Steal the sky

Chapter 834 Goodbye Yandan

"Women with pursuits are terrible. Especially for women who are pursuing and career-minded, it's even more terrible!"

Stepping on a dark cloud and flying high in the sky, don't complain lazily to Ao Bu-respect, who was sitting next to him. Ao Buchung nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, the micabite is like a person with pursuit and career ambition! Well, with so many newly recruited soldiers, how can she have the patience to deal with it!"

The clam opened her mouth lazily, and a few cocooned fingers shook in the corners of her mouth, "It was swallowed by her. She looked at Bu begging in a daze and said, "What are you doing so much? There is a comfortable cave with enough food!"

Don't beg and Ao looked at the clams and didn't say anything. Although he has stepped into the realm of Zimingdao, the dragonfly only understands the way of heaven, which is still confused. Eating and sleeping, that's all she has, right? Sure enough, simple life is the happiest!

Shaking his head, Don't beg to look at the white thwarflies flying in the distance and sighed.

Princess Le is working very hard to train the New Army in the East China Sea, and is carefully setting up a new East China Sea Sitian Hall. Lu Chengfeng is working very hard to reorganise the administrative teams of Dazhou and 300 states in Zhongzhou under the East China Sea, and he is too busy every day. Yan did not return to place secret agents everywhere like crazy, and desperately expanded the scale of the training camp of the Criminal Hall to train a large number of secret agents. Jiang Yun's ancestor and the Three Fire Master are working together to develop a new elixir prescription, and at the same time, they are working hard to ** steal the sky and change the Japanese door...

Everyone is so busy that they all have their own pursuits and goals. Don't beg, he became a big shopkeeper. He left these things in the East China Sea to Princess Bule and others to do their work. He drove to Anle County and Ancheng to meet Yandan by himself.

"We are all busy, but why are you busy?" Don't beg to hold your hands in front of your chest and look lazily at the white clouds flowing through the sky. He already has the cultivation of Taiyi. If you practice carefully, the realm of breaking Taoism and the realm of Taoism are not out of reach. Why does he have to work hard to go back and forth?

The former enemy, the real person, can now be slapped to death with one palm. Why do you have to find so many things for yourself?

He pondered all the way until Yuntou flew into the territory of Anle County, and Buqi suddenly laughed. Don't let the tragedy of Tan Lang and Le Xiaobai happen to the people around you, right? Don't let the fate of your relatives and friends around you be dominated by others. Now that you have stepped into the realm of Taiyi, why can't you go higher?

Go a little higher, so high that you are no longer afraid of any conspiracy and tricks, and you no longer have to be afraid of anyone destroying this little peace and happiness in your heart. Don't let your heart hurt again, and don't let yourself cry again. So, walk a little higher, a little higher than those who turn upside down. "This should be your pursuit now, right?

If he is not begging to be alone, with the cultivation of Taiyi, he can already find a quiet place to live in seclusion and live an infinite life peacefully. But now I can't get away. There are more and more people involved around me. There are so many relatives and friends, so many worries. "How can he get away?

glanced at Ao Buzun, who secretly grabbed a fairy's thigh and stuffed it into his mouth to eat. Don't beg and sighed in a low voice: "At least, don't let this guy be made into a storage ring again, right? That's too sad!" Don't beg for a smile, with a bright smile, with a bright smile, he pressed the cloud head and landed in the dense forest a hundred miles outside the south gate of Ancheng. After tidying up the clothes on his body, Don't beg, Ao Bujiun, and Jiao swaggered to He Ancheng. With the strength of the three people, the distance of more than a hundred miles is only a quarter of an hour.

Along the way, you can see the array of strangers, and the crops in the field are growing very well. Of course, in places like Pangu mainland, it is almost difficult to think about the growth of crops. But from the rice seedlings planted neatly like a ruler, it can be seen that the farmers of these elite fields are very thoughtful. They are taking care of these fields very seriously. Only the old farmers who have deep feelings for the farmland will take the crops and fields so seriously.

At the head of the field, there is a team of youth who is practicing their fists and feet with thunderous voices. They waved their fists like lightning and stamped their feet like thunder, and when their fists and feet were intertwined, they made a dull sound. Every move was extremely strict with its own law. These young and strong muscles are obviously on the path of physical cultivation. It can be seen that their strength is probably the same as that of the forging monks in the Yuanying period. Among the young men of each team, there is a small leader who is far stronger than them. These little leaders have a strong face." The spirit of killing the army can't be concealed. Their cultivation is at the average level of thirty-six immortals, and there are also a few who are far beyond their peers, and they actually have the strong strength of nearly twenty immortals.

Don't beg, you can't help but be blunt. These people are the soldiers trained by Dayan in the past few years, right? With such a scale in just a few years, it is obvious that Yan Dan and others have made a lot of strength and spirit. Don't be curious to cover the divine consciousness of the whole Anle County and the nearby Anyi County. There are tens of millions of such well-trained young people.

With a wry smile, Don't beg, shake your head and mutter.

This is also to provide enough cover for Da Yan, so Yan Dan and others are so unscrupulously expanding the army. In other places of Dayu, not to mention that the two counties have tens of millions of troops, even if you praise a first-class state herd in Dazhou and dare to expand millions of troops, a crime of conspiracy has already been put on your head.

In addition to these young people who have formed an army, many colleges and schools have been built in the cities and towns of the two counties, which is something that Dayu absolutely did not have before. Ordinary people on the Pangu mainland never learn anything about literary history. They just follow the living habits of their ancestors and the oldest model of sunrise.

Only the children of the clan and the family can receive education in culture, history, military, government affairs and other aspects from an early age. The institution responsible for their education is the Sitian Hall. Because of the unique position of Sitian Hall in Dayu, all kinds of knowledge taught in Sitian Hall will not be known to the people of Li.

However, after Dayan took control of these two counties in recent years, in addition to vigorously developing production and expanding the army, he was also responsible for cultivating the college school to teach all kinds of cultural knowledge to the people of Li. Don't beg. Look, some simple and simple young people in many colleges are designing all kinds of mechanical equipment under the guidance of Dayan's teachers, and some people are learning medical science, forging, farming, astronomy and other technologies.

Even a school has been opened in Anle City, which specializes in teaching all kinds of food and cooking skills, and there are still many people learning cooking skills.

Compared with the suffocating atmosphere of conservative traditions everywhere in Dayu, the two counties under the rule of Dayan exude vitality and have a refreshing and fresh atmosphere. For the changes in Anle County and Anyi County, you can't figure out whether it's good or bad.

It's a good thing that people's hearts are lively and people's wisdom is opened.

But people are moved, people's wisdom is open, and there are more **s of knowledge. If this ** becomes immortality or other more charming things of immortals, these simple and simple people a few years ago are like the people of deep mountains and stones, can they resist such **?

When He Ancheng was invaded by the forces of Taoism and Buddhism, those monks spent hundreds of years to barely open up some situations here. But after these people under the rule of Dayan have seen the different amorous feelings from Dayu, if a monk sect suddenly comes here, will these people scramble to join the door and completely abandon their identity as a human race?

Don't beg to mutter to yourself. Ao Bu Zun and Clam looked at the sky, chewing some unknown things with a bloody smell in their mouths. The three mysterious deeds swayed to the gate of He'an City, and were naturally stopped by the gatekeeper's big swallows in armor.

More than 200 soldiers surrounded the three people, and Bu Beg couldn't help laughing bitterly. He said frankly to the officers of this team of soldiers, "According to the Dayu military system, the whole Anle County garrison will not exceed 100 people. You have placed more than 200 soldiers at one gate with Ancheng. Isn't it obvious to tell outsiders that there is a problem here?

Don't beg made the soldiers around them very nervous. At the same time, they pulled out their weapons and subconsciously took a big step forward.

Ao Bu Zun sneered, and Jiao pinched his fingers, clicked, and said, "Don't beg, brother, can I eat them?" This little boss's body is very strong, very chewy and chewy!" No matter how they listened to the cat's words, there was a sense of evil spirit, and the soldiers around them changed their faces. They shouted in unison and were about to attack the three people who were not begging.

Don't stare at the dragonfly with saliva on the corners of his mouth and sighed in a low voice, "This looks quite handsome. Why is there only food in your mind?" While sighing, Don't begging took out the Jiuyan forbidden card given to him by Yan Dan and threw it out.

The gate official caught the forbidden card. He shivered all over and immediately shouted, "Shut up, stop... This lord, you are..."

After making a lot of noise at the gate for a while, don't beg to be smooth in the city guard house in He'an City. Nowadays, the Dayan Palace has seen Yan Dan, Yan Qijun and his son, as well as Mo Zhai, Xun Kuang, Su Qin, Han Fei, Jing*, Le Yi, Fan Yuqi

See you again after a few years, Dayan is particularly enthusiastic about begging. Princess Bule also followed Buqi to go east and west in Anle County for a period of time. Yan Dan and others almost cut off contact with the outside world and could not receive information from the outside world at all. Seeing Don't beg to visit, Yan Dan hurriedly asked, "Don't beg, how are you doing? Where is Zixuan? Why didn't she follow?" Don't beg and greet Yan Dan with a smile, and then he came straight to the point.

"Send invitations to the princes and ministers of the other five countries in the name of Dayan. There are some things that need to be said openly!"

After rubbing his fingers, don't beg to look at Yan Dan and said, "Frankly speaking, Lou is short of people now. The kings and ministers of the five countries are all heroes. I want them to help me do things. I'm too lazy to run around to catch them, so please ask your majesty to deceive them with an invitation!" Yan Dan, Yan Qijun and others were all stunned. Are they hallucinating?

Don't beg the monarchs and ministers of the five countries to use it for him? How is this possible?