Steal the sky

Chapter 877 Three-point Yuanshen

Chapter 877 Three-point Yuanshen (Second Update)

The so-called fairy sorrow is a large black net with elasticity and amazingness. Each network line is attached with a rune. The blood-colored rune is matched with the black network cable, like countless black and red poisonous insects entangled, and the deep cold is daunting.

The big net is full of square meters, and it is suspended in the largest prison in the divine prison. The empty prison is covered with fog on the left and right, and there is no real wall. More than a hundred people on duty and officers of the Xing Hall were preparing all kinds of torture tools. From time to time, they raised their heads excitedly and laughed at the yuan god of the candle dragon.

The large-shaped candle dragon is tied to the fairy sorrow, and countless long black thorns that are thousands of times thinner than cow hair can't be captured by ordinary people's consciousness in the thin network cable. These feet of black thorns pierced the body of the candle dragon, twisted and entangled in his body, turning into thousands of large and small confinement runes and inseparable from him.

Unless the candle dragon explodes itself, it is impossible for him to get rid of the most powerful confinement weapon in the prison. This big net was used in ancient times to imprison 64 of the 360 elders with the highest status of the ancient Protoss at that time. A full of 64 of the most powerful ancient gods were trapped on the fairy sorrow, but none of them could escape smoothly. Everyone was slowly extracted all the divine power in their bodies by Shen Xianchou, transformed it into Shen Xiancho's own power, and then the soul dried up and died.

Now Don't beg did not ask the jailer of the prison to open the prohibition of immortal sorrow to extract power, but so many black thorns have penetrated into the body, and the candle dragon's face has become very ugly. However, the three-foot-tall skinny old man was trapped in such a big dark and cold net, which smelled pitiful no matter how he looked at it.

Seeing that Begging brought people in, the candle dragon snorted coldly and turned his head disdainfully.

Don't beg to stride to the candle dragon and slap hundreds of times in the face of the candle dragon. The cultivation of the candle dragon is extremely amazing. The human shape and body condensed by his yuan god are the opposite. Don't beg's slap in the face made him shake his head left and right. Don't beg's power is so great that it is frightening. The face of the candle dragon is pulled to pieces and sprayed out

These purple-gold light liquids are the original essence of the candle dragon god, and a drop of loss is equivalent to a piece of soul ashes. Don't beg to beat the candle dragon to make him lose these original essences, which is at least equivalent to the soul origin of all the fairy souls of many peak golden fairies.

The candle dragon howted angrily: "King of the East China Sea, you are so bold..."

Don't beg for a word. While the candle dragon opened its mouth and roared, he grabbed the candle dragon's chin, stretched out his hand to clasp his teeth, and slowly pulled out the two big teeth of the candle dragon. With two crisp clicks, the two big teeth turned into two thick purple-gold flames, and the candle dragon's face turned much whiter again. Before the candle dragon shouted again, Don't beg to take a three-edging wolf tooth thorn handed over by a Si Xing Hall on duty beside him, and slowly poked the candle dragon's body from the heart.

This three-edged wolf tooth is forged with boiling poison gold. The so-called geocentric boiling poisonous gold is to soak countless disasters in the ancient geocentric poisonous fire, and the original five-eground gold essence absorbs a large number of metals generated by the poisonous gas poison fire. This kind of metal is also called evil gold, which is of no benefit to the people who practice. On the contrary, if you touch it, you will die if you touch it. If the soul touches it, the soul will be scattered immediately. Even the people in the devil rarely use this bad thing to make magic weapons, because they can't control the damage of boiling poison gold to

However, Dayu specially mined this kind of evil gold that is very harmful to practitioners to make all kinds of torture tools. This three-edged wolf tooth thorn is forged with boiling poison gold. It has just been matched with vicious things such as the venom of the red widow spider, the saliva of the long snake It has been soaked in the venom, and the lethality to the soul of the Yuanshen has reached the peak.

The wolf's tooth thorn deeply penetrated into the heart of the candle dragon, and the candle dragon that manifested the Yuanshen suddenly opened his eyes wide and let out a loud howling into the clouds. His body quickly changed color, and the original color was the same as that of a stranger's body, which suddenly became dark, and then quickly turned into red, blue, white, black and other colors. Every time the color changed, the candle dragon would roar and tremble with pain.

The sound of 'sneer' came from the heart of the candle dragon, and his heart was corroded into a hole the size of a fist. This blow caused great damage to his yuan god. The strong yuan god he had practiced for countless years had lost at least one degree of his cultivation.

The sun and the moon were shining brightly in the eyes of the candle dragon. He stared at Begging and roared, "Son, how are you doing?"

Don't pull out the three-edged wolf tooth thorns indifferently, and slowly aim at the candle dragon's eyebrows. He said lightly, "Shulong, listen to me. No matter what ancient god or other identity you are, you are now a watchdog! Do you understand? You are just a watchdog now!"

The candle dragon's eyes were so angry that hissed, and he roared, splashing his saliva and cursed not to beg. But Zhulong's vocabulary is too small. He just curses 'little beasts' and 'little bastards' over and over again. What is this insignificant lethality for the don't beg at the bottom of the society?

He slapped the candle dragon's face hard, which made the candle dragon's head tilted heavily to the side, and he almost flew his head out. Don't beg staring at the candle dragon and sneered, "A qualified watchdog will at least shout a few times when the thief enters the door. You watchdog, your master was killed and didn't even have a howling. I really don't know what's the use of keeping you?

The wolf's teeth stabbed the candle dragon's shoulder fiercely, and the candle dragon let out a hoarse howling again. This time, a large amount of purple gold sweat spewed out of the body of the candle dragon. As the body of the primordial god, every drop of sweat is transformed by the soul of the candle dragon. In just a few breaths, the body of the candle dragon has become almost transparent. He stared resentfully at Don't beg, and his Go.

With a slight smile, don't beg to pull out the wolf tooth thorns, and aim at the candle dragon's eyebrows again: "The dog that doesn't even look good at the door will be killed and eat meat. Many people around me will be interested in the internal organs of the candle dragon. Isn't it, Golden Horn?"

The Golden Horn brothers and the Jin Yu sisters, who were originally very cute boys and girls, nodded at the same time. Their bodies above their waist quickly expanded and turned into half the ferocious and ferocious body of the flying ice fire dragon python. Four big mouths stared at the yuan god of the candle dragon, and a large amount of saliva kept dripping from their mouths.

The candle dragon's face is getting more and more ugly, flying ice fire dragon python, the world of all dragon clans. Although the candle dragon is an ancient god, it has no blood relationship with the dragon clan handed down from Ao Buzun, but his body still belongs to the dragon clan. Even the candle dragon knows the deterrent power of the flying ice fire dragon python to the dragon clan. He has no doubt that these four murders around him can easily devour his body.

After a moment of meditation, the candle dragon said faintly, "What do you want to know?"

Don't look at the candle dragon in surprise. He shook his head and said, "No, you should be angry, you should be desperate, you should scold me hysterically, and you shouldn't talk to me so lightly!"

The candle dragon looked at Don't beg in surprise, and also shook his head and said, "What's wrong? Unfortunately, I fell into the hands of you and other villains..."

Don't beg to interrupt the candle dragon's words. He sneered and said, "According to your identity, according to your cultivation, you have destroyed more than 70% of your motogami cultivation by me, and how can you talk to me so calmly as if nothing happened. Do you have such a big measure? If you are really, why did the Holy Emperor use you in the palace as the hub of the big array? Why didn't he release you for so many years?

The candle dragon was silent. He looked at Bu begging curiously and asked, "So, why do you think this is?"

Don't squint and smile. He nod and said, "Old Candle Dragon, your body is still outside. I didn't withdraw the Xuanyuan magic sword array, so your body can't run away. Are you willing to have such a strong body?"

Zhulong looked at Don't beg more in surprise: "King of the East China Sea, what are you talking about? My shen is here. How can I run away?

Don't beg to look at the candle dragon for a long time, and suddenly the sound rises. He grabbed the yuan god of the candle dragon, opened his mouth and swallowed him into his mouth. The strange breath spread from Don't beg's body, and the first wisp of innate thief's breath extracted all the lost essence of the candle dragon from the surrounding void, and constantly injected into Don't beg's body.

The soul of Don't Beg grew rapidly, and the soul of the candle dragon howled in pain and struggled in his body, but under the strong suppression of Don't Beg, how could he struggle? However, in the kung fu of a cup of tea, the yuan god of the candle dragon was digested by the begging, and all the memories of his yuan god were squeezed clean by the begging.

In the primordial spirit of the candle dragon, there is no information that has anything to do with the assassination of Emperor Haozun. It seems that he has been practicing there according to the rules for so many years and has never participated in anything from the outside world, just like the order given to him by the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan. But what makes Don't begging interesting is that there is a clear memory in this yuan god - the candle dragon suddenly got a secret method before the three disasters, that is, when the Haozun Emperor just ascended the throne, and successfully evolved his yuan gods into three.

One old, one middle school, one young, old, middle-aged, three corpse yuan gods, this secret method has made the way of the candle dragon make great progress, almost beyond the prohibition imposed by the Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor on him. With the help of the power of the first candlestick 'sun and moon candle' between heaven and earth brewed in The moor.

It's just that the candle dragon made a complete mistake this time. He handed over a perfunctory investigation of the yuan god and not begging, but he never dreamed that the begging did not reason with him at all. He directly devoured his old man's incarnated yuan god by such a barbaric means

With a ferocious smile, don't beg and said in a low voice, "This candle dragon really has a ghost in my heart. There is no information about your majesty's assassination in this yuan god, so what about the two yuan gods left?"

Before the voice fell, the earth suddenly trembled violently.

An angry roar rose to the sky, and even the begging in the prison could be heard clearly.

"King of the East China Sea, despicable child, give me back the three corpses!" RO