Steal the sky

Chapter 848 Yuanling Youjing

In the face of the huge six reincarnation treasure wheel, don't beg Ao Bu Zun and the cat cattle to guard around, and then show the Buddha's golden body in front of Xiang Yu, and carefully escort the souls of Yu Ji, Yue Yu and Yu Yao into the six reincarnations with the Buddha's magic power.

Because it is necessary to specify the direction, family and gender of the reincarnation of the three women, etc., you can only wrap the three women with your own thoughts and find suitable information in the six reincarnations with the art of Buddhism. When his mind penetrated into the six reincarnations, he immediately felt the terrible repulsion of heaven. The huge pressure came from the invisible void, and even if you don't beg, today's cultivation has a sense of panic.

Endless information came like a flood. The mind and mana of don't begging were suddenly consumed. In just a quarter of an hour, the mind and mana of don't begging were reduced at the same time. He was almost fainted by the huge consumption. But he also found the direction suitable for the reincarnation of the three women and carefully escorted the souls of the three women to the chosen family.

As soon as he sent the souls of the three women into reincarnation, he gushed out cold sweat all over his body without begging. He could no longer maintain the golden body of the Buddha. The embarrassed head fell to the vast ocean of Huangquan and almost fell into the yellow spring. Fortunately, Xiang Yu reacted very quickly and caught Don't beg, holding him to stand on a cloud of blood.

Xiang Yu didn't care about the way of the Buddha's golden body that had just appeared. He just asked in a low voice, "Is everything all right?"

Don't beg and nodded with a secret smile: "Well, I'll do business, don't worry! Three years later, you will go to the Mei family, the richest landlord in Taojiang County, Chuanzhou, Pangu mainland, to find Yu Ji.

Well, Taojiang County, Qichuan Prefecture is the most famous specialty beauty place in Dayu. The contemporary owner of the Mei family is the most famous beautiful man in Taojiang County. His wife had the title of the first beauty in Taojiang County 18 years ago, so...

Xiang Yu turned his eyes and didn't bother to pay attention to the joke of Begging. He seriously saluted Don't Beg and said respectfully, "Lord!"

Don't beg for a while. He suddenly felt a little sorry for Xiang Yu for his actions. He hesitated for a while. Don't beg and honestly confessed to Xiang Yu: "However, the thoughts and mana consumed in the six reincarnations are simply too ridiculous. I don't have the strength to find a good person to rein Therefore, Yu Ji and Yue Dan's next life will be... Ah, that, twin sisters... And when I just protected their souls, I gave them a ban on their souls. You must kiss Yu Ji to wake up the memory of Yu Ji in this life.

Don't beg to touch your nose. It's a little embarrassing.

Xiang Yu looked up in consterration and looked at Begging for a long time. He pressed his hand on the hilt of the sword shiveringly, and suddenly pulled out the sword and cut it down at Begging. Don't beggar with a strange smile. After recovering a little mana, he tore open the void and stepped into Pangu Continent. Xiang Yu's eyes were so angry that his eyes were green. He shouted strangely and chased Don't beg and killed him.

Ao Buzun rushed to Xiang Yu's side with great interest and hugged Xiang Yu to make him unable to move. Ao Buchung, who was extremely excited, shouted, "Why don't you know what's good or bad? Sister flower! What a twin sister! Forget your own woman, that Yueqi is someone else's woman! What a woman! Don't you think it's cool and enjoyable?

Xiang Yu was so angry that the sword in his hand stabbed Ao Bul. However, Ao Bu Zun's skin was rough. The sword poked out countless sparks on his body, but it couldn't hurt his skin at all. He hugged Xiang Yu Jie with a strange smile and drooled to Xiang Yu about how many pairs of sisters he hooked up with in the past.

After returning to He'an City, Beggar transferred Lu Chengfeng, who was responsible for formulating a new alliance between the six countries and the East China Sea. Don't beg needs people from the six countries to work for him, but Don't beg is not ready to make the people of the six countries his slaves. In Don't beg's heart, he is happy to develop the six countries into a large-scale alliance of countries with strong strength, and he is the permanent leader of this alliance.

So he asked Lu Chengfeng to discuss the new covenant on his behalf. If Princess Po Le came, there would be a feeling of eating inside and outside. If you don't beg to discuss with the representatives of the six countries in person, there is a feeling of bullying with Don't beg's current strength. It is most appropriate to let Lu Chengfeng

Leave Ao Bu Zun, Kujiao and other people who have broken through the realm of Taiyi in the East China Sea to help Princess Le. Don't beg to take Xiang Yu, Hu Hai, Jinjiao, Silver Jiao and other subordinates who are only a step away from the realm of Taiyi to leave the Pangu mainland and escape

After breaking through the realm of Taiyi, the biggest advantage is that the speed of escape has been greatly improved. From the outer world to Pangu Continent, if you use a long-distance migration array, it will take years or even decades, but now don't beg from Pangu Continent to the nearest outer world, it only takes a few breaths to get there.

Loaded with sleeves of Xiang Yu, Hu Hai, Jin Jiao and others, do not beg to incarnate an almost invisible faint light to quickly escape in the void. Gradually, Don't beg came from the most crowded outer world to the most remote and desolate world on the periphery. After flying for several months, an endless chaotic wall appeared in front of Don't beg.

This is the edge of the Pangu world.

The Great Sage of Pangu breaks through the void and opens up the world, and the size of the world is limited. Although the Pangu continent has been absorbing the chaotic aura of the chaotic world outside Hongmeng since the mass disaster, and the Pangu continent is rapidly expanding its area all the time, which also makes the outer realm continue to expand in all directions, but the world still has an end.

At the end is this boundless chaotic gas wall. The terrible chaotic storm, countless natural dangers and all kinds of powerful and ferocious chaotic creatures are hidden in the world of crying. Although there are countless treasures in the chaotic world and countless rare materials, it is not the existence of the Taiyi level. Other people who dare to break into the chaotic world are absolutely dead and lifeless.

Even Dayu will organize a group of Tongtian high priests to escape into the chaotic world to collect all kinds of precious materials after a period of time. For example, the materials needed for the Tongtian Tower, which can control the flow of time, are rarely produced on the Pangu continent. Only in the chaotic world can a small number of veins be found for mining.

But every time Dayu sends the Tongtian high priest into the chaotic world, he will lose his manpower, and many times the collection team has been completely destroyed, and even the information has not been sent back, which shows how dangerous the chaotic world is.

Don't beg your eyes spit out a trace of light. His eyes turned into deep pure black, and the light rotated rapidly in his eyes. Wherever he could see, the chaotic gas wall quietly cracked a small gap.

With a flash of his body, Don't beg to escape into the chaotic world. A purple-black flame frenzy that rushed to his face gave Don't beg a slap. The frighteningly high flame rushed to Don't beg's body and burned his hair and clothes clean. Don't beg snorted, and a large number of fine blisters were burned out of his skin. The severe pain made Don't beg's muscles tremble all over, and he almost screamed in pain.

This group is actually more domineering than the power of the innate gods, such as the forbidden law Shenyan and the Taixu Qing glazed Shenyan. They are purely born to destroy everything with greed! Silent Wildfire has no other attributes. It is not very lethal to the existence of spiritual bodies such as divine consciousness and soul, but it has devastating damage to all entities such as the immortal's body, the Buddha's golden body and even innate spirits.

Don't beg. The torrent of silence and desolate flames is relatively thin. The power of the flame is not too strong. Even so, don't beg for a long time. A handsome face is burned to pieces. If you run out in the middle of the night, it is enough to scare people to death.

The embarrassment of the sacrifice of heaven and earth sprayed out a large amount of clouds and smoke to wrap around the whole body. Don't beg to rush out of this piece of silence and wilderness, and rushed to the depths of chaos in confusion. While leaving here, Don't beg carefully picked a wisp of fire that extinguished the wilderness and stored it in his body, and slowly sacrificed it with Vientiane Guiyuan Dafa.

Be extremely embarrassed to travel through the chaotic world for more than three months. Don't be bitten by the thunder and fire, and be frozen by the sudden eruption of the mysterious ice frenzy. It was chased for three days and three nights by a nest of mysterious tail devouring bees born in chaos. After hundreds of times of the danger of almost dying It was a strange magic power and a strange treasure that found a big stone suspended in chaos.

This big stone is roughly in the shape of a disk. Don't beg to step on the big stone with a little excitement. The right hand is gently waved, and dozens of extremely thin silver lines outline a few mysterious runes and fall into the stone. The aura rises to the sky, and Don't beg is transmitted out.

This is one of the 4,4 billion void transmission stones arranged by the old man Yuanling in the chaotic world. The old man Yuanling relied on the 48 billion void transmission stones to search for countless genius treasures, and achieved his reputation as the first refinery and the first alchemy in the chaotic demon god. That is to say, through the continuous refining of various rare materials over the years, the mentortals have created the domineering magic power of refining the heaven method.

The light and shadow in front of you flashed, and the rich and clear Yuanling Qingqi without any impurities came to your face. Don't beg for the opening of the pores around your body, and greedily absorbing this Yuanling Qingqi, which comes from Hongmeng and is at the same level as the chaotic Qi.

In front of us is a small planet that is a circle smaller than the earth. The exquisite and perfect planet has been carefully arranged, and no defects can be found at all.

A small sun revolves around the planet, and enough light and abundant aura make the planet full of endless vitality.

This is the secluded place of Yuanling, the hidden place of the old man Yuanling. In the chaos in the depths of the Yuanling Youjing, it is also the birthplace of the old man Yuanling. Compared with the help of all kinds of natural dangers, even those chaotic demons do not know where the Yuanling Youjing is.

After taking a few deep breaths, don't beg to play the spiritual formula, bypassed the dense prohibition of Yuanlingyou, and silently fell in front of the 'Yuan Cave', the cave where he practiced in those years.

The big trees near the Yuan Grottoes are windless and automatic, and large areas of leaves fall slowly, lightly integrated into the body of begging. The aura contained in each leaf is comparable to a best Taiyi golden elixir, which is fundamentally strengthening the body and foundation of not begging.

Don't beg for a sigh. He nod with his hands behind his back and said, "I'm back. Well, was my brain broken back then? Why don't you keep an animal in this place? Otherwise, how can there be hundreds of Taiyi Jinxian-level thowls for so many years! Well, how could I survive alone when I had a strange temper? Not to mention raising a group of thiles, you raise three or five of your husbands, and now I can have more strong backers!"

complained about himself in his previous life for a while. Don't wave your hand. Xiang Yu, Hu Hai and others rolled out of their sleeves in confusion.
