Steal the sky

Chapter 902 Strong Enemy

Chapter 902 Array of Strong Enemies (Second Update)

Liangzhu City, Sijun Hall.

Today's Liangzhu is very different from the past. Although there are generally no people in the streets and alleys, there is a sense of killing lingering around, giving people the feeling that the whole Liangzhu has turned into a death trap.

Several newly appointed ministers in the military hall are meeting in the hall to discuss the allocation of the newly formed army and how to deal with the ongoing large and small wars and frictions everywhere in Dayu, especially the question of how and when the fairy gates and the human kingdom invaded by the outer world should be conquered. While talking about it, a general in soft armor hurriedly rushed into the hall and handed a piece of jade slip sent through the emergency military transmission array to Dayu's new Da Sijun.

Kuafugong took over Yu Jian, and his weak consciousness swept inward. Suddenly, his body shivered, and he hurriedly ran out.

His figure swelled to dozens of feet high, and the speed of Kuafu Gong's running was indeed as amazing as when their ancestors chased the sun. During several ups and downs, he rushed to the palace, and soon rushed directly into the Bear Hall. He solemnly handed the jade slip to the Hao Zun Emperor, who was discussing matters

Only a few breaths slower than Kuafugong, the heads of Sitian Hall, the Secret Hall and several other departments of Dayu also arrived one after another and sent the Eastern Navy through various channels. The content was generally the same Yujian to Haozun Emperor.

The content in the jade slip is very simple, but it is just a sentence - the taboo clan reappears, and the king of the East China Sea escapes from death.

A simple sentence scared everyone, including Emperor Hao Zun, almost jumped up. Everyone's scalp was numb. Emperor Hao Zun shouted sharply, "Come on, take out the jade puppet prepared by the secret hall over the years and give it to the important ministers of the court. All the priests in the secret hall and the Sitian hall should be careful of the curse . Send 300 jade puppets to the Eastern Navy. The secret palace quickly sent people to transfer the information related to the taboo clan to the King of the East China Sea.

With the order of Emperor Haozun, the tension in the court of Dayu suddenly increased several times. The psychological shadow caused by the taboo family to Dayu is too strong. The glorious record of 37 emperors who were cursed by them once raised the hearts of everyone, including Haozun Emperor. In addition to the jade puppets awarded by the secret hall, many important ministers, including the king of Yangshan, have summoned all the priests around them to guard day and night, lest they accidentally fall in the way.

The court of Dayu has become a mess, and the fight between Don't beg and the three stars is also a mess.

The Holy Spirit King used the broken halberd to hurt the seven-killing star king. He was about to take advantage of it to give the seven-killing star-jun another powerful one, and the seven-killing star king suddenly disappeared without a trace. The seven killer stars are shining in the sky, and the silver-purple starlight covers the world. The breath of the seven killer star king is integrated into the starlight, and even the god of beggaring can't capture where his body is.

A figure appeared beside the sudden manifestation of the Holy Spirit. The appearance of the Holy Spirit moved, broke the halberd, and his figure also disappeared. Suddenly, the Holy Spirit appeared in the void with the help of the power of breaking the halberd, and thousands of shadows were scattered in an instant. But no matter how he escapes, there is always a faint silver-purple figure around him.

The greedy wolf star king, who was bombarded by thunder, suddenly let out a shocking roar. The sad and long wolf roar shocked the Holy Spirit Jun's body, and the mana suddenly stopped. His figure appeared in the starlight, and a purple-blue figure appeared beside him and punched him. Show the heart of the Holy Spirit. The fist was as strong as thunder, and the Holy Spirit snorted, and the flesh and bones of his heart were beaten open. A fist, almost completely composed of starlight, penetrated from the chest of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit shouted loudly, shook the halberd in his hand, and his body disappeared again.

Princess Le grabbed the void and grabbed the body of the Holy Spirit King out of the starlight. The infinite green gas rolled up in the mountain forest and quickly turned into bits and pieces of green spiritual fluid and injected into the body of the Holy Spirit. The body of the Holy Spirit King, who was broken by a big hole in his chest, squirmed rapidly, and the newborn meat buds sealed the huge wound, but the newborn body was fragile, far from being as strong as before.

Seeing that the Holy Spirit, who can continue to break through the void in his hand, was hit hard by the seven-killing star king with one punch, don't beg for a long roar. One hundred and eight Kunwu swords turned into a light rainbow and shot out, quickly laid the Xuanyuan Zhu magic sword array. The surrounding mountains and rivers trembled violently, and the void within a radius of 100,000 miles took place with strange distortion changes. The mountains and hills slowly twisted and rolled up like an illusion, wrapping the void firmly in it.

The earth, water, fire, wind, vitality and the innate five elements of aura converged. Under the mobilization of Kunwu Sword, it turned into a void and twisted mountains and hills. The three stars that killed the wolf in the sky flashed with dazzling starlight. The three stars seemed to have been pressed on the Pangu continent. Looking at it with the naked eye, there are only three indescribable stars in the sky today, and the other sun, moon and stars have disappeared without a trace.

A large area of cyan spiritual light flashed over the Xuanyuan's magic sword array, and the starlight that killed the three stars of the wolf turned into three pillars of light and fell straight down, so that the Xuanyuan's magic sword array made a loud noise, but it could not penetrate into the sword array.

The thunder attracted by Lei Fu has stopped. The broken army star king and the greedy wolf star snorted and rushed back to the side of the seven-killing star king in embarrassment. Seven Killers was picked by a broken halberd on his back. A muscle about three fingers more than a foot wide disappeared out of thin air, and silver-purple bones and wriggling internal organs could be seen in the wound. However, compared with the broken army star king and the greedy wolf star king, the injury of the seven-killing star king is nothing.

How horrible the thunder disaster is. Breaking the army star king and the greedy wolf star king rely on the endless huge star power of the stars to get out of the thunder disaster easily. Their armor was blown to pieces, and their exquisite and luxurious robes were burned into a wisp of smoke. The two naked stars's originally white skin has now been burned into coke. The strong muscles are full of cracks like children's mouths. Some wounds are as long as a foot, and the bones can be seen deep. The silvery purple with faint It is constantly flowing out of the wound.

Xuanyuan's magic sword arrayed around the void. At this moment, the world is chaotic, and no starlight can be seen in all directions.

Don't beg, your body trembles slightly, and the three stars in the outside world are crazily urging their own life to bombard Xuanyuan's magic sword array, trying to break the sword array and kill the wolf's three stars to get in touch. The three star kings looked carefully and did not beg. They were breathing heavily, but there was no air around them, and there was no a trace of aura, let alone any starlight, only the strong Pangu purple gas filled the surroundings.

For human warriors, Pangu purple gas is the source of power and the source of life. With Pangu purple gas, as long as human warriors are not cut off their heads, they are almost perpetual motion machines that can fight permanently. But for the immortals and Xingjun, Pangu purple gas is undoubtedly a deadly poison. Pangu purple gas will automatically erode and engulf their fairy power, and finally eliminate all their mana cultivation.

The seven-killing star king looked at Don't beg with a little anger: "I didn't expect that a king of the East China Sea could force us to this extent!"

The broken army star king nod and said, "It's careless. We have dozens of yuan that haven't taken action. We thought it was a matter of being captured, but we didn't expect to be seriously injured by you and other villains. This is Xuanyuan's magic sword array, right? It's a sight to see today!"

The greedy wolf star king frowned and looked around. He said in a heavy tone, "This sword array can actually isolate the star power. Obviously, the king of the East China Sea has found the weakness of us star kings. Without the blessing of our own star, our own cultivation is actually vulnerable. When the three of our brothers were awarded the title of Star King, their own cultivation was only 18 gold immortals. We served seven emperors, and now our cultivation is only three gold immortals.

With a deep sigh, the greedy wolf star spread out his hands and smiled, "How about today's business? Without the blessing of the star power, we are not the opponents of the King of the East China Sea. But does the King of the East China Sea really dare to kill us? Our fate is connected to the star, and we are actually part of the law of heaven. If we kill us, we will be punished by heaven.

Don't beg to look at the three stars indifferently. He slowly took out large pieces of materials from his sleeves and sacrificed the refining tripod to melt these materials one by one. In a short time, Don't Beg refined three slap-sized little portraits. He bit his fingertips and slowly depicted the simple rune spells on these little portraits.

The faces of the three star kings changed miserably. They looked at the little portrait of Don't begging. The greedy wolf star sneered and said, "Does the king of the East China Sea really want to work hard?"

Don't beg for a slow voice: "In ancient times, before the Pangu Monkey King opened up this square world, there were ancient stars and chaotic demon gods, from chaotic demon gods to star kings. The ancient stars contain the law of the road. If you kill the star king, you will also be counterattacked by the ancient star law, which is thankless.

With a strange smile, don't squint and look at the three dim-faced stars and nod, "You should have heard the name of 'Ji Jiu Mo', right? It is he who invented the method of how to kill a star king, but will not be counterattacked by his original star. It's nothing more than a way to replace life with form, but it's very effective!"

The broken army star king shouted harshly, "The doo demon was killed by the ancient star king as early as Pangu's opening of the sky!"

Don't beg to nod and say, "His method has been passed down, and there are many people who have learned it! Ha ha, after all, even if you stars are mortals, as long as you match the fate of the stars, you can jump into a capable man. Who won't leave some means to deal with you in your hands?

Lian Tian Ding Ran flew up and slowly fell into the Xuanyuan magic sword array. Don't beg to shake the little portrait on his hand and said in a low voice, "Today, Xiao Wang wants to try what it's like to kill Xingjun. Legend has it that there is a kind of elixir, known as 'Dayao Xing elixir', which has the magic effect of making people fly on the ground. Xiao Wang is not talented. He wants to refine such a furnace of elixir with the bones of three people.

The Tianding is hidden in the sword array. The mouth of the tripod is aimed at the three-pillar star power roaring down from the sky, and swallowing all the star power happily.

In the array, don't beg for a finger. Countless mountains and rivers appear in the void, and dense mountains and rivers pile up together, isoling everyone's eyes and consciousness. There were clouds and smoke everywhere in the array, and the three Xingjun's bodies were light, and they were suddenly transmitted to three different places.

Don't beg for a whistle, take Ao Bu-respect and his party to the most seriously injured greedy wolf star to kill him. RO