Steal the sky

Chapter 867 Liangzhu Incident

Don't beg and didn't disturb anyone to return to the same place. The blood demon god was integrated into the body. He rolled up his sleeves carelessly and exhaled gently. Princess Bu Le took a look at Beggi, squeezed her mouth and smiled, took out a handkerchief and wiped his forehead with sweat. After all, it is to kill a Taiyi. Although the cultivation is not good compared with today's Don't begging, it takes a lot of effort to kill him with one blow.

After all, when it comes to "Tao, the realm, the absolute suppression situation like the immortals and the golden immortals no longer exists. If the understanding of the laws of heaven restrains each other, the existence of the Taiyi realm can also eat the power of the Daluo realm to death.

Therefore, don't beg to destroy the immortal body of the man in one fell swoop, and defeat his fairy soul and leave him to escape, which consumes a lot of energy for the grasp and use of power.

smiled and nodded to Princess Bu Le. Don't beg to tell her in a low voice what had just happened. Princess Shanle glanced at him coquettishly, and then suddenly laughed again: "If Zi Xuan takes action, now go back and pretend to be a Taoist to cut off the bald donkey, leaving him to escape, which will be more lively." Don't beg to shrug his shoulders helplessly. He said with a wry smile, "It' I'm afraid of being targeted, but it won't be lively at that time." Princess Bule pondered for a moment. She asked in a low voice, "Are those old and immortals really so powerful?" Begging's face twitched a few times. He was silent for a long time before slowly nodding and saying, "It's really awesome In those years, their cultivation overwhelmed me several times, and chaotic demons like Ao Buzun were suppressed by them, that is, they laid the foundation for today's Taoism and Buddhism. Whether it's mind, means or cultivation, I was not their opponent in those years, and now I, hey hey..." Bar clicked his lips and whispered, "We still have to act carefully!" Princess Bule narrowed her eyes a little unconvincedly, but she knew that Don't begging would not pretend to be a false sensational. So she just gritted her teeth and put all her unhappiness on those unlucky expatriates.

After several days of cooperation, Buqi and Yuhu have gradually become accustomed to the steps of plundering the population. Now they are not a messy swarm of bees going up to plunder the population, but everyone assigns a country from the outer world, defeats their priests, defeats their army, captures their kings and all officials, and then pack up the people of the whole country and take them away.

These countries are basically the kind of countries that control a planet. They have tens of billions of people and billions of people. Their armies are tens of millions. As long as their high-level officials are completely disintegrated, the rest of the army and people are allowed to take over.

Those emperor officials are bound to be silenced, and the sacrifice of blood sacrifice is the best choice. But it is a good choice for those troops to train a little and equip them with enough ordnance to make cannon fodder troops. And because the whole country is packed up and taken away, the wives and children of these soldiers are in their hands, and there is no need to worry that they will not do anything carefully.

The outer starry sky landed a land block. Don't beg them to jump on and eat a piece like a hungry wolf. As the monk said, after begging them to divide up more than 70 troops and people in the foreign realms, more and more and more Tongtian priests rushed over from Liangzhu. Those princes and families in Dayu were also moved by these people who fell out of thin air. These ordinary people are excellent whether they are used as hard work or sacrifices. This is a huge wealth.

Just as they were busy annexing these human beings from the outer world, something happened in Liangzhu City.

This is when they were crazily dividing the 297th people who landed in the outer realm of the Pangu continent. The weather over Liangzhu was very bad on this day. The dark clouds covered half of the face of the full moon in the sky, and the hair was foggy near the slightly red full moon, with a few gloomy moonlight sprinkled on Liangzhu City. Liangzhu City, which is usually dignified and majestic, gives people the same feeling as mass graves today.

Xinshan Wang Jiyu and Lishan Wangji walked quickly in the palace.

Jiyu is the 789th son of the emperor. He is also the oldest son of the emperor. Those brothers of Jiyu were born too early. They couldn't survive until the day when Haozun Huangyang's life was cut off, and they withdrew early. Jiyu is the prince born by Hao Zunhuang and his favorite concubine before the Yuanhui, and he was named the king of Xinshan at the beginning of his life.

Lishan Wang Ji and Tingyu are born by a mother. As for how many sons he is, I'm afraid that Haozunhuang and Ji can't remember clearly. Anyway, he is the son of Emperor Haozun, and he was also named the King of Lishan from his life.

As the son of the human emperor, the King of Xinshan and the King of Lishan have no real power. Unlike the king of Yangshan, they have no fiefdom, no private army, no independent income, and only the false name of the prince. They have at most two or three royal gardens for them to enjoy, and there are hundreds of soldiers to protect their safety. "Every year, Emperor Haozun gives them a sum of zero huā money to reward some singers and dancers for eating and drinking." That's all.

In Dayu, being the son of a human emperor is the saddest thing. Their life expectancy is nine to nine times that of their fathers, and they have no hope of taking over the throne all their lives. Their every move falls into the ears of the courtiers, and their every move cannot violate all the rules and regulations handed down by the ancestors of the Great Yu Dynasty, otherwise they will be severely punished. They must live like mud and wood carvings, and they must live with taste.

It's just that this time there is a change in the bear army. The emperor ordered the king of Weishan, Ji'ao, to leave the Liangzhu army to leave the Liangzhu station. Now it is responsible for the safety of Liangzhu. It is the newly formed Flying Bear Army.

And the chief and deputy of the Flying Bear Army are the brothers of the King of Xinshan and the King of Lishan.

Under the leadership of several internal ministers, the King of Xinshan and the King of Lishan quietly walked through the palace. They looked serious and had a disturbing breath all over their bodies. The bodies of the leading internal ministers trembled slightly. When the night wind blew through their bodies, they trembled all over.

Today's night, today's moonlight, and today's Xinshan King and Lishan King are so strange that these ministers are so strange that a chill surges from the bottom of their hearts. It feels like they are lying on a coffin for years, in which several zombies are opening their teeth and claws to drag them into the coffin.

Walking quickly along the peak made of the ancient candle dragon, it took a lot of time, and the group came to the hall at the top of the peak. A row of heavily armed Long Bo people blocked everyone's way. These tall and black-skinned Long Bo people stared at the King of Xinshan and the King of Lishan with bad eyes. Their hands were pressed on the hilt of the sword. If the two had the slightest abnormal movement, these Long Bo's people would not hesitate to kill them.

The king of Xinshan looked at the hall and shouted in a low and powerful voice, "Father, my son's minister Jiyu has an emergency military situation." There was a silence in the hall for a while, and the voice of Emperor Haozun sounded leisurely: "Come in!" The king of Xinshan and the king of Lishan strode into All the sounds. Emperor Haozun was sitting upright on the throne at the end of the hall. Several beautiful women in neat clothes were carefully tidy for him. They painted light red nails and gently pinched the cuffs of Emperor Haozun and repaired the cuffs straight.

A huge cloud bed is slowly sinking into the ground of the hall. The brocade of the cloud ** is messed up, and some blood stains can be faintly seen.

Few people know that Hao Zunhuang, who never seems to come out of this hall, is actually enchanting and happy in this hall and harem every night. Hao Zunhuang, who is strong and energetic, spoils a few concubines who are most favored in this hall every day, and enjoys the green bodies of several delicate girls. Only out of a strange habit, Emperor Hao rarely leaves this hall, which is the core of the whole Liangzhu defense system.

The cold eyes swept over the King of Xinshan and the King of Lishan, Hao Zun, and clapped their hands gently. The beautiful women quietly bowed to him, and then walked slowly like a cloud and deserted into the apse.

Emperor Haozun coughed gently: "What is the important military situation?"

The King of Xinshan and the King of Lishan knelt to the ground at the same time. The King of Xinshan said in a low voice, "The Flying Bear Army has changed!"

Emperor Haozun was stunned and the armrest of the throne under his two arms suddenly became nothing. He gritted his teeth and shouted in a low voice, "Has the flying bear army changed? Who is making trouble in it? You, how did you explain it to you that day? How can this flying bear army change?" The king of Xinshan lowered his head and said with difficulty, "I didn't find out who had a different heart, but accidentally found these things in the camp [house]!" The king of Lishan carried a green cloth package, and the king of Xinshan stretched out his hand and the king of Lishan hurriedly handed the package to him The King of Xinshan opened the package and revealed a rice bucket inside, which seemed to be carved with white jade, and the huā petal was faintly inlaid with the white lotus huā of the seven treasures of Buddhism.

Emperor Haozun shouted angrily. He grabbed his hand, and the white lotus flew straight into his hand. A large amount of starlight spewed out from the eyes of the emperor Haozun and hit the white lotus huā, buzzing, loud, and a layer of glow gushing out of the white lotus huā.

Emperor Haozun gritted his teeth and said angrily, "Sure enough, it's a Buddhist magic weapon. These thieves are bald. What do they want to do? In the past few days, the King of the East China Sea and Yuhu have sent military information. The outer world is constantly invading the Pangu mainland. What on earth do they want to do?" A spiritual light flashed through the white lotus huā. An ancient Buddha with a bronze body suddenly came out of the spiritual light, and a diamond pestle hit the eyebrows With a loud noise, King Kong, the pestle bounced up and the ancient Buddha retreated dozens of steps in confusion. He exclaimed, "What a hard head!"

Hao Zun Emperor sneered and crushed the white lotus huā. He gritted his teeth and said, "Reverse son, there is indeed today's thing! When I succeeded to the throne of the emperor, Sitian said that I would die at the hands of my own children, and it came true today!"

The King of Xinshan and the King of Lishan raised their heads at the same time. Their bodies had been transformed into the three-headed and six-armed golden body unique to the Buddha of the Buddha at the same time. They shouted in unison, "In this case, please let your father restrain your hands, and my son and I don't want to Launch the defensive prohibition of Liangzhu. Once this big array is launched, he will be integrated with Xiongyuan's spiritual cave, and his cultivation will immediately be promoted to the peak of breaking the road. He will be fearless of any enemy.

However, the large array did not react at all.