Steal the sky

Chapter 836 Congress of the Six Nations

Chapter 846 Congress of the Six Nations (Fifth Update)

I haven't seen them for several years. Although the cultivation of Yan Dan and others has become unbearable in the eyes of Buqi, they really can't be underestimated in the management of state affairs. In just a few years, they actually built a medium-sized moving array with an ultra-long distance between the territories of the six countries, and also arranged a small array that could transmit small items.

The invitation sent by Yan Dan to the monarchs of the Five Kingdoms was sent through a small magic array known as Xiaozhou Tianna Moving Array. The excuse was that Dayan got major information about Dayu and hoped that the monarchs of all countries would gather to discuss countermeasures.

A quarter of an hour later, the moving flames in the secret room of the backyard of the city guard shook, and the monarchs of the five countries brought a group of close ministers and bodyguards to He'an City. The faces of the emperors and ministers of the five kingdoms were full of unconcealed fatigue, and Zhao Sheng and Wei Wuji were simply injured. Although they wore strong-smelling sachets on their bodies, they still couldn't hide the faint smell of blood on their bodies.

Seeing the appearance of the monarchs and ministers of the five countries, Yan Dan couldn't help but be stunned to greet them next to the moving array. He saluted Zhao Sheng and asked in surprise, "Why are your majesties like this?" Is it possible that you have been found by the officers and soldiers of Dayu?

Zhao Sheng and Wei Wuji looked at each other and shook their heads anguously at the same time. They sighed and told what had happened to them.

Zhao Sheng was injured by a passing magic fairy. The immortal was originally a scattered immortal. He was destroyed by the army of Dayu and fled in a hurry. Inadvertently, he fled to the territory developed by the State of Zhao and found a soldier and horse being trained by the State of Zhao. What this soldier and horse practice is a secret method of sacrificing immortal soldiers obtained by the State of Zhao. After cultivation, it can refine people into a strong existence similar to the flying night fork. Seeing the hunting, the magic fairy was happy and killed more than 30,000 soldiers and horses cleanly to take their bodies to refine the magic soldiers. Zhao Sheng led the great minister of literature and martial arts to fight with him. After a war, the magic fairy was beaten to death, and Zhao Sheng and many courtiers were also injured.

As for Wei Wuji, it was a real disaster called Wuwang. A goblin inexplicably similar to the bloodline of the dragonfly avoided the pursuit of the officers and soldiers of the Great Yu and crashed into the territory developed by the Great Wei Dynasty. The Wei army rose up to attack this unlucky goblin. As a result, Wei Wu died and was seriously injured, and Wei Wuji and a group of courtiers were also seriously injured.

It's enough to be injured by the magic fairy. He was injured by a goblin who fled around in confusion. No wonder Wei Wuji's face was particularly ugly.

The princes and ministers of the six countries were speechless for a while. Everyone looked at each other. Except for Yan Dan's best look, the other people's faces were a little wrong. Not to mention Zhao Sheng and Wei Wuji, who were injured. Ying Zheng, Qu Ping and Tian Wen, who were not injured, were a little deflated, especially Qu Ping, who was proficient in the art of ghosts and gods, had dark skin and sunken eyes. They looked really no different from ghosts. Obviously, it was a sign of excessive energy consumption.

Compared with Yan Dan's white face, red eyes and eyes, the monarchs of the other five countries are no different from the refugees who have fled.

Yan Dan knew in his heart that he directly took over Anle County and Anyi County as a foundation for development, and the other monarchs of the five countries wanted to start from scratch to open up a foundation in the Pangu mainland. Judging from the faces of the monarchs and ministers of the five kingdoms today, Pangu Continent is not a good place to get along with. It has not been wiped out by the officers and soldiers of Dayu as a scattered cultivation force. Is this the luck of Ying Zheng and others?

After a few dry coughs, Yan Dan couldn't say anything. He took the emperors and ministers of the five kingdoms to a newly built underground hall under the city guard house. In the magnificently decorated hall, don't beg beg to stand beside a dragon column with your hands behind your back, and carefully appreciate the exquisite dragon scales carved on the gold pillar.

The princes and ministers of the six kingdoms entered the hall, and everyone else was fine, but Xiang Yu's face suddenly changed when he saw Don't beg. Xiang Yu almost subconsciously held the handle of the sword, and the blue veins on the back of his hand burst out. It was easy to restrain the impulse to draw his sword and not beg. Everyone else looked at Xiang Yu, and 90% of them were full of malice in their eyes. Some people's facial muscles twitched, and they almost couldn't help laughing.

Under the eyes of everyone, Xiang Yu's hand slowly let go of the hilt of the sword. He nodded to the beg and greeted him very calmly, "I haven't seen you for a long time. Don't beg. Last time I said goodbye, seeing you this time seems to be very different from last time.

Don't beg to turn around and look at Xiang Yu. He nod gently and smiled, "Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, you are also very different. If you kill me in front of so many people, it will really make me look down on you. Very good, very good. Compared with the last time we met, you are also very different.

After a moment of silence, Xiang Yu sneered and said, "The last time we broke up, someone said that if you dare to appear in front of someone..."

Don't beg and waved his hand. He said lightly, "Don't talk nonsense, you can't kill me now. If you want to make things difficult for a woman and me, then I don't mind completely erasing you and your Chu Xiang.

Hearing Don't beg like this, Qu Ping, who had not spoken for a long time, coughed gently: "King of Tianyun, it's too much for you to say that. Anyway, Xiang Yu is my minister of Chu. Now the six kingdoms are allies. Aren't you chilling the heart of the emperor of Chu?

Don't beg just shake his head. He smiled apologetically at Qu Ping, and then pointed his fingers three times: "Yue Yu, Yu Ji, Yu Yao, you three come out. I just want to ask you, which son of the king of Yangshan is the person who instructed you? Is it Ji Dai? Ji Yue? Ji Ao? Or Ji Lan? You are the pawns they use to control the six countries, right?

The faces of the three women who were named by Don't be beggars changed their faces. They were so scared that they took a few steps back. Yu Ji shouted, "How did you know these things? You, you, do they say that someone has found the way to lift the black forbidden curse?

Yue Qian waved a long-handled machete without saying a word, and cut down the begging neck with a knife with his backhand. The knife light is like a practice, and the clear knife light reflects the pearl light in the hall. Before Huang Xie next to Yueqi stopped her, Yueqi had already cut a knife on the neck of the begging.

The monarchs and ministers of the five countries exclaimed in unison, and only Yan Dan and other great Yan emperors and ministers did not even move their faces.

Only listening to a crisp sound, there was no white mark on Don't beg's neck, but Yueqi's machete was broken into countless pieces of iron flying around. Yue Qian hissed angrily, and her vigorous and powerful body rushed forward, clenched her fist in her right hand and silently bombarded the begging Adam's apple like a poisonous snake coming out of the acupuncture point.

Don't beg stood still in place. Yue Yu punched Don't beg's neck, and there was another muffled sound. Don't beg's eyelids didn't jump, and Yue Yue held her right fist and screamed. She felt that she had punched an iron stake, even countless times harder than the iron pile. Her wrist bones and arm bones were shattered. The severe pain made her face turn white, and the blank in her brain could no longer remember anything.

Don't beg and sighed and smiled at Huang Xie, "Chunshen Gong, you pillow person is actually a golden fairy-level cultivation. I really don't know how you can stand her over the years!"

Huang Xie's face suddenly changed. He suddenly looked up and stared at Yue Yu and roared angrily, "Le Yan, is what the King of Tianyun said true?"

Yueqi just held her wrist and gasped, and she didn't even look at Huang Xie.

Yuyao, who had been standing next to Ying Zheng, roared. With a wave of her right hand, dozens of cyan jade slips flew out, following the number of Zhou Tianxing to Don't beg. Each piece of jade slip was entangled with a wisp of cloud smoke, and a little dew gradually spewed out of the cloud. The dew surged out of the wind, and a large amount of small earthy yellow particles emerged out of thin air in the wind. The four elements of earth, water, fire and wind rubbed against each other, and a faint thunder shocked everyone in the hall with severe pain in their eardrums.

When Ying Zheng saw Yu Yao's action, he subconsciously grabbed Yu Yao's shoulder. A large area of black water vapor spewed out from behind Ying Zheng. Nine dragon shadows quickly emerged in the water vapor. Ying Zheng scolded sharply, "Queen, what are you doing? What's wrong with being easy to say?"

Yu Yao snorted coldly and let Ying Zheng's palm buckle on her shoulder. When she twisted her body, Ying Zheng only felt that what he had grasped was not the usual smooth and delicate jade body. Obviously, it was the body of a tough, oily and powerful python. A strong force bounced back. Ying Zheng's five fingers were shaken up several feet high. Yuyao shouted softly. Those jade slips had surrounded Don't be Begging is trapped in the battle.

A pitiful sneer came. Yu Ji's body rotated, and her small hand held Xiang Yu's sword hilt from his waist and pulled out the long sword. Like a ghost, dozens of remnants of shadows took a sword light that was tens of feet long and stabbed it. Yu Jian, who besieged Don't beg, just opened a gap to let Yu Ji rush into the battle, and the earth, water, fire, wind and power around him were wrapped around the sword, and a dazzling meteor-like halo condensed at the tip of the sword and went straight to the mouth of Begging.

Yu Ji smiled and said, "If you know too much, you will die!" Don't beg. You took a big advantage from your aunt. It's a death penalty.

Yu Yao and Yu Ji joined hands to easily frame a must-kill death game and don't be trapped. The two women smiled proudly and thought that they would die without begging. Only Yue Yu, who had just suffered from Begging, shouted, "Two sisters, be careful! This man's cultivation is unfathomable!"

Before the words fell, the sword in Yu Ji's hand had stabbed the beg's heart, but although Yu Ji exhausted her strength to breastfeed, the long sword could not pierce the body. Don't beg to pop up with one finger. Yu Ji's long sword in his hand exploded into fine metal powder. Then he waved his sleeves, and the large array under Yuyao cloth was like a castle piled up by children with pieces of paper.

The three girls, Yu Yao, Yu Ji and Yue Yu, exclaimed in unison. They looked at each other in horror, and the surface of their bodies shone with jade light at the same time, and a long rainbow of a hundred feet was waiting to escape.

But as soon as their bodies flew less than ten feet high, the cat cockroaches flew to their heads with a big hammer. The catfish did not wave the hammer randomly, but gently blocked its sledgehammer on the heads of the three women. The poor three women fled quickly incarnated as a rainbow, but hit the big hammer of the catfish. The three loud noises passed. The three women rolled their eyes and fell to the ground, and three fist-sized blues gradually Colored fleshy pimples. This time, it hit so hard that the three women couldn't break their necks.

Don't beg and sneered. He looked at Ying Zheng, Huang Xie and Xiang Yu with ugly faces and snorted coldly, "Now, we can say it at ease. There are some things that I still need to ask for your opinions!"

With a wave of sleeves, the three women were swept up by a strong wind, and their bodies were uncontrollably suspended in the air. There were countless prohibitions around them to be firmly imprisoned.

The kings and ministers of the six countries looked at each other and walked into the hall and sat down separately. RO