Steal the sky

Chapter 875 Unlimited Power

Chapter 875 Unlimited power (second update) The second update is delivered, Gaga, eight o'clock in the evening, the old time and the old place 2935 channel pig head wait for everyone to come and fool!


... On the hall of Liangzhu Palace, the king of Xinshan looked angrily at Don't beg straight and fiercely.

Don't beg him to wear a big hat, too dark. Even if he is the oldest prince of Emperor Haozun now, he can't bear this accusation. Filial piety and rebellion are extremely serious in Dayu. If someone is really recognized as filial piety and rebellious, everything about him may be recorded in an instant.

Especially at this critical moment, if the King of Xinshan is really found to be unfilial, then he is even in danger.

He was also dressed in the prince's robe, surrounded by thousands of civil servants and generals behind him. The king of Lishan, who seemed to have the weakest power in the hall, coughed gently, and he came out slowly. He arched his hand to the king of Xinshan and said, "Brother, what the king of the East China Sea said is very true. Let's thoroughly investigate the cause of his father's death, find out the master messenger behind the scenes, and then discuss the ownership of the throne!"

According to the King of Lishan, the leaders of the distinct forces in the hall nodded and said yes, which made the King of Xinshan look more and more ugly. After a long silence, the king of Xinshan shook his sleeves fiercely and shouted fiercely, "The snake can't have a head..."

Don't beg dryly and say, "A snake can't have a head. Da Yu is not a snake. If the king of Xinshan is worried about the major political affairs of the country, he can ask the princes of the state to work together to deal with state affairs. The eighteen political princes of Dayu are highly respected and stable. They have always been His Majesty's best assistant in handling state affairs.

The king of Xinshan stared angrily at Don't beg. He thought for a while and suddenly sneered, "Okay, just like the king of the East China Sea. I don't care about the position of prince. If I hadn't been worried about my Dayu Guozuo, would I really think that I would pay attention to the position of the crown prince? Do you really think I'm the one who fights for power and profit?

He took off his body and threw the king's robe on the ground heavily. The king of Xinshan said harshly, "The ugly words are in front of you. If there is any problem with Dayu, I will swear not give up with you." With a strange smile.

The King of Xinshan stretched out his hand and pointed to the noses of Buqi and others one by one. He sneered and said, "Remember.

Now there is no emperor in Dayu, and the prince of deliberation will deal with state affairs. Now the heavenly court and Buddhism are moving one after another, and they are against us. If you miss the big mistake, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

He stamped his feet angrily, and the king of Xinshan strode out of the hall again. As he walked, he shouted loudly, making the imperial guards of the palace gather together. Open all the palaces and pavilions. He wants to lead the army into the palace to search for the special traces of the assassination of Emperor Haozun. Not long after, the King of Xinshan left without a trace, only his roar came from afar: "I am the most filial to my father. If I find out who harmed my father, I will definitely smash him into thousands of corpses!"

The King of Xinshan walked out of the hall, and at least 30,000 civil and military ministers went out in a neat line behind him. These civil and military ministers are all representatives of the Dayu clan and the family, and more than 30,000 civil and military ministers, basically representing 20% of Liangzhu's clans and rich families standing behind the King of Xinshan. Compared with the King of Lishan, which is supported by only more than 3,000 civil servants and generals, the King of Xinshan has an absolute advantage in both actual strength and momentum.

Don't beg and laugh in a low voice: "With such momentum, it's no wonder he dares to call himself the prince."

The king of Lishan watched the king of Xinshan go out with so many civil and military ministers, and couldn't help humming. He looked around, and his eyes touched each other with several middle-aged men in the color of the prince's robe. Their eyes were like blades intertwined with a little ignition light in the void. He didn't know who was the first to do it secretly. He heard a few muffled sounds. The air in the hall rolled, and several prince One step.

In addition to the Xinshan King and the Lishan King, there are also eight princes in the hall divided into three groups.

In addition to being awarded the title of King of Weishan, the political princes have the jurisdiction of the Xiong army in the Xiongyuan Western Regions, and the other seventeen were present.

When the king of Xinshan went out with a large group of people, the five old men in the prince's robes slowly walked to the king of Yangshan and bowed to the king of Yangshan. The king of Yangshan silently returned a salute, and the six princes stood in a row. There is no doubt that the King of Yangshan and these five deliberative princes are a faction and the most powerful faction among the deliberative princes.

The King of Yangshan, the King of Yinshan, the King of Cangshan, the King of Haoshan, the King of Dingshan, and the King of Gushan. The six political princes went to the middle of the hall neatly, and the hall was suddenly silent. The king of Lishan and other princes looked at each other, and at the same time retreated with the civil and military minister behind him. The other eleven political princes, who were divided into four factions, quietly strode forward and stood in the hall with the six people including the king of Yangshan.

The seventeen princes with the highest power and the most powerful military power looked at each other. The king of Yangshan said in a low voice, "Internal and external troubles rise together. Some wolf ambitions can be chaotic, and we can't be chaotic!"

A tall prince immediately smiled and said, "Jiben, you can't say that the prince is ambitious."

The Yinshan King, who stood beside the Yangshan King, immediately scolded, "Why can't you say it? Who ordered the mobilization of the Flying Bear Army to imprison the King of Yangshan and hunt down the King of Qingqiu? Who can't wait to claim to be the prince to peep at the throne of the emperor without waiting for the assassination case to be found out? Whoever ignores your majesty's secret decree...

The king of Yangshan coughed gently and interrupted the king of Yinshan's anger. He said lightly, "It's all, let's not talk about these things for the time being. What's important at the time? You brothers should know what's important. How to deal with the invasion of the heavenly court and Buddhism. Quickly discuss a countermeasure. By the way, gather the elite of the Criminal Hall to thoroughly investigate the assassination of His Majesty under the supervision of our confidants. How about the King of the East China Sea responsible for this matter? A prince laughed and said, "The King of the East China Sea? What qualifications does he have to be responsible for such a big deal?" Don't beg silently pulled out Kunwu's sword and waved it. The prince's laughter stopped abruptly. He stared at Don't beg incomparedly, and turned his head angrily and looked elsewhere. Don't beg waving Kunwu's sword and slowly walked into the circle of these political princes. He said lightly, "Xiao Wang is not talented. He recommended himself to investigate the assassination of His Majesty. Xiao Wang can't guarantee that he will be able to investigate this matter clearly, but it is possible to be related to this matter, and Xiao Wang will never let it go. Don't beg is a little contradictory, but no one mocks him for his words, because everyone heard a strong sense of murder from his words. The scene that just smashed the east gate of Liangzhu with the Xuanyuan magic sword array came to everyone's mind again, including those political princes who were not right with the king of Yangshan. They would never quarrel more with the person holding the Kunwu sword.

Looking at the seventeen political princes present, don't beg and sneered and said, "Therefore, Xiao Wang asked the princes to give Xiao Wang the power to kill first or not to play first. Xiao Wang wants to kill someone. You have to kill people to find out what happened on that day. If you princes are sincere for the sake of Da Yu. For your majesty, for the sake of our human race, then... Xiao Wang demands unlimited power. A political prince looked at Don't be angry and said, "What unlimited power?" Don't beg for Kunwu's sword in his hand and said faintly: "The so-called power of Yuan's restriction is that Xiao Wang suspects that whoever he can arrest, investigate who, imprisons, tortures him severely, or kill his relatives in front of him one by one." Even the king of Yangshan was stunned by the words of not begging. If he really gives me the power not to beg, if he really does it wantonly in Liangzhu. Then the consequences are terrible. But if you don't give this kind of power, everyone has said it to death. The king of Xinshan took off the king's robe angrily and gave up the opportunity to ascend the throne at this time. Now who dares to say that if you don't beg, does it mean that you don't want to find out the real situation of the assassination of Emperor Hao?

This charge is too big, just like the king of Xinshan can't bear the blame for unfilial piety on him. No one in the hall can bear this suspicion.

A group of princes stared at Don't beg for a long time, and the king of Yangshan suddenly waved his hand and said, "It's all. What power do you want, we will give it to you. However, you can't act alone. The eighteen political princes must assign their confidants to follow you. Don't allow you to take the opportunity to harm the great minister! When it came to the last sentence, the tone of the king of Yangshan did not change at all, but how could it give people a feeling that he was eager not to do anything?

The other princes were silent for a long time. Then he nodded slowly.

Don't beg for a flash of his eyes. He said coldly, "It's so good, but Xiao Wang also asks you to understand that if you send to monitor Xiao Wang's confidants, there is a suspicion that collude with the heavenly court and Buddhism are unfavorable to Da Yu. Don't blame Xiao Wang for being cruel to them. Don't blame Xiao Wang for directly looking into your heads! Without waiting for these princes to speak, don't beg for a sneer and said, "Please think clearly. It's not for those who have the status of princes. Who can frame your majesty in the Dayu Palace?" The 17 political princes including the King of Yangshan were horrified, and they looked at each other for a while. He said in unison: "From today on, we will never leave the palace without permission, and those who violate the order will be killed." The king of Dingshan added: "Your Majesty, all the princes. All relatives must be taken unconditionally to live in the palace. If anyone dares to disobey... "At the same time, the political princes looked at the king of Lishan and several other princes who hold real power and are supported by others. The faces of these princes are extremely ugly, and the faces of the family representatives behind them can't see anywhere. After a few breaths of silence, these princes bowed deeply at the same time, but no one spoke.

The matter was settled, and the 17 political princes jointly issued an official document of unlimited power to Buqi with their own private quest.

After getting the official document and the on-site profit token, he immediately gave the first order.

" Arrest all the internal ministers and guards around His Majesty. All their families must be captured alive and thrown into the divine prison. The imperial edict used by His Majesty is made of special materials, and all the craftsmen and ministers responsible for making the imperial edict are arrested and put into the divine prison together with all their relatives. On the day of His Majesty's assassination and the two days before and after, all the palace guards on duty were arrested and sent to prison together with all their relatives.

Take a deep breath, don't beg to throw Kunwu's sword out of the hall, which once again stimulated Liangzhu's protective array.

The huge pressure was heavily pressed over the palace. Don't beg coldly and said, "Senior Candle Dragon, please ask the Yuanshen to turn into a human form and go to the prison with Xiao Wang!"

Everyone in the hall was stunned at the same time. They slapped their heads with anger. Why did they forget this stubble?

If you want to talk about the assassination of Emperor Haozun, who can know better than the candle dragon of His Highness?