Steal the sky

Chapter 809 Collective Cultivation

In the sky high in front of the gate of the Dayu Palace, a piece of the blue sky suddenly collapsed, and Don't beg jumped out of it.

Just as he rushed out of the void, dozens of terrible gods immediately locked the body of Don't begging. Twelve dark Tongtian towers appeared silently beside Don't begging. Space and time were completely sealed, and the aura of heaven and earth disappeared at that moment. "Don't begging turned into an absolute vacuum" and even And time no longer exists.

The low bells sounded in the palace." Tens of thousands of Dayu priests in black robes rose to the sky from all over Liangzhu City, and the terrible breaths were connected into one, like a big stop, slowly rising from the ground, and the terrible pressure of destroying everything silently pressed down to Don't beg, pressing his bones. The skeleton is gurgling, noisy, and there is a tendency that the body can hardly withstand this kind of pressure and the body is completely crushed.

Cold sweat and big pieces came out. "Don't beg to scream but can't make a sound.

He never dreamed that Liangzhu's defense was so terrible. He just wanted to save time on his way, so he rushed out not far from the palace, but he absolutely didn't expect that his appearance would trigger such a big reaction.

Is this still the old, closed, rigid and invibable Liangzhu? The reaction speed of the city surprised the beggars. Even if more than a dozen Taiyi can join hands to invade, they will be immediately bombarded into scum, right? At least Don't beg has seen that with the palace as the core, there are huge runes and array patterns on the ground that begin to shine. This is a terrible magic array with the whole Liangzhu as the core, with a radius of nearly 100 million miles.

A large array with a radius of nearly 100 million miles?

Don't rack your brains. You can't imagine how powerful this large array is, and you can't imagine how much work of such a large array can be clothed. What's more, you can't imagine where to support the consumption of the operation of this large array in addition to the infinite aura of Xiong Yuan. The power of such a magic array that bursts out in an instant, I'm afraid that Yipin Taiyi will be blown away, right?

This is just the power on the surface. "Don't beg hasn't seen any priest in a white robe in the secret temple appear, and the secret hall is the highest concentration of power in Dayu. The most crazy, crazy and most powerful monsters in Dayu are hiding in the secret hall.

Just as Don't beg was about to be crushed by this huge pressure, a black-robed priest suddenly appeared on the Sky Tower facing Don't Beg. The old priest, who was so old that he was out of shape, looked at Bu Begging in a daze, carefully distinguished his appearance and breath, and slowly raised his right hand and waved it gently.

So the huge pressure dissipated in an instant." All the priests returned to their duties, the shiny huge runes and magic lines on the ground were extinguished one by one, and the low and powerful bells also dissipated in the air. The old priest grinned and said to the leader, "Congratulations to the Marquis of Donghaizhou for your success. Well, you have really come to the realm of Tongtian." There is also the physical strength of Hongmeng Pangu Tianjing. No wonder he was not shocked to death just now. The double cultivation of body is really good."

After a few strange smiles, the old priest said with his fingers, "The state marquis is the seven-nine priests who broke through the sky and directly came to the palace in front of the palace. Well, it's the only one who hasn't been injured. The double practice of style is really extraordinary.

Don't beg for a beggar. Is this kind of brainy thing seventy-nine? He asked dryly, "Do you dare to ask those seventy-eight seniors?"

The old priest shook his head and smiled: "Nothing." The shortest one lay in ** for half a year, and the longest one was just alive after three years of rest. Well, in the future, the state marquis will have his own family, and he must remind the children that even if he has Tongtian cultivation, he can't run directly to the palace like this. It's not only to scare the priests on duty, but also to scare themselves. That's not good!" Don't beg to swallow a spit and laughed a few times.

Turning his head and looking around, I really can't see that Liangzhu City has such a perverted defense. Don't beg only know that the defense in the palace is extremely perverted, but I didn't expect that the guard in front of the palace was so strict. He is a Taiyi power who has just been promoted. He was almost seriously injured by the breath of these rotating priests. Isn't it ridiculous?

Take out the token that you can see the emperor at any time. Don't beg to show it to the old priest. After the old priest, the old priest waved his hand. Several ministers in black greeted him and walked slowly into the palace with Don't begging.

In that hall, "Don't beg" and see Emperor Haozun again. It's still the same on the throne, and it's still the same suit of clothes. Don't beg maliciously speculate. "Does this Hao Zun Emperor sit there all year round without eating, drinking, bathing and not being respectful?

The power of the rolling stars and the aura of heaven and earth mixed with Pangu purple gas rolled down like a waterfall in the sky. "continuously integrated into the Haozun Emperor [body]. Emperor Haozun squinted at Don't beg, with a smile on the corners of his mouth: "Marquis of Donghaizhou, congratulations. Well, in a short time, how did you break through this road to heaven?

Don't beg to give a salute to Hao Zunhuang and tell him what he has done in the past few days. Of course, he focused on mentioning that he killed seven Taiyi power and destroyed a small world in the world of the world." He avoided the robbery of Futu Buddha and Liu Bang and others. After all, this matter is not very glorious, isn't it?

Emperor Haozun jumped up in surprise. He exclaimed, "You killed their seven Taiyi?"

Don't beg hurriedly explained, "This is the Kunwu divine soldier given by the Holy Emperor, and it has nothing to do with my subordinates."

Emperor Hao Zun laughed loudly. He nodded repeatedly and said, "Anyway, it is true that you have made great contributions. If you pass on the order, Jin will be the Marquis of Donghai Prefecture as the king of Donghai Prefecture. In addition to the feudal territory of Donghai Prefecture, two large prefectures will be selected as the territory directly under the king of

King of the East China Sea? Don't beg for a stay. "Is this the king? And is it the state king who can be hereditary among the four princes of Dayu Mountain, Water, State and City? Although he is the lowest nine-grade state king, he is the first-class state king among the nine-class kings, and there are two additional territories under the jurisdiction of the two major states.

After being stunned for a while, every begging hurriedly thanked Hao Zunhuang.

Emperor Haozun laughed loudly. He did not hide his appreciation for Begging. He smiled happily and asked Begging to tell the details of this matter carefully, and he also kept asking about all kinds of details. When Don't beg said that he was chased by Gu Yizhenjun on the way back, and he hit Guyi Zhenjun with one blow, Emperor Haozun cheered loudly and rewarded two palaces and dozens of manor fields outside Beqi Liangzhu City.

With the two palaces of Hao Zunhuang, you are qualified to bring a certain number of family members to Liangzhu. The palaces and manors outside Liangzhu City cannot be bought with money. In addition to the indigenous people who have lived here for generations, they can only be obtained by relying on the reward of Emperor Haozun. Having your own palace and manor outside Liangzhu City means that you have the right to stay in Liangzhu, which means that this person has become the real minister of Dayu. Just like today's Zhongzhou Mubo Zhongfu, although he is a Zhongzhou Mu, he also has his own residence in Liangzhu City, and he is a subordinate of the minister.

Emperor Haozun is obviously very satisfied with what he has done in the past few days. In addition, he is proud." Emperor Haozun actually applauded and said with a strong smile, "The king of Donghai Prefecture has made such a credit. I am really happy. Come and give a banquet... That's all!"

The word "give banquet" has just come out. Don't beg, your face turned white." Hao Zun's face suddenly became extremely ugly. He hurriedly changed his words and said, "Ha, the king of Donghai is also tired. Let's go back to rest as soon as possible. Well, if the king of Han dares to come back, the king of Donghai still has to keep an eye on him. As for the White Mountain King... As for the King of Baishan..." After hesitating for a while, Emperor Haozun shook his head and said, "The matter of the King of Baishan" The King of Donghai Prefecture did not have to intervene. Hey, I'll talk to him!" Speaking of this, "Hao Zun's face became extremely ferocious" The handrail of the throne was crushed by him.

Don't beg and bow your head in a hurry." He respectfully bowed to Emperor Haozun. After saying goodbye to Emperor Haozun, Don't beg followed several internal ministers out.

The efficiency of the internal minister of Dayu is extremely high. Emperor Haozun has just been awarded the title of Don't beg as the king of the East China Sea. "The will documents and tokens of Jinfeng Don't beg" have been made here. The deeds of the two palaces and dozens of manors have also been handed over to Don And these internal ministers told Don't beg, his Jinfeng this time is a special order to add the title. "The next time the Dayu Emperor's sacrifice to heaven and earth, he needs to attend, because he needs to pray for heaven and earth" to tell his Jinfeng to the ghosts and gods of heaven and earth, and at the same time receive the banquet

There is still one and a half months left for the next festival. Don't beg that you must attend on time to complete the legal procedures for Jin to make him the king of the East China Sea.

As soon as I heard the words of the great sacrifice to heaven and earth and the banquet given by the emperor, the scalp of Don't beg will be numb. But now he has a lot of experience. He will never suffer too much at the banquet.

Gritting his teeth and leaving the palace with a few ministers, Don't beg to summon Huang very and others immediately, and they closely monitor Liu Bang's Changle Palace, and he himself returned to Donghai City as soon as possible. It took a few days to arrange the affairs of Donghai City. Don't beg hid a large number of people in the world of mustard seeds, and returned to Liangzhu with a group of close people such as Princess Bile.

With the will of Emperor Haozun, according to the title of the first-class king of Donghaizhou, he can carry no more than 10,000 relatives and maids to live in Liangzhu. The location and scenery of the two palaces selected by the minister of Dayu are very good. The two palaces have more than 30 halls and hundreds of annexes in total. The two palaces are not far away, just on both sides of a big river, connected by a stone bridge in the middle. Dozens of other manors are dotted around two palaces.

This rewarding manor is 100,000 miles away from Liangzhu City. For people who do not beg for such magical power, it is just a distance to lift their feet. According to the division of Dayu, this distance also belongs to the suburbs of Liangzhu City, and the location is excellent. Dozens of manors have fertile fields covering a total area of millions of mu, and the annual output is extremely rich. Together with the manor, it was rewarded to beggars. There are also hundreds of villages and towns that grow this land, and all the people in it have also become the people of the private territory.

After hurriedly arranging these tedious territorial affairs, Don't beg immediately announced the closure to stabilize the realm, and together with Princess Bu Le, he emptled into the underground palace built for cultivation.

Leaving two blood demon gods to confuse the eyes and ears, don't beg to take Princess Bule to escape into the depths of 100 million miles under the underground of Xiongyuan.