Steal the sky

Chapter 769 Buddha's Sneak Attack

Three peak immortals.

Three members are the peak arhats.

Three flaming flying swords.

Three golden light pagodas.

Jin Guangrui rose to the sky. Don't beg to look at the attack like a tide in the golden light and smile. He put his hands on his back, and his eyes were shining, staring at the three golden arhats flying towards him.

Wrapped around the nine-day Bingding pure yang real fire, it can melt gold and iron, and the flame flying sword that can most destroy all evil obstacles is heavily split on the top of the head of Don't begging. In the harsh sound of the collision, Bu Begging's hair was not broken. Instead, three flying swords were knocked out of a fist-sized gap by his head, and the dense cracks like a spider web were covered with the dazzling sword body of the flying sword.

The top pure yang real fire sword forged by the master of the three masters of heaven was smashed, and the three immortals who were chanting spells and preparing to attack the begging with fairy skills vomited blood and retreated. The immortal sword of their lives was damaged, and their own shen was also shocked. The powerful fairy magic that was ready to go on their hands suddenly got out of control. They were like being bombarded head-on by the fairy magic that was stimulated by their full force, so that there were large and small cracks in their internal organs.

In the exclamation, the golden light pagoda transformed by the three King Kong pestles was knocked down on the top of Mount Tai. Don't beg, you are still motionless and let the beads of the pagoda hit the top of your head. In the loud noise, the spark splashed everywhere on the scalp, and the golden pagoda shattered, turning into countless broken pieces of pure gold and spraying everywhere.

The power of the pagoda to hit Don't beg is hundreds of millions of pounds, but after hitting Don't beg's head, the power from Don't beg's scalp is a thousand times the power of the pagoda's bombardment! The anti-seismic power of hundreds of billions of catties makes these pagodas unbearable. The pure domineering physical force smashed the pagoda to pieces, and the three good Buddha treasures immediately turned into tattered garbage.

The arhats roared angrily. They rushed to Begging and punched Begging in the face of a dragon and tiger. The fist is like a dragon, roaring like a tiger. The three golden arhats are the peak cultivation of arhats, and it is only half a step away from the bodhisattva's fruit. Their quenched arhat golden body has the power to move mountains and seas, and can shake the stars in a light flash. Now the three of them can hit Don't begging with all their strength. They are confident that their fists can penetrate the body of Don't begging.

Don't beg to let their fists hit you. He didn't even send mana to help the physical defense. He just took a slight breath, his muscles sank inward, and then suddenly bounced out.

The three big arhats howted miserably, and their fists fell on Don't begging. The muscles of Don't begging just sank, and the fists with infinite power fell into the air. Then don't beg for the muscles to bounce back. The anti-shock force, which is 10,000 times greater than their boxing power, rolled upside down like a flood. The Luohans only felt a sharp pain coming from their fists, followed by their arms and shoulders, and then their whole bodies ached.

It took countless reincarnations, rolled and crawled in the world for countless generations, and accumulated many merits. In exchange for the power of faith, the top arhat's golden body, which finally condensed, broke up like sand and dust. Countless golden powders were scattered. Then he was sucked into his stomach. Don't beg [body] The real life is burning brightly, and the chaotic aura is rolled, and the three arhat golden bodies turn into pure heat to circulate the whole body. His body is a little stronger.

, "There is no small supplement!" Don't beg, he praised happily, and his hands finally moved. His right hand waved like lightning, and the nine fist-sized crystal white relics were flicked by him. The real soul of Arhat in the relic was shattered by him. The relic, which contained a strong divine power, was casually swallowed into his mouth. Chaotic aura wrapped around the swallowed relic. It was quickly digested into a rolling hot stream and went straight to the sea of knowledge. The soul of the begging was bright, and his own consciousness was a little stronger. The shattered fragments of the true soul of the arhat were sucked into the soul. The memory of the three arhats was quickly absorbed by him. Those miscellaneous life experiences were abandoned by beggars. He focused on extracting the cultivation method of "Three Treasure Spirits Should Cross the World" practiced by three arhats. Nine articles of the three treasure spirits should be hidden in the world, which can make people cultivate from an ordinary mortal to the level of fifteen golden fairies. If you want to develop to a deeper level. Follow-up secrets of the scriptures are needed.

The inheritance of these three arhats is not complete." But now they are just the top-level cultivation of arhats, and they have not yet reached the realm of golden immortals. There is a secret method of practicing to fifteen golden immortals. It can be seen that they have been treated well. After easily defeating the three big arhats, don't beg to grin at the faceless immortals in the distance: "Three, since you are here, don't go!

Laugh wildly, don't beg for the large wind behind you, quickly condensed into a blue surge. The wind song launched the wind control technique, and the wind turned into three palm-sized cyan wind knives and roared at the chest of the three immortals. The wind song comes from the inheritance of the wind man. That's the power of relying on his own strength to cultivate to the realm of Taiyi. Isn't the method he inherited small?

At the peak, the immortals had no resistance to the wind knife stimulated by Begging. They watched the wind knife hit in front of them. Three golden blood arrows rose to the sky, and Don't beg to kill the immortals with one blow. The figure rushed into the fairy body of the eyebrows like thunder and cracked a crack. Don't beg to pull off the storage ring on their fingers, and the divine consciousness forcibly broke through the defense prohibition on the ring.

, "Poor!... Don't beg and scold in a hurry.

I just saw that the flying sword sacrificed by these three immortals today is very powerful. The grade is also the level of the top fairy weapon. Don't beg for the three immortals to think that the wealth of these three immortals should be extremely rich. Who knows that their carry-on storage ring is empty, only dozens of medium-grade fairy stones and a few bottles of life-saving elixirs, and even the top-grade fairy stones.

On the contrary, there is a golden scroll in the ring of the three people, on which is an IOU written by the three poor immortals themselves. Don't beg for God's consciousness to sweep through this IOU, and suddenly burst of crying and laughing. In order to refine the three powerful flame fairy swords, these three actually gathered all their possessions together, but it was not enough to refine the materials of the fairy sword. Therefore, they forged the three fairy swords to the forging master of the heavenly court

, "General? The general is actually the master of the heavenly court? Don't beg, he raised his eyebrows and laughed in a low voice, "Well, if you lend money to these three poor people, you are also unlucky, and I'm also unlucky! This account. You can't take it back!"

With a wry smile, Don't beg to put away the three fairy-level storage rings, and he casually rubbed three IOUs into pieces. Only then did he know. Generally speaking, the immortals of the heavenly court can only use all kinds of fairy weapons standard in the heavenly court. "If you want powerful fairy swords and other things", you need to spend a huge amount of materials to customize them from the masters of the heavenly court. It can be seen that the heavenly court is not a pure and happy land, at least the heavenly court is also a poor man who owes a huge debt!

A few sneer. Don't beg to take a look at the back mountain of Qingcheng, which turned into a pile of broken rubble because of his brief battle with the immortals and arhats. He shook his head indifferently and turned into a line of white smoke to escape towards the North Pole.

There is a grudge here. Miaoyuan Daojun, Shangguanye and the Qingcheng Mountain monks behind Miaoyuan Daojun have all been killed by him. The old friends who stole the sky and the Japanese gate have been completely cleansed by Shangguanye. The earth has no longer care about him. It's time to go back to the Pangu mainland to calculate for himself wholeheartedly. The past is gone, and now his friends, his lover, and everything about him are in Pangu Continent, which is his foundation.

Miaoyuan Daojun, who used to be so powerful that Begging and others had no resistance in front of him. At this moment, he is easily crushed to death like an ant. Don't beg to look back on your encounters over the years. You only feel that life is like a dream. It's really incredible. The serious practitioners spend a lot of time and can't achieve the golden fairy fruit. Unexpectedly, it came to my own hands so easily. The fate of the world is unpredictable, which is really terrible and lamentable.

With emotion. Don't beg, you just feel that your heart is particularly psychic and transparent." The originally somewhat erratic state of mind has also become as bright and bright as King Kong Relic, and it has become extremely hard. It is no longer difficult for external things to shake their own state of mind.

Flying under the blue sky and white clouds, flying above the blue sea water, the wind roars through his ears, don't be refreshed and quiet, he has never been in such a good state. He was flying slowly. Slowly approaching the Arctic Circle. The moving array he used when he arrived was in the Antarctic, but don't beg not to use the moving array. This is one of his instincts. An excellent thief will never use repeated routes.

More than 100 kilometers away from the North Pole, don't beg for a while over a thick ice.

The divine consciousness penetrated into the thick ice but failed to find anything strange. Don't beg for a nod and nodded with satisfaction. This is the wonderful prohibition set by the prince Changqin and others played a role. This prohibition is passed down to an ancient god under the throne of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor. His power is to integrate everything into heaven and earth and completely erase the fluctuations of these objects. There are special spells, and outsiders can't find where these hidden objects are at all.

This moving array at the North Pole is hidden by such a prohibition. Don't beg to look around. He recited a spell gently.

With the sound of the spell of "Don't beg", the ice below was silent enough to leave a small gap, and a faint aura fluctuation spewed out. The moving array is below" and with the spell of Don't begging, the moving array is automatically calibrating the coordinates. The direction of Pangu Continent is being locked.

Just when Don't beg is ready to dive into the ice and return to Pangu Continent. A fat figure quietly emerged from behind him.'s back.

, "Little benevolence, you and I are predestined with Buddhism! This big monk, who is fat and fat in this life, with a smile, lightly pressed his palm on his heart. Don't beg, don't beg all over his body, and a pure and hot Buddha's power bombarded into his body,

The great monk, giggling, said in a low voice with a smile, "I am the Futu Buddha in the world of 850 million Hongchen according to the decree of my Buddha! Little benemy, you killed me and sat down three guarding Arhats. You are really predestined to be with my Buddhism!

The Futu Buddha smiled amiablely, but his hand was like a storm. He hit all over his body with eighteen consecutive palms, making him roar all over, like a meteor falling to the ice.

A loud sound came, centering on the don't beg, the whole Arctic collapsed.

The ancient unchanging mysterious ice cracked, and the huge iceberg flew high into the sky. The waves around the Arctic rolled up more than ten miles high, and the whole earth trembled gently because of this blow.