Don't allow the two old people to open their mouths. Don't beg for a little bit of your fingertips. A blood spring [excited] shot out, all of which sprayed to the top of the stone shelf in the middle, which was the size of a baby's fist, but the whole body was tattered. The rapid passage of time had Don't beg's blood slowly shot out. When he was still a foot away from the Sky Tower, his pores all over his body suddenly spewed out a large amount of blood, and a terrible suction was pumping his blood crazily.

, "Damn it!" Don't beg for a look. How much blood does the top treasure need?

With a loud shout, the dragon's killing power was displayed, and the body of Don't begging was suddenly raised up and down. His [body] internal blood rolled, and the powerful vitality surged rapidly in the meridians like the Yangtze River, and a huge amount of blood kept coming out of the bones. It turned into a torrent of blood and sprayed out of the [body] and rushed to the tower.

The dust on the surface of the original old and dilapidated Tongtian Tower was slowly sucked into the tower body, and there were potholes and cracks everywhere. The Tongtian Tower was gradually repaired. A strange spiritual light flashed on the spire of the tower, the distorted space near the tower gradually recovered, and the blood of Don't begging was constantly injected into the Tongtian Tower. The tower gradually carried a faint layer of blood on his body. A thin and twisted blood-colored seal is gradually extending from the base of the tower to the spire.

An old man in black exclaimed, "Hou Che, Donghai Prefecture, be careful. This top Tongtian Tower has great requirements for essence and blood. It is not the high priest of Tongtian, and others can't cope with its extraction at all!

The old faces of the two old men in black were twisted with fear. Their news was very well-informed. Don't beg, who was rewarded by Emperor Hao Zun, is the confidant of the new Otter Peak King. And the Otter Peak King is the son of the Yangshan King. The king of Yangshan was extremely powerful in the court of the Dayu Dynasty. You're welcome to say something, although the two of them are the internal treasury manager of His Royal Highness Si Tian. But if there is nothing wrong with begging here. As long as Ji Ao crooked his mouth to the king of Yangshan, the two of them will be doomed, and they will definitely involve his relatives.

They never dreamed that they didn't expect to ask them how to collect these top towers. He splashed the blood directly.

The two people, who were so scared that they rushed to Buqi's side, and hurriedly took out the secret secret from the sleeves, which can supplement the essence of human blood, which can promote a large amount of breeding of essence and blood in a short period of time, and it will not hurt the root, poisonous dragon blood elixir. But they still don't have time to feed the pills to Don't beg. Just listen to Don't beg for a dragon's cry. He [body] made a loud noise of the tide of the Yangtze River, and his figure suddenly rose several feet higher.

The strong breath turned into a hundred feet of Jiuming scattered soul ghost fire spewed out from the don't beg [body], and the two old men in black were so scared that they turned around and ran away. Don't beg to open your mouth." A thick blood column of a water tank roared out, like a blood rainbow blasting on the tower that began to rotate rapidly.

, "Oh, my God, how did this boy practice? How can his qi and blood be stronger than those adults? The two old people have been in charge of the inner treasury of the Sitian Hall for many years, and have also seen countless powerful priests who came to collect the Tongtian Tower. But even those Tongtian high priests they have met. There are also a few that can be compared with don't begging in terms of blood!

But they don't know that don't beg for cultivation. The thief is best at taking foreign things to make up for themselves. Since the practice, don't beg to swallow how much blood has been swallowed. Everything made him extremely strong and stable. What is the loss of blood for him? It just takes a little time to transform the original essence through the internal organs into essence blood and ejected out of the body. What's the trouble else?

The blood-colored runes were gradually full of Ding, and on the surface of the Tongtian Tower, Don't begging gradually sensed a trace of spiritual connection to communicate with him and the Tongtian Tower in front of him. Take a deep breath and force a large amount of blood to spray on this tower. Don't beg to sacrifice the Xuanyin Star Tower and hit the Sky Tower in the air.

Xuanyin Star Tower is a magic weapon not to beg for the sacrifice of one's life, and the beast soul that divides the water and work is in the town. It is full of spirituality. Although its power is far less than that of this tower, I don't know how many realms of this tower have been left in spirituality.

The eye-catching silver light rose to the sky. Under the control of the begging god, the two pagodas are like two clusters of water. The rapid automatic decomposition and fusion of countless prohibitions in it. The time ban in the Tongtian Tower surrounded 360 star beads, and the time flow rate near the jewels immediately increased by 100 times!

A hundred times the time flow rate is the highest time flow rate that can be supported by today's cultivation.

In the divine consciousness of not begging, a message of joy came from the Da Mingshuiqin futon. This time ban is of great benefit to the whole pagoda!

I saw a brilliance shaking in the void. A large number of stars broke through the air and was quickly sucked in by the newly achieved pagoda. Three hundred and sixty star beads extract the star essence at a speed of 100 times the usual, and evolve into infinite star power stored in the jewels. There are also a large number of quintessential star essences injected into the begging body, gradually refining his body, making his body and soul stronger and more tenacious.

A hundred times the time flow rate, infinite benefits!

Don't beg to recall the pagoda. He spit out his own blood again, and then he shrank his body and returned to its original state. He happily arched his hand to the two old men in black and said, "Thank you for your success. Hey. If the two seniors can rest assured of themselves, they just send their descendants to me. "Of course, I know how to take care of them!"

Don't squint and smile. These two old men just had a friendship with him, just to ask him to have the opportunity to take care of his children and grandchildren in the future, so take care of their children and grandchildren! They can become the internal treasury manager of the Sitian Hall. Obviously, they are also people with roots in the Sitian Hall. Take care of some of their descendants. This is also a good thing to accumulate contacts!

Two old men in black looked at Don't beg in surprise. They were about to say something to Don't beg, and suddenly there were dense footsteps outside the warehouse.

, "Come on, come on, what's the matter with getting out of the well? How could the starlight destroy the ban of the inner library?

, "Quickly martial law, no one can wait!"

Don't be stunned. A large group of black-robed priests in the Sitian Hall have rushed in in a hurry.