Steal the sky

Chapter 744 Trapped by Strong Enemies

"Ignored child, how dare you kill me with the array of stars."

Among the dozens of trapped men and women, a man and a woman immediately laughed proudly. The starlight filled a hundred miles, and the power of the killing stars turned into a silver void to cover everything. Looking around, there was a silver piece of silver around. I don't know where the heaven and earth are. But none of these men and women panicked, and everyone laughed with the couple.

Even the purple-black poison gas has covered most of Mou's body, and Bai Shu, who trembled with pain, is laughing proudly, as if it is a ridiculous thing not to trap them with the array of stars.

In the laughter, the men and women's bodies shook and suddenly turned into two silver rhinos more than two hundred feet tall. These two rhinoceros have three extremely sharp light golden long horns. The long horns are translucent, and countless golden clouds can be faintly seen rolling. Their long horns are crystal clear, and there seems to be a ball of liquid rolling inside. The moist juice seems to seep out of the long horns. Even Huang, who knows nothing about Zhou Tian's treasures, has bright eyes. The six long horns of the couple are absolutely rare treasures.

In addition to these six golden long horns that seem to be full of liquid, the silver fur of this pair of big rhinos is also magical. A shiny silver fur actually has the reflection of countless stars on the surface. I don't know how many layers of starlight spread in their fur, and a complete picture of stars is suddenly reflected in their fur.

Don't be surprised, this is actually two rare ancient alien star-patterned golden rhinoceros.

Xingen Golden Rhinoceros is also the blood of the mythical beast left over from the chaotic flood. However, unlike powerful mythical beasts such as Qinglong and White Tiger, Xingwen Golden Rhinoceros observes astronomy and knows geography, and is born to master the fate of Zhou Tianxing. If the green dragon and the white tiger are the choice of the generals among the mythical beasts, the star golden rhinoceros is the recognized think tank of the congenital beasts.

Since ancient times, in this year's generation when the gods still ruled the world, and the mythical beasts could also divide one side to occupy the land as the king, the star-striped golden rhinoceros family often served as the position of military counselors of many large and small forces. They even actually became the masters of some forces, and Subject to.

It's just that after the rise of the human race, the immortals were separated from the human race. After the human race and the immortals joined hands to defeat the innate gods and destroyed the innate gods' rule of the world, the tragic years of the star-patterned golden rhinoceros came. Like the flying ice fire dragon python, for those insatiable immortals, Xingmen golden rhinoceros is full of treasures all over their body, and even their hair is the best materials to make runes to draw spiritual charms, so the human race has occupied the Pangu continent. After the immortals occupied the outer realm, it took a short time of time It's about being exterminated.

Thinking about the information about the star-patterned golden rhinoceros, don't beg for a long laugh: "Well, I just feel that I'm missing a few flags to mobilize the power of the stars, so you can send them to the door! Well, your horns can at least refine thirty-six flags, and it is said that your bones can refine one thousand and eighty star flags. "It's wonderful!"

In the laughter, don't beg to pat the back of the head with your hand. Jiuming scattered ghost concubine roared into a large hand with a radius of miles, and grabbed the two star-striped golden rhinoceros with a cold and evil spirit. Don't beg is really overjoyed. If these two star-striped golden rhinoceros can be refined into flags and star flags to control the power of the stars, the power of his star array can be increased by at least ten times. Every hair on the Xingren golden rhinoceros is the best star power aggregate in nature, with the power to control the power of the stars.

Of course, if you really catch it, kill it. It seems to be a little tyrannical.

Don't blink his eyes. He led the leader and said, "Well" sustainable development, scientific concept of development, can't fish without water! You can obediently go to the livestock pen of Benhou Donghaizhou to reproduce! I have a prescription in my hand that helps you, the ancient mythical beasts to reproduce, to ensure that your children will prosper!" At the beginning of the two star-headed golden rhinoceros, when they first heard that they wanted to take them to refine the flags and star flags, they trembled with anger. Suddenly, they listened to the don't begging "It was so angry that the three corpses jumped violently! The tragic fate of the ancestors of Xingyu Golden Rhinoceros is also extremely famous among the mythical beast family. After all, there are not many mythical beast races like them who have been chased and killed by countless immortals.

If you don't beg, it is equivalent to digging a heavy knife on the scars of the whole Xingwen golden rhinoceros race, and the two star-patterned golden rhinoceros immediately went crazy.

Six golden horns spewed out a large amount of golden light and turned into a torrent of torrents that hit the 360 star beads suspended overhead. Where the golden torrent passed, the starlight ejected by the star beads suddenly stiffened, and the originally flexible power of the stars became solidified like thin ice. It was crushed by the golden torrent. There was a crisp bursting sound everywhere in the silver void around, and soon the silver void cracked a large gap, through which you can see the beautiful scenery of green mountains and green water outside.

Xingen Golden Rhinoceros is worthy of being the relic of ancient beasts. For them, the power of controlling the stars is as natural as ordinary people eating and drinking water. There is no secret in front of all the large array arranged with the help of the power of the stars. If you don't beg for this marriage, it is another large array formed with the help of the five elements of aura or the power of the earth's evil spirits and even ghosts. I'm afraid that these two star-striped golden rhinoceros are really not so easy to break the array, but the star array is really vulnerable in front of

The golden light spewed out by the golden horns froze the star power array condensed with 360 star beads. The two star golden rhinoceros inhaled deeply in the laughter of other men and women. Their bodies suddenly swelled to the size of ten thousand feet. The countless stars under their skin flashed rapidly, and hundreds of millions And out, countless points of firefly-like silver light circled rapidly around, and a vivid chart of the Zhou Tianxing appeared around them out of thin air.

It's just obvious that the cultivation of these two star-patterned golden rhinoceros is not enough. The star map they can send accounts for less than ten of the stars, but this power is scary enough. Where those small silver light passed, the array of don't begging quickly disintegrated, and the silver void was swept away in a short time.

The two star-patterned golden rhinoceros laughed and said, "Tan Lang, your big array of stars can be broken in our eyes. What else do you have to rely on? You set up a poisonous array to kill our beloved son in vain. Today, we will capture you first, and then argue with the emperor!"

Dozens of men and women who followed closely behind the star-printed golden rhinoceros roared in unison: "That's right, capture this boy first, and then argue with the emperor!" Even if you are the emperor, there is no reason to kill our children for no reason!" There is also a woman with a strong and beautiful face and a few faint animal patterns on her cheeks shouted sharply, "The business of your Dayu and the Wanxian League, even the great emperor of heaven in the heavenly court is too lazy to participate in this muddy water. Why do you Go? Do you Da Yu only fear the heavenly court and think we are easy to bully?" The woman roared angrily and suddenly turned into a pale golden body, and a strange-shaped leopard with three leopard tails behind her rushed over. The lady galloped in the air, and the distance of hundreds of feet flashed in her body. Obviously, she had the same power as the outer ghost.

is the kung fu of roaring. The woman has jumped in front of Begging. She opened her mouth and bit her head at Begging. The three leopard tails were rowing in the air, and there was a circle of golden aura on the body of Begging. These haloes are like fog, but each halo has dozens of mountains, and the overlapping halo is trapped in a circle. Each extra layer of aperture is covered on the body, and the pressure on begging is increased ten times.

The mythical beast garriel leopard, a strange beast that is born to control the power of the garriage of the earth. The three long tails can be infinitely useful, can write seals in the air at will, and mobilize the power of the earth, mountains and rivers to suppress the enemy. Legend has it that the ancient strange treasure to drive the mountain whip is made of the tail of the garriman leopard, which has the power to drive the mountain.

Don't beg for a cold snort. He didn't pay attention to biting his mother leopard at all, but stared at the two extremely proud star-patterned golden rhinoceros and smiled indifferently, "Oh, is the talent of Xingwen golden rhinoceros really so powerful?" His fingers f It entered the 360 star beads above the head. The silver void, which was shattered by the torrent spewed from the star-patterned golden horns, suddenly shook. With the roar of the rumble of the stars, the silver frenzy rolled back from all directions and completely froze the surrounding void in the blink of an eye.

The two star umbrellas were shocked, and they hissed, "It's strange, why can't we recognize the star power driven by this one at all? Did he borrow the original star power of the star? This, this..." Don't allow them to talk more nonsense. Don't beg for the big hands transformed by the Jiuming scattered ghosts that have just flown out. They have grabbed the two Xingmin golden rhinoceros, which are no more than fifteen golden immortals, and casually threw them into the Xuanyin Star Tower [Zhen]. The garriel leopard swallowed it in one bite, and its sharp fangs pierced Bu Begging's neck fiercely. But a thick layer of black dragon scales quickly drilled out from under the skin of Begging, and the fangs and dragon scales wiped out a large area of Mars. Begging's neck was fine, but the teeth of the garributary leopard cracked into thin cracks.

"What a hard neck!" The female leopard howled miserably and retreated with blood dripping from the corners of her mouth.

Don't beg and smile, the silver light all over the sky is combined, and there are 360 strange beasts that people have never seen before slowly showing their true shape on the star beads. The power of the turbulent and evil stars roared down, and the trapped gods and beasts were dark for a while and were thrown to different places.

Bai Shu, who was taking the antidote elixir, exclaimed, and a silver whirlpool gushed out of him, dragging him into the core of the array and the place with the greatest pressure on the stars. Don't beg, strode to Bai Shu's side, grabbed his top melon skin and punched him down.

The void around them shook their noses violently, and dozens of mythical beasts returned to their original shape one after another, bombarding the array with the strongest force, trying to break through the array.

Don't beg for the whole body to bear all the reaction force, the internal organs trembled, and the smell of blood kept spewing out of his mouth. He clenched his teeth and grabbed the white art of being poisoned and weakened by a large part of his cultivation, which was a violent beating.

While fighting, don't beg, look back in the direction of Xiongyuan in surprise.

Why hasn't Xiong Yuan's garrison arrived yet? Didn't they notice the movement here?