Steal the sky

Chapter 750 Dragon Man Skyfall

Chapter 750 The dragon man told Huang Li and others to wait in the flying boat, and don't beg to dodge out of the boat.

A black cloud wrapped around him, didn't beg to fall down slowly, and slowly reached a height less than a mile from the ground, almost clinging to the hill on both sides of the exit of the valley. As soon as he approached the mountain, Don't beg, his body suddenly shook, and he was almost sucked to the top of the mountain. Although the dark peaks around the valley are not high, they actually have a strange suction, and they almost made a fool of themselves on the spot with the strength of not begging.

I roughly estimated the strength of this suction, and with the strength of these ghosts in front of me, I can't pass through these peaks safely. If they dare to go in and out of the valley from the top of the mountain, they will definitely be firmly sucked into the top of the mountain and can't move. Maybe their bodies can't stand the great suction, and their internal organs will be crushed into meat sauce.

Don't beg to understand why these ghosts in the valley just guard the narrow road less than ten feet wide at the exit of the valley, and those ghosts outside the mountain are just shouting at the other end of the narrow road, but no one dares to take a detour into the valley to attack the enemy from behind.

Carefully look at the two groups of heavenly ghosts inside and outside the valley. The lines of this group of bodies in the valley are softer, and the bone spurs behind are more delicate and sharp, just like carefully polished jade. These heavenly ghosts in the valley give people an evil beauty. Their eyes are also more flexible, and the sparks of wisdom are shining in their eyes. They are neatly stationed on one side of the narrow road, which is actually a little gery of a military array.

But the group of more than a thousand heavenly ghosts outside the valley, their bodies are like stone bumps that have just been mined from the mountain. The lines are messy, the muscles and bones are formed in a strange way, the bone spurs on the body are also rough and stricky, and some bone spurs seem to have just broken and are not Freshmen come out. These days, the ghost's eyes are cloudy, full of beast-like tyrannical and fierce breath. Their big mouths keep dripping, and from time to time they make a low, meaningless roar.

These days, ghosts are running around the narrow road, trying to hit the narrow road and rush into the valley, but they seem to be afraid of something. Their messy formation looks like a group of beasts, which is incomparable to those heavenly ghosts in the valley.

After hesitating for a while, more than a hundred heavenly ghosts looked up to the sky and roared, rushing into the narrow road more than ten miles long like a strong wind. They ran fast, and some heavenly ghosts even ran on the mountain wall perpendicular to the ground. They spit salivate, let out a vague roar, and stared at the blood-sparking eyes and rushed to the ghosts in the valley.

The widest part of the narrow road is only about 20 feet. These days, the ghosts are huge. Even in the widest place, they can only line up four or five ghosts side by side. There is no room for any loose. Especially when running fast, it is rare for these heavenly ghosts to keep the queue. When they run to the middle of the narrow road, these invading heavenly ghosts can only run forward quickly one by one, no longer the power of the group's charge just now.

The celestial ghosts in the valley roared in a low voice. When the first enemy rushed out of the narrow path, more than a dozen celestial ghosts rushed up at the same time.

They tacitly launched a fierce attack on the enemy who rushed out of the narrow road, and dozens of claws and powerful long tails fiercely attacked the enemy. A miserable howl came, and the heavenly ghost who rushed out first rushed out was torn to pieces on the spot. More than a dozen attacking heavenly ghosts rolled neatly in place. The trembling old heavenly ghosts behind them bulged their chests at the same time and spewed out a large green flame.

This is the ghost fire of the heavenly ghost that once made Buqi and others embarrassed in Thistle. It is extremely filthy and has a strong destructive power. Dozens of ten-foot thick ghost fires almost filled the whole narrow road with harsh ghost roars, and more than a hundred heavenly ghosts in the narrow lane were covered by ghost fire at the same time.

These weak ghosts have begun to wither their bodies, but the real fire accumulated in their bodies is several times stronger than those young and powerful ghosts.

The celestial ghost in the narrow road struggled and twitched in the huge flames. Don't see that this ghost fire spewed out from the body of the celestial ghost, but even the celestial ghost's original ghost fire has a strong lethal power on themselves. More than a hundred heavenly ghosts are blocked Not long after, the celestial ghosts in the narrow lane were burned to pieces. In addition to the dozens of celestial beings who fled with flames in the back, the other more than 30 heavenly ghosts rushing to the front have been burned into a puddle of water.

The ghost fire has attracted the pus that has been turned into ghosts these days, just like adding a ladle of oil to Mars, and the flames in the narrow path are getting higher and higher. But such a fierce ghost fire can't burn the mountain walls on both sides at all. Don't help but beg for fear. It seems that this mountain wall is not an ordinary thing. Not only is it only such a strange and powerful gravity, but it can not be afraid of the invasion of ghost fire. The ghosts outside the valley roared at the sky angrily for a while. They rushed up and helped those companions who had escaped by burning their heads to put out the ghost fire on their bodies, and stood in the narrow mouth desperately shouting for provocation. But the ghosts in the valley were not moved at all, but guarded the narrow valley road.

Don't beg to meditate for a moment and send a voice to Huang Li in the flying boat.

In the jade armored black turtle flying boat, Huang Yu roared and issued an order to the soldiers in the flying boat. There were tens of thousands of small windows on both sides of the flying boat opened one by one. The soldiers in the flying boat stood behind the window with strong crossbows, condescendingly locking the thousands of ghosts roaring crazily down a few miles below. These soldiers use the Dayu system, which is specially used for a wide range of killing. The crossbow shoots thirty-six arrows together. The arrows are specially made of the bones of the monster Chiyu Dahong. The flight speed is extremely fast, and the sword light of the general immortals is more than ten times faster.

The extremely high speed, coupled with a large number of penetrating runes engraved on the carefully polished arrow, the penetrating crossbow, like its name, has a strong penetrating power. Even ordinary immortals can't stop the shooting of this kind of crossbow arrows with fairy weapons, not to mention the ghosts these days.

Under Huang Yu's order, 10,000 bone-permeable flying crossbows shot in unison, 360,000 polished to only ten hairs as thin as ten hairs, and a special bone arrows that were only one foot and two inches long shot out silently. In just a few miles of height, it was nothing more than one-thousandth of The range in the circle below is dense, leaving no dead corners.

More than a thousand-headed giant celestial ghosts suddenly stagnated. Their bodies were stiff, and countless small blood arrows spewed out of them. The thin blood arrows rushed up more than a hundred feet high, as if a dense forest suddenly appeared in place. Gradually, the bodies of the ghosts gradually shook. Slowly, slowly, they reluctantly fell to the ground. When their huge bodies fell, they shook the ground, and countless dust sprayed up with the strong wind.

Don't beg for a roll of sleeves, and put the 360,000 arrows shot by Huang Li and others into his sleeves at the same time. It was also the first time that he saw 10,000 bone-piercing crossbows shooting in unison. The lightning-fast speed and the amazing piercing force made his scalp feel numb. These thin bone arrows, which are only one foot and two inches long, have easily penetrated the ground dozens of times harder than steel. What an amazing destructive power is this?

This is still the soldier who controls the bone-penetrating flying crossbow and has not yet injected his own vitality. Su is a warrior with cultivation above the Taishi Pangutian to inject Pangu purple gas into the body into the strong crossbow to stimulate the penetration prohibition engraved on the crossbow, and the penetration power of the crossbow will be increased by more than

Terrible war equipment, no wonder Dayu can besiege the immortals with ordinary soldiers, which really makes sense.

He told Huang Li and others not to show up in the air. Don't beg to pat Ao Bujiun's head. Ao Bujiong let out a shocking dragon cry. He turned into a black dragon with a water tank as thick as long as a hundred feet. Under his feet, there was a thick water cloud and black smoke rolling under his Tear the air and bring a harsh sound of breaking the air in the void.

What a vigorous and fierce dragon!

Don't beg to sit on Ao Buzun's body, slowly rowing out the clouds and falling into the valley. He urged the dragon to kill magic power, and his body was about ten feet high. Two dragon horns appeared on his forehead, and his body was covered with dark dragon scales. He only wrapped a blood-colored cloak around his waist as a battle skirt. He was covered with dark flames, and rode in front of those heavenly ghosts with evil spirits.

Hundreds of days of ghosts in the valley watched Buqi and Ao Buzun fall in horror.

A huge and fierce dragon, such a strange but fierce dragon man, and the dragon python sisters also turned into a dragon python about two feet long and wrapped around the neck of the begging. This image is no different from some ancient evil gods in the legend. Ride a black dragon, raise strange snakes, and cover the whole body with scales. This is not an evil god, but what is it?

Don't waved your sleeves and pointed to the narrow exit.

Several ghosts looked at each other. They carefully rushed into the narrow path with the begging action and went out of the valley to look. Thousands of ghosts lay on the ground sadly, and their blood had accumulated into a small lake on the ground. These ghosts were so scared that they screamed and ran back. They rolled and crawled in front of an old ghost with a broken tail and a missing arm and a leg, and stammered a few times.

The ghost was stunned, and then he raised his only arm and roared up to the sky, and knelt down to the ground at the same time with hundreds of ghosts.

With a mouthful of fluent human language, the ghost of heaven kowtowed respectfully to the beggar and said, "The emperor is coming, and the little ghosts are waiting for glory. Dare to ask what Shang Zun has to do, and is there any place where little ghosts can work for Shang Zun?

Don't be scared by this heavenly ghost's extremely fluent words, and a heart suddenly twitched into a ball!

It's really scary. How can this old man speak such a fluent human language? It even has a little indigenous accent of the Pangu mainland!

He cursed 'what the hell' in his belly, and shouted in a low voice, "Is it your enemy outside the valley?"

Don't beg. I just asked this sentence, and those heavenly ghosts kneeling on the ground actually cried at the same time.
