Steal the sky

Chapter 852 Black Spell

September 9th, auspicious day, this is the sacrifice. This is a good day for Princess Bule to come out with the tree of divination.

In the deep mountains 5,000 miles south of Ancheng, an altar made of loess is 100 feet high, and the base is 200 feet long and wide. It is surrounded by kings and ministers of six countries, clans and children of families. A row of 36 huge storage bracelets were placed on the altar. Princess Bule stood on the top of the altar in a black sacrificial robe, looking at the flowing clouds in the sky.

Under the altar, don't beg Zheng to cut your wrists and bleed with the kings and ministers of the six countries, and sign an alliance with your own blood on an alliance made of yellow silk. Everyone swears when signing their names and will do their best to safeguard the overall interests of the East China Sea Alliance. This overall interest includes the interests of everyone in the six countries, and naturally also includes the interests of the East China Sea represented by Don't Beg.

After signing the alliance, the soldiers and civilians of the six countries can move into the territory directly under the jurisdiction where there is no begging. Since then, no one in Dayu has been able to find the invasion of the six countries. There are three or ten states directly under the jurisdiction, plus the vast land of 300 states in Zhongzhou controlled by the uncle's family. Not to mention the military and civilian population of the six countries, even if their population increases by 10,000 times, it is like a stone thrown into the sea, and nothing will be noticed.

In a pious and solemn atmosphere, Don't beg and the monarchs of the six kingdoms prayed to heaven and earth and officially signed the covenant. Yan Dan, the emperor of the Great Yan Dynasty, also took the opportunity to announce his atroduction. The throne was handed over to the princess Ji Zixuan, the princess of Le. Since then, Princess Pule has another official name, the emperor Ji Zixuan.

It's just that she doesn't like the name. Many close people still call her Princess Pole. Just wait for the conclusion of the covenant. Don't beg and the monarch of the six kingdoms retreat to the rear brigade. A team of elite soldiers transported a large number of livestock and a large number of immortal monks who have been secretly captured in the The side. With Princess Le's soft shout, these livestock and immortal monks were slaughtered collectively. The blood was spilled all over the ground, and the blood gas turned into a mist and rushed hundreds of feet high. Princess Bule recited the spell and called the name of black, and a faint pressure suddenly fell from her head in the void.

Don't beg for a few fingers in your sleeve. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the East China Sea carefully hid their bodies on hundreds of large and small mountains thousands of miles outside the valley. Of the hundreds of thousands of troops, 1,080 generals held the Kunwu sword with the manifestation of the chaotic aura. Together with hundreds of thousands of soldiers, it was arranged into a large-scale Xuanyuan magic sword array.

In addition to the Xuanyuan magic sword array, dozens of Taiyi cans in the East China Sea, such as Ao Bu Zun and Xian Holy Spirit, led thousands of golden fairies to set up a hidden atmosphere of Hun Tianyuan spirit array. This big array is the handwriting of the old man Yuanling. Although he doesn't have much attack power, when it comes to hiding the breath and covering people's eyes and ears, it is the first on Sunday. In those years, if the old man Yuanling found any immature best medicinal herbs in the chaos, he would use this Huntian Yuanling array to cover up the smell of the medicinal herbs and pick them after the elixir matures.

This large array can hide the eyes and ears of countless chaotic gods and demons in ancient times, which shows how strong this large array has a strong effect on the hidden breath.

With your hands in your sleeves, don't look at a Hessian aperture slowly appearing over the altar with a smile. If he is willing to lift the ban on the clan of the six kingdoms and the children of the family, and vows never to leak the news, then everything is easy to say. He takes away the genius treasure he should have taken away. If he dares to play any conspiracy and trick in it, then don't beg no matter how strong his cultivation is, he is ready to force Black* to stay.

Although the black forbidden curse is strange and mysterious, with the knowledge of the old man Yuanling, don't begging to realize that as long as his cultivation breaks through to the realm of Yipin Taiyi, this prohibition can be lifted. It's just for the hearts of the emperors and ministers of the six kingdoms, so that they have a sense of belonging to the East China Sea League, so they are willing to spend a huge amount of blood to let Xiang be called the people of the six kingdoms to solve the spell. If it's wrong, he would rather use the huge number of genius treasures to refine

With a strange smile, a black smoke gushed out of the aperture. The ferocious and strange black man showed his appearance from the black smoke and blinked his eyes and looked around. He suddenly clapped his hands and laughed, "Have you prepared enough sacrifices? Tut-ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt Tut-tt, the speed of your baby is really not slow...

Princess Huan Le said lightly, "Please release the dark forbidden curse for them according to the agreement of that year."

Hei said that he pondered for a moment, and he made a move casually. Thirty-six storage bracelets with huge capacity fell into his hands. The divine consciousness swept into the bracelet, and Black suddenly gasped. He exclaimed, "Have you robbed the treasure house of the Dayu Emperor? Are you really collecting so many treasures? The eyes rotated quickly, and Black* played with those bracelets for a long time without saying a sound.

Don't beg to fly up slowly. He fell to Princess Po Le and grinned faintly at Black*. Black* senior, we have prepared this thing according to your requirements, and the person who needs you to solve the spell is here. Look, count carefully. According to the price you proposed in that year, there are so many people here, but everyone's price is enough.

The huge space under the valley is forbidden, and the clans of the six kingdoms and the children of the family are gathered here.

For more than 2,000 years, the monarchs and ministers of each of the six countries went to Wanxianxing with only more than a hundred people. Now they have flourished. For more than 2,000 years, they have bred nearly a hundred generations of descendants. Apart from those who died without cultivation qualifications and those who died because of accidents, now the clans and families of the six kingdoms are millions of people. The sum of the clans of the six kingdoms and the children of hundreds of large and small patriarchal families, is nearly 100 million.

Don't beg and don't want to make extrasipulations, so he has really prepared enough materials according to the population of the six countries, which is completely in line with the sky-high price quoted by Black * for Don't Beg * in those years. Don't beg to think that you are already benevolent and righteous, and there should be no other words.

Black*'s eyes turned sharply. He stroked the storage bracelet on his hand and suddenly sighed, "I didn't expect you to have such great determination!" Even if this is Pangu mainland, it is not easy for you to collect so many genius treasures, right? But...,.

A "but" made Don't beg for a burst of anger. He sneered and said, "But what?

Black* was shocked by the sudden sharp breath on Buqi's body. He pondered for a moment, and his eyes were so fast that he still said, "But, there have been some changes recently." After blinking a few times, Black* smiled strangely and said, "I have recently found several huge veins in my world, and the value of these things has shrunk. If you want me to lift the ban of so many people, s...

After holding the bracelet in his hand, Black* frowned and said, "You are all so sincere. Then, give me twice as much material. Although the value of these things has more than doubled in my place, if you are so sincere, you can double it, and I will give you a discount for other shortcomings."

Princess Bule didn't say anything, and didn't beg for a long time. The clans of the Six Kingdoms and the children of the family raised their heads at the same time and looked at Black*.

So many people stared at Black*. Even if he was conceited and did not pay attention to Begging and others, he couldn't help saying a little creepy: "Don't think of any messy means. I want to come and go as soon as I want. What can you do with me?

Don't be cold. With a hum, he slowly released the breath of his Taiyi realm. The breath of Bapin Taiyi suddenly changed Black's face, and he subconsciously flew back dozens of feet. Then Don't beg, a blood cloud rushed out, and the eighteen blood demon gods flew out of the head with strange laughter, and each blood demon god released the pressure of the ninth grade Taiyi.

He said that he saw eighteen strange magic shadows, and his face shivered. He subconsciously said, "That's all. In that case, you, you can make up another 50% for me... No. Thirty percent of the materials are." Don't beg for a cold snort. He stretched out his hand and waved to the air. 1,80 blue lights rose to the sky. Xuanyuan's magic sword arrays were launched in one. Countless soldiers from the East China Sea fell into the array. With the blessing of the formation, the soldiers in the East China They shouted in unison and released a terrible breath and crushed Xiang's head.

Black said that his face changed miserably, and he shouted harshly, "Xuanyuan killed the magic sword array? Did you get the inheritance of the Holy Emperor of the Human race? Oh, why so? I was wrong. Although several veins in our place are huge. But it's just the lack of these materials in your bracelet. What kind of friendship do you and I have? Why do we have to fight and kill? Well, how about I lift the spell for you?

The figure in the void flashed, Ao Bu Zun and the Holy Spirit King, one of them held the split gun, and the other one held the broken halberd and split out of the air. Ao Buzun laughed and said, "Kid, how about I let me stab you with a shot?" He finally took a long gun that matched his bad taste, which made him in a good mood.

The Holy Spirit waved the halberd and tore a very thin arc crack in the void. The rift lasted for a full tea time before it dissipated, which made Black*'s face a little more ugly.

He took a deep look at the magic soldiers in the hands of Ao Bu Zun and the Holy Spirit King. Hei * sighed: "Chaos Lingbao? Hey, I've suffered a big loss this time!" Don't beg to look at Black* calmly." He said lightly, "Swear, you won't reveal anything that happened today. Don't use any hints and metaphors to reveal things here. I'll let you go, and you can take away everything in your hand.

Black* gritted his teeth. He sneered and said, "I suffered a loss today. I didn't expect you to have such a means and creation. Hey, hey, hey, you want me to swear, and you can take out enough chips. If you can really shock me, I will not only swear obediently, but I can also accept your sacrifice in the future.

Don't beg for a moment. He glanced at Princess Le.

At the feet of Princess Pangle, a lotus platform with entangled aura swirled out. This is the spiritual treasure unmovable lotus refined in the previous life. This lotus platform has been integrated with the innate silver lotus huā, and both attack and defense are first-class. A auspicious spirit rushed up above her head, and a small and exquisite nine-story pagoda appeared in shape. This is the fundamental tower, which can protect the body and nourish the foundation.

After the appearance of two chaotic spiritual treasures, bitter bile could flow out of the black face.

With a long sigh, Black * raised his hands and issued the oath of his own demon god. Then he waved his hand, accompanied by the fierce ghost roar, the children of the monarchs and ministers of the six countries and the descendants of the family rushed out of a large area of black gas, and quickly sank into the black * [body].

The people of the six countries showed their own moto gods. Their moto gods were clean, and there was no more foreign bodies.

For a moment, the cheers in the valley were like thunder, and even the children of the clan and the children of the family shouted, "Long live the King of the East China Sea!

Don't laugh happily, stand on the altar and look at the people of the six countries who are cheering below.