Steal the sky

Chapter 911 Buddha's Golden Dan

Chapter 911 Buddha's Golden Elixir (Fourth Update)

"Masters are really good people!"

The underground cave destroyed by Beggars is about 30 states away from the territory of 30 states. In a remote and uninhabited valley, 18 white and fat Buddhas are soft on the ground. They forcibly squeezed out a smile, but their smiles were even worse than crying, especially when they were 'good people', and the monks' tears were about to flow down.

Don't beg is a smile that can't close your mouth. He sincerely praises these monks without any false words.

Just a little threat with silence, the eighteen monks handed over all the calculations of the heavenly court and Buddhism they knew. However, these happy Buddhas usually prefer to soak in women's piles, and they don't pay much attention to the big plans of Buddhism, so they really don't have much to explain.

It's just that they have told them what they know about the information about Buddhism and more than a dozen other hidden repair points in the heavenly court, which is enough not to be happy. In addition, these monks obediently handed over all their family backgrounds, their cultivation skills, the palm Buddha kingdom they refined, all their savings, and everything was carved clean.

There is no need to say much about practicing skills. Don't beg. Now there are 90,000 concubines. If this happy meditation skill is used on the evil road, it is a magic skill that is harmful to others and self-interest; if it is used on the right path, it is a wonderful way to benefit others. Don't beg to figure out that if he uses this skill and his 90,000 concubines to practice in turn, it can greatly promote their progress.

Ao Buk is even more fond of these happy meditation skills. He happily robbed the jade slips that recorded the skills, pulled the jade bone fairy to practice hard. Maybe he really has the potential to become a happy Buddha. With the characteristics of Ao's current skills, it is not difficult to practice a Buddhist law.

Eighteen Buddhas have sacrificed 800 palm Buddha kingdoms, and each Buddha kingdom is full of countless women who worship them incomparable. These women are the furnaces of these Buddhas in the past long years of practice, and eventually became their crazy followers under the influence of their Dharma. The time of these Buddhas' practice is calculated based on hundreds of disasters. Even if they change a furnace tripod every year, the number of women they have accumulated in their Buddha country over the years is extremely horrible.

All the women have been put into reincarnation by begging to erase their memories. These women are just a group of poor people. Don't beg fiercely sacrifice them to the thunder bag. These Buddha countries have been swallowed up by begging, and the huge aura in the Buddha country has greatly increased the world of mustard seeds.

As for the savings of these Buddhas, it is really a surprise. Their wealth is even much richer than that of Mitha's cronies, the Futu Buddha. After all, the Futu Buddha was only cultivated not long ago, and these eighteen happy Buddhas have been attained the Buddha's throne for many years.

Although the aura of the outer realm is thin and the product is scarce, these happy Buddhas have high power in the position of the happy Zen sect. Each of them controls hundreds of thousands of outer realms, and there are countless disciples. In order to win their joy, these disciples and grandchildren naturally searched for all kinds of genius treasures to pay tribute to them. The Buddha of Huanxi Zen Buddhism does not need the assistance of the elixir spiritual stone when practicing. Their best cultivation auxiliary products are those furnace tripods, so the genius treasures in their hands consume very little.

From time to time, there are apprentices and grandchildren who pay tribute, but they have no consumption. The number of treasures stored in the hands of the eighteen happy Buddhas can be imagined. At least in the past few years, Emperor Haozun has opened his hand to provide all kinds of materials to the East China Sea. In recent years, the total number of materials obtained from Dayu is not as good as the personal wealth of a happy Buddha.

"You guys are really good people!" Don't squint to see the mountains of precious treasures piled up in your mustard world, and praised these Buddhas again. So many elixirs, so many elixirs, so many rare minerals, so many innate artifacts, by the current means of not begging, represent countless magic weapons, countless elixirs, and the army that can be provided by the East China Sea can be turned over several times.

He was praised as a good man twice in a row, and the eighteen happy Buddhas were scared out of their strange tone. One of the fattest and most cultivated Buddhas shouted harshly, "Taoist friends, you have no old grudges with our Buddhism. As long as the Taoist friends leave today, we are willing to swear that we will never investigate today's affairs in the future."

Kill so many of your disciples, robbed your secret of cultivation, robbed your palms of the Buddha country, and robbed all your homes. Will you never pursue today's affairs?

Don't begled his head. He smiled and said, "It's better not to let you go, ugh..."

Those Buddhas were so scared that their faces turned pale. They were about to say something. Don't beg for a finger and seal their mouths firmly, so that they can't spit out a word again. She whispered a few words in Princess Pow Le's ear. Princess Pow's smile smiled and gently twisted the soft meat on her waist. She greeted a few times, took Ao Buzun and his party and flew to the southwest. According to these happy confessions, the three Taiyi Jinxians of the Tianting closest to here were in that direction.

Don't beg to look at the eighteen Buddhas with strange and flustered faces, and can't help shaking their heads and saying, "I'm for the knife, you and the fish and meat. I'm sorry for the number of hardships. Today, I turned it into a cake. Poor, poor, listen to the great monks. We have no grudges, but we have different positions. Your oath is really unbelievable. Wouldn't it be a pity if you let go of your good skin?

Clap your hands hard. Don't beg and bow to this group of monks with a happy smile. He smiled and said, "Thank you very much, thank you very much."

Eighteen Buddhas. Whoo, screaming, their bodies kept twisting. They looked at Don't beg in panic, as pitiful and helpless as if they had met a lustful girl in the middle of the night. Don't look at them with a beggar, a purple gas spurted out of the eyebrows, and the refining tripod slowly flew out.

"Xuanyuan kills the magic sword array, get up!" Don't beg for a long laugh. Tens of thousands of green Kunwu swords shot out harmoniously, and quickly laid a large array within a hundred miles of this square.

A mirage of an ancient mirage spewed out of his mouth, and the valley was shrouded in thin fog and disappeared without a trace. With the sword array covered, no one can find the strangeness here, and there will be no breath to leak out.

The lid of the tripod of the refining tripod opened, and a purple gas spewed out. The eighteen Buddhas were sucked into the tripod, and the lid of the tripod quickly closed.

Don't beg for a pair of palms, spitting out a large number of purple smoke sparks at the Liantianding. The raging purple flame immediately spewed out in the Tianding. The Buddhas who were not imprisoned did not have time to hum. The gills on their bodies were burned into ashes by the purple flames. Their white bodies made a loud sound like the roar of a bronze bell under the burning of the flames, and there was a faint sound of The mixed sound waves keep coming.

Probably knew what Don't begging wanted to do to them. The eighteen happy Buddhas closed their eyes at the same time, and their lips squirmed slightly to recite the Buddha's name. Large pieces of pink fog floated out of their bodies. These pink fogs were burned clean as soon as they touched the purple fire. The Buddhas' bodies seemed to be gradually shrinking with the burning of the pink fog, and their original fat bodies gradually dried up.

This fire burned for seven days and seven nights. The bodies of the Buddhas have been refined into eighteen bamboo poles, and there is no pink fog in the body. Their bodies are shining with golden light, as if they were forged with pure gold. A layer of clear Buddha light surrounds the bodies of these Buddhas, resisting the invasion of purple flames. But with the roar of wind and fire in the Tianding, this thin layer of Buddha light trembled violently, as if it would break up at any time.

A sigh came, and a happy Buddha shouted in a low voice: "Brothers, I'm afraid we will have no chance to suffer from this demon disaster today. Let's fight for this, don't fall into my Buddha's prestige!" Before he finished speaking, the purple flame had burned through the Buddha's body and touched his body.

Like the Buddha's body forged with pure gold, it melted quickly, and soon turned into a ball of golden juice suspended in the refining tripod. Thirteen fist-sized pink relics floated in the juice, but under the high temperature, the pink smell in the relics was rapidly dissipating, and soon it was refined into pure white.

When the sound roared, the other seventeen Buddhas' eyebrows exploded, and more or less their original sacrifices flew out one after another and were about to explode.

But don't beg to allow them to self-explod the relic. He put a seal on the refining tripod, and the purple flame in the tripod condensed into tens of thousands of fine and dense mung bean-like runes printed on these relics, impribated the self-exploding relic to solidly.

Open his mouth and spit out a natural vitality into it. The flames in the Tianding have been compressed into a crystal-like solid. The golden bodies and relics of the eighteen Buddhas released a large amount of light at the same time, and were finally refined into a ball the size of a water tank.

Don't beg to raise the Xuanyin Star Tower around, and adjust the time speed here to the limit. He found 128 rare elixirs from the personal savings just handed over by the Buddha and put them into the refining tripod, and quickly refined these elixirs into a ball of clear qi and integrated them into the juice transformed by the Buddha's golden body.

Exactly a month after the outside world, there was a thunder in the refining tripod, and more than a hundred purple pills flew up from the refining tripod and turned into a meteor and was about to fly away in the distance.

Don't beg to grab it with one hand, and get a total of 108 pills.

The finger is as big as a red and harmonious date, which contains a great elixim. Don't beg and can't help squinting and laughing.

He has some new plans that are about to fall on these elixirs.