Steal the sky

Chapter 873 Questioning the Prince

Kunwu's sword hangs high in the air, and no one dares to make any difference in the huge Liangzhu City.

As time goes by, Don't beg's face becomes more and more ugly. Gradually, under Liangzhu City, there was a loud noise like a tide patting the shore. At the beginning, the purple gas gradually came out of the ground and kept pouring into the Kunwu sword. After waiting for a quarter of an hour, it was simply 108 rushing out of the ground and rushed into the Kunwu Sword with a deafening noise.

The strong light that could not be face-to-faced spewed out of Kunwu's sword, and everything in heaven and earth turned translucent. The strong light penetrated a little. Those members of the Liangzhu family who hid in the void and looked at this side were forced to appear from the void one after another, and closed their

With Liangzhu City as the center, the huge arrays lit up one after another, and soon these arrays formed a huge three-dimensional array to trap Liangzhu firmly in the middle. Kunwu Sword naturally occupies the most important 108 nodes of this array without begging mobilization, constantly swallowing the huge aura gushing out of the ground into the array, echoing the increasing power in the array.

This large array is the core protection prohibition of Liangzhu. On the night of the assassination of Emperor Haozun, Emperor Haozun could not activate this large array to protect himself and kill the enemy. However, today, driven by the traction of Kunwu Sword, the large array was suddenly stimulated, and the murderous intent was awe-inspiring, which Breath.

This is related to the way the control array. Hao Zun Emperor controls the array through the Xuanyuan Sword. The Xuanyuan Sword is the sword of the emperor, which pays attention to deterrence in all directions with the vast spirit. And Kunwu sword is the spirit of killing, and powerful killing is the [true] face of Kunwu sword, so the inspired array also brings a fierce killing intention.

When the whole array was mobilized and the power accumulated in Kunwu Sword had reached the point of not being able to spit it out, the huge aura feedback from Kunwu Sword made his face purple and shouted fiercely: "Relend back to the Yangshan King quickly, otherwise..."

A sword shadow flashed, the uncast sword gas turned into a green dragon and fell down, and the east gate of Liangzhu turned into ashes in the shocking sound of the dragon. With the current cultivation of Don't begging, he can't control this big array, and he can't introduce the huge power in the big array into his own power. It needs to be driven by the secret method handed down from generation to generation to accommodate the terrible power in the big array. When the big array has reached a limit, Don't beg can' Pouring extra power freely.

The east gate of Liangzhu has become a victim of not begging to reduce its own pressure. More than a dozen miles of countless forbidden sections of the city wall have been wiped out. Since the founding of Liangzhu City, the city has not been damaged brick by brick, and today it has finally been broken by the golden body.

Countless family members of the world in the void took a breath of cold air. They looked at each other in horror, and dozens of towers broke the void at the same time and ran to Liangzhu City.

After nearly a cup of tea, the king of Yangshan, who was alone and slightly haggard, slowly came to the east gate of Liangzhu, which turned into a big pit. With a smile in his eyes, he shouted dryly, "What are you all messing with? Huh? The gate of Liangzhu has been smashed by you. Are you promising? Why don't you let go of the big array and roll in!" After a slight pause, the king of Yangshan shouted sharply, "Do you know how much crime you have committed? Do you know that the prince was almost scared to death by you?" Although the king of Yangshan is scolding Beqi and Ji Yue, the smile in his tone can be heard by any fool. Especially the sentence in his words, the prince read very hard, and the words that were almost scared to death were protracted and read out word by word. There is no need to hide the meaning of gloating at all. The King of Yangshan is gloating.

Kunwu sword, why did Xuanyuan Holy Emperor give Kunwu sword to this boy? The king of Yangshan is now full of joy in his internal organs. With Kunwu sword, there is nothing else to say to see you people face to face. Proudly with his hands on his back, the Yangshan Dynasty nodded and shouted gently, "Shuh, leave the army outside. Well, the four gates in the southeast, northwest are all tied to the camp. The King of the East China Sea, and Ji Dai, come in with me!" Don't beg dry and coughed. His hand stroked, and the The heavily armed and unusually strong soldiers rode all kinds of fierce beasts and drove all kinds of large-scale weapons and ran out of the Xuanyin Star Tower. Nearly one million soldiers in each of the thirty-six towns from the East China Sea quickly camped outside the four gates of Liangzhu in the shouts of Huang very and other East China Sea generals.

It must be said that Don't beg has operated very well in the East China Sea in the past two years. With endless aura, and he does not hesitate to spend his energy to accelerate time crazily. The number of soldiers in the East China Sea is not only numerous, but also his cultivation is amazing. Basically, the officers in the East China Sea are all in the realm of Pangutian, and the weakest of ordinary soldiers are the cultivation of seven stars or even more than eight stars in the realm of Taishi Pangu.

As these soldiers gushed out of the Xuanyin Star Python, there were also hundreds of thousands of priests. 30% of these priest's cuffs are embroidered with dazzling golden sun seals, and the other 70% are silvery curved moon seals.

The Liangzhu families who witnessed all this couldn't help sinking in their hearts. Don't beg for the strength under their command is really amazing. Although the East China Sea seems to lack some top combat forces, in terms of conventional military strength alone, the soldiers and priests shown now are basically comparable to the total military strength of more than a dozen of the oldest families in Liangzhu.

Some people from the family with other thoughts in their hearts can't help scolding in their hearts. Under the eyes of the emperor, Liangzhu's family is careful to collect a team of private soldiers and guards, and they dare not expand their military strength unbridledly at all, but don't beg for this lucky person who has no foundation in Such a huge army?

The Donghai soldiers of the brigade swaggered by outside Liangzhu City. They deliberately stamped the ground to the mountain, and deliberately smashed the iron stakes and so on as if they were thunder when they were camping. The noise shook the smoke and dust in Liangzhu, and the faces of those families near and far became extremely ugly.

Among the traditional and old-fashioned Dayu nobles, has there ever been such a proud and rude person who should not beg?

Yangshan King's face was full of smiles, as if he didn't notice the strange eyes of those people at all. He strode in the direction of the palace with the beggars. There were people suspended in the air in the air over the mansions along the way, quietly looking at the Yangshan King and his party.

The courtiers of Dayu all know that Don't beg is a person in the line of the king of Yangshan. After all, Don't beg was made by the hands of Qiu Wang Ji'ao in those years. Now Ji Ao has succeeded the title of King Weishan and is in charge of the bear army, and Don't beg is also the king of the East China Sea. He is ordered by Emperor Hao Zun to train the new army in the East China Sea.

Today, it seems that in just two burials, don't beg for a big noise in the East China Sea." It's really thanks to how he trained such a strong soldier. This is just a force under the command of Don't beg for one person, and there is also a bear army led by Ji Ao who hasn't arrived. When a bear army arrives outside Liangzhu City, what choice should he make at that time?

In the countless complex sunlight, Don't beg for a group of people to enter the Dayu Palace, set foot on the Candle Dragon Mountain, and walk into the already noisy court hall.

The king of Xinshan, dressed in a black robe, stood under the throne of Emperor Hao Zun, surrounded by a group of clan princes and civil and military ministers, staring at this side angrily. Seeing that Don't beg into the hall, the King of Xinshan immediately scolded loudly, "Come on, take down this arrogant rebel!" "The man" decreed the title of the king of the East China Sea to be demoted to the people of the people of the East China Sea, all the civil and military ministers in the East China Sea were demoted to sinful people, and all of them were exiled to the far north." The king of Yangshan muttered in a low voice, "No, bold Stand still. This group of people are also dressed in royal robes. Most of the people behind them are dressed as generals with armor. Obviously, they are close to and support the King of Yangshan.

In addition to the Xinshan King, in addition to the Yangshan King, there are also several other obviously self-contained figures standing in the hall. Among these people, there are basically people in the robes of the Prince of Dayu. There are more or less people behind them, but depending on their demeanor, they are all representatives of Liangzhu's clan or rich families.

Hearing the almost hysterical roar of the King of Xinshan, a group of tall Long Boguo people strode to Buqi and ran towards Begging.

Don't beg for a sneer. He casually pulled out a Kunwu sword and inserted it on the ground heavily. Don't beg fiercely in the loud noise: "Who dares to take me? Who dares to take off my title? The King of Xinshan, right? You are just a self-appointed prince, and you are not the emperor of the Great Yu Dynasty. "What qualifications do you have to record my title and judge me?"

When those Long Boguo people saw the Kunwu swords in Begging's hands one by one, they seemed to see a ghost. They hesitated for a while and retreated with heavy steps.

The king of Xinshan was furious. As soon as he was about to scold Don't beg, he heard Don't beg and shouted sharply, "Is it based on the power of the soldiers and horses in your hand? Is it up to the flying bear army under your control? Ha, "If you say that whoever has more soldiers and horses, whose fists are big can determine the ownership of the emperor, then don't beg to transfer all the troops in the East China Sea to Liangzhu, and how about you share life and death with the King of Xinshan?" He rubbed his fingers hard. Don't beg to look at the king of If you die, the throne has nothing to do with you. If I die, the East China Sea army will immediately withdraw from Xiongyuan. What if they are willing to serve you as the emperor?

Jing Xiao quietly didn't speak in the hall, and everyone looked at the King of Xinshan with twinkling eyes.

The king of Xinshan was silent for a long time before he stammered a little: "Be bold, you just attacked and killed outside the city..." Don't beg to interrupt the king of Xinshan again." He shouted sharply: "Don't talk nonsense. Today, in front of many clan ministers of Dayu, I want to impeach the king of

The King of Xinshan almost jumped up. He shouted, "Nonsense, how can I be unfilial?" Don't sneer and point to the King of Xinshan and roar, "Don't you have it? Where is your majesty's bones? Why did your majesty kill you? As your majesty's oldest prince now, you don't want to find out the real murderer to avenge your majesty, but you are entangled in the throne. Why are you not unfilial and disobeyed?" He scolded angrily. Don't beg for a sudden burst of tears and cried: "Your The minister of civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty only cared about supporting the new emperor for power and profit. Your death is not worth it, and you are wrong!" Don't beg for a cry. The people of the six kingdoms behind him and other subordinates in the East China Sea all shivered.

But don't beg for this voice to shout out. Dayu Wenwu in the hall was dumbfounded. They looked at me, I looked at you, and no one could open his mouth.