Steal the sky

Chapter 886 Shouldering Heavy Responsibility

Standing in the center of the original Candle Dragon Mountain, Emperor Haozun raised the Xuanyuan sword and inserted it into the ground.

The candle dragon destroyed the Dayu Palace with the candle of the sun and moon. The garden with good mountains and rivers was melted into magma, and after cooling, it condensed into a flat rock layer. Xuanyuan Sword was inserted into the ground. With the spells constantly recited by Emperor Haozun, the siege of Liangzhu was opened again.

The ground squirmed like soft glue, and the 108,000 bronze metal pillars originally used to trap the candle dragon burst into dazzling light at the same time. With these pillars as the core, the array lines as gorgeous as peonies roared and lit up, and the heavens and the earth were suddenly filled with strong black and red light. Don't beg standing on the ground. They only felt that their feet were unstable and flew into the air in a hurry.

The earth began to fluctuate, slowly arching hills like melting candles. Around the big pillars with strong light, the peaks slowly came out.

The peaks formed mountains, and there were valleys and hills in the middle. There was heavy rain in the sky, and a big river was formed between the peaks and hills, which became a deep pool of lakes. Finally, even several seas in the distance were filled with water.

In just a few hours, the garden of the Dayu Palace, which was completely destroyed by the candle dragon, was restored to its original state.

On those squirming peaks, the tall and majestic palace pavilions grew directly from the ground.

Any stone placed outside is a rare spiritual stone and jade. Every part of these palaces contains a huge amount of aura, emitting brilliance in the sun.

Countless colorful light spots flew out of Emperor Haozun's sleeve, and the seeds of these strange flowers and plants fell on the peaks and hills and immediately took root and sprouted. The aura here is extremely abundant, and the rainwater falling from the sky is the spiritual liquid containing the extremely strong armor and wood aura. These seeds grow like crazy, and their ears are full of the crisp sound when the branches are pulled out.

A day and one night later, the dense forest of a hundred feet covered the huge palace garden again. Strange flowers and grass were everywhere, and elixirs such as ganoderma lucidum, ginseng, yellow essence, and Shouwu were also densely born under the roots of the towering giant trees. Except for the year of these elixirs, which are far less than the destroyed original garden, the whole garden is no different from the original garden, but it is even more exquisite and majestic in the building.

The original Candle Dragon Mountain, which was coiled around the candle dragon, was replaced by a huge peak. It was still a winding road winding up to the top of the mountain. A hall ten times larger than the original bear hall stood on the top of the mountain. The infinite aura turned from the high altitude into a waterfall and fell straight into the new hall.

Only more than 100,000 Yu Wenwu ministers laughed like a tsunami, and the figure of Emperor Haozun gradually dissipated. Everyone slowly walked into the hall according to the level of class and paid homage to Emperor Haozun sitting on the throne. After experiencing so many things, Dayu suffered a painful loss, and Emperor Haozun returned unaccomasonably. Everyone felt that they had the backbone and had enough confidence in their hearts.

The king of Yangshan and other political princes came forward and reported what had happened in the past few days to the emperor.

Emperor Haozun nodded without hesitation. After listening to the report of the princes, Emperor Haozun sneered and said, "I have seen these things with my own eyes in the past few days, hey." He shook his head with a smile, and Emperor Haozun said indifferently, "King of Baishan, you were only temporarily on the throne. Today, you can return the throne first!"

The King of Baishan was killed, and Emperor Haozun chose an idle prince from the clan to replace him.

In the turmoil of the past few days, the prince's performance was not good enough. He just fooled around playing Tai Chi, and Hao Zun Huang saw all this in his eyes. Hearing the order of Emperor Haozun, the prince bowed slightly and obediently returned to the ranks of the princes of the idle clan.

The silence in the hall is like death. Everyone knows that the titles of the eighteen deliberative princes of Dayu are fixed. No matter how the titles of other princes change, the titles and powers of the eighteen deliberative princes will not change at all. Emperor Haozun asked the temporary prince to resign from the title of the King of Baishan. So, is it necessary to choose another person to replace the title of the King of Baishan?

The prince of politics is above ten thousand people under a real person in the court of the Yu Dynasty. Basically, he is in the position of prime minister and marshal of soldiers and horses, and is also in charge of government affairs, military affairs, finance and tax revenue, etc., and has real power. Today's political princes, except for Weishan Wang Jitun, were also temporarily replaced. Except for the killing of the white mountain king, the other 16 political princes have been handed down since the establishment of Dayu. Hao Zun's eyes were fixed on Don't begging. He said in a low voice, "The King of the East China Sea has done a very good job this time, and he will temporarily hold the position of the King of Baishan as the King of the East China Sea. If you can make contributions in the future, the title of the White Mountain King is yours.

Don't beg to step out of the train and thank the emperor Haozun. Do you temporarily hold the authority of the King of Baishan with the title of the King of the East China Sea? As long as you make new contributions, you can officially get the title of King of Baishan and become one of the princes of Dayu? To be honest, Don't beg for this big pie, which is also a little unexpected. With so many princes, clans and rich families in Dayu, this important job could not have fallen into the hands of begging.

However, Hao Zunhuang has lost his trust in these clans and families, right?

Looking at the only more than 100,000 civil and military ministers left in the hall, everyone found that more than 300,000 people were gathered in this hall to represent the civil and military ministers of the great families of Dayu. After several consecutive changes, the civil ministers and military generals went to six or seven, and the rest was only about 30%.

Some were killed by Manmen in the last purge, some abandoned Dayu with the King of Xinshan and the King of Lishan and went to the south to establish their own foundation, and some were killed by the chaotic soldiers in these two days. Now there are only a few people left.

These courtiers who stay in the Bear Hall, are they really loyal to Dayu? I'm afraid that no one dares to think so, and Hao Zunhuang will not think so. The sons of Emperor Haozun will betray Emperor Haozun. Who can guarantee that there are no three or five or even thirty or fifty ministers here, and thirty or fifty thousand are nails planted in the heavenly court and Buddhism?

Emperor Haozun's cold and ruthless eyes swept over the many courtiers in the hall, and all the ministers who were swept by Emperor Haozun's eyes bowed their heads respectfully and did not dare to face him. Only Don't beg indifferently looked at Haozun Emperor. He had no ghost in his heart and no mental pressure, so he looked at Haozun Emperor frankly. His eyes were as clear as water, with a sense of marriage.

Appreciatively nodded to the frank don't beggar, and Emperor Haozun said in a low voice, "It's not the king of the East China Sea to quickly cut the chaos of mahjong. I'm afraid you will have to mess up for a long time. Especially you, Yangshan, Wang, you disappoint me too much. You actually let the anti-party send you to the divine prison. It's not the king of the East China Sea who led the army to attack the city. Haven't you been killed for nothing for a long time? If you die, how about the government of Dayu?

The king of Yangshan's face turned purple. He looked at Hao Zunhuang awkwardly and explained in a low voice, "I'm afraid. The secret decree came strangely, and the minister was suspected. The king of Xinshan established himself as the crown prince, the minister... Minister... "

Hao Zunhuang said lightly, "You are afraid of the charge of assassinating me, so in order to prove your innocence, you can let the rebel party put you in prison. It's ridiculous. As long as you are selfless in your heart, what if you kill the whole army and the anti-party?

With a cold snort, Emperor Haozun sneered at the minister of the hall and said, "Look at you, is Dayu too peaceful these years? You have simply forgotten the blood and courage of the ancestors of our human race. You have done something against the party, but you are mediocre. It's not the king of the East China Sea who is shrewd and capable of detect something strangeness. You are simply going to give up the foundation of Dayu to outsiders!"

A white-haired prince muttered in a low voice, "I just don't want to break the rules of my ancestors!"

Emperor Haozun roared: "Bullshit! What's the use of the ancestral rules now?

With so many clans and family rebellions, are the rules of the ancestors still useful? Today, we still abide by those rules, which is to destroy the clan!"

Don't beg for your fingers. Emperor Haozun scolded harshly: "The King of the East China Sea and the King of Weishan are leading an army outside, and Liangzhu has changed. The King of the East China Sea rushed to Liangzhu to suppress the rebellion, stabilize the imperial platform, and protect our Dayu Kingdom. What about the rule-abiding Weishan King? Where is he? Where is he? He is under the command of the bear army, and the most elite bear army in Dayu. Where is he now?

The king of Yangshan hummed awkwardly and dared not speak. Just now, a messenger sent information. The Xiong army led by Ji Tun was still three days away from Liangzhu. He did not dare to attack those military towns and cities along the way, so he could only say good words and ask others to make way. If someone doesn't give way, Ji Yi will take a detour with the army, so the marching speed along the way is extremely slow. The Liangzhu rebellion has calmed down, and he is still on the way.

Looking at the embarrassed face of Wenwu in the Manchao Dynasty, Emperor Haozun snorted coldly and ordered people to prepare the will document.

The candle dragon destroyed the whole palace. Fortunately, there were also many cultivated officials of the ministers, and they also narrowly flew into the sky to escape. Therefore, Emperor Haozun ordered that there were several ministers around him to obey. The imperial edicts stored in the palace have been destroyed. The ministers temporarily found a piece of black satin, took the blood of the spirit beast and mixed it with cinnabar into blood-colored ink and gave it to Emperor Haozun.

Emperor Haozun personally wrote an edict to Don't beg, don't beg, don't beg to rule the East China Sea army, and bombard the eastern border of Dayu. The soldiers and horses in the counties east of Liangzhu can be dispatched at will, and the military supplies can be used at will. He is mainly responsible for suppressing the rebellion and killing the rebel party, and at the same time dealing with the next various means of Tianting and Buddhism. Hao Zunhuang also gave the extremely terrible power not to be beheaded in the edict. He can deal with all civil and military officials below the Marquis of Yipin Prefecture in the eastern part of Liangzhu at will.

When Don't beg to take over the edict, the civil and martial arts ministers in the hall looked at Don't beg with shocking eyes.

In the history of Dayu, only a few times have such an edict been issued, but at that time, the heavy disaster of heaven and earth affected the Pangu Continent, and the human race was facing the disaster of extinction. At that time, the emperor was ordered by the Holy Emperor to select good ministers and fierce generals to devote all his strength to survive. Today, Emperor Hao Zun gave Don't beg for such power, not to mention how much power Don't beg has gained, the implication behind this makes people's scalp numb.

Is it possible that the human race in Pangu Continent is facing the disaster of extinction again?