Steal the sky

Chapter 870 Liangzhu War

The five-color divine light turned into a large hand. With a pressure on the weight of dozens of miles, I heard the crisp explosion of countless crystal bottles. Hundreds of large and small prohibitions were crushed by one palm, and the generals and soldiers in the military town vomited blood and fell to the ground one after another.

Under the leadership of Bai Qi, the soldiers in the East China Sea, who had killed their red eyes, could not stop. A large number of soldiers in the military town had fallen. They were still sprinkled with their swords and arrows, and the soldiers who were stunned by Princess Pole fell down again.

The Eastern Navy walked neatly to search back and forth in the razed army town. The bodies of the fallen soldiers in the garrison were put aside by neat yards. The injured were imprisoned and sent to the flying boat behind for rescue. In good health, the soldiers who were stunned by Princess Bule were forcibly poured into the East China Sea Sitian Hall to refine The puppet scattered forced them to be integrated into the former army led by Bai Qi.

Zhang Yi and Su Qin, the two demons who touched the world, followed these captured soldiers closely and told them that the emperor was framed and killed, and the king of the East China Sea rushed to Liangzhu to rescue the prince of the clan. In order to enhance their persuasion, these two don't know where they got a volume, the imperial edict, and a volume of the imperial edict.

The people of Dayu are simple, and the customs are traditional and closed. Have those soldiers ever thought that the ministers of Dayu would forge imperial edicts? As soon as Zhang Yi and Su Qin took out the imperial edict and secret edict, the soldiers in the military town knelt down one after another and willingly attached to the command of the East China Sea.

Seeing this scene, Don't beg can't help sighing repeatedly. The people's wisdom also has the benefits of the people's wisdom. These soldiers are really too simple and honest. How much does this save him?

Just when Don't beg for emotion, Bai Qi's grandchildren dragged several ugly-looking military generals and sent them here. The Donghai soldiers of the brigade guarded around, and there were hundreds of priests with golden sun coats on their sleeves in the air. These generals saw that the Eastern Navy was so well guarded. Although they scolded, they were also single and did not make that futile attempt to escape.

Bai Qi's grandchildren pressed the highest-ranking generals in this military town and forced them to kneel down. These generals were all covered with bruises, and several of their arms and legs were cut off.

In the face of the offensive in the East China Sea, the strength of the military town with the outermost defense line of Xiongyuan is still too weak to stop the attack of the Eastern Navy at all.

Seeing Don't beg, a general whose body was roughly intact, but his face was slashed and roared angrily: "King of the East China Sea, you forged the will of the emperor, this is the crime of raiding the family and destroying the clan! You, you, as a foreign minister, dare to lead the army to attack Xiongyuan. You, you, you are dead!" Don't look at these generals with interest. He smiled and said, "Someone just told me that today the emperor gave you an edict to block Xiongyuan and not allow any foreign minister to enter, right? But as far as I know, the emperor died a few days ago. Where did your edict come from?" The faces of several members changed. Don't squint and smile: "If you do it, I can't do it? Isn't it just forging the imperial edict? Damn, now that Liangzhu is in chaos, what if I forge the imperial edict? When the big thing is settled, who will pursue this little thing?" These generals are not allowed to say, don't beg for shaking their bodies, and several bloody demons flew out and threw themselves into their bodies, swallowing their blood and souls clean in an instant. These generals shook their bodies and slowly stood up. They had been occupied by the blood demon god, and now they have completely become a beggar-in.

A general strode out and scolded harshly, "Your Majesty's secret decree in the hands of the King of the East China Sea is true! The king of the East China Sea was ordered to rebel, and we are willing to follow the tail." Just now, he had been fooled by Zhang Yi and Su Qin. I don't know where he flew. Now when he saw his master's general suddenly jumped out to confirm Zhang Yi and Su Qin's statement, the remaining 80,000 soldiers in this army town immediately responded to Our organization was disrupted, and Bai Qi's former army obeyed Bai Qi's command.

Wundered all the war materials and utensils in the military town, and the Eastern Navy boarded the flying boat and soared into the air, quickly flying to Liangzhu.

This is already the boundary of Xiongyuan. In order to prevent immortals from breaking into Xiongyuan, it is basically a military town with a big city of thousands of miles. Depending on the danger of the terrain, the military town has stationed 3,000 to 200,000 troops, while those big cities responsible for controlling tens of thousands of miles are stationed with soldiers ranging from 300,000 to nearly one million.

These soldiers are only the strongest of the soldiers stationed on the periphery of Xiongyuan, and they are only the level of middle-grade immortals, which is not comparable to the original Xiong army. But with a large number of these soldiers, combined with strong walls and countless arrays, their combat effectiveness is still extremely amazing.

However, they met the people of the six countries under the jurisdiction of Beggar, not to mention the war strength of Bai Qi and Li Mu. The strategic achievements of Zhang Yi, Su Qin, Li Si, Wei Liaozi, Lin Xiangru and others can resist these simple and honest soldiers?

Along the way, the army in the East China Sea was defrauded and cooperated with the raid of the army. In addition, there were a group of great abilities such as Bu Qi, or the leading generals of hundreds of military towns in dozens of big cities along the way were possessed by the blood demon god, and all the soldiers were organized into the vanguard

The Eastern Navy's march to Liangzhu was simply overwhelming, and there was basically no difficulty to speak of. Only Su Qin and Zhang Yi, the two forged imperial edicts, were very busy. All kinds of strange imperial edicts and secret decrees were forged at least hundreds of copies along the way. Fortunately, they also have Li Si and others to help, and they are really good at doing this kind of thing.

On average, a military town wasted a quarter of an hour, and a big city could only delay the Eastern Navy for half an hour. Under the precise calculation of the people of the six countries like clock gears, the Eastern Navy swept the eastern defense line of Xiongyuan, and in just a few days, it burst into the outer suburbs of Liangzhu.

In the void, the three monks are standing on two fire meteors quietly overlooking what happened in the bear plains. Unlike the monk who every beggar saw that day, standing almost side by side by side, the distance between the three monks today is at least more than a dozen miles, and the three Taoist people are faintly shining all over their bodies. Obviously, they have released the protective weapons for fear that someone will secretly raid.

Seeing that the Eastern Navy was so **, the faces of the three monks were extremely strange.

When the Eastern Navy had broken into the outer suburbs of Liangzhu, a monk muttered in a low voice, "How stupid are these soldiers?" A man stared at the monk angrily and sneered, "It's really stupid. I don't know if you have a good strategy to delay their actions?"

The three monks looked at each other and were speechless for a long time. Their eyes turned to the west side with Xiongyuan at the same time. In that direction, Wang Ji'ao of Weishan, who led most of the bear army, was trekking to Liangzhu with difficulty. All the way, major cities and military towns caused him a lot of trouble. Ji Aorao racked his brains, and the journey of walking day and night was not as good as walking for half an hour. Now Don't beg has rushed out of Liangzhu City, and Ji Ao is still ten days away from Liangzhu.

"Why did Dayu have such an alien?" The three monks frowned and looked at the vast army of the Eastern Navy, and suddenly sighed heavily.

Millions of miles ahead is Liangzhu. With the cultivation of Don't begging and others, standing on the deck of the flying boat, they can already see the wall of Liangzhu. Now Liangzhu is no longer begging for a trace of laziness in the comfort of the first sight. In ancient times, there is a thick and unique charm. The breath over Liangzhu is scattered, and all kinds of messy breaths collide and rub against each other, making the aura of heaven and earth around Liangzhu into a mess.

The wall of Liangzhu, which was originally decorated more than the actual use, is also full of banners at this moment, but those banners are not in shape at all. Don't beg for the slight movement of his ears. He can still hear the occasional sound of the horn in Liangzhu City, millions of miles away, but the sound of the horn is also messy, like a dying man struggling in the end.

It's an ominous omen. Don't beg to look at Liangzhu City and mutter in a low voice, "Why does it look like the country is going to be subjugated? Why is the emperor's anger so scattered?" Princess Bule narrowed her eyes, and the colorful light in her eyes swept to Liangzhu and said simply, "It's hopeless. 90% of the places in Liangzhu City are covered by death, and more than 90% of the people in the city are going to die, and there is no whole body in the disaster of blood and Don't beg and open your mouth without saying anything. Princess Beile practiced the ancient Shinto, and the ancient gods' grasp of these lucky things is far above other great power. Since she saw that 90% of the area of Liangzhu City was shrouded in ashes, and more than 90% of the people in the city would die of blood, this is basically a matter of the coffin.

Gui Guzi, who is proficient in all kinds of yin and yang skills of Qimen Dunjia, looked at Liangzhu and said with great determination, "Someone messed up the luck here with great magic power. How did the infinite luck that could have been passed down from generation to the world become like this? Well, those who are lucky here are in the middle of Liangzhu City!", in the middle of Liangzhu City? Don't beg and whisper, "It's in the palace, Zhulong Mountain. That's the core of Liangzhu City and the whole Xiongyuan!"

Bai Qi squinted at the front, and his muscles fluctuated like water. He laughed in a low voice, "If it's chaos, it's chaos. If it's death, it's death. The blood evil spirit is so strong. The war is approaching. Children, get ready for swords!" Unlike them, these battles in The uncontrollable blood surged up.

The East China Sea flying boat quickly approached Liangzhu, and there was a roar in front of it. There were about 70,000 or 80,000 people in a messy group of smoke and dust, and they fled here like refugees. Behind that team of soldiers and horses, at least 500,000 troops slowly approached this side with neat phalanxes, and tens of thousands of elite horses chased them, killing the fleeing soldiers one by one.

Among the fleeing soldiers and horses in front of them, there are about 2,000 people surrounded by a big flag, and there is a big book on the flag, Qingqiu, two words.

He is running for his life. He is the eldest son of the King of Yangshan, King Jidai of Qingqiu!