Steal the sky

Chapter 736 The Fall of the Buddha

Chapter 763 The Fall of the Buddha

Each Tongtian pagoda represents a Tongtian high priest.

Every Tongtian high priest is enough to fight against Taiyi.

There are a total of 60 Tongtian towers here, that is to say, 60 high priests are gathered here. This is just an open force. Each Tongtian tower is not only the means of transportation for the high priest Tongtian and the place for daily living and practice, but also the dojo where he teaches his disciples. Each Tongtian Tower is equivalent to a battle fortress, and there can't be only one Tongtian High Priest in it.

For example, don't beg for the familiar jade. In his Tongtian Tower, there are hundreds of disciples, nearly 10,000 servants and maids, and 30,000 well-cultivated guards. The space in the Tongtian Tower can be superimposed and compressed with the increase of the owner's cultivation, and it is only a simple thing to accommodate tens of thousands of people.

The 60 Tongtian towers represent not only the 60 high priests of Tongtian, but also the 60 armies that may appear at any time!

In addition to the unlucky man like Gou Chenguang, who was killed by the thunderstorm last time, he secretly borrowed a Tongtian tower and ran out to attack the immortals and scattered practitioners of those descendants. He did not bring any of his followers. As a result, he was abruptly killed by Don't begging. No matter where the Count the gatekeepers and guards.

Surrounded by so many people, Duobao Zizai Buddha's face is extremely ugly. Don't beg to look at his twitching face that seems to cry. Why do you think he is a lustful man. He sneaked out in the middle of the night to block the little girl. Instead, he was picked flowers by a group of wolf- .

Duobao Zizai Buddha really wants to cry without tears. He just wants to kill such a trivial little man as Don't beg to avenge his doorman. By the way, he gives a small warning to the Dayu Dynasty, and at the same time, he shows off his literary and martial arts in front of other Buddhas, but why are there sixty, Did the high priest ambush him?

Didn't the King of Baishan tell him that the high priest of Tongtian near Liangzhu had gone out to investigate the cause of the death of Gou Chenguang? In addition to the priests in the secret hall, there is only the master of the Sitian Hall, Emperor Tianbai, who is left alone? The king of Baishan vowed to guarantee that the Buddha would kill and not beg for it wholeheartedly, and he didn't have to worry about anyone interfering with his actions.

Where did the sixty high priests in front of them come from?

On the top of a tower above his head, Yu Yu smiled and waved to Beg: "Marquis of Donghaizhou, retreat quickly. Zhouhou is indeed my good son. The Buddha's three consecutive attacks can't help you. After today's war, your reputation will be even louder!"

Don't beg and laughed a few times. He shook his body, put away the dragon's killing power, and restored his human form. After spitting a mouthful of saliva with a strong smell of blood, don't beg to put away the Xuanyin Star Tower above your head, and quickly flew up and landed beside the jade. Yuqi casually handed him a bottle of potion with a slightly earthy smell. Don't hesitate to drink the potion. In the blink of an eye, there was a heat flowing through his body. The trauma on his body quickly healed, and soon he would never see any more wounds.

Duobao Free Buddha reluctantly took a look at the beggar who was out of the battlefield, and looked up to the sky to praise the Buddha and said, "Dear Taoist friends, the little monk is polite!"

The cold voice just sounded: "It's useless to be polite. You are going to die here today. It took us more than a year to find the murderer who killed my eldest brother. You bald donkey ran to Xiongyuan by himself. You broke my ban and just killed you to pay tribute to my eldest brother!"

A tall and cold-faced old man is standing on the sky tower with four strange monster statues standing on the four corners of the base. Beside the old man, there is a faint black cloud floating, on which sits a naked Buddha statue with a bronze antique color.

Don't take a deep look at the naked Buddha statue, which is three feet and six feet tall, sitting cross-legged. Like the golden body of the ancient Buddha used by the owner of Miaoying Palace to suppress the magic array, which he saw at the bottomless abyss of Beiming, this is also the golden body of an ancient Buddha.

Today's Buddhas, the golden body they cultivate is either golden, or ivory, or colorful glazed, or white crystal, but only by practicing the purest and purest ancient Buddha on the ancient Buddhist road, the golden body they leave will be this kind of antique bronze. The golden body of the ancient Buddha is also much more powerful than the golden body of today's Buddha. The breath of their Dharma body can be recognized by anyone with a little experience.

But a small hole was cut in the top of the head of the ancient Buddha's golden body in front of him, and a very thin wick made of unknown hair covered the head of the ancient Buddha's golden body, and a little bean-like firelight was slowly burning on the wick. Don't beg to open the ghost's eyes and look carefully at the wick for a while, but you can't see any mystery. With the cover of the ten thousand ghosts' eyes, he secretly opened the chaotic eyes and glanced at the wick, only then found that a very faint smoke was drifting out of the wick.

Don't beg to look at the wick, and then look at the Duobao Zizai Buddha, who was injured by Ao Bu Zun and the Dragon Python sisters. Suddenly, you understand why Duobao Zi Zai Buddha was suddenly injured. This smoke is not a good thing!

Duobao Zizai Buddha also saw the golden body of the ancient Buddha. He pointed to the cold-faced old man and shouted harshly, "How dare you desecrate the sacred bone of the ancient Buddha? This is my sacred object of Buddhism. You, you, you, how dare you!"

The old man lowered his head and looked down at the Duobao's free Buddha, and said faintly, "I'm a grud, and I'm naturally bold. It's a dead thing. Why do you think it's so important? Leave your Buddhism to worship in the Buddhist niche. It's better to let me sacrifice it with the secret method and turn it into Abixiang to destroy the golden body of your Buddhist monks!"

He smiled strangely and said gloomily, "A nose fragrance takes the allusion of A nose hell. As long as you Buddhist monks smell this fragrance and a cup of tea, it will be enough for a quarter of an hour, unless you really get the supreme golden body of the Buddha's immortality. Even if you are a bald donkey, you Ordinary people are no different!"

Duobao's free Buddha looked at Gou Chen in a hurry. He shouted harshly, "Do you really dare to kill me?"

Gou Chen said lightly, "Since someone dares to kill the owner of my Gou Chen family and dares to kill my master of the State of Yu, there is nothing to kill? And you first violated my emperor's ban and broke into my bear and attacked and killed my Marquis of Yuzhou. Hey hey, even if you go to your Buddha, Mitha, you can only say that you deserve to die!"

Before Gou Chen's words fell, Duobao's free Buddha had roared, and the golden bell suspended above his head made a loud noise, and countless Buddhist artifacts roared in all directions with a cold air. In a flash, at least millions of cold Buddha weapons were shot out in the air, and the void within a hundred miles was occupied by these Buddha's magic weapons. The sharp Buddha's weapons were shot everywhere under the entanglement of light golden Buddha's power, and even the void was shattered wherever it passed.

But these Buddhist weapons can smash the void, only the Tongtian Pagoda, which is seated by the high priest of Tongtian.

Sixty towers emit a large area of black light at the same time. Countless ghosts and shadows are entangled in the thick black halo, and large areas of runes flow away rapidly in the black light curtain like running water. Countless pale golden Buddha's weapons were entangled in a ball by a black light curtain, and only countless fierce ghosts and gods roared. These powerful Buddhist weapons were broken one after another, which were so powerful that even the true body could not be resisted by the law.

Gou Chen Yan sneered, and a dark bone hammer made of unknown bones in his hand roared into the sky, and a large cyan flame wrapped around the fist-sized bone hammer. In the wind high in the air, nine huge demon gods with white bones appeared around the bone hammer. With a loud noise, the bone hammer that swelled to the size of a hundred feet quickly fell from the sky with nine demon gods, knocking down the dust of Duobao's free Buddha's golden bell with one blow.

Before Duobao's free Buddha could take back his demon refining treasure, the jade dragonfly had already stamped his feet with a strange smile and rushed out dozens of huge green spiders from his Tongtian Tower. These ferocious poisonous insects raised their buttocks and ejected egg thickness with stench of spider silk. Countless spider silks wrapped around the golden bell, and dragged the golden bell to the jade.

Yuqi quickly took out thirteen spiritual charms made of monster leather from his sleeve and pasted them on the golden bell. No matter how the Buddha roared and how to recite spells, the golden bell just gently shook a few times, but could no longer fly back to him.

Duobao freely cursed the Buddha angrily. He waved his hands and spewed out hundreds of golden Buddhist artifacts from him at the same time. These Buddhist magic weapons are all portable magic weapons forged for himself with the good materials accumulated by the Buddha. Some magic weapons have been given to the Bodhisattvas and Arhats under his family, but he is reluctant to give more magic weapons to others and has always been hidden in himself.

Today's situation is critical. If he doesn't do his best, he will definitely be killed on the spot. He can't care about his own family. He sacrificed all the magic weapons, wrapped his whole body with hundreds of Buddhist magic weapons, and waited to rush out from the west.

As long as you break through a small opening, Duobao Zizai Buddha will be confident to leave Pangu Continent. After all, for the power of Taiyi level, one step is the end of the world, and one step is the tip of the sea. His return to his Buddha's heavenly realm is just a few breaths.

But where can the sixty Tongtian priests jointly set a trap to escape from the Buddha?

The white bone hammer in Gou Chen's hand roared down, and several Buddhist artifacts could be beaten down the dust every time. Other Tongtian priests used their means one after another, but with two breaths, even the jade bell in the Buddha's hand was taken away. Duobao is like a rich man of a rich family who meets a thief in the deep mountains. He was cleaned up by a group of strong people in a few times. Except for a set of monk's robes, he has no magic weapons.

With an angry roar, Duobao Zi in the Buddha gritted his teeth and sacrificed his life to sacrifice his life and wanted to work hard, but the sixty Tongtian pagodas suddenly merged inward, and the sixty Tongtian high priest, who was not under the Duobao Ziwei Buddha, joined hands to give it. When he It was crushed to pieces.

With a loud noise, the infinite golden flesh and blood splashed down. Ao Bu-respect and the dragon python sisters roared happily, opened their mouths and hurriedly rushed out to swallow the flesh and blood into their abdomen.

Duobao's free Buddha fell outside Liangzhu City!

Don't beg is to look thoughtfully at the place where the Buddha fell. How could the Buddha be so unlucky to be surrounded by sixty high priests? RO