Steal the sky

Chapter 788 Dragon Python Couple

It took a few days to integrate the blood demon god and himself, and the blood sea method of not begging is also a small achievement.

After lingering with Princess Pang Le for a few days, Don't beg finally remembered some serious things. He struggled to get up from the gentle countryside. Princess Le went to the newly formed Sitian Hall in Donghai Prefecture. Don't beg lazily and take Ao Bu Zun and the dragon python sisters to a scenic valley outside Donghai City.

The bodies of a large pile of fierce beasts and birds were piled up on the ground, and two dragon pythons with a belly of more than 300 feet were lying lazily on the pile of corpses. They snored, drooled at the corners of their mouths, and occasionally sleepwalked their heads to swallow the bodies of a few murderers and ferocious birds. Their bodies are fat, and their bellies are more than ten times thicker than the rest of their bodies. It looks like an ordinary cauliflower snake swallowing a can.

The scenery in the valley is very good, but there are so many corpses, and these two dragon pythons spray poison gas here. The flowers and trees in the valley are half withered, especially the smell in the valley is extremely unpleasant, which is mixed with the smell of the corpses. Don't beg. As soon as he entered the valley, he couldn't help covering his nose. The Golden Horn and Silver Horn brothers must have not brushed their teeth for a long time!

In the fairy cave of Wanxianxing, their brothers ate grass all day long. Although they hadn't brushed their teeth for more than a thousand years, they smelled of grass when they opened their mouths, and it didn't smell so bad. Nowadays, they eat big fish and meat all day long, and they habitually swallow it. They don't even wash the internal organs. You can imagine what the taste in their mouths like.

Hold your breath and strode to the two brothers. Don't beg for a heavy foot on the head of the golden horn.

"You two fat pigs, get up, are you still dragon pythons? Can you still fly like this?"

The bodies of golden horns and silver horns are extremely fat. Other snakes and dragon demons are slender and vigorous, but their two brothers are fat and bloated. They don't look like dragon pythons at all, but like two fat silkworm babies. Their meat wings drooped weakly on their backs, and a thick layer of fat appeared in the middle of the membrane wings of the meat wings. Don't beg, I doubt whether they can still fly.

Golden Horn raised his head lazily. He opened his eyes and looked at Begging. He shouted happily, "Boss, are you back? Oh, you don't know that these days when you are away, the little sparrow was hooked up by a firebird in Nanshan! Oh, the miry's mother doesn't care about it. The little sparrow's bird's hair hasn't grown up yet, and she actually elopeds!"

Don't beg for a beggar. It seems that she really didn't see the shadow of the little sparrow this time. Was she hooked away by a firebird? Well, the firebird should be a fire phoenix, right? Otherwise, how can the arrogant little sparrow like him? So, there should be a phoenix seedling breeding in Donghai Prefecture in the future? Don't beg for a good thing. This is a good thing. Phoenix is a very powerful divine bird. There are several phoenixes in Donghai, and their combat strength will be greatly enhanced in the future.

After a few laughs, Don't beg the two dragon python sisters who had turned into a ball from their sleeves and took them out.

The two sisters shrank into three inches long. They were coiled in the palms of the begging, and the golden and silver bodies were carved like gems, emitting a faint light in the sun.

The eyes of the golden horns and silver horns suddenly stiffened. They stared at the lower body of the dragon python sisters drooping on the pile of corpses and slowly arched up strangely, gradually turning into the shape of an arch.

Ao Bu-respectang lay on Don't beg's head, pointed to the golden and silver horns and laughed. He laughed forward and leaned back, and his saliva sprayed on Don't beg's head. Ao Buk is very lustful, but he has never had any crooked thoughts about the dragon python sisters. This guy knows very well that for a pure-blooded dragon, it is like a dragon python in the spring night, just like a mouse looking for a cat as a companion, and his own life is dangerous.

For the sake of his own life, Ao Buzun has never been close to the Dragon Python sisters. So as soon as I saw the reaction of the golden horn and the silver horn to the dragon python sisters, I had a kind of self-defeating the golden horn and silver horn in moral cultivation, and left them with a sense of pleasure - look, I have never been moved by these two girls. Why are you so unbearable? It turns out that I, Ao Bu Zun, am the upright man who is not in chaos!

A large amount of saliva flowed from the mouths of the golden horn and silver horns. The golden horn stared at the golden sister of the dragon python sisters, and the silver horn stared at the silver sister of the two sisters. The brothers drooled and shouted, "Lord, let go of these two girls! They are still the big daughters of yellow flowers. How can they let you touch them randomly? Don't touch it if it's rude, don't touch it!" Spraying a large area of saliva, the golden horns and silver horns opened their mouths and bit the palms of Buqi at the same time. They were really anxious. How could Buqi use their hands to touch the delicate scales of their lover? Look at their beautiful color, translucent scales, slender waist, and light and beautiful translucent wings that are very different from their own meat wings. Such beautiful women, how dare you touch them randomly?

If you want to touch it, you can only touch it between the two brothers!

Don't beg to throw the two dragon python sisters out in a hurry and dodged back a few steps. He sneered and said, "I rescued these two from the masters of the Wanxian League. They seem to be your peers?

But why don't you look like you?

After being thrown out by Beggar, the two dragon python sisters shook in the wind, and their bodies also became more than 300 feet long, just like the size of gold horns and silver horns. However, the bodies of the dragon python sisters are slender and beautiful. The bodies of the golden horns and silver horns are at least 20 of their thicknesses. If the figures of the dragon python sisters are beautiful and straight green bamboo, the golden horns and silver horns are two buckets.

Seeing that the stunning beauty in his eyes became the same body as himself, the golden horns and silver horns hurriedly drooled: "The Lord is holy, the Lord is wise, and everyone else is dead. These two must be saved! Do you dare to ask the girl's name? Are you interested in having a baby with us?

Two sharp lights and shadows tore the air, bringing a harsh sound of breaking the air. The dragon python sisters twisted their bodies. Their tails hit the faces of golden horns and silver horns like a whip, which made their faces splash with fire. The thick bodies were blown more than ten miles away. They hit a cliff heavily and splashed the cliff, and a nearby hill was shaken by a heavy impact force. It collapsed.

The sand and dust were everywhere in the loud sound, and the golden horns and silver horns that were beaten dizzy could not even feel the pain at all. They arched their lower bodies strangely and swam back to the dragon python sisters all the way. Jin Jiao shouted happily, "Oh, what a great strength. The girl's blow is accurate and fierce. Brother, I feel sweet!"

The corners of the silver horns were pulled out of blood. He stared straight at the two sisters and giggled, "Beating is kissing, scolding is love, and you two scold me severely!" Oh, hit me, hit me, please hit me quickly! Your tail is thin and transparent, which is really beautiful. Oh, it's really good to be beaten by the two girls like this!"

Ao Bujiong shivered on Don't beg's head. He muttered in a low voice, "These two fools, they are really cheap!"

Don't beg and shook his head gently. He smiled bitterly and said, "It's not cheap, it's a nymphomaniac!" Alas, the husband is depressed. Look at their virtues. When they get married in the future, won't they be killed by domestic violence all day long?

Ao Buchun gritted his teeth with a gloomy face and said, "So I hate the girls of the dragon python clan. If I do that with them, I must be careful that a part of my body is swallowed by them the next day! Alas, why did I come from the dragon clan? If I are from other races, hey hey, I will never let these two girls go!"

With his front paw on his chin, Ao Bujiun looked up at the sky and sighed, "If only I could learn the ever-changing skills. Well, if I could become the appearance of the Great Emperor of Heaven, hey hey, those beautiful fairies in their harem are all carefully selected from all walks of life in Zhou Tian!" The drool flowed down from the corners of his mouth, making a large area of Beggars' hair wet, just in contrast with the golden horn and silver horn brothers who were full of saliva.

The two dragon python sisters beat excitedly, waving their long tails and whipped the golden horns and silver horns desperately.

Don't beg rescued the two sisters under the master of the Wanxian League. They felt that Don't beg was very familiar and moved by them, so they had been following Don't begging in a daze. It was not until today that they brought them to the golden and silver horns that they were surprised to find that there was a pair of dragon python brothers in the world!

Flying ice fire dragon python, this ancient alien species, the legendary completely extinct creature, can actually make two pairs here!

There is no need to couple with other kinds of dragons and snakes - if the female dragon python is with other kinds of dragons and pythons**, they can't help eating each other! Now they don't need other kinds of males**, with pure-blooded dragon python brothers, they can reproduce more pure-blooded offspring, and then let them open branches and leaves.

To be precise, in terms of aesthetics, golden horns and silver horns meet the standard of handsome men in the eyes of the dragon python family, while other dragons and pythons belong to the category of food in the eyes of dragon pythons.

But the size of the Golden Horn and Silver Horn brothers... For example, even if a person is handsome, when his weight reaches 400 kilograms of the sumo level, he is not a beautiful man, is he?

The dragon python sisters are both happy and disappointed. They have lived in the valley for a long time and will not exchange feelings with others.

Surprised to find the impact of the same race of the opposite sex, their blood rushed to their heads. They simply scolded the golden horns and silver horns to vent their complex emotions.

The golden horn and the silver horn struggled and howled loudly in the storm-like whip, but why did Don't Beg and Ao Bu-Zun think that the two guys were about to reach **?

"Do they have a tendency to be masochistic?"

Don't beg for a chill. He shook his head and shouted, "Okay, I'll make the decision for you today. You will be a couple in the future!" As for how you match, it's your own business!

You guys work hard and add thousands of dragon pythons to my Donghaizhou!"

After shouting a few times, Don't beg to sneak out of the valley with Ao Buzun, who was also shivering all over.

In the valley, the dragon python sisters, who had red pupils, whipped the golden and silver horns more and more vigorously.

Golden Horn and Silver Horn Brothers. Humming a few more, happy enough to struggle, groan, moan and twist under the whip of the two sisters...

The atmosphere in the valley is getting weirder and weirder.