Steal the sky

Chapter 761 Prince Changqin

Don't beg to curse all the way and run away. He felt that he had been extremely unlucky recently. First of all, he was torn open and thrown into the Jiuyou ghost world with a very strong magic weapon. Although he subdued a group of heavenly ghosts and got a lot of genius treasures, he barely made up for his mental loss, and met a depressed ancient immortal who got a lot of benefits, which was a Some.

Just when I felt that my luck was getting better, I was chased by two peak golden fairy-level ghosts and a group of high-level ghosts. This luck seems to have gone bad again?

Those two peak golden fairies are fine. They are just hanging behind the beggars not far away, making a gloomy roar from time to time. But that group of high-level celestial ghosts are like maggots of the bones. They have been looming around Don't begging. From time to time, they suddenly rushed out of a dark cloud and fog beside him, and beat him in the face.

There are rumors of immortals in the outside world. Don't compete with celestial ghosts in the ghost world. That's a thing that will make people collapse and despair. Even some Taiyi power once said that in this ghostly place, the speed of the ghost can't even be compared with the general Taiyi power.

Although the two golden fairy peak-level ghost immortals are much better than don't begging, the speed of the competition is still not as good as don't begging. But these days, although the cultivation of ghosts is not as good as begging, their flight is extinct. Although they can't break through the void for teleportation, their escape speed is still much faster than that of begging.

From time to time, the ghost jumped out and waved three punches and two legs at the begging. Occasionally, three or two ghost tails were wrapped around the body. The beggars who fled forward were harassed by them so much that they could not fly with all their strength. Instead, they were gradually caught up with the two powerful ghost fairies

With an angry roar, Don't beg for all your strength and punched at a high-level ghost who rushed to his face.

This heavenly ghost who rushed to his face was an extremely beautiful young woman. She was born with red lips, white teeth and a beautiful figure, and she was also a first-class beauty in the Pangu mainland. After becoming the realm of the golden fairy, the heavenly ghost can recast the body once, which can make the body 90% similar to that of human beings, and the heavenly ghost whose cultivation reaches the level of the golden fairy, they can evolve themselves to be as good as human beings.

The beautiful young woman flew over, and the nails on her ten fingers popped out more than a foot long. The sharp nails tore the void, and scratched down the neck with ten green cold lights. Her slender tail, more than twenty feet long, was like a long gun thrown out of her legs, stabbing straight into Begging's eyebrows.

The tails of ghosts are extremely tough, and the power on their tails is even stronger than that of their limbs. This long tail swings a vicious wind straight to Don't beg. The tip of the tail is still ten feet away from Don't beg's eyebrows. A wisp of cold wind has crushed the don't beg's eyebrows to a point.

Don't beg the heavy punch hit the ghost's claws, which made the ghost's arms shatter with a miserable howl. The heavy fist destroyed the ghost's hands, and it was heavily imprinted in her heart. A howl came, and the ghost suddenly turned into a thick smoke and drifted away. The next moment, she appeared in a dark cloud a few miles away. With the naked eye, it could be seen that the infinite ghost gas was constantly injected into her body. Her twisted and broken arm was recovering rapidly in the sound of 'cicking'.

This is the most troublesome place for the heavenly ghosts. Originally, they were extremely powerful, but now they are fighting at their home court in the Jiuyou ghost world. With the help of the endless nourishment of the innate ghost spirit, the heavenly ghost can almost be regarded as an immortal body! Especially these golden fairy-level ghosts, as long as you don't beg for a blow and don't break all their vitality, as long as you leave them a breath, they can recover as before in several breaths.

Even if the soul is severely damaged, these ghosts can still recover in a few breaths! This is the powerful blessing that the heavenly ghosts have received in the nine ghost world, and this is also the confidence of the ghost world that only thirteen heavenly ghost kings and 400 ghost saints dare to slap the table with the heavenly court and Dayu!

If dozens of Taiyi mighty or Tongtian high priest dare to rush into the ghost world, they may not be able to kill a big sky ghost king. On the contrary, the almost immortal big sky ghost king can fight a protracted battle with any enemy here. There is no Taiyi immortal and Tongtian high priest can use the aura of heaven and earth. Drag any enemy to death alive.

The sound of broken clothes and silk came, and several ghosts flew to Buqi's side. His sharp claws tore open his robe, leaving deep blood marks on his tough skin. The dark green venom invades the body of the begging from the nails of these ghosts, and the fresh blood flowing out of the body quickly turns pale green and emits the smell of corruption. Don't be surprised, the toxins of these high-level ghosts are amazing. He hurriedly picked up the dragon's magic power to kill, and his body suddenly rose to ten feet high. His body was covered with three thick dragon scales, and the huge pressure was scattered everywhere. Don't beg to open your mouth and turn your head to the heavenly ghost approaching him and suddenly spit out a red flame. The violent dragon clan was really cremated into a pillar of fire that was tens of thousands of feet thick and roared out. That day, the ghost turned pale with fear and hurriedly turned around to avoid the front of the pillar of fire spewed out, but one of his calves was slightly rubbed by the flames, and one calf was suddenly burned to ashes

But the helpless thing happened. The calf was turned into flying ash and retreated for miles. He took a few deep breaths, and the calf, which was burned by the real fire of the dragon clan, was suddenly reborn, which was exactly the same as before he was injured.

Don't beg for a long roar. A large area of green poisonous blood kept oozing out of the wound torn by the ghost. His muscles squirmed rapidly and healed quickly as before. Dragon Killing is a powerful magic power specially developed by Dayu for people with double cultivation of physique. It has a strong resistance to all yin and evil forces and toxins. Although the poison on the heavenly ghost's claws is powerful, the cultivation of these heavenly ghosts is far from begging. It can't really help but to get him.

Ao Buzum coiled around Don't beg's neck. Seeing that the pure yang domineering dragon clan's real fire seemed to be useful for these heavenly ghosts, he hurriedly opened his mouth and sprayed indiscriminately. The red dragon fire scattered, forcing those ghosts who are constantly harassing and begging to disperse.

The dragon python sisters also roared in a low voice. They opened their mouths, and the two-colored gods of gold and silver were shining. Don't beg all over their bodies, as if they were wrapped in red flames and the two-color rain of gold and silver, the heavenly ghosts who kept approaching him were forced to retreat, and

Whether it is a golden or silver light flow, it only hits the bodies of these ghosts and immediately pierces the wounds the size of human heads on their bodies, forcing them to retreat to absorb the innate ghost gas to heal their wounds.

Don't beg, Ao Buzun and the dragon python sisters at the same time, and abruptly opened a channel from the pursuit and interception of these ghosts. But before Don't Fly, the two ghost immortals in the rear suddenly roared at the same time. The ghost fairy holding the chain shook his hand again. The chain turned into a huge fishing net under the head cover, while the other ghost fairy holding the token snorted coldly. The token in his hand turned into a huge and thick iron plate, heavy Don't beg for the back.

After the token flew up, it turned into a huge iron block more than a hundred miles wide and three miles thick. The strong yin gas was wrapped around the token, hitting the head with suffocating pressure, and a huge suction involved the body of the begging, making it difficult for him to move for a while.

Don't beg and look back at the token, and his heart twitched violently. The golden fairy weapon, and it is definitely the best golden fairy weapon, should be the first-class to the second-grade golden fairy weapon. He is very familiar with this suction. The suction emanating from the peaks around the valley where the celestial ghost tribe he subdued lives is exactly the same suction.

Being able to imprison today's begging makes it difficult for him to move. This token is really too powerful. Don't beg. You feel as if you are suppressed by countless mountains, and even a finger can't rotate freely.

With a wry smile, the helpless begging was about to spray the bloody centipedes to kill all these ghosts and celestial ghosts. Suddenly, there was a loud and loud dragon chant in the distance. After hearing the dragon's roar, the faces of the two ghosts and those ghosts became more ugly than those ghosts.

A large piece of golden light penetrated through the thick black clouds, and a golden dragon with a long and vigorous spirit in the golden light raised its head and stepped on a large area of purple clouds and rushed to this way. On the head stood a handsome young man in white. He held a jade flute and looked this way with a smile.

"Two ghosts, take your time. This son is my great minister. You can't touch a hair! Otherwise, don't blame me for hitting your king's palace and letting you dance for three or five years!"

The two ghosts were like stepping on dog shit as soon as they went out in their new boots. They looked at each other, put away their magic weapons, gritted their teeth and bowed deeply to the young man, and then blew a sharp whistle. Dozens of high-level ghosts rushed back to the dark clouds behind them in a hurry, without saying The road flies away.

While flying rapidly, the ghost fairy holding the token turned back and shouted to the young man, "Since it is the prince Changqin to protect the man, this man is naturally a good man. It's a misunderstanding today. Please don't mind Prince Changqin!"

Prince Changqin? Don't beg for a sudden movement in your heart.

The grandson of the Yellow Emperor is Shijun, and Shijun was born in the northern autumn. There is Mangshan. There is Guishan. There is a mountain, and there is someone on it, known as the prince Changqin. Zhuan gave birth to an old child, the old child gave birth to Zhu Rong, and Zhu Rong gave birth to the prince Changqin. It is located in the mountain, starting with the music style. Zuo Zhuan records: "There are five picking birds and three birds: one is the royal bird, the other is the Luan bird, the other is the phoenix bird, and the piano is danced."

This prince Changqin is the direct bloodline of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor. He was born with Yuqin in his arms. He is good at making all kinds of music and can drive birds and beasts to dance.

Don't beg to look at the prince's zither.

As a direct descendant of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, his status in the Dayu Dynasty can be imagined. Why is he here?

He was a figure in ancient times. Nowadays, Haozun Huangjikui is a gray grandson in front of him. Why is he in the ghost world?

In particular, how did he know that Don't beg is a minister of Dayu? How can you meet Don't beg here?

Changqin, who came by dragon, smiled in front of Don't beg. He nod to Don't beg and said, "Come with me. Where are your subordinates?"

Don't beg for a beg. He spewed out the Xuanyin Star Tower and released the jade armored Xuangui flying boat.