Steal the sky

Chapter 839 Reincarnation

Chapter 899 Reincarnation (Third Update)

Yu Ji, dressed in a long red dress, lay quietly in the hall, and silver-gray blood kept flowing from her mouth.

Xiang Yu stood beside Yu Ji, like an ancient pine that died suddenly hollow, and the twilight was deep and had no vitality. The originally brilliant eyes turned gray like a dead fish, and Xiang Yu's soul seemed to be passing with the silver-gray blood in Yu Ji's mouth.

Don't squat beside Yu Ji, carefully stained a trace of silver-gray blood with your fingertips, and use the secret methods of Sitian Hall to identify poisons. The silver-gray blood stain burned at the fingertips of Begging, emitting a scorching aroma like fried chili. With the strength of his body, his fingers felt a tingling pain, and a small piece of skin was burned into coke by the silver-gray flame.

"Is it the thousand worm juice of the blue belly hook kiss as the main medicine?" Don't beg to ask Yu Ji, who is gradually shrinking, "The Sitian Hall ranks 758th among the 3,600 kinds of banned drugs, which can threaten the poison of Taiyi's golden body."

Yu Ji looked at Bu begging with a trace of pleasure in surprise: "I didn't expect that you knew so well about Sitian Hall."

Don't beg nod seriously and said, "Yes, I really know a lot about Sitian Hall. This time in Liangzhu, I personally wiped out several families with the inheritance of the Grand Priest of Tongtian. They have stored a lot of transcribed scriptures of the Sitian Temple in their homes, which belong to me.

Yu Ji smiled. She stared at Don't beg and sneered, "You are just a tool! Little man, your first time is a tool!" Xiang Yu's body shivered, and the corners of his mouth also flowed blood. Yu Ji's face changed slightly. She turned her head and dared not look at Xiang Yu again.

Don't beg to laugh. He patted Yu Ji on the head and said lightly, "You are a very smart woman, but you are too smart. On the contrary, you will misunderstand others. You want to provoke me, and then I won't do my best to save you, will I?"

Yu Ji narrowed her eyes, and Xiang Yu shouted in a low voice: "Don't beg, try your best to save him. The whole Chu Xiang family is yours!"

Huang Xie and Li Yuan's faces suddenly changed. They stood up angrily, but the curt on the side said slowly, "Ping also thinks so. If such a woman dies, won't a treasure be suddenly lost between heaven and earth? The king of the East China Sea, with all his strength to save Yu Ji, is willing to help the King of the East China Sea to achieve great things.

Seeing Qu Ping say this, Li Yuan lowered his head and sat back in place. Huang Xie roared angrily: "It's simply ridiculous. How can a woman's life and death decide the affairs of the court? Your Majesty, and Xiang Yu, this is simply ridiculous!"

Don't beg for a cold snort. He glanced at Huang Xie and said indifferently, "Look down on women? Do you want to scold your mother for three hundred words? Mom, why don't you try to scold your father? You look down on women. Isn't your mother a woman?

Huang Xie was stunned. He was about to refute the don't beg. The cattle beside him slowly took out a golden arhat thigh and threw it into his mouth, chewing happily. The cattle patted his raised chest hard to show his gender to Huang Xie. Huang Xie closed his mouth wisely. The others in the hall watched the cattle chewing its thigh happily, and cold sweat kept dripping from his forehead.

Don't beg for a sigh. He patted Yu Ji's head and sighed, "If I had been prepared, I could have saved you. But the amount you take is too large, and I don't have any symptomatic drugs on hand, ah..."

Yu Ji smiled proudly. She wanted to say something. Don't beg to stop her words. Reaching out and patting Xiang Yu's thigh standing beside him, he said in a low voice, "Whether I'm a tool or something else, I just want to say that women who are too smart often do the stupidest things in the world! Do you think you used that method to help Xiang Yu solve the black forbidden curse. With Xiang Yu's temperament, after he can know the truth, he can live alone?

Yu Ji's face suddenly changed, and her body trembled violently. She looked at the blood dripping from the corners of Xiang Yu's mouth in horror and hissed, "I'm sorry for him. I just... I... I...".

Don't beg and sneered, "You just want to be a hundred, don't you? I don't know where you have been and what they have done in Wanxianxing for more than 2,000 years, but when you are sent back to Xiang Yu, you will die, don't you?

Yu Ji looked at Don't beg in a daze, and couldn't say a word.

Don't beg and say in a low voice, "Is it related to the prince of your family? What have you done in the past two thousand years?

Yu Ji closed her eyes and refused to say a word again.

Don't beg, shake your head and sigh, "Woman, you never understand a man's heart. Xiang Yu is different from Ying Zheng and Huang Xie. Well, Ying Zheng and Huang Xie are all people who can sit on the throne, but look at Xiang Yu, does he look like an emperor? How can he look like an emperor?"

Yu Ji's hands clenched her fists tightly, and she hissed, "Why doesn't the toxicity of this thousand worm juice attack?"

Don't beg and shook your head and said, "Thousand worm juice is the slowest but most difficult to expel among the 3,600 banned drugs in Sitian Hall. If you really want to die, it will probably take an hour. We have a lot of time to clarify the things between you and Xiang Yu.

After mediting for a moment, don't beg and ask, "Frankly, do you still love Xiang Yu?" He shrugged his shoulders, didn't beg to touch the back of his hand with goose bumps and said with a wry smile, "This question makes me feel numb, but I really want to know, do you love Xiang Yu or your son?"

Yu Ji closed her eyes tightly, and after a long time, she hissed, "If I don't... Why do I act like this? I just want him to be happy, just like the first time I saw him, taming the strongest horse, waving the fastest knife, and killing the most ferocious beast. He should be a free tiger in the mountains and forests. He should not be a person who is imprisoned and may be at the mercy of others at any time.

A big mouthful of silver-gray blood spewed out of her mouth. Yu Ji said with a cry, "If I don't love him, why don't I let Yuyao and Yueqi report your affairs to the prince? If you don't beg them, how can you gain a foothold in Pangu?

Xiang Yu clenched his fists with both hands. He opened his mouth and spewed out a red blood arrow and shouted fiercely, "Don't beg, save her!" Don't talk nonsense!"

Looking up at Xiang Yu, who looked like a crazy tiger, he said lightly, "What's the hurry? It took another hour to have a toxic attack and died... Well, to be honest, is this thousand worm juice highly poisonous... Well, can I wait until I finish talking? You are so impatient. No wonder you were robbed of the world by Liu Bang in those years.

Xiang Yu was so angry that his face turned blue. He shouted and jumped in the hall for a while, and then stood beside Begging breathlessly, gritting his teeth and staring at Yu Ji. Xiang Zhuang, Fan Zeng and others were afraid that Xiang Yu would have an accident, so they hurriedly caught up and clamped him left and right.

No longer caring for Xiang Yu, don't beg to look at Yu Ji and sigh, "It's not easy for Chiyou's blood, right? The Chiyou family is now only left in Xuanyuanfeng. In your capacity, you want to get their blood from the strong of the Chiyou clan. Who do you ask for?

Yu Ji looked coldly at Don't beg. She said lightly, "With my identity in the eyes of the prince and my position in the prince's heart, what means do you think I can use to ask for someone? Do you still need to ask these words? Is there something I want you to say? Don't beg to nod slowly. Xiang Yu beside him roared loudly, and a stream of blood suddenly spewed out of his throat. Fan Zeng and Xiang Zhuang beside him trembled with fear and hurriedly grabbed Xiang Yu's arm to prevent him from going crazy.

Staring at Yu Ji, don't beg from her eyes that he can't feel any will to survive. He couldn't help smiling bitterly and said, "How can a proud man like Xiang Yu let his woman pay such a big price to save him? You are forcing him to commit suicide, not saving him.

Yu Ji's body trembled, and her face turned gray.

Don't beg for a while. He stood up and said indifferently, "Well, time is running out. I'll give you the most direct solution to this matter. I sent Yu Ji, Yue Wei and Yu Yao into reincarnation, and I escorted their souls to find a good family to be reincarnated, and completely erased the causal entanglement between them and the jade. If there is still someone thinking about them, you can go to them after their reincarnation.

Xiang Yu stamped his feet and said, "Reincarnation? What are you farting about?

Yu Ji sighed quietly, "Reincarnation? Do I still have a chance to be reincarnated? King, king...". Yu Ji suddenly called Xiang Yu twice.

Xiang Yu squatted down shiveringly. He stroked Yu Ji's face with both hands and said in a low voice, "You... What do you want?"

Yu Ji looked at Xiang Yu and smiled. She sighed leisurely and said, "Let Yu Ji be reincarnated, and let Yu Ji follow the king cleanly in the next life. Let Yu Ji forget everything in the past. Yu Ji only wants to remember the happy things when she just saw the king. Yu Ji doesn't want to remember the things that made Yu Ji unhappy... If Yu Ji was reincarnated, would you come to me?

A large amount of blood and tears flowed out of Xiang Yuhu's eyes. He gritted his teeth and hit the ground fiercely.

Don't beg and nodded. He breathed a sigh of relief. After talking so much, he finally found the best solution. Sending you Yu Ji to be reincarnated, don't beg to erase her memories in Mengshan.

With a long breath, Don't beg to look at the two women, Yue Biao and Yu Yao, and frowned. Don't beg to ask Huang Xie and Ying Zheng: "What do you think?"

Huang Xie was silent, and Ying Zheng said ruthlessly, "Since she doesn't want to give birth to a child for me, it's naturally a kindness. Let her go!"

With a wave of his big sleeves, Ying Zheng stood up with many Wenwu in the Qin Dynasty and strode out of the hall. He said in a low voice, "Please ask the King of the East China Sea to send her to her for reincarnation... Let her in her next life..."

When he was about to walk out of the hall, Ying Zheng suddenly stopped. He did not look back, but stood in front of the door of the hall and said faintly, "I will no longer respect her, respect her, protect her, follow her, and the great government of the country as before... If the King of the East China Sea can do it, let her be reincarnated in my Qin clan. At least I can love her and pity her. Those little things will follow her.

Ying Zheng's straight body suddenly stucked down. He walked out of the hall as if he was hundreds of years old.

Don't beg looked at Huang Xie, and Huang Xie dodged Don't beg's eyes.

Don't beg for a sigh and nodded seriously. RO