Steal the sky

Chapter 897 Ancient Spells

Tong Huo* was beaten to hug his head and rat. Ao Bu Zun and Xian tyrant and his party chased him with their tails and pestered him in the air, making him feel a little difficult to move. There are figures on all sides, and the fire * can only resist the enemy's attack and retreat to the camp step by step.

But a long roar came from the oblique thorn, and Shuo Yu and Hu Hai rushed out separately. Dingyu rode a black-sui horse, holding a black-painted steel gun, Hu Hai rode a black lion, and held two strange-shaped one-legged boy pestles with a distance of seven feet in both hands. The two blocked the fire gear on the retreat road leading to the camp.

Ding Yu shouted loudly: "Wu, come here quickly. Someone stabbed you with eight hundred shots, and let you go today!" Hu Hai whistled strangely and madly hit the two one-legged boys, making a thunderous sound. At the same time, he roared: "Eat my three thousand pestles" can't kill you, Let you go! Wow, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,

In his busy schedule, he glanced at Shuoyu and Hu Hai, and he was so angry that he almost had no convulsions. There are two Taiyi-level opponents. Although their weapons are of poor quality, their cultivation is there. In the realm of Taiyi, the suppression of the inferior Taiyi is not as clear as that in the realm of Jinxian and Tianxian. If Yipin Taiyi is not good, it may be deflated in the hands of Jiupin Taiyi. Fireware, the eighth-grade Taiyi, is being severely beaten by Ao Budu's group of people. How

It was the time to look at it. In a daze, Yuanqing had already fucked a big stick and smashed eighty-eight sticks against the calf bone of the right leg of the fire. The fire howls in the dull impact. There were countless cracks in his calf bone, which was almost smashed. He hurriedly injected a piece of essence into his calf and forcibly healed the broken leg bone, but part of the essence, which had been severely consumed, flowed into part of it.

The voice roared angrily, the fire was waved repeatedly, and countless fire clouds and thunders gushed out in all directions with fire like water waves. The purple thunder light of the size of the large group is looming in the fire cloud. This is the fire tool to collect the essence of thirty-nine kinds of heavenly fire high in the sky, and begged a master of the refiner in the heavenly court to help him refine the secret treasure of the body, nine-turn wonderful fire thunder.

After all, out of the hands of Taiyi, the power of these thunderbolts is equivalent to the lethality of a nine-grade Taiyi's full strike. At this moment, in order to save his life, the fire tool threw out thirty-six nine-turn wonderful thunderbolts in one breath. Each thunderbolt requires him to collect the Miao Huolei spent a lot of his capital to ask for action. Thirty-six thunderbolts were thrown out, and the heart of the fire was dripping blood. In today's battle, his loss was really too big.

But the fire thunder just took action." Ao Buzug and Xian Holy Spirit laughed loudly. The two changed the real dragon body at the same time, and the big mouth was boundless water rolling down. Large pieces of black-blue icebergs collided with each other in the dark and fishy water waves, and the cold air emitted washed away the fire clouds and fire masses from the fire tools. Using water to control fire is the principle of heaven and earth. Even if the fire tool has a very smart way to play with fire, it is restrained by Ao Bu Zun and the Holy Spirit.

Thirty-six nine-turn magic thunders fluttered to the crowd and were about to explode. The Holy Spirit King broke through the halberd and scratched a small thorn." The purple streamer pierced the nine-turn magic thunder, and the thunder suddenly disappeared, and then attached to the surface of The firelight stared at me. The dull fire broke out.

Ao Bu Zun and the Holy Spirit spit out a large amount of cold air" turned into a cold light mask with a diameter of a hundred miles and firmly wrapped the fire gear in it.

Ape Green and Golden Horn also hurriedly cast spells, and large pieces of runes kept blessing the cold light mask, lest the fire and thunder would cause too much damage to the Pangu continent.

Those immortals can send the outer realm back to the Pangu continent. It can be imagined that if their relationship has caused too much damage to the Pangu continent, there will naturally be boundless karma. Ao Bu Zun and others have tasted the benefits of merit for a long time. How dare they let the fire tools wantonly destroy the Pangu mainland and cause themselves to fall?

Even Xiang Yu and Hu Hai rushed to help, and Ding Yu sprinkled a sea of blood covering the cold light mask." Hu Hai shouted loudly, and the water of hundreds of large rivers nearby rose to the sky, and the power of the water veins was woven into a large net, covering the cold light.

The dull explosion kept gushing out of the cold mask, and the cold mask expanded again and again, and then shrank again and again. Ao Bu Zun and others trembled like fallen leaves in a storm. The terrible explosive force made their souls tremble, and the cold mask was almost smashed several times.

It is equivalent to thirty-six Taiyi Jinxian's continuous heavy blows with all their strength. Ao is not respected for their strong cultivation, and they are still unbearable. Seeing that the cold light mask was about to break, Don't beg finally took action. "He protected the cold light of the East China Sea Fleet and fell down, and integrated with the cold light mask supported by Ao Burespect, and got the help of Don't beg." The cold light mask finally stabilized.

In the camp where the firearms led in the rear, in the middle of the camp, several people in black cloaks and even their faces were covered watched the whole process of being beaten through a water mirror. They shook their heads gently and muttered something in a low voice. When the fire * went out of the fire thunder but was bounced back by the Holy Spirit, these people laughed a few times and quickly became busy.

A small sacrificial table that is only three feet square was placed in the middle of the camp tent. A ferocious demon head carved from unknown wood was placed on the sacrificial table. Three blood-colored threads were ignited, and Li floated in front of the magic head. The thin bloody smoke rose, wrapping the feroc As if floating looming in the sea of blood, a pair of eyes emitted a fierce and violent green light.

A small portrait carved from ordinary soft wood was placed in front of the magic head. Several people knelt in the camp and knelt down to the magic head several times. At the same time, they stretched out their left hand like black claws. With a knife in their right hand, they cut a knife on the left wrist. The sticky black plasma dripped down Black is like in a large bowl made of leather.

When the blood stored more than half of the bowl in the big bowl, the three-inch-tall cork statue suddenly jumped up and jumped into the big bowl.

The magic head slowly opened its mouth, a bloody smoke spewed out, and the arrows shot into the big bowl. Most of the bowl of dark blood quickly rotated and turned into a small whirlpool to set the cork statue in the whirlpool.

The body of the fire was shaken, and I only felt that there was a faint blood and I didn't know where it floated from. This faint bloody smell is mixed with the fishy smell of all kinds of poisonous insects, and the smooth and greasy stuffiness in the heart makes people feel uncomfortable all over. Don't beg frowned and waved. A breeze rotated around the body for a while, but there was also a strange smell of blood in the wind.

Several people in the tent moved very fast. They picked up and danced around the sacrificial table and the leather bowl on the ground. Their movements were very strange, like a few big horse monkeys that had just evolved but not fully evolved, their hands and feet were bent, and they bent around in the camp tent, and muttered some in their mouths A spell that no one can understand.

The leader suddenly grabbed a palm-sized sword box and threw it into the air. This sword box made of thin human skin is several inches long and several inches wide, but the leek leaves are as thin, with nine small flying swords inserted in a row.

With the sound of the spell, the flying swords the size of nine matchsticks soared into the air, and the seven flying swords emitted a very thin black light on the seven orifices of the cork villain. In the low buzz, the cork villain knelt softly on the ground. The remaining two flying swords circled around the villain three times. One sword stabbed in from the villain's spirit cover, and one sword pierced straight into the abdominal cavity from the villain's lower yin.

He was asking Ao Bu Zun to release the fire gear carefully. He must try to beat the fire gear to death. Suddenly, his eyes turned black. His body shook so that he could kneel on the deck. He snorted, and his hands were scratching around like a drowning man, but he didn't catch anything.

Don't beg to come back to your senses. What happened? He was in pain from Baihui acupoint, and a terrible chill rushed straight into his body from Baihui acupoint. The mind of begging where he passed was frozen, and his body was greatly damaged. Huang, who was standing beside Begging, watched a black gas spread straight from the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of

, with a bang, the crisp sound of two swords touching each other came from his begging stomach. His body twitched and looked up to the sky, and dark plasma kept flowing out of the pores all over his body. The plasma came out first-class, and it immediately turned into ice dregs and froze on the deck.

Huang Wei was so scared that he hissed strangely. He roared, "Master, come on, the prince has been tricked by spells!" His eyes swayed around. Huang suddenly jumped up and pointed to the small camp of the fire and roared, "Everyone, all, hit!"

With Huang's roar, the bow deck of thousands of giant flying boats in Donghai County suddenly opened, and countless large combat instruments were exposed. Huang's last "attack, the word was still hovering in everyone's ears, thousands of giant crossbow arrows, countless electric fire and thunderbolts shot out of the bow, covering the mountain.

More than 100,000 priests soared into the air. They recited mantras, communicated with ghosts and gods in heaven and earth, borrowed the power of huge ghosts and gods, gathered dark clouds and hurricanes, turned into huge frost, snow, rain, thunder and other attacks swept over there.

Hundreds of towering mountains were smashed, and the small tent of fire* was torn to pieces in an instant.

Several people in black in the camp were preparing to cut off the head of the cork man's well with the last step of the spell, completely killing the vitality of not begging. The sudden yellow roared, surrounded by landslides and thunder and fire. Several people in black screamed and fled to the sky in embarras The magic head was blown up, the fragrance of the three branches was cut off, the leather bowl was smashed, and the cork villain didn't know where he fell.

Bemao, who had just been dead, suddenly opened his eyes. He took a deep breath and regained his vitality. His face was as heavy as water. He stood up and flew in the direction of the camp.

"Insidious villain, take your life!",