Steal the sky

Chapter 854 Give You Back

Chapter 854 Give You Back (First Update)

More than a thousand faceless heavenly soldiers and swords out of their sheathed and surrounded Begging. Originally, they were scared by the unreasonably powerful palm thunder of Don't begging. When they saw Bo Wangjun coming forward, they seemed to be full of courage all of a sudden. They released auspicious clouds and golden light all over their bodies, and they were particularly majestic in golden armor. They were worthy of being the forbidden army of the heavenly court that specializes in defending the emperor of heaven.

Don't beg to stretch out your little finger and take out your ears, but as a Taiyi Jinxian, he has reached the realm of dust and dirt. His nails scratched his ears, but he didn't take out any earwax or anything. After flicking his fingers, he looked at Bo Wangjun and smiled and said, "What did the prince say? Could you please say it again?

Bo Wangjun's face turned gloomy, and his gloomy face was also a little purple under the purple decoration all over his body, more and more like an oily and smooth purple eggplant. With his hands on his back, he stared at Beqi and sneered, "Hand over that beauty, kneel on the ground and kowtow to me. That's what happened today."

Bo Wangjun didn't pay attention to the matter of not begging to kill more than 2,000 heavenly soldiers and generals who accompanied him. It's just 2,000 forbidden troops, and the heavenly court does not lack such troops at all. Frankly speaking, the immortals who fly to the heavenly court, who have a way, background and strength, all go to the government offices of the heavenly court to serve. The worst can also do errands in the mansions of those heavenly power or high-ranking officials. Only the worst cultivation, no backstage backing, and so poor that they can't shave three big sons Only then will the army be integrated into the heavenly court.

More than 2,000 immortals fell together. This is a very shocking thing to put in those country bumpkin in the outer world, but what is it like to kill thousands of immortals in the heavenly court? Not to mention anything else, in Bowangjun's prince's mansion, there are no less than 300 fairies who disappear quietly due to various accidents every year. How big is this?

Don't beg looked at Bo Wangjun with a little surprise, and he naturally heard some meanings between the lines of Bo Wangjun's words. He turned his head and looked at the heavenly soldiers and generals who accompanied Gongwei Bo Wangjun. Those heavenly generals were okay. They were more or less dependent on the position of generals in the forbidden army in the heavenly court. But the faces of those heavenly soldiers are very ugly, and some people's swords have been put down, and they no longer point to don't beg.

Don't beg, I can't help sighing in my heart, what's wrong with these soldiers? After working hard to become a fairy, he was driven away as cannon fodder after flying to the heavenly court. It's better to be a scattered fairy in the outer world.

shook his head, don't beg for a sneer and said, "What did the prince say? Could you please say it again?"

Bo Wangjun's face was even more ugly. He snorted coldly word by word, "Then please listen to the King of the East China Sea. Send the beauty beside you to me, and I will spoil her in your house today. When I spoil her, you have to kneel outside the door to serve her. Do you understand?

Anger is rushing to the top. When the anger reaches a state of fullness, don't begging seems to be particularly calm. He smiled gently at Bo Wangjun, turned around and pointed to Huang Yu, who was tied to the pile and could not move. He asked with a smile, "Dare to ask the prince, why did Xiao Wang's subordinates offend the prince and let the prince order such severe torture?"

With his eyebrows raised, Bo Wangjun said lightly, "Do you need an excuse to punish a few ants? The king of the East China Sea, don't worry about it. He delays the time. Sending the beauty up quickly can also save you from your death penalty. Otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel when the creatures in the East China Sea are extinct.

Don't beg to turn around and look at Bo Wangjun. He suddenly laughed. He put his hands on his chest and snorted coldly, "The emotional prince forgot one thing. This is the East China Sea, the territory of the king. This is Pangu Continent, which is the territory of my Dayu. What right do you have to come here to dictate? Do you want me to offer my wife? Who do you think you are?

A large black and red flame spewed out in your eyes. Don't beg for a trace of silence and fire collected in the chaos. Bo Wangjun's face changed miserably. He scolded angrily and suddenly dozens of golden lotus flowers flew out, quickly rotating around him and swam a large streamer to protect him closely. But the only more than a thousand people left by the thousands of heavenly forbidden troops he brought were turned into black ashes and scattered by the silence. The terrible flames turned into ferocious beasts under the control of the huge divine consciousness and ran around. Bowangjun's chariot, Yinglong, and the mounts of those heavenly soldiers and generals were burned clean by the flames.

The hand pointed out that the blood chopper sword turned into dozens of extremely thin red lines and flew out, cutting the golden piles behind Huang Yu and other generals of the East China Sea. The quality of these golden piles is actually very good. With the fierce killing of the blood sword innate spiritual weapon, they actually cut several swords in a row to cut off these piles.

Huang Yu and others replied to freedom, and they knelt down on the ground at the first time and begged for forgiveness: "Your Majesty, I'm ashamed!"

Don't beg to wave your hand. Huang Li and others were rolled up by a soft force one after another, and they were also covered with war robes and armor. Don't beg lightly and say, "It's a shame this time. I'll find it next time." Hey, how can there be no master guard around the Prince of Heaven? You are not their opponents, and I won't blame you for this!"

Two dignified and majestic men in star robes slowly walked out of the Royal Palace of the East China Sea. One of them held a large area of blue light with green jade to protect Bo Wangjun and himself. The sound of low water waves came from the blue light. The silence and desolation can burn everything in the world, but there is no way to Don't beg to stare at the green jade Ruyi, and was stunned to find that this Ruyi was actually gathered by the essence of the innate water spirit in the chaos of the same class as the silence. No wonder it can resist the invasion of the silence.

That is to say, don't be sacrificed to the domineering chaotic divine fire such as silence and desolation. If you change to other natural fire, heavenly fire and so on, I'm afraid it has long been extinguished by this passive spiritual water.

The other man was holding a white jade seal the size of a fist. He slowly walked to Bo Wangjun and shouted in a low voice, "Prince, I would like to order to kill this dragonfly to declare the power of my heavenly court."

Bo Wangjun nodded faintly. He put away his bodyguard Jinlian and said lazily, "Then kill it. Well, remember to find the whereabouts of the beauty from his soul. I have been empty for several months, and I am waiting for this beauty to fill the Qionghua Palace.

The man holding the white jade seal smiled. He raised the seal and waited to beg.

Don't look at these two heavenly star officials with nine-grade Taiyi cultivation with a sneer. He said coldly, "Are you two crazy? This is my Dayu territory. If you Tianting dares to attack me here, are you going to provoke a war between Tianting and Dayu?

After listening to Don't beg, Bo Wangjun suddenly burst into laughter: "So what if you start a war? It's just two or three years of time, you...

Bo Wangjun was talking freely. The star official holding Yu Ruyi coughed gently, and Bo Wangjun immediately closed his mouth. After coughing a few times in embarrassment, he smiled at the star official and said, "Just kill all the people in this city. Who can leak this matter?"

The two star officials looked at each other, and the star officials holding the jade seal smiled, raised the seal and shouted softly to Don't beg, "King of the East China Sea!"

Don't beg to take a look at the star official, and silently sacrificed the Dingtian sword he kept and beheaded the star official. Don't beg to laugh in your heart. Do I have to agree if you ask me? I've read too many of this kind of scene in mythical novels. You call me, and I'll answer. I don't know what changes are waiting for me. I'm really stupid. Will you agree if you call me?

The star official was originally calm and shouted, "Don't beg", but he ignored him and hit him with a sword. He couldn't help but change his face. He hurriedly changed a seal formula with his left hand and sacrificed the seal to Don't beg.

As soon as Yin Xi took action, it was a gloomy glow of the size of a group of people's heads, with a low and powerful thunder and a loud thunder.

Compared with the gorgeous appearance of this seal, the Dingtian sword refined in the previous life is ordinary and has nothing outstanding. The sword is three feet and three inches long, three inches and three centimeters wide, and the ridge of the sword is three cents thick. The shape of the sword is simple, without any pattern decoration, and there is no glow. Such a plain sword greeted the seal.

'Oh, an inaudible crisp sound came, as if a magic weapon had cut open the small sound of an apple. The Dingtian sword was still careful to stab the star official. The light of the seal sacrificed by the star official disappeared, and it was directly split into two pieces and fell to the ground. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a wisp of light.

The star official snorted and opened his mouth with a blood arrow spewed out. This seal is the magic weapon of his life. Seeing that he is about to become pregnant and upgrade the spirit into a Taiyi fairy weapon. For countless years, the seal has smashed how many magic weapons and how many lives have been harvested. He never dreamed that such an ordinary long sword made by Don't beggar would easily destroy his original magic weapon.

After all, Bo Wangjun is the son of the Great Emperor of Heaven. His eyesight is not comparable to that of ordinary people. He looked at the slow flying Dingtian Sword and shouted heartbreakingly, "It's a chaotic spiritual treasure!" It's actually a chaotic treasure! Son of a bitch, how can you have a chaotic spiritual treasure?

The Dingtian Sword seems to fly extremely slowly, and everyone can see its every move clearly, but the Dingtian Sword, which flies extremely slowly, makes the star official locked up by him unable to move. The star official was spitting blood because his original magic weapon was destroyed. He also saw Dingtian Sword stabbing at him, but he just spit blood in one mouth, but his body did not move at all. He didn't even have the idea of resisting or dodging.

Before the Dingtian Sword, everything was completely solidified, including people's thoughts.

At most, the Dingtian sword, which is as fast as normal people walking, easily pierced into the heart of the star official, and then the sword body flew back to the beggar's hand. The star official's eyes suddenly dimmed, and he looked up to the sky and died thoroughly.

Bowangjun and another star official looked at the ghost and did not beg. Bowangjun roared and said, "Do you dare to kill my subordinate? King of the East China Sea, you, you, you, die..."

Don't beg to step forward. A sword split the water cover released by Qingyu Ruyi, and slapped Bo Wangjun in the face.

With a ferocious and twisted smile, Don't beg stamped on Bo Wangjun's lower abdomen again. He laughed and said, "I will be cut to death by the heavenly court, right? Before I die, you will die with me!"

Another star official reacted. He quickly spelled with both hands to deal with Don't beg, but one shot and one halberd silently stabbed behind him. The long gun pierced his heart, and the long halberd pierced his eyebrows. The star official's body trembled and was killed on the spot by the sneak attack of Ao Bu Zun and the Holy Spirit.

Don't beg to pinch Bo Wangjun's neck and lift him up. He sneered at Huang Li, "Tie up and whip him at will!"

Huang Li and other generals in the East China Sea were ecstatic and responded to their orders with their fists. RO