Steal the sky

Chapter 734 Fighting the Buddha

Chapter 234 Battle with Buddha

Don't beg for today's physical strength is the level of the five golden immortals.

The claw grasped by Duobao's free Buddha understatement is worthy of the strength of the four grades of the golden fairy, which just suppresses the don't beg for one. For Jin Xian, the strength of the difference is often more than a hundred times. Don't beg for one person with a hundred times of strength. The Buddha thinks that it is easy to capture.

Looking at the golden palm with suffocating and powerful pressure in front of him, Don't beg and snorted coldly. The dragon's magic power was launched, and Don't beg suddenly turned into a huge dragon man ten feet high. The turbulent magic power filled the whole body. Don't beg to recite spells. The fingertips waved rapidly in the air, and countless runes poured out like running water, turning into black runes and branded on Don't

With the blessing of the rune array, the power of don't beg has suddenly soared a thousand times. The strong power made the begging blood vessels expand, and even the thick dragon scales could not hide his suddenly soaring blood vessels. The thick blood vessels of the bucket bulged from under his thick dragon scales, rolling on the surface of his body like a dragon. His blood began to burn, and what flowed in the blood vessels was not only the blood, but also the almost semi-coagulated dragon. The faint dragon roar came from each of his swollen blood vessels, and for a moment, there seemed to be a dragon roar in his body.

Ao Bou's eyes widened in horror. He looked at Don't beg in a daze and muttered in a low voice, "Daster, won't you be a mixed race between a dragon bastard and a human? It doesn't make sense? Your body has also been changed into a chaotic spirit. I have seen what you looked like when you were transformed. Do you have a bird-haired relationship with the dragon clan? But how can you cultivate the dragon to the point where the whole body is condensed like a dragon?

As an ancient dragon clan, Ao Buchun knows in his heart how difficult it is to cultivate the blood around the body to condense the dragon shape, and how difficult it is to emit the realm of the dragon's long chant. Even if it is the top genius of the dragon clan, few people can do this. But Don't beg is just a person. He is a person. He is not a dragon. How can he deduce the dragon transformation to this point?

Don't beg for the dark Jiuming scattered ghosts on your body to rise to the sky, and there is a faint rise of Jiulong in the black sticky flame. The sharp and high-pitling dragon's voice was endless, and two dark dragon horns suddenly poked out of the begging forehead.

In the void, some people hiding in the space barrier with the help of powerful magic weapons made a voice of surprise: "This boy's qualification is really good to be able to interpret the dragon's killing to such a vivid extent and can be transformed into a dragon! Isn't he a mixed race of man and dragon?

Don't beg. Naturally, he is not a hybrid of human beings and dragons, but he extorted the blood of a hundred mythical beasts from the Wanling Hall. As soon as the Buddha took action, Don't Beg immediately integrated a hundred bloodlines into his body. Chaos Reiki began to digest the green dragon's blood, and under the promotion of the seven Xuansheng spiritual formula, Don't beg's body structure began to transform into the green dragon.

He carefully controlled his own changes. In addition to the appearance of an ordinary humanoid monster dragon, the muscles and blood in his body have become the body of the dragon clan. With the pure dragon body to stimulate the dragon to kill, the physical strength of Don't beg was immediately strengthened by extreme abnormality. With the loud sound of muscles and bones squeezing and expanding each other, the scales and dragon horns on the body surface are covered with a layer of mysterious and noble light cyan.

With the low spell sound, the dragon horn on Don't Beg's forehead spewed out two water wave-like aura, and countless runes were quickly wrapped in the aura, turning into a huge rune array printed into Begging's chest. The huge power of the tide is galloping in the body, and the physical power of Don't begging is suddenly increased by 3,000 times!

Don't beg for the limit that the body can bear now! Although the powerful secret method of dragon killing can also increase the power of begging 10,000 times with stronger runes, his body can't stand such a powerful increase. Three thousand times the physical strength is the strongest power that can be controlled and used today.

He opened his mouth and spewed out a scattered ghost, and the golden big hand that almost pressed on his body was dim. A large area of black filth and dead gas mixed into the golden palm. Don't beg and raise your hands and pat the golden palm heavily. You only heard a loud noise. Duobao is free to shoot out of the The golden palm that was easily captured was suddenly smashed to pieces.

With the help of the secret method of killing dragons, Don't beg's current strength is infinitely close to the level of the second-grade golden fairy. With the palm of many treasures, the Buddha is not as powerful as the four-grade golden immortals. How can you stand the full blow of Don't begging? The golden palms collapsed, and countless fists were the size of pure cast translucent fragments crackling all over the ground.

These golden fragments are all condensed by the pure Buddha's power of the Buddha. Don't beg to break his Buddha's palm. The Buddha's power is out of control, so it collapses and smashes like a physical object. Gradually, these fragments gradually melted, turning into pale gold Buddha's power in all directions, nourished by these Buddha's power, the stones that were originally full of aura on the ground were gradually transformed into relic jade, and the small half of the mountain became bright and shining like pearl jade.

With one blow, Duobao's face, which was as round and shiny as a jewel, suddenly turned black. As one of the famous Buddhas of Buddhism and the ruler of hundreds of millions of heavens in the outer world, how many years has Duobao Zizai Buddha not personally took action? This time, because Don't beg to kill the messengers he sent, in order to retaliate, don't beg, and at the same time to deter some of Dayu's actions against Buddhism, Duobao came to Pangu Continent in person.

But he just calculated that the blow was easily resolved by Beggar!

It's a shame, it's a big shame. Don't beg is just a small existence of the golden fairy level. Although it is much better than ants, he is still small in the face of the existence of the Buddha level. But he actually made Duobao's free to defeat the Buddha, which really lost the Buddha's face.

Taking a deep breath, Duobao's free Buddha said to Don't beg for a cold voice: "The evil barrier takes his own way to die. Originally, the poor monk intended to accept you as the king of Zhenshan, but since you don't know what's good or bad, your fate with my Buddhism is completely cut off. Today, the poor monk is going to defeat the demons and eradicate your evil that hinders my Buddhism!"

The hands were slowly raised, and a golden bell and a jade bell appeared in the palm of the Buddha's palm. The appearance of the golden bell is glowing, and there is a faintly sharp sharp air. The jade bell is mixed with a mass of gas, and occasionally there is a crisp bell ringing, as if it rings directly in the depths of the human soul, which makes people feel drowsy and want to sleep.

The multi-treasure free Buddha is famous for refining weapons in Buddhism. It is one of the best refinery masters in Buddhism. All kinds of Buddhist artifacts he refines are exquisite. Those Buddhas and Bodhisattvas often take several hard-working palm Buddha countries to get one or two pieces from Duobao free Buddha. The magic weapon. These golden bells and jade bells are all treasures that the Buddha has refined for himself at any cost. They are powerful and infinitely mysterious.

The jade bell shakes the soul of the god who does not beg, and the golden bell flies in the air. There are eighteen golden dragons circling and flying in the bell. Countless Buddhist weapons such as magic knives, magic swords, diamond swords, diamond pestle, lotus swords, lotus seals and other Buddhist weapons flashed These weapons are all made of the spirit of the acquired Gengjin by the Buddha's power. Each weapon can be large or small, hard or soft, light or heavy. When it is light, it is like a goose feather, and when it is heavy, it is like the top of Mount Tai.

Now that Duobao's free Buddha's face has been greatly lost. Naturally, he is trying his best to push the golden bell and release the infinite Buddha's magic weapons to beg not to throw it down with all his strength. Every weapon is extremely sharp and cold, and it is more important than Mount Tai. The bright blades are flying in the air, and there is a great impulse not to beg for the corpse.

Don't beg and try to wave your arm to meet a magic knife.

With a crisp click, the thick and huge arm of the water tank was easily split by the magic knife. The strong dragon scales and strong muscles could not stop the sharpness of the magic knife at all, and the blood spewed out like a spring. The magic knife did not diminish, cutting off the muscles and bones of the beggar all the way. Fortunately, don't beg for a quick hand. This magic knife almost cut off his little arm.

After a few steps back in horror, Don't beg that such a strong body can't withstand the countless Buddhist magic weapons spewed out of the golden bell at will? If all these weapons fall on the body, won't they really be cut into meat sauce?

In a hurry, Don't beg's arms shook. The arm that had just been split by the magic knife quickly healed, and a large area of purple gas visible to the naked eye wrapped around Don't beg's arm. He casually pointed to the large amount of blood he spewed out. These plasma flew up one after another and turned He hit Duobao's Buddha with a strange sound.

This is one of the countless vicious forbidden laws of the Sitian Hall. If you are hit by this spell, there will be the pain of ten thousand snakes devouring the heart, and its pain can kill people alive. With the current cultivation, even the top golden fairy dares not let his forbidden law hit his body.

But what kind of person is Duobao Zizai Buddha? He looked at the snake-eating mantra and sneered, "The pearl of rice also shines, evil obstacles, you should die!"

Dozens of golden flashing cold diamond swords flew down from the golden bell and easily smashed the forbidden method of not begging. The spell was destroyed, and the mana turned back. Don't beg for a shaking of his body, staggered back dozens of steps, and a large amount of blood oozed from under the scales of his chest. All kinds of spells in Sitian Hall are vicious and fierce. If you can't hurt the enemy, you will definitely hurt yourself. At the beginning, several disciples and sons of Yuji could not be killed by the spell. Instead, they were killed by Yuhuai's counterattack.

Countless Buddhist weapons shot out of the golden bell, covering the body of Don't Beg.

Don't beg for a deep sneer. A black light suddenly rushed out of his head, and the newborn Xuanyin Star Tower rushed out of the black light and turned into a dark shadow to firmly protect his whole body. Don't beg the magic power of his whole body poured into the Xuanyin Star Tower without reservation. In the space around him, the flow rate of time suddenly increased a hundred times.

Don't beg for your own time flow rate has increased a hundred times, but the time flow rate near those Buddhist weapons has not changed at all.

Don't beg like a stream of light, easily moving back and forth among countless weapons, but no weapon can touch his body.

Duobao's face became more strange. He hissed, "Can you control the time of time? You can't be left alone!"

With his hands turned over, the jade bell held by Duobao in the palm of the Buddha's palm slowly let out a clear sound. RO