Steal the sky

Chapter 846 The Magic of the Past Life

Chapter 846 The magic power of the previous life (third update)

"You!" Pudu Liudao swallowed a mouthful of spit with difficulty. After countless years of practice in the underworld, he was used to seeing many incredible things. He suddenly felt the breath emanating from his body, and couldn't help but have the impulse to turn around and leave the underworld of Buddhism.

Haohao Tang Tang is like a boundless ocean. The vicissitudes of life are full of the unique atmosphere of chaos and famine. Don't beg for the breath that spreads in your body. You have felt it from the hidden elders who followed the Great Sacup Buddha to visit several Buddhist sects. The details are different, but the atmosphere of the flood is the same.

There is only one kind of existence that can have this breath - the innate spirit born in the chaos of Hongmeng before the creation of the world, that is, today's immortals, Buddhas and many other creatures' so-called chaotic demons!

The legendary characters who opened up the Taoist foundation are the chaotic demons.

Several elders who created Buddhism and laid the foundation of Buddhism are chaotic demons.

The Pangu Monkey King, who opened up the Pangu world and made many creatures thrive today, is the chaotic demon god.

Based on the Wanling Tripod, it inputs the soul into the human body. The Wa Huangshi, known as the Virgin of the Human race, is also a chaotic demon god.

The Great Sage of Pangu is also the power born from the chaos of Hongmeng. He felt the way of heaven, abandoned himself to create heaven and earth, and opened up a vast world in the chaos of Hongmeng for the prosperity of all sentient beings. Wa Huangshi is even more in the palm of the Wanling tripod. Today, the soul of all living beings in the earth is born from the Wanling tripod. She has infinite merits and is the first person in Zhou Tian's merit today. As for the old people behind Taoism and Buddhism, they have existed since the opening of Hongmeng, and they have infinite power and infinite power.

Since the countless disasters, many chaotic demons have fallen countless times. Few people in the world remember the name of chaotic demons, and few people are lucky enough to have a relationship with chaotic demons. But as long as you know that these powerful and famous people who once existed know that any chaotic demon god has unimaginable power, and it is not the existence that today's monks can resist.

Even if the previous life was only an unlucky man who was attacked and evaded into reincarnation by dozens of chaotic demons, even if he only has the cultivation of Bapin Taiyi now, as long as he has an extremely little magical power in his previous life and can use a little of the mana of his previous life, Buddha Taiyi is a paper He gave a gentle blow.

The Six Great Bodhisattva of Purdue shuddered, and at that moment, he really had the impulse to leave everything and escape.

But before he could escape impulsively, Ao Buzun had already made a decision for him. With the sound of a shocking dragon, a nine-clawed dragon, which was thousands of miles long and dark, wrapped in an extremely thick black fog barrier, appeared in mid-air. The dragon's body twisted in front of the six great Bodhisattvas of Puru, and opened its mouth and sprayed out a black water with a faint and smooth fragrance.

This dragon gave birth to nine dragon claws, and each dragon claw has nine claws, which is clearly the real body of the ancient ancestral dragon in his previous life. Awakening the memory of his previous life by the infinite reincarnation array, Ao Bujiun communicated the previous life with great magical power. Although he failed to restore the infinite magical power of his previous life, he also pushed his body to the extent that it was no different from the perfect dragon body of the previous life.

The black water he spewed out was an extremely dirty magic power that he realized in his previous life. The sweet fragrance in the current, if the male smells it, it will lose the ability to reproduce the offspring. If the female smells it, it will do the business of breeding offspring.

Don't beg to react very quickly. He waved a chaotic aura to wrap himself and the cattle, and then laughed and scolded Ao Buchun a few times. Don't beg is rapidly awakening the memory of his previous life, and countless information is constantly pouring into his mind. He naturally knew this thing sprayed by Ao Buzun. In those years, Taigu Zulong was notorious among the chaotic demon gods, and even triggered a group of thousands of male Taigu demon gods to attack and suppress Taigu Zulong. Don't beg, the old man Yuanling in his previous life also joined in this operation, and secretly took advantage of the chaos to tear dozens of dragon scales from the ancient Zulong and refined them into a congenital spiritual weapon.

Seeing that Ao Bvun so insidiously spit out this vicious thing known as 'Zhanyang and Burn Yin ** Longxiang', don't beg to hurriedly protect himself and the catfish, and then watch the fun.

The rolling black water swept the world. Except for the first Purdue Six Great Bodhisattva, the first to be unlucky was the countless Huangquan Yasha. Those male Yasha stretched out their hands and stroked themselves one by one. After they smelled the subtle fragrance, they began to shrink and cold rapidly. Before long, their children were as cold as ice.

And those female night forks rushed to the male night forks around them with red eyes, no matter what, they threw them into the yellow spring ocean. For a moment, the periphery of the infinite reincarnation was smashed, and many night forks were entangled into a ball. Those male night forks shouted in panic, and the female night forks made a cat-like chirping in the spring night, hugging those male night forks and refused to let go.

Huangquan Yasha's combat power disintegrated in an instant, but the most miserable thing was that the water spit out by Ao Buzun was sprayed by a positive Six Great Bodhisattva of Purdue. Ao Buzun spit out the water and sprayed the six faces of Purdue. Unpreparedly, he even swallowed a large amount of black water into his stomach. Purdue was shocked and mobilized the real fire in his body to refine these black **, but the real fire immediately turned into a strong aroma and filled his internal organs. Although the real fire burned, it could not be dispelled.

After a while, Purdue Liudao also felt that his body had changed. He hissed angrily and pointed to Ao Bujun and roared, "Thanks to your identity as an ancient ancestor dragon, why is your magic power so indily and shameless?"

Ao Bujiun smiled strangely with a coveted face. He shouted proudly, "Dirty? How can you have you if your mother is not in a sly way? Ao Buzun, who has interpreted the word shameless and indecrement to almost the realm of heaven, laughed wildly. He waved his dragon's claws and went straight to Pudu Liudao. He shouted harshly, "Look at me, monkey picking peaches, it's wonderful!"

Pudu Liudao's face turned blue with anger. He couldn't care about the strange changes in his body. He gritted his teeth and recited the Buddha's name to show the Buddha's magic power and Ao Buzun fought together. In a flash, the body of Purdue's six paths also swelled to hundreds of miles high, transforming into a sharma phase of six heads and eighteen arms, and rolling up the boundless yellow spring water into dozens of water whips to fight at Ao Buzun.

These Buddhist Bodhisattvas have stayed in the underworld for so many years. The golden body of Buddhism is not only invaded by karma, but also assimilated by the poisonous and filthy water of the yellow spring. In the end, they simply refined the golden body and the water of Huangquan into one, reaching the point where Huangquan did not dry and did not die. That's why Ao Buzun cut off three people just now. The cattle smashed the heads of more than a dozen people, but as long as they absorb some yellow spring water, they can recover immediately.

At this moment, the six Taoist sacrificial sacrifices to the water of Huangquan and Ao Buzun fought. Dozens of water whips, which are bigger than Ao Buzun's bodies, swept in the air, forcing Ao Buzun to dodge around and dare not touch the water of Huangquan. Even if Ao Bugun is dirty and indecent, he dares not be careless in the face of the first-class filthy and evil Yellow Spring Water between heaven and earth. Even if his dragon body is not afraid of the Yellow Spring Water, it is like a living person will not jump into the dung pit for no reason. This has nothing to do with

Ao Buk and Pudu Liudao were entangled together, and the scolding Ao Buzun was full of dirty words. From the ancestors of Pudu Liudao to his impossible daughter and granddaughter, Ao Buzun greeted the female people of Pudu Liudao for hundreds of generations. Purdue Liudao just silently waved the water whip and Ao Bousun's entangled the fight. His hands kept changing the printing formula, and a Taoist inspiration flashed on his face, as if there was a seal in his body that was gradually uncovered.

Don't beg for the flood and famine in his body is getting stronger and stronger, and his eyes are getting brighter and deeper and deeper. Gradually, he could no longer see the eyeballs in his eyes, only two dark breaths, like a black hole, revealing the strange power of sucking people's spirits.

"Oh... I'm such a person!" Don't beg and muttered in a low voice, "Interesting, interesting, completely inconsistent with my current personality, let's keep my current personality! An unlucky man who has been killed by so many people, he still doesn't want to inherit his character!"

"It's wonderful. The old man Yuanling is actually proficient in the art of refining? Is alchemy also a hero in the chaos gods and demons? Hehe, this is... Wonderful, just in line with the Vientiane Guiyuan Dafa, it is actually the method of refining the sky, refining everything in heaven and earth, and getting the supreme treasure. This method is really a little abnormal. Ha ha, even your body can be sacrificed as a weapon, and finally reach the level of immortality?

"Well, the true body formula of heaven and earth and the dragon transformation scriptures can be retired. The body of the old man Yuanling can be in the top three among the chaotic gods and demons. Pangu's body is only ranked ninth. Wonderful, there is the method of refining heaven and earth's true body formula and the dragon transformation scriptures can be used

"Wow, why do you have such a good-to-be-reported nature? Do you still remember the enemy of your previous life? Well, you and I are one person. If you see them, you will definitely harm them a few times, provided that I can beat them. Well, Yuanling Youjing, the cave that I once practiced, go and have a look one day.

In the muttering, many Bodhisattvas and Arhats on the periphery have roared and rushed up to the beggar.

Don't beg, raise your eyes slightly and look at these Bodhisattvas and Luo Han, and said with a sneer: "A group of ants, how dare you take action against me without even stepping into the Mingdao realm? Well, no, how dare you take action against me? The character of the previous life must not affect this life!"

With a wave of the big sleeve, a few faint lines of inspiration outlined a mysterious rune in the cuff. The eyes of 79-nine bodhisattvas and one hundred and eight thousand arhats were suddenly confused, and as soon as the body was soft, they were pocketed by a begging sleeve.

has obtained the magical memory of the previous life. Although the magic power of Don't beg has not been substantially improved, his Taoism has really reached an unimaginable level. At his current level of Taoism, he can even use the power of the Yuanying monks to beat the Bodhisattva in front of him to death, not to mention that he has the strength of Bapin Taiyi!

With one sleeve, these Bodhisattvas and Arhats were taken away. Don't beg to smile at the six great Bodhisattvas and said, "Be good, come in!"

As soon as the big sleeves trembled, don't beg for a sleeve and covered Pudu Liudao again. RO