Steal the sky

Chapter 756 Convince the Ghosts

Don't beg. I don't know what a big scene happened to the angry Princess Pule in Zhongzhou. He is driving the dens of those original heavenly ghosts with 278 strong heavenly ghosts and his soldiers. The heavenly ghosts are running hard on the ground. Don't beg to ride on Ao Bu Zun's body and fly over their heads. A few miles away, the jade armored turtle flying boat is slowly moving forward surrounded by dark clouds and thick fog.

The cold and piercing wind blows to the face. This kind of yin wind unique to the ghost world, placed in the outside world, is enough to blow the immortal body and soul of ordinary immortals into no. But in the ghost world, this wind blows through all the time, so the creatures in the ghost world are much more powerful than the creatures in the outside world. Even if those creatures whose cultivation is just the realm of the yuan god, their bodies are enough to compete with the immortals who are specially forged.

As far as the following heavenly ghosts are concerned, their running speed is about the same as the flying speed of the immortal sword. As long as they fill their stomachs, they can run at this speed for three days and three nights in a row.

If they are willing to consume a little of the essence of the origin, they can run for several hours at a speed ten times faster. Strong heavenly ghosts, they can fight against immortals just by relying on their strong bodies.

The only thing is that they can't shuttle through the void in the ghost world, and the innate ghosts are full of ghosts, the ghosts are unable to drill through the space. But as long as they are summoned to the outside world, they can instinctively master this magical ability to shuttle through the void to attack the enemy. But relatively speaking, the place full of innate ghosts is an absolute desperate situation for ordinary immortals. Even ordinary golden fairies who stray into the ghost world are unable to fly in the innate ghost spirit. The fact that the heavenly ghosts can run here quickly have proved their strength.

Hundreds of miles of distance is just a short time to consume a cup of tea at the feet of these heavenly ghosts. On the side of a large river a hundred miles wide in front of you, there is a messy beach stretching thousands of miles, and the scaly black reefs are piled up in a mess, just like thousands of wild dog Among these reefs, some tall heavenly ghosts are rushing and fighting with each other crazily. From time to time, powerful heavenly ghosts fall their companions to the ground, and then excitedly grab the boulder around them and beat their companions' heads.

This is a very popular sport among the original ghosts. Knock down their companions and beat each other's head with boulders. The winner can enjoy the female and flesh and blood to their heart's content, while the loser has to hunt and support these powerful clans.

There is a popular saying among the immortals in the outside world that the reason why these primitive ghosts can breed wisdom after dozens of generations is related to this barbaric and bloody movement. They are constantly beaten on the head by boulders one, which will stimulate their brains to evolve and make them more and more brains the size of eggs. Finally, these The original ghost is getting smarter and smarter.

This is a joke that the immortals despise the heavenly ghost family, but don't beg to see these heavenly ghosts' actions. Those strong friends beat the weak people to their heart's content, and those weak people were beaten to death every day. They must find a way to defeat these powerful ghosts. When the physical power can't defeat the enemy, naturally you can only use the power of wisdom to calculate the other party, so this has definitely led to the evolution of the original ghost.

In the huge rocky beach, there are about thousands of ghosts playing this game with great interest.

More than 2,000 unlucky losers were pressed to the ground, and the winners happily raised huge stones and smashed their heads. These primitive ghosts have huge heads, at least two or three water tanks, but there is only egg-sized brain tissue in their brains. The boulder hit their heads, which were almost all bones, and made a loud noise, and from time to time large areas of sparks splashed.

More than 2,000 heavenly ghosts were pressed to the ground and smashed their heads by boulders. This scene looked extremely powerful, but it was also very funny.

Don't curl your mouth and don't say anything, but Huang Li and others in the jade armored turtle flying boat in the rear have already smiled crookedly.

In the core of the rocky beach, on a beach surrounded by a screen-like black reef, a group of young ghosts are eating crazily. The longest of these young ghosts is only about three feet, which is about the age of a human child of three or five years old; the youngest is only a foot long, which is a ghost that has just been born.

There is no saying in the original ghost clan to respect the old and love the young. Those older ghosts devoured food crazily. Occasionally, those newborn ghosts jumped up and nibbled a few prey. These elders will immediately punch and kick them. The three-foot-long heavenly ghost beats a one-foot-long young body to his heart's content, which is like a big man beating a little hen with great interest. The scene is funny but cruel, which makes people really speechless about the customs of the original heavenly ghost.

Next to these little celestial ghosts rolling for prey, thousands of male celestial ghosts are crazy with a slightly smaller number of female celestial ghosts. These days, the huge bodies of ghosts collided with each other, and the hard bone armor and bone spurs collided with each other and made a dull loud noise, and from time to time, a dazzling fire burst out. Occasionally, some heavenly ghosts' movements are too fierce. Their slender and powerful tails tore the void like a whip and hit other heavenly ghosts fiercely, often pulling out a deep visible bone wound. Some accidentally injured ghosts roared and jumped up, so a fight happened naturally.

But there are also some heavenly ghosts who still lie on the female heavenly ghost after being accidentally injured, trying their best to collide.

This is the life of the original ghost. After eating and drinking enough, he will wholeheartedly create the next generation!

If nothing unexpected happens, the original ghost can give birth to 80 eggs, and one child can hatch 80 offspring. As long as the original ghosts have sufficient nutrition, they can lay up to three eggs in a year!

That is to say, a female original ghost can have 240 descendants a year! It only takes ten years for the larvae of the original Heavenly Ghost to grow up and begin to reproduce!

So throw away a pair of original ghosts for an alien planet. If there are no natural and man-made disasters, the planet will be completely occupied by the original ghosts in hundreds of years, and all creatures will become their food. This is the reason why immortals strictly prohibit celestial ghosts from leaving the ghost world at will. Even those who practice the celestial ghost method, few people dare to let celestial ghosts reproduce in the outside world, which will cause great trouble.

Among the thousands of celestial ghosts that are recitating, there are nearly a thousand female celestial ghosts are making a sad howl cry. Obviously, they are not willing to this kind of behavior. However, the original ghosts that pressed on them were much stronger than theirs, and they could not allow them to resist at all. In their sad and sharp howls, these original ghosts collided with their bodies more excitedly. The skeletons of these female ghosts were torn apart, and large areas of blood kept spilling out.

Don't squint your eyes. The eyes of these female celestial ghosts shine with wisdom. They should be the people of the celestial ghosts in the valley, and they are unlucky ghosts who were robbed by these original celestial ghosts as breeding tools.

The heavenly ghosts who led the way stopped. They straightened up and looked eagerly at Don't beg. These ferocious ghosts stare at the don't beg with tears in their eyes, just like a puppy that has been beaten by its owner. The ferocious appearance actually has a little cute charm.

Don't beg to pat Ao Bu Zun's head, signaling him to lower his height. Don't beg to look at these ghosts and nod and say, "I can help you save your people, and all the female ghosts in this original ghost also belong to you. But you will be my vassals in the future, and you must obey any orders of my lord!"

These days, the ghosts looked at each other and crawled on the ground respectfully at the same time.

They are not their infatuated ancestors, and they will not offend a veteran ghost saint for the sake of their lover. The rule of the ghost world is that the strong are respected. Don't beg for such a strong strength, and promise to help them save the Hui people, so it is also a matter of course not to beg.

With the promise of these heavenly ghosts, don't beg to look up to the sky and let out a long roar.

The jade-c Armored tortoise flying boat showed its figure from the dark clouds and thick fog, and the huge flying boat flew in and suspended over the rocky beach. Those original ghosts who were beating their own people and were planning to reproduce raised their heads at the same time. They all roared with tyrannical impulses, and some heavenly ghosts couldn't wait to throw the boulder in their hands into the sky.

The heavy boulder flew several miles high and accurately hit the shell of the flying boat. But this kind of boulder could not cause any damage to the flying boat, and how did the boulder fall, and the original ghosts who threw the boulder were still looking up at the sky foolishly, so all the boulders hit their faces and smashed them to the ground in the dark.

Don't beg for laughter, Huang Li and others in the flying boat also laughed.

Ten thousand bone-permeable flying crossbows locked the original ghosts of the males on the ground. With Huang Yu's order, countless arrows were shot out silently. Thousands of male ghosts trembled and suddenly stood in place unable to move. After about a flick of time, each male primitive ghost spewed out thin blood arrows. Their internal organs were crushed by the powerful penetration carried by the arrows, and these ferocious primitive ghosts died in an instant.

The heavenly ghosts who led them to come here roared with joy. After kowtoting to Begging in a hurry, they immediately turned into a shadow and rushed to the rocky beach. They roared and rushed to the side of the captive female heavenly ghosts with joy.

The female primitive ghosts who were just making peace stared at their tragically at the males. When they saw the captive female heavenly ghosts hugging a group of strange males happily, these brainless female heavenly ghosts were angry.

With the sharp howling, thousands of female ghosts flew out, looking at the momentum that they were going to tear all the invading ghosts into pieces.

Don't beg for a cold smile. The Xuanyin Star Tower flew out of his head, and countless cold starpowers turned into thick chains to hold all these ghosts.

The hundreds of heavenly ghosts muttered with the captive female heavenly ghosts, and then more than a thousand heavenly ghosts knelt down at the same time.

All the heavenly ghosts are thrown to the ground, and their tails obediently cling to the ground, which is a sign of the complete submission of the heavenly ghosts.